//------------------------------// // Chapter 9 - Bridle Gossip // Story: My Little Pony: Ren's Adventures In Equestria // by MaxTV1234 //------------------------------// "Wake up Ren! Wake up Ren!" I instantly woke up and saw Kodiak jumping on my bed. "W-what? What is it Kodi?" I asked tiredly. "Come on, it's morning! It's time to get up!" Ah right, well I'm probably gonna get used to that. I got up from the bed and brushed my teeth, put on my clothes, and got ready to make breakfast. Hmm, since I don't have kibble, I'm probably gonna need to buy some at the Ponyville market. Anyway, I made some pancakes and gave two to Kodiak. "How do you like them, Kodi?" I asked eating some of the pancakes. "They taste so good!" Kodi said stuffing his face with the two pancakes I gave to him. Boy, for a dog, he sure likes stuffing his face with food. After we finished eating breakfast, I grabbed my Hacking Gun and put it behind me as me and Kodi decided to head to the Ponyville Marketplace so that I could buy some kibble for Kodi. "Do you think your friends are gonna like me?" Kodi asked feeling unsure about this. "Don't worry Kodi, just relax, my friends are very nice ponies, trust me on this one." I said smiling towards him. Kodi thought for a while until he started to smile softly. "Okay, I'll trust you Ren....huh?" Kodi then became confused on the sudden appearance of the Ponyville Market, it was completely empty. "What the heck? Where is everypony? It almost feels like a ghost town." I said looking around, seeing no merchants, no clerks, or anypony else around here. "G-g-ghost?! There are ghosts here in Ponyville?!" Kodi exclaimed hiding behing my legs. "Um...Kodi, that was just a metaphor." I said sweat-dropping. Kodi let out a sigh and started to relax. "Though, I wonder where everypony went?" I asked looking around the place. Kodi's nose started to move and began sniffing something out. "Wait...I smell something..." Kodi said concentrating his sense of smell. "It's coming from...there!" Kodi pointed to the dessert looking building. We walked over there as I saw a sign on top of the building that says "Sugarcube Corner". Wait, this is where Pinkie Pie works, maybe she might tell me what's going on. I opened the door and called out "Hello, is anypony he-" Suddenly, a pair of hooves grabbed my leg and dragged me. Yelping in surprise, I was flung onto the floor, trying to get my surroundings. "Ren! Oh thank goodness you're alright!" Huh? I looked up to see Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and everypony else from town looking at me with worried and concern. "Girls? What's going on?" I asked, only to be shushed by Pinkie. "SHHH! Be quiet before she hears you!" Pinkie said quietly. She? Who is Pinkie talking about? "About who?" Kodi asked, nearly surprising everypony in the store, well except Applejack and Rarity since they already met yesterday. "What?....oh, right." Kodi said remembering that everypony is shock to hear a talking dog. Suddenly, Fluttershy let out a gasp and grabbed Kodi and snuggled him. "Oh my, he's so adorable! And he can talk, that's so amazing!" Fluttershy exclaimed quietly. "Wow! I know right?" Pinkie exclaimed happily but in a quieter tone. "Um...thanks?" Kodi asked nervously. "Ren, when did you ever have a talking dog?!" Rainbow asked loudly, only to be shushed by everypony in the shop. I let out a sigh and explained to them about Kodi. "You see, I found him just a couple of days ago and discovered him talking. Apparently, Twilight told me that animals have the rare ability to talk, but only a few are ever found in Equestria. So after the slumber party we had at Twilight's home, I've decided to take care of him myself, and I was planning introducing him to you all, well...at least, you guys finally accepted him." I said rubbing my head in embarrassment. "Well I think he's pretty awesome!" Rainbow said giving Kodi a good noogie. "Aww, thanks." Kodi said happily. "Wow....that's so amazing." A voice spoke up. I turned around to see a small filly coming up. She had a red mane and her skin was yellow, but she doesn't have a cutie-mark on her flank. Strange, I thought that all ponies have cutie-marks, why doesn't this one have a cutie-mark? "Um...hello there." I said waving to the filly. The filly looked at me curiously before making a smile. "Wow, you're that 'hoo-man' my sister was talking about!" The filly said excitedly. "Um, first of all, it's actually pronounced 'Human', and second, sister?" I asked curiously. "Oh right!" Applejack said. "Ren, this here's my little sister, Apple Bloom." Applejack introduced her sister to me. "Oh, nice to meet you Apple Bloom. My name is Ren Loodan." I said smiling towards her. "And I'm Kodiak, but you can call me Kodi." Kodi introduced himself as he hopped off of Fluttershy's hooves. Apple Bloom started snickering, probably about my last name. "Loodan?" Yep, thought so. "It's Estonian for Hope, and its a family name!" I said, will there be anyone that will not laugh about my name? "Ren! Be quiet, darling!" Rarity shushed me. Oh right, I never did figure out why is everypony here and hiding in fear? "What's going on?" Kodi asked curiously. "Yeah, and why are you all shushing me?" I asked curiously. "Oh look, Twilight's coming!" Pinkie exclaimed as she zoomed up tot he front door of the bakery, ushering Twilight and Spike inside. Oh right, I haven't seen Spike for a couple days, wonder when he got back? "And once again, I'm ignored." I said in a deadpanned expression. "What's going on here?" Twilight asked. "We're all hiding from Zecora." Apple Bloom expained. "Zecora?" Kodi asked, surprised Spike. "Whoa whoa whoa, did that dog just say something?!" Spike exclaimed, only to get shushed by everypony again. Seriously, did I really have to explain this again. Oh well... "Yes, he can talk Spike, he has a rare ability to talk and he's my pet dog now." I explained in a short version. "So could anypony explained to me whose Zecora is?" "Well, we don't much about her, but she comes to Ponyville sometimes, and everypony runs and hides when she shows up." Apple Bloom explained. What? Runs and hides away from Zecora? Wonder why? "There she is!" Pinkie exclaimed quietly. We all looked through the window, seeing a brown cloaked figure walking alone in the middle of town. The figure seemed quine, thought it was kinda hard to tell what the pony looked like under the cloak except for their hooves. She seemed to be stomping the ground, like she was trying to look for something. She then turned and looked over the window, looking at us with a glowing yellow eyes. Everyone except me, Kodi, Twilight, Spike, and Apple Bloom hide away from her gazes. Wow, they're really scared of her, aren't they? "That's Zecora." Rainbow said ducking down to avoid her piercing gaze. "She's creepy, sinister, and completely mysterious." "And spooooooooooky!" Pinkie added, causing Kodi to shiver in fear. "She does everything evilly!" "R-really?!" Kodi asked hiding behind my legs in fear. "Oh please.." Twilight said rolling her eyes. Yeah, I have to agree with her, I mean, she may look suspicious but how could she be evil if they don't know anything about her? I then looked back outside and saw Zecora took off her cloak's hood, revealing her face. What the heck?! She's a zebra?! So wait, there have talking Zebras here as well? Okay, remind myself to ask Twilight to let me borrow a book on the history of Equestria. I then took a closer look at Zecora, apparently she had a Mohawk, wore golden earings and several more gold rings around her neck. Is she maybe a witch? If so, please don't be like the witch from the Wizard of OZ movie. "Oh, just look at her fashion sense! Stripes!" Rarity exclaimed. "She's a zebra." I said giving her a deadpanned expression. "Zebras are born with stripes. I should know because there from my world and she doesn't look evil. I think she looks pretty cool." I said with a smile, which caused Rarity to faint. This mare... "Does Zecora live anywhere in Ponyville?" Kodi asked still hiding behind my legs. "Hay no!" Rainbow exclaimed. "She lives in the Everfree Forest." Fluttershy said, shivering in fright. "In the Everfree Forest?" I asked, which everypony nodded. Wow, she must good if she can survive living in the Everfree Forest. "Zecora is an evil enchantress, and does lot of evil stuff that every evil pony does!" Pinkie said. "I even hear that she eats hay!" "Pinkie, I eat hay! You eat hay!" Twilight rebutted back. "Yeah, but the evil way!" Pinkie exclaimed, much to Twilight's annoyance. "Why, I even wrote a song about her being evil!" "Oh boy." I said face-palming. "Song?" Kodi asked curiously. She's an evil enchantress She does evil dances And if you look deep in her eyes She'll put you in trances Then what will she do? She'll mix up an evil brew Then she'll gobble you up In a big tasty stew Soooo, watch out! Pinkie posed on a table, panting heavily as she finished her song. Me and Twilight looked at each other in both concern and annoyance. I can't believe these guys are scared of someone they don't know about? "So, how exactly do yo guys know she's evil?" I asked. "Ren's right." Twilight agreed with me. "All of this just sounds like a bunch of rumors. Have you even talked with Zecora?" "Just look at her!" Applejack said as they looked outside again. Zecora was stomping around, scuffing the dirt, hmm, maybe is she looking is something she lost? "Every time she comes around, she lurks around the markets and digs around for something." "And how is that a bad thing?" Twilight asked. "Yeah, no offense, but that's just racist you're all doing." I said, causing everyone to gasp in shock. "Racist?! That is not true Rennie!...what's racist?" Pinkie asked, causing me to let out a sigh at her obliviousness. "Racist means that you're discriminating one's kind." Twilight explained for me. "Yeah exactly, Twilight!" I agreed with her. "I mean, you guys accepted me, Spike and now Kodiak, but you won't accept Zecora all because she's a Zebra and the way how she acts when she comes by to town? That's racist." I said shaking my head in disappointment. I know I trust them but this is just...wrong to not respect Zecora. "Whatever, we know what we're saying Ren!" Rainbow exclaimed angrily. "Zecora is the strangest pony you'll ever see here in Equestria!" "You mean Zebra, right?" Kodi corrected her. "Whatever..." Rainbow said crossing her arms in a huff. I let out a sigh and allowed the mares to continue bickering about the rumors of Zecora. Me and Kodiak backed away, sitting right next to Apple Bloom, who was also getting annoyed as Twilight. "You're annoyed that your sister thinks Zecora is evil, huh?" I asked curiously. "Yeah, I mean, this isn't fair! I just know Zecora is as nice as everypony here in Ponyville!" Apple Bloom stated. Well, maybe not everypony but still, she raises a good point. "Yeah, if only there was a way for us to prove them wrong." Kodi said. "Yeah...prove them wrong..." I said in thought. Wait a minute, that's it. "Kodi, that's brilliant!" I said picking him up and hugging him, much to his surprise. "Hey Apple Bloom, wanna find out about Zecora?" I asked her. "Okay, but won't we get in trouble?" Apple Bloom asked. "Don't worry, you're with me. I promise I'll keep you safe." I said, much to Apple Bloom's joy. I looked around and saw Twilight and the others were still bickering, giving us the opportunity to sneak out. Once we got outside Sugarcube Corner, we saw Zecora leaving town. "Look, she's getting away!" Kodi whispered. "Don't worry, just keep following her and don't let her see any of us." I said seriously. Apple Bloom and Kodiak nodded their heads and began following Zecora. We tailed her without her seeing us, but if she looked down in case somepony was following her, we either hid inside bushes or behind buildings. She began heading out of the town, walking in the direction of the Everfree Forest. It's been a while since we've in the Everfree Forest. Apple Bloom hesitate at first at not entering the Everfree forest, but them remember my promise to her. "T-this place gives me the creep, why would Z-Zecora want to live in the Everfree Forest?" Kodi asked shivering in fear. "I don't know, but like I said, I'll protect you all." I said, calming him down. We soon walked inside and made our way after the zebra without getting caught. I stayed on the path that Zecora walked down, since it would be a little easier to navigate without having to cut through the wild foliage. Suddenly, a scream was heard, and it was coming from Zecora. "D-did something happen to Zecora?!" Apple Bloom asked. "I don't know, come on!" I said as we ran towards the scream and saw Zecora being attacked by some wolf made out of wolf. Okay, that's pretty new. "Oh no, Zecora is being attacked by a Timberwolf!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. "Timberwolf?" I asked raising a brow. Isn't that a name of a grey wolf? Now this world is making the name literal. "Oh well, alright...take to out the trash!" I said taking out my Megaphone Hacking Gun and aimed it for the Timberwolf. "But wait a minute, a Timberwolf isn't garbage." Kodi said tilting his head in confusion. "I think that was a metaphor." Apple Bloom corrected him. "Oh." Kodi said with a sheepish smile. "Burn!" I shouted, shooting 'Burn' at the Timberwolf. Zecora noticed the attack and dodged it, but the Timberwolf didn't as it was burn into pieces. "Ha! Piece of cake!" I said with a smirk. Oh well, at least I save Zecora's life. Zecore then turned to me with a surprise expression, oh right, it's because I'm me. "Why did you follow me?" Zecora asked. "Do you not know the dangers of the Everfree?" "....Uhh, is it just me, or did she just rhyme?" I asked putting the Hacking Gun away. "I think so." Kodi said looking at Zecora, still afraid of her after hearing those rumors, which are NOT true. "Ahh, a talking dog. I've never seen one in this dense fog." Zecora said as she walked around those blue flowers, hmm, probably poisonous. We followed her and went around the blue flowers. You know, I swear, if I get poisoned, Twilight and the others better buy me some oil treatment. "Wow...you really do speak in rhyme." I said in surprise. "Guess it hard to do that...um..all the time!" I cracked a joke to her, which caused Zecora to chuckled. "You are unlike the ponies back in town. All they do when I appear is glare and frown." Zecora said feeling sad. "Well first, I'm human and my name is Ren Loodan. Second, they just don't understand more about you since you're living here in the Everfree Forest and they think you're an evil enchantress." I explained. "Yeah, I don't think you're evil, I think you're pretty cool." Apple Bloom said, making Zecora feel more better. "Y-yeah, so that's why Ren thought if we get to know you and get everypony to know you better, then they won't be afraid of you anymore." Kodi said happily wagging his tail. "You know, that is a wild decision." Zecora said. "But though, you're plan is kinda mild." "Yeah..." I rubbing my head, letting out a smile. "I just know my friends will accept you, I mean even Twilight doesn't believe any of this, so do I. I don't care what others will say, I still think of you as a friend other then a monster." Zecora felt happy that I believed in her. "I thank you three for believing in me, and for a 'human', you're more determined than thee." Zecora said happily. I nodded my head happily until suddenly, I felt a sharp tug around my legs as I was pulled back, landing in the blue flowers. "Ren! Apple Bloom! Kodiak! Get away from her!" Oh no, not now! I looked up and saw the others running towards us through the field of flowers. "You'll stay away from my friends and my sister, Zecora!" Applejack exclaimed standing in front of me, Kodi, and Apple Bloom. "Beware! Beware, you pony folk!" Zecoran warned. "Those leaves of blue are not a joke!" Leaves of blue are not a joke? What does she mean by that? "Back off, Zecora!" Rainbow shouted, about ready to charge at the zebra as she began backing away, disappearing into the mist as she kept saying 'Beware'. "Ren, what the hay were you thinking bringing my sister and Kodiak into the Everfree Forest?!" Applejack shouted. "And bringing her to Zecora?!" "Yeah!" Pinkie said, popping up from the blue flowers that Zecora warned us about. "She could have put a curse on you three, just like my song!" Pinkie was about to sing her song but I covered her mouth with my hand, why? Because I don't want to hear no more songs that involves telling Zecora that she's evil. "Pinkie...don't." I said with a deadpanned expression before turning to the others with a confuse expression. "Girls listen, Zecora isn't bad! Apple Bloom, Kodi, and I were just talking to her, and you scared her off!" "Yeah, Ren even saved her life from a Timberwolf!" Kodi exclaimed, shocking the others. "I can't believe you would do something like that!" Rarity exclaimed. "What are you talking about, Rarity! I had to something or else she could've been killed!" I exclaimed. "Yeah, Ren's right, Zecora isn't a bad pony once you get to know her." Apple Bloom said which Applejack glared at her. "I think Ren is right, you guys are acting paranoid because Zecora is different from you all." Thank you Twilight, at least I have somepony by my side who believes me. "Besides, there's no such thing as curses!" Twilight exclaimed. "Well, that's interesting to hear coming from Miss Magic Pants herself." Rainbow responded crossing her hooves and rolling her eyes. "My magic, REAL magic, comes from within. It's a skill you're born with. Curses are artificial, fake magic. It's conjured with potions and incantations; all smoke and mirrors meant to scare. But curses have no real power; they're just an old pony tale." Well, I don't know much about curses but I've seen them in cartoons and anime but still, she does raise a good point. "Just you wait Twilight." Applejack replied, giving off an eerie mood. "You're gonna learn that some pony tales really are true." "B-but, Zecora seems like a nice zebra, not a witch." Kodi said looking back on where Zecora was standing. "Well she is!" Rainbow exclaimed, landing on the blue flowers and looking at him with a stern expression. "And you guys should be thanking us that we've saved your lives from getting cursed by that witch!" Rainbow said angrily, which caused Kodiak to whimper and his ears to droop down. This caused me to glare at the rainbow Pegasus. "Rainbow, leave Kodi alone! Besides, why can't you treat her like a friend?! I mean at first, you guys were scared of me at first but then accepted me as your friend! Besides, you guys don't even know much about her!" I exclaimed angrily. "W-whatever, you'll see that we're right!" Rainbow said glaring back at me. "Well, she is right Ren, you don't know her yourself as well." Rarity agreed with Dash. This caused me to face-palm at them. "...Fine, tomorrow. I'm gonna bring Zecora here, talk to her, and prove you all that she isn't a witch." I said crossing my arms. Everypony looked at each other in worry and concern about what I said. Please, after saving her life and that conversation we just had before you guys came, I know she's a caring person, and they just don't see her from the inside! "Now, let's get out of these flowers Zecora was warning us about. If I get a rash all over my body, all of you girls are buying the ointment for me." I said before we walked over the blue flower field. Kodiak ran around the flower field so in case he wouldn't get a rash, or poison, which ever comes first. As soon as we left the Everfree Forest, we continued on with the rest of our duties. I was able to buy some kibble from the shop and also some pet advice from Fluttershy. When night fell, me and Kodi headed back home and took a shower because the pollen might've lingered on me when I was forcefully pulled back into the field. Seriously, I better be careful and always be on the lookout if anypony tries to grabs me or Kodi. After drying myself off, and giving Kodi a bath (much against his will), I put on my PJ's, I got on my bed and went for a good night's sleep, with Kodi sleeping on me, not that I mind. "Hey Ren..." Hmm? I open my eyes to see a sadden Kodiak. "Yeah? What's wrong bud?" I asked in concern. "Do you think that....your friends will accept Zecora for who they are?" Kodiak asked. I smiled at him softly and scratched his ears, which he enjoyed. "Don't worry bud, I'm sure they'll accept her, just you wait." I said before letting out a yawn. "Anyway, good night Kodiak." "Good night Ren." Soon enough, we went to sleep and awaited for tomorrow to see what might transpire. You know, I wonder if I'll be able to dream any of my lost memories, I wished it would come up. Hmmm? Where am I? I was in a classroom. Why does it feel so...familiar? I feel like..I've seen this classroom before. "Did you hear? Apparently, he was picked for the project." A kid said talking to his friends. "Yeah, I hear that he's immune to it." A girl said looking at me. Soon, everyone started to glare at me and murmured something about me. "Can you believe it? Some kid like him get's picked because he's special...pfft! Yeah right." Another boy said. "They kept chattering over and over about how useless I was, how I was better than them, how I was picked for...the project..." Please....stop....I don't want to hear them anymore. I don't want to hear their voices. Why...was I picked for it? All of this for the sake for Hope and humanity? This isn't hope, this is just...despair.... .... ...... ...........................Huh? I began to wake up and saw Kodiak still asleep, peacefully. What was that dream? Was it part of my lost memories? Oh right, I'll forget about it for now, today's the day I prove my friends that Zecora is good. Now how am I gonna do that? I guess I'll figure this out until after breakfast. I got up from the bed, not waking up Kodi and headed to the bathroom to go and brush me teeth. I put my original clothes as per usual and headed for the bathroom. "Ah...today's a beautiful day." I said as turn the lights on and was about to brush my teeth until I froze in shock as I gaze at the mirror and saw a human woman who has long orange hair and seems to be the same height as me. She was wearing the same blue sweater and black pants. Strange, that woman nearly looks....like.....me... No...no no no no no no! "AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I let out a scream, only it its a girly scream. I can't believe it! I've turned into a girl?! B-but how did this happen?! "Ren?! What's wrong? I heard you-" I turned around instantly and saw Kodiak, widening his eyes in shock upon my appearance. I blushed madly and covered myself in fear. Soon later, he began to laugh, much to my embarrassment. "Y-y-you're a-a-" Kodi could barely talk as he kept laughing at my new look, the Siberian Husky pup rolling around and annoying me. "Yes. I'm a girl, Kodiak." I growled, almost on the verge of tears. "What the heck happened to me?! Why am I a girl?!" I exclaimed in annoyance. Kodiak stopped laughing, trying to catch his breath and looked at me. "I-I don't know, do you think Zecora could've..." Kodi gulped in fear before saying "Cursed us?" I face-palmed and looked at him with a serious expression. "No Kodi, Zecora would never do that, and if so, you would've been curse as well." I said, which made Kodi realized about my theory. "Yeah, you're right. So, what's wrong then?" Kodiak asked. I began to think for a while and tried to remember everything yesterday. Hmm.....wait a minute. "The blue flowers...that's what turned me into a girl!" I exclaimed, finding out the cause of this. "Wait, how does flowers turn you into a girl?" Kodi asked. "I don't know..but maybe Twilight knows." I said as I immediately grabbed my Hacking Gun and headed towards the Golden Oak Library. I put on my sweater's hoodie to make sure nobody can see me like this, or just laugh at me. Whichever comes first. Me and Kodiak arrived to the Golden Oak Library, but before I could open the door, I heard something smacking into the walls and shelves. "What the heck was that?" Kodi asked widening his eyes in surprise. "I don't know, but who cares. Twilight, I need some-" As I opened the door, I paused in shock to see new appearances Twilight and the others. Pinkie Pie's tongue was bloated and coated with blue spots, keeping her from speaking normally and spitting profusely. Rarity's coat and mane grew out into long strands, kinda almost like she glued some party streamers onto herself. Rainbow Dash was flapping all over the place, apparently, her wings were upside down and on her stomach, crashing into everything. Applejack was...apparently small as she was on Apple Bloom's back. Fluttershy doesn't look change at all, but she's acting quiet...too quiet. "Oh...my..." "Celestia..." Kodiak said finishing my sentence. The other girls noticed us walk in, looking confuse because I covered my face with the hoodie. "Ren darling, is that you?" Rarity asked. "Yes, it's me guys...but..um..." I couldn't find the right words to say it, so I decided to show up. I took off my hoodie, revealing my girly appearance, much to everypony's shock. "R-R-Ren...you're a-a-" Apple Bloom couldn't finish her sentence, but suddenly, someone else did. "Ren is a mare!" We all turned to Fluttershy, who apparently spoke in a manly voice. "F-Fluttershy, did you just sound like...a guy?!" I exclaimed in shock. Fluttershy blushed slightly and gave out a slight nod, much to my annoyance. "Oh come on! Fluttershy voice changes but the rest of her doesn't?! I hate my life sometimes..." I said in a deadpanned expression. "Ren?! Is that you?!" I looked to see Twilight and Spike coming downstairs, carrying several books with her. As soon as they came down, their jaws dropped upon my appearance. "Oh my....." I let out a sigh and shook my head until I notice something different about Twilight. Apparently, her horn was coated in the same blue spots that were on Pinkie's tongue, but instead of the appendage being a solid appendage, it was flopping around limply, like jello or something. It almost makes me want to puke...oh god... "Ugh! Twilight, what's up with your horn?!" I exclaimed in shock. "Oh my...are Unicorn horns suppose to do that?" Kodiak asked with the same disgust look on my face. "Ren, are you really a mare?!" Twilight exclaimed. "Y-yes, but...I don't-" I couldn't help but stare at Twilight's horn as it kept flopping around whenever she moves. "WOULD YOU STOP MOVING THAT THING AROUND! IT'S SO WEIRD...AND DISGUSTING!" I exclaimed in both anger and disgust. "I can't stop it, okay?!" Twilight exclaimed. Suddenly, Spike started laughing upon our appearances. "This is hilarious! Look at all of you! We got Hair-ity, Rainbow Crash, Spitty Pie, Apple-tini, Flutterguy, Renee, and...uh..." Spike looked over at Twilight, trying to think of a good nickname for her, but really? Renee? That's the best name he could've think of? "I got nothing...Twilight Sparkle. I mean seriously, I can't even work with that." Twilight laughed sarcastically as she said "This is no joke, Spike. Now start looking for more books so I can find a cure!" "Okay...so how did this happen to you all?" I asked. "Bth ith iths uh crthhss!" Pinkie said, or more likely sprayed, spitting all over me as she appeared next to me. "Eww! Pinkie, just say it, don't spray it!" I said wiping off the saliva off my face. "And what did you say?" "What she's trying to say is.." Rainbow Dash began talking as she continued to crash into different places. "Zecora...cursed us!" "Cursed?! Okay, that's ridiculous! Zecora didn't cursed us!" I exclaimed in anger, already annoyed that they're accusing Zecora for this mess. "Oh really? Then how do you explain this?!" Rainbow exclaimed before crashing into the book shelves. "Because...it was those blue flowers that we were in back at the Everfree Forest." I tried to explain to them, but they wouldn't listen. "Ren, enough of your make-believe stories to make us think Zecora is innocent, which she's not by the way." Applejack said. Women these days...oh wait. "Besides, we all know what to do! We need to confront Zecora and force her to remove this hex!" Applejack added, which everyone agreed, except me, Twilight, Kodiak, and Spike. "It's not a hex nor its a curse you guys!" Twilight exclaimed angrily. "Yeah, if it was, wouldn't it affect Kodiak and Apple Bloom?" I pointed out. "I don't care what you or Twilight say, Ren!" Rainbow replied. "It's time to pony up and confront Zecora. Come on, girls, are you with me?" "Ah am-pft!" Pinkie spat. "And I as well." Rarity added. "Uh, I don't know. Seems awfully dangerous." Fluttershy said as Spike giggled at her new voice. "How about you, Applejack?" Rainbow asked, but no response. "Applejack?" We looked around but she and Apple Bloom were nowhere to be found. "Pf-she's gone-pft!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Aah! Or somepony stepped on her!" Rarity exclaimed as she checked her hooves, causing us to look over our feet as well. "...Or sat on her?" Twilight suggested. We checked there too, but she wasn't there either. "Rarity's hair!" Rainbow offered. Pinkie Pie began searching through Rarity's hair. "Oh! OH! Pinkie, what are you doing?!" Rarity exclaimed. "Ah, really. Aah! You ever hear of personal space?" "Nopthe." Pinkie replied, shaking her head. "Apple Bloom is gone too!" Twilight cried out. Oh what, she now notice this? "Yeah, but where-" I stopped as I saw that Kodiak was nowhere to be found as well. "Wait, where did Kodi go too?" I asked in shock. "I bet they went after Zecora!" Rainbow responded, crashing into another book shelf. Okay, we seriously need to fix something about that. "Then we need to go as well!" Twilight exclaimed. "Okay, then let's..." I stopped in mid-sentence upon Twilight's floppy horn. "Ugh...we need to find something to cover that flopping horn of yours, Twilight!" "Then stop looking at it!" She shouted. "How can I not when it keeps moving like jello?! For god's sake, its so distracting and looks gross! I want to laugh at this, but I'm already too upset about turning into a girl and Kodiak being missing!" I panted as the others girls and Spike stared at me in shock. "...Oh gosh. I've never been this angry before, does this normally happen to a girl?" I asked. Oh man, we better fix this...and fast! We headed our way towards the Everfree Forest to find Zecora, and possibly Kodi, Applejack, and Apple Bloom. Spike stayed behind as he quote and quote 'Gotta stay here and look for a cure...Twilight Flopple!' Yeah, that still needs work. "Come on everypony, we've got to make it to Zecora's!" Twilight exclaimed. Unfortunately, Rarity tripped over her locks, getting them dirty and twiggy. "Easier said than done." She muttered. "Hey!" Rainbow yelled, trying her best to keep control of her flight. "Wait for me!" Oh crap, she's heading straight for me! Luckily, I duck down as she instead crash through a brush and into a tree. "Rainbow, are you okay?" I asked in concern. Suddenly, something pop out of her mouth. "Rainbow! Thank Celestia!" Applejack?! What's she doing here?! And where's Kodiak and Apple Bloom?! "Applejack, there are you!" I exclaimed, gaining the others attention as Applejack got out of Rainbow's mouth and on top of her head. "Where's Apple Bloom and Kodi?!" "Those two varmints left me here after I tried to tell them to go back, and I overheard Kodi saying that he's going to prove to us that Zecora is not a witch!" Applejack explained. Kodi is doing this for us? Aww, that's so nice, but still, he's gonna be in trouble for leaving us without my permission. "Well then, they're probably heading over to Zecora's, so...let's go!" Twilight said, which we nodded in agreement. I grabbed Applejack and put her on my shoulder as we continued our way to Zecora's place. While walking, we saw the same blue flowers from before, and also caught sight of where Zecora lived as we saw lights inside of a crooked tree, hollowed out and made into a home. Wow...that's pretty cool compare to my home, which is made from a spaceship for crying out loud. "This must be where she lives." I whispered to them as we peeked in through the window. "Ugh, I look horrible!" Rarity complained. "Plis place plooks horrible." Pinkie commented while raising Rarity's bangs out of her face. "Oh my, it does! Nice decorations...if you like being creepy." Rarity agreed, causing me to face-palm. We looked inside and saw many masks, containers, and candles. We also saw Zecora mixing something into the cauldron. She poured in some herbs, stirring whatever she was making with a wooden spoon, humming some kind of song. Weird, it almost sounded like Pinkie's song about her, except slower and in some language none of us could understand. "Sthe shtle muh stnng!" Pinkie sprayed, once again, getting her saliva all over my face. "Oh for goodness sake." I muttered wiping my face off again. "And what did you say?" "She shtole my shtong!" Pinkie repeated. "Pinkie, we can't understand a word you say." Rainbow said, deadpanned. Pinkie then looked over to Fluttershy with puppy-eyes begging. Fluttershy sighed as she began to sing Pinkie's song. She's an evil enchantress She does evil dances And if you look deep in her eyes She'll put you in trances Then what will she do? She'll mix up an evil brew Then she'll gobble you up In a big tasty stew Soooo...watch out. While Fluttershy was singing the song, Pinkie had done the dance, much to my surprise, that was a lot better than Pinkie singing. No offense to her singing. "..Well, as good as that was, Zecora's not some kind of enchantress, Pinkie." I said seriously, but its really hard to make a serious expression when you're a girl. "Well you saw those terrible things, now you believe us Twilight?" Rarity asked. Twilight let out a sigh and said "Scary looking masks, confusing incantations, and a great big bubbling cauldron? Everything IS pointing to Zecora being...bad..." "No Twilight!" I shouted, much to their surprise. "Ren, what do you mean 'No'? You've seen everything inside of there!" Applejack argued. "She's a witch!" "No she's not you guys!" I said. "I understand you guys think she's a witch, but I know she isn't, she's just your everyday normal...zebra." I said rubbing my head. "Besides, if you guys won't believe me, I will myself." I said as I walked over to the door, much to everypony's complaining. "Yeah, Ren's right Twiligt! I can't believe you're actually giving into all these silly fillies." We turned around to see Spike, holding a book in his hands. "Spike?! What're you doing here?" Twilight asked. "Never mind that." Spike said as he approached us. "But we are gonna go in there and ask her if she knows what's going on with you all. Besides, Ren's right, Zecora's just different." Spike said, which caused me to grin at the girls, who return glares back at me. Oh well, at least I prove them wrong. "Yeah Spike, at least I have someone else who believes me." I said happily blushing. "Alright, let's go." I said as me and Spike headed for the door, but the girls didn't follow. Seriously? What is up with them? Can't they just see that Zecora is just a normal zebra and not an evil enchantress. I knocked on the door, revealing Zecora. She became surprised of my appearance as I waved to her, feeling embarrassed. "Hey..Zecora..." "...This is a shock for me to see." She said. "A creature crazy enough to enter the Everfree." "Yeah. Crazy." I said. "by any chance, you don't happen to recognize me, do you, Zecora?" Zecora squinted at me, to get a better look, ipening them wide in surprise as she recognized my clothing and my eyes. "Oh my goodness. Is that you, Ren?" I nodded to her, which caused her to laugh at my sudden appearance. Seriously? At a time like this, you start to laugh at me? "Yeah yeah, I get it Zecora, so me and my friends came to see if you can solve this problem." I said as I looked over at the girls, calling them over, as they slowly stepped into view of the zebra. "Ah I see, how unfortunate for you pony fold. All seven of you have been affected by Poison Joke." Zecora explained. "Poison Joke? The heck is that?" I asked, staring at her in confusion. "Do not be dismay by the look of this blue flower. It may look innocent, but it has incredible power." Zecora explained. Wow, she's really good thinking fast for these rhymes. "It is kind of like poison oak, though instead of a rash, it pulls off a joke." "Pulls off a joke?" I asked before making an angry expression. "Well this isn't a joke if I got turn into a girl, it feels so...weird." I said looking over the long hair I got. "Okay, we get it, but where's Apple Bloom?!" Applejack asked hopping on top of my head. Oh that's right, Kodiak. "Yeah, and where's my dog, Kodiak?!" I asked in worried. "Do not fear, for herbs, I sent them to find for the remedy right here, so you mind." Zecora explained. "Remedy?!" We all echoed in confusion. "It sure is!" We turned around to see.. "Apple Bloom! Kodi!" Yep, it was them! In the flesh! They came in, each carrying a basket of herbs. "Is this all you needed, Zecora?" Kodi asked carrying the basket with his teeth. "This right here and that too." Zecora said as she looked over her find. "All will complete this curing brew!" "So...you can cure us?" Twilight asked. "Yeah, Zecora knew you guys were standing over the Poison Joke, so we came over to her place and find the ingredients to cure you all." Apple Bloom explained. "And besides, we wanted to prove you all that Zecora isn't a bad pony at all." Kodi said. "Well I appreciate you doing that Kodiak." I said as I gave out a stern expression. "But that doesn't excuse you to leave without my permission, you have me worried sick!" "Oh...right, sorry about Ren." Kodiak said whimpering. Ahh...Oh what the heck, he's just a pup, he doesn't know better. "Well...I guess I can forgive you, after all, you and Apple Bloom help out by finding the ingredients to cure us from the Poison Joke." I explained, which made Kodi smile in joy. I petted his head and said "Good boy." to him. "And..." Spike spoke up. "I found out that the information about the Poison Joke came from this book, which Twilight ignored because she said she doesn't believe in curses." Spike said glaring at the unicorn, who only made a sheepish smile. "Right..sorry..." Twilight said. "Next time Twilight, never judge a book by its cover." I said smirking at her, which made her turn away and blushed lightly. "Indeed my human friend, more than I know. Lessons you all should hear and follow." Zecora said to the six mares, while I bent down wrapped my hand around the Zebra's neck. "I can mix up the cure for you, I will but I am missing some herbs that are from Ponyville." "That explains why she was digging around the ground in town." Apple Bloom said, finally realizing that. "Cause everypony's so afraid of her, they close their shops and hide from her." "But wait a minute, what about the Cauldron?!" Rainbow demanded. "And the chanting?" Applejack added. "And the creepy decor?" Rarity snipped. "Treasures of the land from where I am from." Zecora explained, pointing out a couple masks. "This one speaks 'hello' and the other 'welcome'. The words I chanted were from olden times, something you'd call a nursery rhyme." "And the pot's for all these herbal ingredients." Kodiak pointed out the ones he and Apple Bloom collected. "And the cure for Poison Joke is a natural remedy. You just gotta take a bubble bath in it." Apple Bloom added. Oh that's it? That's seems easy. "Good, and after that, we'll make everypony realized that you aren't a witch! But let's hurry already, I don't want to be a girl anymore! It feels so...weird!" I exclaimed, noticing glares from all the mares. "What?" I asked. As we headed back into tow, we were able to convince the hiding ponies that Zecora was not as evil as they thought she was. They managed to gather all of the ingredients the zebra needed, the cure not a potion to drink, but an herbal bath. They headed over to Ponyville's spa, where the hot tub was a perfect size to fit all of the pranked ponies to be healed of their hiliarious ailments. Applejack, however, needed a smaller tub since she was as small as a bug, otherwise she might tread water in the massive ocean that was the hot tub, at least for her size. The spa employees, a pair of twins named Aloe and Lotus, earth pony mares where one had a pink coat and a blue mane while her sister had a blue coat and a pink mane, helped Zecora stir the ingredients in the warm water. With the remedy all set, we quickly filed in and dunked themselves completely under the water. When they resurfaced, the jokes placed on them were gone: Twilight's horn was no longer distractingly floppy, Rainbow's wings were back where they belonged, Rarity's hair was back to the way it was, Pinkie's tongue was no longer swollen, and Fluttershy obviously has her timid voice back. I heard the smaller tub meant for Applejack break as she grew back to her full size. I took off my clothes, not wanting to get them soaked, but I covered my nipples because...you know, its humiliating. Anyway, I stepped into the tub with the rest of the girls. As awkward as it was to be bathing with several girl ponies, I didn't care as I dunked my entire body under the herbal bath. A few seconds later, I resurfaced, trying to catch my breath after dunking my entire body into the water. "R-ren...you're back to normal!" Kodi said with a smile. "I am?" I said as I checked over my body. Yep, my hair seems shorter, and I don't feel that skinny anymore. "Yep, I am back to normal." I said happily until I notice the mischievous grins on the mares. "...What?" "You know Ren, if we ever have a girls day out, we can rub some Poison Joke on you so you can be part of the group." Twilight said, causing me to widened my eyes in shock. "Oh heck no! No no no no no! I've spent far too long as a girl! I'm staying as a boy! Forever!" God, if I got back home and my family saw me like that, I can imagined their reactions. Soon, all the mares laughed at my reaction while I grumbled in anger, sinking my head back down in the water. Oh well, at least Zecora isn't feared by the town anymore, provided no one else spreads any rumors about her again. "Ahh, I see you have turn back to normal." We turned around to see Zecora coming inside. "Being a girl must've been awful." I rolled my eyes upon what Zecora was talking about. "Yeah, I know, I know Zecora." I grumbled...wait. "Hey..Zecora." "Hmm, yes? Is it something in distress?" Zecora asked. "Well...you see, I was wondering if you notice that I'm not around here." I said, which Zecora nodded in agreement. "Well, I was wondering if you know anything like a way to send me back home?" I asked, feeling positive about this. Unfortunately, Zecora let out a sad smile. "I am sorry, but I do not have something send you back afar." Zecora said, much to my disappointment. "Don't worry Ren, I'm sure you'll find your way back home." Fluttershy said smiling softly at me. "Yeah..I hope so..." I said sadly. "However..." We turned back to Zecora with a assuring smile. "If I ever come across something that might back bring you back home, I'll be sure to tell you whom." Zecora said, which made smile softly at her. "Thank Zecora." I said happily, much to Zecora's joy. "Hey Ren..." I turned to Kodi, who ears were drooped down. "Are you planning on leaving Equestria?" Ah, I see. "Well, I somehow woken up from that spaceship, so I need help on finding a way to get back home." I said with a soft smile, which made Kodi even sadder. "But hey, I'll be sure to bring you with me to meet my family." I said happily, much to Kodi's joy. "R-really?" He asked, which I nodded. "Wow, thank you Ren!" Kodi said jumping into the tub, splashing water into all of us, while he licked my face. "Ah! Kodi!" All the mares exclaimed. Well I didn't mind as Kodi continued to lick me, and I guess he doesn't mind that he's in the water. Huh, it just show that no matter what we face along the way, we'll be able to surpass it together. But you know, I do want to bring Kodi with me, but I can imagined my family's reaction to learn that he's a talking dog. Oh well, doesn't matter. What matters is that I'm already close with my dog, and...I feel like...I don't want to leave my friends behind, and that dream I had....why do I feel so sadden upon seeing that dream? To Be Continued