//------------------------------// // Riding The Highwind (Edited) // Story: Final Fantasy: Twilight Elysium // by Matrix7o6 //------------------------------// (Equestria) The day held no surprises for Sunset Shimmer. Being a shut-in made it all the easier to avoid unwanted miscellaneous conversations. The only problem in this situation is when you've allowed a walking conversation to stay in your home. Those kinds of conversations are near impossible to avoid. "You don't really like to leave this house, do you?" Trixie asked as she stepped out of the shower. Sunset shook her head no. "Doesn't it get dull after a while?" Sunset rolled her eyes in response. The mares were now lounging in the library. "It's better than dealing with all those morons outside," Sunset sneered. "The way they go around, blissfully unaware of how miserable life really is. Quite the facade you've made for your little ponies, huh Celestia?" "You talk as if you know the princess." Trixie spoke inquisitively. "I did. Or, at least I thought I did." Sunset grumbled. "I was her student." Trixie's eyes widened. "Really?!" Sunset nodded. "I was taught by her before Twilight Sparkle came along. She showed me a great deal of powerful magic, but I wanted more. I wanted to learn more, to be more. Celestia forbade it, but I tapped into dark magic and..." She paused and looked up at Trixie. "Let's just say, I learned something that I shouldn't have. "Amazing," Trixie piped. "The Great and Powerful Trixie simply must know." "It's not something I share with people, or ponies for that matter," Sunset sighed. "Well, we're not going anywhere, so you might as well spill," Trixie replied in a sarcastic tone. Before Sunset could shoot a glare at Trixie, there was a knock at the door. "Hello?" a small voice called out from the other side. "Ms. Shimmer." Sunset rolled her eyes. "What now?" she mumbled. She opened the door to be greeted with three little fillies. "Um, Ms. Shimmer," Applebloom repeated. "We need ta ask ya a question. Du ya know anythin' about where Twilight went?" Sunset sighed heavily at having yet another Ponyville resident asking where their precious Twilight Sparkle was. She was beyond annoyed at this point. "Sorry," she started. "I don't know much about where she went off to... Celestia just sent me to look after the town until she came back." Sweetie Belle sighed. "I told she wouldn't know anything Applebloom." "Have you heard anything from anypony in town?" Scootaloo asked. "Who are you talking to?" Trixie asked, stepping out to meet the crusaders. "Hold on," Sweetie Belle said in surprise. "Aren't you the Great and Powerful Trixie?" "Ah! A fan!" Trixie posed for the three fillies. "Yes. I am the Great and Powerful Trixie! Magical Mare, Extraordinaire!" Applebloom scoffed. "The same Great an' Pow'rful Trixie who ran out of town in embarrassment 'cuz she wuz lyin' about takin' on an Ursa Minor, only ta cower before one when it actually showed up, who in turn let it start destroying the town?" Trixie's face deadpanned at the filly. "My, you're well informed," she groaned. "Yes. Yes, it wasn't my best moment, but I'm moving on. I want to really try to make up for that folly and wow the audience once again. I thought I should start in the very town, with the very unicorn that humbled me." Sunset rolled her eyes. "And by humbled, you mean a pie to the face?" "Oh come now," Trixie defended. "That was all in good fun." "Sure it was." Sunset sarcastically waved her hoof. "Back to business," she said, turning back to the fillies. "Twilight is on a mission. That was all I was told. But, I am a bit worried because she's been gone for a year. But I have faith in Sparkle; she's going to be back any day now." The Cutie Mark Crusaders hung their heads in defeat. "Sorry I couldn't be more help." "That's alright," Sweetie Belle sighed. "We'll see if anypony else knows anything." The fillies started to walk away. "Let me know if you do find anything," Sunset called after them, attempting to sound chipper. They watched Sunset Shimmer go back into the library. "Ah don't buy it," Applebloom said once the door shut. "You think she knows something?" Scootaloo asked. "She did seem a bit vague," Sweetie Belle commented. "Then we go back tonight," Scootaloo decided, determination in her voice. "Something tells me she might have mentioned somethng to Trixie." "All right, but we can't be outtoo long; aur sisters will catch on if we're out too late," Applebloom stated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Crystal Empire) Two weeks had passed since Thorax made himself known to the Crystal ponies. Talks of the new Empire's guest spread quickly. Though they had been informed of The Changeling invasion on Canterlot, the Crystal ponies had never seen a changeling before. Though the Crystal ponies are trepidatious of Thorax, his form has been welcome among them. However, the rouge changeling was still ever fearful of the reactions from the Crystal Empire's neighbor. Thankfully, he had a friend that was more than willing to help him through it. Such kindness can lead to resolve. But what that resolve would lead him to do? Only time will tell. "You seem to be getting along with them well," Spike said. He nudged Thorax as they strolled down the crystal roads toward the palace. "Yeah," he sighed. "I'm glad they aren't afraid of me. But I can't help but still think-" "Then think less of it," Spike huffed. "Look at me; I'm a dragon. I should be taking gold and silver in a cave lined with gemstones. But do the actions of my species influence who I choose to be? Not in the slightest." "How are you so sure?" Thorax asked after a moment of silence. "A long time ago, I went on the Great Dragon Migration. I met more dragons. They were the worst of the worst. Calling me weak because I lived with ponies... I was belittled by my own kind." Spike looked down at the ground, his brows furrowing in thought. "Do you hate them for it?" Thorax asked. They passed a few crystal ponies, exchanging a few hellos along the way. "No." Spike sighed. "They said mean things to me and my friends. But it's in a dragon's nature to be aggressive. I was seen as a weak link." He sighed again. "Still doesn't make me any less angry though. Maybe...Maybe they were right; I didn't have the strength to protect Twilight." "Who's Twilight?" Thorax asked, causing Spike's eyes to go wide. "S... sorry," Spike stuttered. He was quick to change the subject. "Anyway, with our rounds concluded, Captain Shining Armor is awaiting us back at the palace. He is transferring some guards from Canterlot to the Empire, and he's having some of the new recruits taken back here for training." Thorax nodded. "And you're planning on introducing me?" They were almost to the palace. "Yes." Spike stopped him. "But look... Your former queen," he growled, putting Thorax at unease. "Crashed his wedding. A lot of bad things happened that day. So,he may come across as a bit prejudiced at first." "Oh... Okay." Thorax shrank. They finished their trek to the palace. Upon arriving, Shining Armor was awaiting them at the front entrance. "Spike!" Shining Armor greeted. He waved at the dragon, prompting Spike to return the gesture. "So how's my little- uh, big brother doing?" Spike teased. "Great! What can I say? You must simply love the hero life. Mares fawning over you, getting invited to the best parties; free wine included." He wore an ear-to-ear grin. "Maybe you should curb the drinking?" Spike snorted. Shining chuckled. "Relax, Spike. I was only foaling around. Anyway, is this the changeling that's been all the buzz in Canterlot?" Shining trotted up to Thorax. "Yes," Spike answered. "This is Thorax." "Well, I never thought I'd be graced by a changeling that wasn't attacking me," Shining quipped. He held out a hoof toward Thorax. "All the same, I am pleased to meet you." Thorax went to shake Shining Armor's hoof, but stopped mid-motion and his eyes widened as fur and chitin connected. That scent, he thought. It can't be... The Queen?! "Hellooo!" Shining said as he lightly tapped the changeling's head."Anypony home?" That seemed to work; Thorax shook himself from his thoughts. "O... Oh, sorry," he said. "I don't know what came over me," he offered sheepishly. "It's alright," Spike intervened. "Anyway bro, how goes the search for Chrysalis?" "She's a tough one to find." Shining gritted his teeth. "Some of her changelings show up now and again, but Celestia insists that all available guards stay to protect Canterlot," he explained. "But they did send a batch to Ponyville to guard the townsponies; the Elements of Harmony, to be more specific, since they refused to leave their homes for the palace." Shining had turned his attention to Spike, but was keeping an eye on Thorax through his peripheral vision. "Damn," Spike hissed. "I should be with them." "We need someone we trust to safeguard the Empire, Spike," Shining said while patting Spike's arm. "Now, enough moping. Let's get something to eat." Shining Armor smiled wider and turned to walk into the castle with Thorax and Spike in tow. I hope I'm wrong, Thorax thought. By the mothers, I hope I'm wrong. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Canterlot: Spick-and-Span Diner) As one might summarize, the shining city of Canterlot is no stranger to the higher class life style. Every eatery in the city was built to impress; Spick-and-Span Diner was no exception. However even with their marble walls that were cleaned on an hourly basis, their gold-lined pearl tables with glass legs resembling the paws of a manticore, and their engraved glass doors, the restaurant itself had good food at affordable prices. It was the perfect place for the pony looking to not spend a noble's fortune on a noble's dinner. Though, it sometimes felt as a trap for the more wealthy ponies, as it was frowned upon to dine cheaply. The restaurant had become the local hotspot for the royal guards. While off duty, guards would come here to talk and relax. Today, a certain guard has come to relieve some stress. Though his recent work days haven't been all that eventful, the premise and morality of his current orders have been weighing heavily on his conscience. "I'd like some hay fries with that please," Flash Sentry said, completing his order. "Alright Sir, that'll be eighteen bits." Flash paid the cashier, though he kept his comments of the seemingly over-priced single meal to himself. "Oh, and would you like to donate to help with repairs to the Silver Saddle District?" the mare added. The guardspony recalled hearing about the riots that had broken out in the Silver Saddle District; the area most notably known for the manufacturing of many of the products used around the city. One of the riots in the metal works building that set off a chain reaction that destroyed half of the buildings in the district. Though nopony had been badly injured, one earth pony was hauled off to the cells by a few guards. He was heard screaming about how he saw one of the metal workers transform into a changeling. This changeling scare nonsense was starting to drastically affect the economy. But the nobles here had nary a care, as long as they could continue to buy their absurd trinkets. Flash nods his head yes. "Sure," he says and dropped a few bits into the donation jar. He thanked the cashier, then took his food to a secluded table. His job of protecting Luna has sworn him to secrecy. But on this day, his secrets were going to get much more complicated. "Hey," somepony called from behind him. "Are you Flash Sentry?" "Who wants to know?" Flash responded, not bothering to turn around; he recognized the voice to that of one of Luna's Night Guard batponies. "A pony who's not so happy to know that her princess is being held prisoner for helping Twilight escape," the pony answered bluntly. "Well, we had no idea Nightmare Moon was going to do this, so... I mean, things happen," he says before taking a sip from his drink. He was no stranger to the Night Guard's fury toward the Day Guards once they learned of Princess Luna's incarceration. But this one seemed... more direct than the others. "Look pal," he grumbled, "I'm here to eat, not get into a fight; Equestria is divided enough as it is. So unless it's really important, plase do not bother me." "Oh, it is important. You are the one guarding Princess Luna, after all," the batpony whispered. Flash coughed in surprise. "Who are you?" he chocked out as he tried to clear his throat. "Meet me in the back alley in twenty minutes." The batpony maintained the whisper. "Oh, and enjoy your meal." She trotted out of the door, leaving Flash Sentry a mere glance at her armor. What am I getting myself into? Flash wondered as he continued to eat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Sparkle Household) The days in the Sparkle household haven't been very quiet since- "Dear! It's your turn with a number two!" Twilight Velvet stepped out of the way as Night Light rushed through the door. Upon entering, he enveloped a flailing unicorn foal with his magic. "Phew!" he complained. "Are you sure you gave her the right formula? This does not smell like Grandma Buttercup's Honeydew." Night Light tended to the crying foal on the changing table. "Alright Flurry Heart, calm down. Grandpa Night Light's got this." He looked over to his wife as he cleaned up his granddaughter. "It's a good thing we had two foals before this; plenty of practice." Flurry Heart had calmed and was staring at her grandfather with her big, opal-colored eyes. He took an extra moment to make sure Flurry Heart's magenta-grey coat was cleaned off. "Did you hear anything about Cadence?" he asked as he levitated a bottle of baby powder to himself from across the room. "No," Velvet replied. "She was supposed to visit yesterday but..." She sighed. "Her work is keeping her." She let her words trail off and stared out the window seemingly in thought. Night's brows furrowed. He quietly patted powder in the new diaper and finished changing her. "I'm starting to get concerned," she continued softly. "What if she doesn't come back?" "Now now, Dear," Night Light said in a firm tone. He paused for a moment to levitate Flurry Heart back into her crib. After placing a blanket over her and patting her back carefully, he turned back to his wife. "We have known Cadence for a long time; we both know she doesn't do anything without a reason. She's probably looking for a way to free Princess Luna." He thought for a moment. "Which brings me to something I was going to save for a later date, but now is as good a time as any." "What is it?" Velvet asked with concern in her tone. Night Light led Velvet out of Flurry's room and quietly closed the door. "We need to think about leaving Canterlot," he said somberly. "Or even leaving Equestria completely." "What?" she stage whispered. "I'm not leaving here. Not with my babies still out there." Her tone went back to a normal speaking level the farther from the room they got. They settled in the main room of their home. "Shining Armor is too wrapped up in his jealousy to see us again," he began. "And I know you're worried about Twilight, Honey. I am too. But something tells me that all these bad things that have been happening... might be coming to a head soon. Twilight will be able to find us when she comes back. But now they aren't the only two we have to think about." "You're right," his wife sighed in defeat. "Then we leave inside a week," he declared with a nod. "Best not to tell anypony where we're going." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Eos: Lestallum) "Let him go!" Iris cried as she struggled against a magitek trooper that had her pinned in place. "I'll ask you once more," a Niflheim officer stated. He was holding Talcott by the collar of his shirt. "Rumor has it that Noctis Lucis Caelum was sighted here in Lestallum, and he was last seen in this hotel. So I want to know the truth!" he yelled at the struggling boy. "Leave him alone," Jared demanded as he walked out toward the Niflheim infantry that had encroached on his property. "The woman and child know nothing. Even if they did, they wouldn't tell you." Jared paused and took a deep breath. "Nor will this Proud Lucian!" he announced, much to the protest of Talcott and Iris. The officer's eyes widened at the proclamation. "A Lucian," the officer growled. "Your kind has been a thorn in the Empire's side for far too long." He walked up to Jared flanked by a single magitek trooper. "You know where the prince is, so tell me and you might live." "He's off, destroying your Empire," Jared scoffed. "Not that it isn't doing a good job of that itself," he added. The officer backhands the man to the ground. "Wrong answer." The officer pulls out his pistol. "One more time; Where. Is. The prince?" "Saving the world." Jared slowly gets up on his knees. "You feel it don't you? You're losing the fight. The Empire is crumbling. You will be defeated. The Chosen King will save us all!" "I grow tired of your speeches, old man!" He pistol whipped Jared across the face. "Any last words?" The officer points the barrel to Jared's head. "All hail Lucis! All hail King Noctis!" Jared yelled. A gun shot rang out. All the birds in the area took to the skies with frantic chirping. Talcott stood in shock as the scene unfolded in front of him. All Iris could do was scream. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Eos: Hammerhead Auto Repair) After retrieving their vehicles from the Niflheim base, Twilight was taking no chances; after calling Cindy to pick them up, the group was taken back to Hammerhead to see if the vehicles had been tampered with. Much to her surprise and frustration, there seemed to be nothing wrong. She couldn't believe it. "I don't get it," she said, leaning on a light post at the garage. Lunafreya was sitting on the ground beside her. The sun brought a steady heat to the pair. "Ardyn had all that time. He was ordered to kill us, I'm certain of it. So why not rig the vehicles?" She pondered for a moment. "And taking the army away; he somehow got Ledolas' permission to withdraw from here? It just doesn't make sense." "Maybe you're looking far too into it Twilight," Lunafreya suggested. "It seems that all signs point to one true fact; Ardyn is operating on his own." "And the old man is allowing that?" Twilight grumbled. She kicked a rock away from her feet. "Something isn't right." "I agree, but that doesn't mean we can't move forward." "I guess you're right. But I must know Sis." Twilight kneeled down to Lunafreya's level and lowered her voice. "What happened to Ravus? What is he doing with an untested magitek prosthetic?" Lunafreya sighed heavily. "Ravus let his pride get the better of him. He thought since he was of royal blood that The Ring of Lucis would choose him... But, the ring is reserved for the one true king." "Damn you Ravus," Twilight mumbled. She sat down beside Lunafreya. "I told him not to do anything stupid, and what does he do?" Lunafreya sighed again. "I cannot blame Ravus for feeling powerless in these dire times. So please don't be so hard on him Twilight. He wants to protect us as much as you want to." "Maybe so." Twilight squinted her eyes against the light and saw Prompto approach Cindy. "I'll be right back," she announce before bolting upright and power walking toward him. Before Prompto could turn the corner and greet Cindy, Twilight grabbed his arm and pulled him away. "Lesson one," Twilight says as she points to the still-working Cindy. "No one likes to be interrupted while they work. Try catching her when she's on a break." She peeked around to see what Cindy was doing now. Much to her delight, Cindy had walked over to a fold out chair for a break. She turned back to Prompto. She had to think quickly. "Okay, now's your chance; ask her about what she's doing. I'll try to walk you through the rest." Prompto gulped and calmed himself before walking into the garage. He steps up to Cindy. "Hey Cindy." Twilight watched from around the corner. She also slipped her horn out of her sleeve and held it close to her head. "Hey Prompto. Have y'all been treatin' the ol' girl well?" she chirped. "Yeah, we're not doing anything she couldn't handle," Prompto replied. Alright, let's try something more vehicle savoy. Twilight's voice ran through Prompto's mind, causing him to dart around. Twilight?! Prompto thought loudly. I'm speaking through your mind using my horn, Twilight explained. Now, don't talk to yourself out loud; focus and follow my lead. Ask if the catalytic converter was damaged during the escape. He turned himself back to facing Cindy, his cheeks lightly flush. "H-hey Cindy, I was going to ask... Did the c-c-catalytic converter get busted?" Cindy was taken aback slightly by Prompto's question. "Now, how in Eos do you know what a catalytic converter is?" "Well," Prompto started with a shrug, attempting to keep a devil-may-care attitude while Twilight spoke to him in his head. "I've been doing some research myself. I was aiming to get my own wheels after we got Noct to Altissa, but now..." He looked down. "Ah'm sorry 'bout wut happened," Cindy said softly. "Ah kind of know how that feels." She paused and sighed before continuing, the discomfort apparent in her eyes. She rubbed the back of her neck, uncaring of the dirt and dried motor oil that was rubbing on her skin. "If it bothers you we don't have to talk about it," Prompto offered, trying to comfort her. "Ah think Ah ran from it long enough," she said in recollection. She leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees. "When Ah was little, my Ma and Pa were killed by daemons while on the road. Ah was lucky enough to survive, thanks to Ma's quick thinkin'. Pawpaw found me and raised me while keepin' the shop goin.' Ah really had no formal education, but Ah was taught what Ah needed to know, along with how to fix a car." She looked up at Prompto with a small smile. "Turns out that's all Ah ever needed." Prompto was stunned. Not really knowing what to say, he got closer to Cindy and embraced her. "Sorry if this is so sudden," he started, "but I think you could use this." Cindy blushed slightly at the warm hug. "Thanks Prompto. But would you mind letting me go?" she chuckled. "The Regalia isn't gonna fix itself." Prompto backed away with a start, his face as red as an apple. "Sorry," he mumbled. "Anyway, if you every need to talk about anything don't hesitate." "Thanks Prompto. I'll keep that in mind." Cindy happily nodded at him and then went back to work on the Regalia. Prompto headed back to Twilight to get out of earshot. "Yes!" he shouted. "Twilight, you're amazing!" He held his hand up for a high five. Twilight returned the gesture and shrugged. "I wasn't aiming for that, but I'm glad it worked out for you." "No doubt in my mind now; you are the most awesome wingman a guy can have," Prompto cheered. "Secrets don't make friends, you two," Noctis asked as he walked up to them. They both turned to look at him. "What's going on?" "Only the best girl ever helping in my battle to win over my Grease Monkey Goddess," Prompto declared proudly. "Really?" He looked to Twilight, who nodded in agreement. "I told him I'd help him out," she shrugged. "Anyway, you have a chance to talk to Lulu; don't waste it," she offered, pointing a thumb in her sister's direction. Noctis nodded. "That's where I was headed before I noticed you guys," he said. "I wanted to let you know that Gladio got a call from Iris. She sounded pretty upset, so we're heading back to Lestallum once Cindy finishes the Regalia." "Did she say what was up?" Twilight asked. Noctis shook his head. "Poor Glady," Prompto said. "He must be worried sick." "He tried hitch hiking, but no one will give a ride," Noctis sighed. "Then we'll get moving as soon as we can," Twilight stated while sheathing her horn. "I'll get some supplies from the store. Cindy should be done soon." Noctis nodded and continued his way to Lunafreya. Prompto when on about his business. Twilight headed toward the store. Ignis walked out of the door as Twilight reached it. "I see you've been giving Prompto advice," he states coolly. "What can I say?" she responded with a sigh. "He's like my little brother." She paused for a moment to look back to Lunafreya and Noctis. "He kind of reminds me of Ravus and Lulu..." She looked back at Ignis. "Before the harder times." "You seem to speak highly of him and Lunafreya. How long were you with them?" Ignis asked curiously, quirking a brow. "Only four months," she answered bluntly. "But if there's one thing I've learned, it's that no one escapes Niflheim's ambitions. Think of me what you will Crownsguard," she added as she clenched her fist, "but what we want is the same. We want to protect the ones we care about over our own lives. That, for me, is a cause worth living and dying for." Ignis nodded silently. "On that we can agree," he says after a moment. "Which is why I see you as a threat. I'm charged with protecting the King of Lucis. For it is my duty to his majesty King Regis Lucis Caelum." "And I am to protect the life of the Oracle/Princess and Prince of Tenebrae by the word I gave the Queen, Sylva Nox Fleuret. We both have something we want to protect; will you impede that?" Her tone was stern. Ignis pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Then we do have something in common. Looks like I have to tell Prompto he was right." He sighed, which prompted a chuckle from Twilight. "Glad to see we're on the same page." She smiles softly. "Since you're here, I wanted to tell you that we're heading out as soon as Cindy is done." "I see," he said. "For the record though, I'm still going to make you admit that my dishes are delicious." The corner of his mouth turned up in amusement. "Fat chance," Twilight deadpanned. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Eos: Lestallum) (One Hour Later) Though the checkup was longer than anticipated, the group made it back to Lestallum before the sun began to set. An uneasy air hung over the town as they left their vehicles. They all hurried to the Inn. There was a group of people outside of the building. "The poor boy," a woman said to her friend. "He couldn't stop crying for his grandpa." "I heard a gunshot from inside the plant. I hope that imperial scumbag gets what's coming to him," the friend responded. "I don't like this," Lunfreya whispered to Twilight as she trailed behind her. The group walked into the Inn entrance to see Iris with tear stains all over her face. "Gladdy," she started softly. "I let you down. The Empire came while you all were gone. They tried to..." she stuttered. "Stay calm Sis," Gladio said. He wrapped his arms around her to try and help comfort her. "What happened?" She shook her head. Iris helped them get settled into their room before she began to tell them anything. Gladio kept a comforting hold on his sister's hand as she explained what happened while they were away. "None of us said a word about Noctis," she said with her head hanging. "But poor Jared..." She let her words trail off. Twilight's eyes widened in alarm. "What do you mean?" Gladio questioned. "What happened to Jared?" "There's nothing we could do!" Iris sobbed. They hung their heads, everyone understanding what she meant. "Niflheim," Lunafreya breathed, "will let no one stand in their way. Not even the meek." "Niflheim shitheel," Twilight growled through gritted teeth. The door to their room started slowly opening to reveal a still-crying Talcott. Noctis approached the boy and knelt beside him to get face-to-face. "I'm so sorry," he said softly. "It wasn't right, we should have been here." "I... I couldn't stop them," Talcott sobbed, his voice hitching between breaths. He rubbed the tears from his eyes. The skin around his eyes was irritated and slightly puffy. Twilight walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "There was nothing you could have done," she stated. "Your grandfather was a good man. And I bet he wanted you to be able to live a life of freedom and filled with happiness. Honor him by growing up to be a great man, okay Talcott?" Her words seemed to have helped lift his spirits a small bit. "T..thank you," Talcott sniffled. Twilight patted his head and crossed her arms. Noctis reassuringly gripped the boy's hand. "I swear, we'll make the Empire pay for this," Noctis told him, looking him in the eye. Talcott nodded and sniffled again. "I hate to ask," Twilight started, "but what did this man look like?" "H... he had black hair, brown eyes, a... and he wore bright yell-" "Gold armor," she interrupted. She clenched her fists. "Thank you Talcott, you've been a great help." Lunafreya looked away, a twinge of fear present on her face as Noctis and Talcott said their fairwells. "I believe in you Prince Noctis," Talcott said as he walked out of the room. Once he was well out of earshot, Twilight punched a hole in the wall. "Woah!" Prompto shouted. "What's your damage?!" Gladio shot up in protest. "The bastard who killed Jared... Is the same one who abused Lulu," Twilight growled. Noctis's eyes narrowed at the statement. "Who is he?" Noctis asked in a low tone. "Brigadier General Caligo Ulldor." She grips her horn. "If I had to guess, he is the one in charge of the invasion force." She sighed. "I'm taking Talcott to Caem. We can't stay here," Iris announced. More tears were welling back up in her eyes. "I agree, but you must be careful," Lunafreya said. "Patrols are going to start searching Lestallum on foot and in the air." "Then we smuggle Talcott out to Cape Caem," Twilight suggested. "After a few days we'll leave, as to make it look less like a convoy leaving the town." The group nods in agreement. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Equestria: Back alley behind Spick and Span Diner) Flash Sentry trotted into the alley ready for anything that his mysterious guest might have in store for him. He surveyed the area. Upon not seeing anypony he called out, "Alright I'm here," in a moderate tone. As if to answer, several pegasi landed in front of the entrance of the alley, blocking a potential escape attempt. "Glad you came," a mare's voice echoed. Two ponies in cloaks stepped out of the shadows. "A little birdie told us you are the warden of Princess Luna." "It was kept a secret so as to not burden my family," Flash responded. "I'm sorry it was sprung on you so soon, but Nightmare Moon possessed Luna. Nothing more can be done." "We all know that's not true," a smaller mare replied. "She was imprisoned for helping Twilight escape when Princess Celestia wanted to erase her memory of the events of the Canterlot Wedding; a day which will live in infamy for all of us." Flash was taken aback by the torrent of information the mare spouted. "How did you know all of that?" he puzzled. The smaller mare smirked under her hood. "What if I'm a changeling who just so happened to gain this information?" "Then you are one well-informed bug," Flash sneered. "Plus, you wouldn't have the real Princess Cadence with you." The hooded ponies paused for a moment and looked at each other. "How did you know?" the taller one asked. Flash Sentry chuckled. "I didn't." He let off a cheesy grin. "It was nice of you to tell me though." "Cadence," the smaller one growled. "Sorry." Cadence blushed under her hood. "I'm new to this whole espionage thing." Two of the hooded ponies guarding the alley entryway facehoofed. "Now that we're all comfortable with each other," Flash Sentry continued, "do you care to tell me why you're doing this, Captain?" The smaller hooded pony sighed and removed her hood. "We need your help," Dusk stated bluntly. "Luna has been wrongly incarcerated. We need to get her out of Equestria." "I couldn't agree more, Captain," Flash replied. "But the problem is that Luna doesn't want to leave; she's under the impression that her imprisonment for her past crimes has been a long time coming." He sighed. "Even after a thousand years on the moon, she still hasn't forgiven herself." He looked Dusk in the eye. "Even if you were to break into her cell, you'll only run the risk of getting captured yourself." Captain Dusk sighed again. "Even after all this time," she mused. Her eyes narrowed at Flash Sentry. "If you are with us, help us. Talk to her; remind her of all the good she has accomplished. Remind her that her ponies still need her. Flash nodded. "I'll do what I can." With that Dusk nodded, and all of the hodded ponies went back to the shadows and took off. "I hope this works," Dusk said to Cadence. They entered a secret passage, now heading back to headquarters. "Do you trust him?" Cadence asked. "As far as I can throw him," Dusk retorted. "But for an ex-special somepony, he has a kind heart." Cadence's jaw hit the floor at the statement. "He's your ex?!" Cadence shouted after a hard gasp. By the time she'd collected herself, Dusk had already bolted halfway down the hall. "Oh no, you're not getting away until I have details! Spare none!" she called after the Nightguard Captain as she chased her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Eos: Lestallum Inn) (One week after Jared's death) As Noctis leaned on the Inn's balcony rail, Gladio walked over to him. "I can't leave Iris here after everything that's happened," Gladio sighed. "It's going to be a squeeze in the car, but only for a while." "That's going to be a very tight fit with six people in one car," Noctis responded. "Lunafreya insisted that she stay with you. She thinks Jared's death may have shaken you up a bit," Gladio explained. "She worries too much," Noctis chuckled. "I want to get back at the monster who killed him, but that's not the most important thing right now." "Still," Gladio continued. "Iggy said he'd be riding with Twilight, much to her irritation." He thought for a moment. "Will those two ever get along?" he sighed. "I think they like each other," Noctis suggested with a light laugh. "The fighting is their way of flirting." Gladio could only chuckle at the mental image. "It would be quite a sight to see them on a date." After a moment, he continued with a grim tone, "But Iggy was right; she is great in combat and whatever magic she's using is insane. She was picking up Magitek armors and tossing them at Ravus like ragdolls. I trust her, but if she is the enemy..." His words trailed off and he shook himself. "Just be careful Noct." Noctis rolled his eyes. "I know you all are concerned about Twilight but listen; I trust her. And this whole mistrust needs to end. I know it is hard to believe but Twilight is kind, though she only shows that to a select group of people. Accusing her of betrayal is only going to make this harder on all of us." "Yes sir," Gladio said with a slight bow. "Hey! None of that now," Noctis snapped. Gladio chuckled. "We'll be on our way soon," Gladio said. "I'll see you downstairs." With that, Gladio left Noctis back to his thoughts. After a little while, Noctis went to the gas station across the street, where Iris and the others were waiting for him. "Got her filled up for you," Iris said in a chipper voice as he walked up. "It was nice of Jared to get everything ready at Caem." "Thanks Iris," Noctis replied as he passed Twilight, who was leaning on a wall staring at her Fenrir. Ignis had been waiting for Noctis inside the store. "I can't believe you agreed to have me ride with Twilight," he mumbled as Noctis reached him. "It's only until we get to Caem. Besides, you two could use the time to get along." "Only for the King," Ignis breathed. "Hey Noct! We're all piling in," Prompto announced from the door. Noctis nodded. He looked at Ignis and pointed at the door with his head. Ignis sighed. "Let's get this over with," Ignis said. The group piled into the Regalia as Ignis cautiously sat on the back of Twilight's motorcycle with her. "Don't lose your glasses now," she teased. "Hardly a problem," Ignis deadpanned. With that, their party was on the road. Not much conversation between Ignis and Twilight was had during the beginning of their trip. About a ways down the road, Twilight shouted over the roar of her engine. "Hey Ignis, do you really not trust me?!" "I still have my trepidations about you, but other than that we're on good terms," Ignis replied. He gasped and clutched around her tighter as they hit a pothole. "I know I've been really serious in light of everything," Twilight continued loudly. "But a certain friend of mine always told me it's good to laugh. So I have an idea in mind." She paused for a moment. "Let's prank them all." "And how do you suppose we do that?" Ignis asked. "By going on a date." Ignis nearly let go of Twilight in surprise."Pardon me if I didn't hear you correctly-" "I know Prompto and Gladio have been talking about it with Noctis," she interrupted. "Even Lulu has been talking about it. So let's do it. As a joke, of course," she clarified. Though he was caught off guard, Ignis thought he got what she was getting at. "Sounds like a rather horrible prank," he said after a moment of thought. "But given how much they're talking about it, I don't see why we can't indulge them." "Alright," Twilight said with a smirk. "We'll plan out the rest when we get to Caem. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Equestria: Canterlot Throne Room) In the face of all the riots and changeling witch hunts, Princess Celestia stood fast and assured her ponies that all was well. Though, now-a-days Celestia has found even herself questioning her faith on finding Twilight. And in turn, restoring Harmony. But she couldn't give up. For the sake of Equestria and its future, she had to keep trying. And today, her unwavering resolve may have finally paid off. "Princess!" a pony shouted, bursting through her throne room doors. They dashed toward her at the throne, only stopping to bow. "What is it now?" Princess Celestia sighed. "We have found Twilight!" the mare exclaimed. Celestia shot up in excitement. "Where?!" the princess yelled frantically. "That's the problem Princess," the mare mumbled. "She's on a world that seems to be dying. It's inhabitants are destroying each other." The mare's words were hoarse in her throat. Celestia could only stare in horror. "She's on a world in war," Celestia stated. "I shall not wait a moment longer! Tell the day court that tomorrow's assembly is canceled. I will return tomorrow nigh-" "Princess please!" the mare all but shouted. "I know you want to rescue Twilight, but it is too dangerous. The magic on the world is unstable. It can change you." She did her best to steady her voice for her next words. "While we were listening in, we heard some.. talk of Twilight. Her name was used in fear. The creatures saying that she was a fierce and merciless warrior." Celestia's shock returned. "I can't believe it! War has tainted my beloved student." She gritted her teeth. "I will not allow this to continue." "What are you going to do, Princess?" the mare asked. "I'm going to enchant The Element of Magic with a mind wipe spell," Celestia started. "I'll make her forget all of those horrible memories and I'll bring her home. It will take me all that to prepare the spell; I'll leave early tomorrow morning after I've raised the sun for the day. "Like I said before, I'll be back later that night, so inform the residents of Canterlot and Ponyville that if the sun is out a little longer than usual not to panic. I'll leave Shining Armor in charge until I return." "Yes Princess," the mare said with another bow. "But how will you protect yourself against the world's magic?" "I'll comb the archives for a spell," Celestia replied carefully. Her eyes narrowed after a moment and she added, "And tell the royal blacksmith to sharpen my glaive." "Yes Princess." With that, the mare ran out of the throne room. "Don't worry Twilight," Celestia said as she looked out to her sun. "I'll save you." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Ponyville: Golden Oaks Library) Sunset Shimmer groaned as she brought a platter of fruit and some hot cocoa to Trixie. "Alright, spill," Trixie all but demanded as Sunset sat down. She was eager to soak in the amber-colored mare's story. "Okay, okay," Sunset sighed. "I grew up in the streets of Manehatten. It's a pretty harsh place, but a rough home is better than no home," she began. "Though the only thing I remember about my childhood were the words 'All will burn.'" Trixie was slightly unnerved by these words, but her curiosity moved her to silently urge Sunset to continue. "I made a living by stealing expensive things. Most ponies like me would grab anything their hooves could carry and hope for the best. But me?" She paused for a moment and continued, her gaze seemingly on a speck on the wall across the room as she thought. "I wanted a challenge. I made a game of it; I even got good enough that I started marking the places wherever I stole something. Ponies started noticing. My fellow street mares bragged about me all the time... I loved the attention." Sunset took a moment to take a sip of her tea. "One of my friends told me one day, 'Sunset, I bet you could snatch the crown off Princess Celestia's head.' And I wanted to test that theory." A small smile formed on her lips at the memory. "Dear Princess Sunbutt was to show up at the opening of a museum to cut a fancy ribbon for fancy ponies," she lightly growled, the smile faded. "They're all shallow. Every last pony. Sure, they say they love and tolerate, but only when the world needs them to put on a show. Any other time, they'd laugh at the idea of giving a penny to a poor mare or stallion." As Sunset continued, Trixie lowered her head. "My time had come; I took the crown right of her noggin and laughed as I ran away. However, my street friends chickened out on me when they saw me with the crown and left me cornered by the guards." Her voice almost cracked but she fought past it. "The guards wanted to take me to jail... but the princess parted the crowd and stopped them; she was angry but even more impressed. She took me in... mademe her apprentice. I had learned so much under her. But she still wanted me to make 'friends' with other ponies. "Like I was going to make friends with anypony. Everypony will stab you in the back. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but they all will eventually. And you'll be left with nothing but a broken heart after it all." She took another sip of tea. Trixie was hanging onto every word and hadn't even tasted the tea yet. "All I wanted was power," Sunset said with a distant look in her eyes. "The power to make sure nopony could hurt me again. So I had gone against Celestia's wishes and began studying dark magic. She caught me using a spell and subsequently banished me. But I learned something about myself." She turned to face Trixie now. "I'm not all pony." Trixie stared at her with intrigue. "There is something inside of me," Sunset lamented. "Something that was always there, but I never knew it until I left Equestria. And I'm afraid." Trixie sighed heavily. "Trixie is a mare of few words, but she can say tis; you have a kinder heart than you realize, Sunset Shimmer. Remember that." Sunset smiled. "Now as for Twilight... She wasn't just thrown into the mirror by Nightmare Moon." Trixie's eyebrows rose in question. "She found out that Princess Celestia was planning to have her memory wiped because of a screw up at her brother's wedding that broke her and caused the Element of Magic to lose power. I'm here to use it until she returns. Then I'll be able to go back." Outside of the tree house Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were crouched under a window listening. "Are you serious?" Scootaloo whispered. "She's not even in Equestria anymore." "Wait, we can still-"Sweetie Belle tried to put a reassuring hoof on Scootaloo's shoulder, only for her to shrug it off. "Forget it," Scootaloo said. "It's over." She started walking away from her friends. "Scootaloo wait," Applebloom called out and started chasing after her. Sweetie Belle followed suit, and they both chased their friend back to the orphanage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Eos: Old Lestallum) The Regalia and the Fenrir pulled into the parking lot of an inn. As they parked, a large Niflheim fortress flew above the town. It seemed to be heading toward an old fort. Everyone in the group nodded at each other, knowing what they needed to do. "That's the transport Caligo uses, I'm certain of it," Twilight announced. "Let's break it down," Prompto commented. "For Jared," Noctis added. "Iris, you stay here," Gladio said sternly. "I'll stay with her," Lunafreya volunteered. She placed a hand on her shoulder. "No, Lulu. Go with them and I'll keep her safe," Twilight offered. "Are you sure?" Ignis asked. He looked at her with an eyebrow cocked. "Just bring the bastard to justice," she replied harshly. They all nodded in agreement. After they purchased their two rooms for the night everyone, aside from Iris and Twilight, headed out. "So why did you want to stay?" Iris asked once they'd settled into their room. "I don't want him limping away again," Twilight responded. "Even if he does escape, he will not like what he's running into." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Eos: Fort Vaullerey) The Regalia came to a stop a little ways from the fort. "Only fools rush in Noct; let's survey the base and lay out a plan of attack," Prompto suggested. "They havn't had enough time to dig in, but to have troops out this far must mean they'rebuilding a supply line," Lunafreya explained. One by one, the members of the group vaulted over the fence. They all made sure to stick close to the wall. "Let's get a lay of the land," Ignis said. As they stayed as close to the wall as they could, a Magitek armor walked past. They were all quiet. They moved along the wall for a little bit before coming up to a corner. Noctis carefully peeked his head and held a hand up to the group. "Hang on," he warned before carefully easing around the corner. He silently took out a Magitek trooper that had its back turned. Before Prompto had a chance to warn Noctis about another Magitek trooper he'd spotted creeping up on them, Lunafreya leaped in front of it, skewering it with her lance. "Let's be a bit more mindful guys," she suggested. Noctis and Prompto nodded and they all made their way to a large lookout tower. After surveying for a moment, Noctis readied himself. "I'll take the one on the stairs, you all cover me." He hurled a lance into a Magitek trooper and the rest of the group charged in after him, taking on other Magitek troopers along the way. Once the enemies had been take care of, Ignis began to formulate a plan. "What have you got?" Noctis asked. Ignis nodded to himself. "We need to take the base commander into custody promptly; bones bend easier than metal. We'll split up and wait for nightfall. Prompto and Gladio," he looked at them as he said their names, "will create a distraction." "That's what I'm good at," Prompto agreed with a nod. "Sounds like a plan," Gladio commented. "While Noct and I pursue the commander," he looked to Lunafreya, "Lunafreya you'll keep an eye on any reinforcements that may try to take us by surprise." She nodded. After night fell and everyone was in position Noctis and Ignis tracked their target, quietly following him but staying out of sight. They followed him from above as he stalked deeper into the base flanked by Magitek armors and troopers. "The insolence of that up-jumped mercenary!" Caligo growled. "And there is still no word... Such insolence besmirches His Radiance's good name," he added with a huff. "What is that chancellor playing at?!I know his game! He sent Highwind to watch me," he said with a grumble. "It's not a coincidence we both meet wherever I go. But he 'trusts her as a person.' From the mind behind the Magitek Movement; hollow words indeed." Noctis and Ignis continued after the ranting Caligo, taking out a Magitek trooper here and there along the way. They did their best to be as silent as they could, and to not get seen or raise alarm. "I may have acted in haste with that old man back in Lestallum, but my mission is clear and I'll be damned before a lowly mercenary takes the glory from Caligo Uldor," he pronounced to himself as he passed another security check point. Noctis and Ignis warped from railing to railing, keeping tabs on the commander while avoiding anymore unneeded fighting. Caligo's security detail stopped at the last check point, leaving him to walk the rest of the way thinking he was safe. And unaware of Noctis waiting for an opportunity to strike. "Now's your chance Noct," Ignis whispered once they got far enough away from the armors. "But remember we need him alive." Noctis nodded and threw his sword into the commander's shoulder. Before Caligo had a chance to scream, Noctis was on top of him with a sleeper hold. Within moments Caligo was out like a light. "Excellent work Noct," Ignis said as he jumped down to meet him. Just then, and explosion within the Magitek generator went off. "The others seem to be wrapping things up on their end; I'll get him out of here. You hold them off." Noctis nodded and summoned his sword. "Time to cut loose," he said to himself. Ignis hauled Caligo off and Noctis charged at Magitek troopers that had started running their way. He made short work of them, slicing through their torsos with several elegant swings of this short sword, only changing to his great sword to slice through more than one at a time. He was making good progress, but soon the grunts were assisted by a Magitek armor. It immediately started laying a volley of missiles in Noctis's general direction. Noctis rolled out of the way as the missiles came flying. Not giving the armor another chance to attack, Noctis threw a silver orb at one of the missile bays on its leg. This set a chain reaction that severely damaged the armor. As it fell to the ground, he hurled his broadsword into the cockpit and ran past it before the armor was engulfed in an explosion. "Noct!" Prompto shouted in alarm as he ran to him. "Glad to see you made it," Gladio said as he reached the two. "There is one more generator," he explained, pointing in the direction behind an upgraded Magitek armor. "This could be bad," Prompto observed as he shot at it. Just as the armor locked onto the three friends, a javelin was launched through the armor's missile silo, bringing it down momentarily. The javelin stuck into the ground a few feet away. "I was wondering if you all might need a hand," Lunafreya giggled before she somersaulted through the air. She landed beside her javelin. "Hit the shield!" she instructed as she rushed toward the armor's shield arm. The four wasted no time in a combined assault on the shield. This caused the systems on the armor to go critical. "Fall back!" Noctis yelled as he took cover behind a large steel crate. The other three followed close behind and then the armor exploded. With that one destroyed, the last Magitek generator was unguarded. "Ready to blow this place sky high?" Gladio asked Noctis. They nodded at each other and Noctis jammed his sword into the generator. This caused sparks to leap from the generator, ending with it falling to pieces. Ignis met back up with the group then. "Glad to see you lot were successful," he remarked. "And you weren't?" Noctis asked in alarm. "I handed our captive over to the Hunters Guild, however I've just been informed that he escaped," Ignis sighed. "He lives to die anoth-" He was interrupted but Noctis's phone ringing. "Who is this?" Noctis answers. "Don't worry about Caligo," Twilight's now-familiar voice said on the other end. "He's all mine now." The call clicks off. "It was Twilight," Noctis tells the others. "She's got Caligo." "Oh no," Lunafreya responded fearfully. "He's going to wish he stayed with the hunters." "That means she ran off and left Iris by herself," Gladio grumbled. "Let's get back." Before they could make their way to the entrance of the base, a woman clad in a dragon-like armor looks down upon them. With a smirk on her face she takes to the air, slamming down a large lance. Noctis was able to block it in time. "Hey there cutie," the woman taunts. She somersaulted away from Gladio as he took a swing at her. "Let's see what you guys can do." "Aranea Highwind," Lunafreya scoffed and crossed her arms. "I didn't think his radiance would send the help after us." "Nice to see you too Lulu," Aranea chuckled. "Never call me that!" Lunafreya shouted. She spun her javelin from her right hand to her left, using stance changes to get closer to Aranea. The two clashed with each other, spinning their weapons along the other's. While Lunafreya was focusing on light and quick blows, Aranea relied on heavy blows to force the princess off her feet. After two minutes of blocking and dodging Aranea hit Lunafreya with the broad side of her lance, causing her to skid back. "It's our turn," Noctis declared, charging with the other three in tow as Magitek troopers came in to reinforce Aranea. Wasting no time, Aranea jumped into the air. She darted in many different directions as a way to throw Noctis off. Lunafreya dodged a Magitek trooper that attempted to hit her in the face with the but of her rifle. She tried to keep her eyes on Aranea and saw her point of interest. "Noctis!" Lunafreya shouted. "She's headed right for you!" Noctis managed to block the strike and slams Aranea into the concrete. She rolls out of the way of Noctis's sword and it pierces the ground. This gave her enough time to try to stab him, but Gladio was able to knock her lance out of the way. After Prompto took care of two more Magitek trootpers he fires a few round in Aranea's direction to force her to fall back. "I could really go for an ebony right about now," Ignis announced as he rolled out of the way of a barrage of bullets. He threw a dagger into a trooper then jumped over it to stab another in the head. "Save the coffee for later!" Noctis responded as he jumped over a jab from Aranea. Lunafreya and Gladio run in and swing at her from both sides in sweeping motions, forcing her to skid back more as she blocked with her weapon. Prompto shot at her back. She turned to deflect the shots as Lunafreya, Noctis, Gladio, and Ignis charged at her in tandem. Aranea evaded them by taking to the air. She was prepared to perform a lethal lance drop but a beeping noise took her attention. "Aw, that time already?" she said as she landed at the top of a wall. "What time?" Noctis asked, unsure of what to make with her sudden change in behavior. "Quitin' time," she replied. "This girl doesn't work off the clock. Well, I could, but that doesn't earn me any gil. See you 'round pretty boy." With that, Aranea jumped out of sight. The group finally got to take a relaxed breath. "What the hell was she?" Noctis asked Lunafreya. She sighed. "Commodore Aranea Highwind. Imperial Airborne Division." Her voice was steay. "She's a mercenary hired by Niflheim, on account of her Dragoon fighting style." "Is she an enemy of yours?" Gladio asked. "Not in the slightest," she giggled. "She's my best friend." "What?!" the four men yelled in unison. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Eos: Forest, fifteen miles away from the Fort Vaullerey) Caligo had easily eluded the hunters who'd taken him into custody. However, his damaged pride had hurt a lot worse than the cut on his shoulder. He was stumbling through the trees and talking to himself again. "Damn that prince," he said after tripping over a fallen trunk. "They caught me off guard this time but they will feel my wrath, or my name isn't-" His sentence was cut off by a fist greeting his face, prompting him to fall on his behind. To his surprise he saw Twilight standing in front of him. "Caligo Uldor," she mocked, finishing his sentence. "It is I, who kill old men and beat little girls." The mocking tone stayed in her voice. "T-twilight!" He scrambled to his feet. "No... this isn't possible." "Isn't it?" Twilight said. "I knew you'd be here. No one would be dumb enough to follow you into a daemon-infested forest. You saw it as an easy enough escape." She crossed her arms. "But there are more terrifying things out than daemons tonight. You Niflheim shitheel; you beat Lulu and killed an innocent old man. And you think for a moment you have a right to be high and might?!" "He was a Lucian! They all need to die!" Caligo cried in an attempt to defend himself. "You think the old man is gonna take you to the top?" she taunted. "If he gets his way we're all going to suffer. You'll just be another peasant on the street begging to get in line to kiss his leathery ass. Though, you're doing quite the job of that now." "I'm not afraid of you Twilight," he scoffed. "You will die a traitor's death along with your precious sister!" "Odd way to beg for your life." Twilight's horn morphed into a sword. "But I happily do not accept. Now, scream if this hurts." The forest was soon filled with screams that drove even the most frightening of daemons away. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Equestria: Canterlot- Shining Armor's room) Shining Armor stood in front of a mirror, his horn glowing. An image of Chrysalis appeared on the mirror. "Are you there, my Queen?" He spoke. "Yes," Chrysalis hissed. "What is it?" "Celestia has located Twilight," he responded. "I see. What is she doing now?" "She is preparing some spells to defend herself in the different dimension. She's going to leave after she raises the sun for the day." "Then nowis our chance to strike," she hissed in glee. "Be ready with the guards." "Yes my Queen, but what of Kind Sombra?" "He needs more time. However, the ponies will flee to the Crystal Empire for safety so it's an easy trap. The hour of victory is upon us my King." "Equestria is ours," Shining said as Chrysalis faded from the mirror. He couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh. He turned away from the mirror. "Hurry back Sister; I don't want you to miss the fun." He smiled sadistically to himself in the darkness.