The Setup

by BlueEricsson

An Invitation

Ol’ Macky was busy having a starring contest with the back of Fluttershy’s head. Boy, was that a sight. Huge n’ strong Big Mac, leaning over on my stand, his head in his hooves, eyes little hearts and all. He kept letting out these little sighs too, every now and then, to let you know just how damn enamored he was. Fluttershy was acting completely oblivious to the poor guy. That’s something that always drives me nuts. I mean, I knew this Fluttershy mare (not knew her knew her, but we’ve talked before), and boy, let me tell you if she isn’t a smart one. Not book smart, anyway, but she picked up on stuff alright. So there she was, on the other end of the market talking to Applejack like she had no idea just how goddamn enamored Big Mac was with her. I guess its just a mare thing, but it still drove me nuts.

You know, it’s always something with mares. Honestly it is. Like that one Fluttershy was talking to. Me and her, we had hung out a few times, just talking in the market or if we happened to pass by or whatever, when all of a sudden she starts acting all cute at me. Not in the way all fillies do, you know, but the real intentional type of cute. Next thing I know, I find out she’s my best friend’s little sister. Mares are always doing stuff like that. Acting all flirty with you, then they go around and be a pal’s little sis. Drives me crazy, I swear. But damn it, if she wasn’t beautiful. Yellow mane, orange coat, always wearing that old cowpony hat. I took a glance at Big Mac, busy losing that starring contest, and then looked at Applejack. I guess before I really knew what was happening I was doing the same as him, head in my hooves and all that. She really was something, that mare. Worked the farm with her brother, Big Mac, so I knew she was strong. Another thing about her, she couldn’t tell a lie to save her life. I liked that about her. I mean, I wasn’t like Big Mac was around Fluttershy, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a big old crush on her.




“Hm?” I turned my head real slow like to Big Mac. That’s the thing about Big Mac that you’d never guess. He never knew when a guy was trying his damn best to ignore somepony. “What’s up?” I made my voice sound all irritated and all. I mean, I didn’t bug him when he was going all goo-goo eyes, did I?

“Yah see that mare over there? The one talkin’ to mah sis.” He lifted one of his hooves and pointed her out to me, just in case I missed her. Because there was only one mare talking to his sister in the first place and he wanted to make sure I knew that.

“Yeah. Yeah I see her Big Mac.”

“She’s cute.”

“I know.”


He kept shuffling his hooves and looking down. He was blushing and all, too. The guy weighs more than a ton, could crush a tree with his hind legs, and he was standing there acting like a scared little school colt. Priceless, let me tell you. Anyways, I knew the pony wanted me to say something, so took the bait. “… What’re you gonna do about it?”

“Ah wanna ask ‘er out.” His answer came quick. He was expecting me to ask.

“So do it.”

“Ah will.”



So, of course he keeps standing there, shuffling his hooves and all that. He’d sort of look up a little at Fluttershy, then blush like a mad pony and keep shuffling. We’d had the exact same conversation something like twenty times before, and it always led back to that. See, I don’t really get it. I mean, the stallion works harder than anypony I know, and that day was one of the few he’d take off of work. And it was always, always about Fluttershy on his days off. But for all that work he did, he could never get up the nerve to ask the pegasus out on a date. I mean, with me and Applejack there’s a reason and all. She was showing me the signs and everything. I mean, if I could just go and ask my best friend’s younger sister out to dinner or whatever with no problems, I’d be all over it. She would be to, honestly, but I sort of stopped talking to her once I figured what was going on. I didn’t completely faze her out of my life or anything, don’t get me wrong. I’d still say ‘hello’, and ‘how are you’ and all that cheesy sort of polite stuff, but we hadn’t really talked since I noticed the hints she was dropping. I mean, she was great and all. Really great. But I was a bit scared, if you want the truth. They call him ‘Big’ Mac for a reason, you know. I know we were pals and all, but I wouldn’t want to risk insulting the guy or anything like that. Like I said, we were pals.

And when I said Big Mac was my best friend, I meant my only real friend. Now don’t get me the wrong way or anything. If one thing bugs me, it’s when somepony gets you the wrong way. I’m not antisocial by any stretch. I was friendly with other ponies, all right. You know, exchange a few words here and there, and maybe even attend a party or something like that. So yes, I had friends, but Macky was my only real friend, the only guy who I could share secrets with and stuff. I don’t know, he was just different than the others. He never went to those party things, of course. Said he was too busy with the farm and all. Thing is, I spent most of my days working the stall I got in the Ponyville Market anyhow, selling quills and parchment. I know, not exciting work or anything, but it got me bits and bits were important. So naturally I didn’t have much time to go play around with every damn filly or colt I saw walking down the street. Big Mac was like me, sort of. I mean, he worked most of the time, so we both had that in common. I don’t know, we just kind of clicked and became buddies is all. He bucked apples and I sold quills and parchment.

That’s my name, by the way. Parchment. Most just call me Parch, though. See, my parents were aiming real high when they named me. Not my little brother, though. They went ahead and named him Lucky. You know, so they had one son pretty much doomed for the family business and another out to make his fortune, or whatever. It’s just as well, too, because my cutie mark ended up being a quill and parchment anyhow. Only problem was now all of everypony keeps thinking I’m some kind of fancy writer pony. Always feels bad, breaking the reality to them. You should see how disappointed some of them get, I swear. You’d think it was their job I was talking about. Besides, I’m an Earth pony. You probably assumed that anyhow, right? Most ponies tend to think that, if your not going on and on about some magic trick or how great at flying you are, or whatever. Anyway, its not so easy to use quills with your mouth, let me tell you.

So Big Mac was going to chicken out again, as best as I could tell. Good thing too, because right then this little pink pony named Pinkie Pie bounces up the street and plopped down right next to Fluttershy. And Big Mac was scared silly. I mean, if I ever saw a red stallion turn white quicker than he did, I’d die of laughter. Really I would. He got this expression on his face that said he was sick or something, like he always did when Pinkie showed up.

I’m not entirely sure just what happened between the two, all I know is that something happened. A party went bad or something like that, and poor Big Mac had been scared of Pinkie ever since. I’d ask, of course, but he’d always drop it. I eventually let it go. I mean, I didn’t want to pry, or anything like that. So while Pinkie was talking to the two mares, bouncing around all animated and what not, Big Mac of course made out like he had someplace to be.

“Erm, y’know what Parch? I’m mighty late fer, ah… somethin’ or other down at Sweet Apple Acres. If’n yall excuse me, I’d best get down there.” Just like his sister, the guy couldn’t lie for a bucket of apples. He was practically walking away when he said it, too.

I had to hold back a laugh, it was so obvious. “Yeah yeah, sure thing Macky. But, uh,” I brought a hoof to my chin, all inquisitive. “Isn’t Sweet Apple Acres… that way?” I pointed my hoof towards the street the three mares were. I guess it sort of dawned on him just then that he’d have to go through them to get to the Acres. Boy, if his eyes didn’t dilate ten meters. I think he was sweating, too.

“E-Eyup,it is, but y’see…” He was starting to stutter and everything, so I decided to have a little fun with him before he left.

“I mean, you been living there your whole life, right Macky? Wouldn’t you of all ponies know just where it is an’ how to get there in the first place?” I said it all innocent and dopey like, making out like I was serious. That’s how we joke, me and Macky.

Well, he caught on real quick like and smiled. He knew I knew just why he was leaving and all. He was smart like that. He nodded a little, said “Ah know a short-cut.” He was always quick with the comebacks, that Big Mac. It’s kind of funny, the way everypony in Ponyville looks at Big Macintosh. Most know him as really soft spoken and quiet and all that, and I guess he was, too. But around me, around his pals and all, he was more extroverted. Well, not extroverted extroverted, but definitely more of a conversationalist. Take that scene with Fluttershy. If he wanted you to ask him a question, he’d at least let you know he wanted you to ask him a damn question. He was a lot more normal than most ponies liked to think, and I mean that in a good way.

So he trotted along, off to find his ‘short-cut’ or whatever it was he really had in mind. Not a second after he was out of sight, that Pinkie Pie started bouncing towards me, huge goofy grin and everything. I didn’t really have time to think, because when that pony has something to say, she’s gonna goddamn say it.

“Parch! Guess what, guess what, guess WHAT!?!” Every word got its own little hop outta Pinkie. I always liked that about her. I mean, she’s a bit of a hoof full, but she so damn happy all the time it’s infectious.

“Gosh, let me think it over, eh?” I couldn’t help but smile. Everypony knew that only one thing got Pinkie so pepped up, but I thought it best to humor her. So I pretended to mull it over a little, looking up at the sky and all that. “I don’t know, Pinkie. What?”

“I’m throwing a super-duper-extra-special-alligator-birthday-bash-for-Gummy and YOU’RE invited!” Pinkie’s eyes had stars in them, I swear. She had this little pet alligator named Gummy. Never seen him before, but I had heard his second or third birthday was coming up. She stopped bouncing and just stood there, grinning like crazy. It was enough to make me chuckle, and that’s saying something. Aside from Big Mac, Pinkie was the only one who could make me really laugh my flank off, if she tried. I knew my answer already, but before I got a chance to tell her, Fluttershy and Applejack decided to make their way over.

“Well howdy, Parch.” Applejack said. Celestia, how I loved her voice. Some ponies can’t stand those kind of accents, the southern kind, but with Applejack it was really inviting. I could go on and on about her voice, her looks, her everything, but I’ll spare you all the mush.

“Hello Parchment.” Fluttershy didn’t really say it so much as she whispered it, but I didn’t mind. She was just sort of quiet like that and real polite too, always using my full name and all. She’s the kind of pony I can’t imagine ever cursing or anything. I mean, I don’t curse too much, not out loud. But in my thoughts, I curse like a sailor. I curse like its my job. I can’t imagine Fluttershy even thinking like that. She just doesn’t seem like that kind of pony, seems really nice. Easy to see why Big Mac’s crazy for her, even if she did sort of ignore him.

I didn’t reply, because just then Pinkie started bouncing again and asked them “Guess who I just invited to the super-duper-extra-special-alligator-birthday-bash-for-Gummy!?!”

I decided to be friendly and give them a hint. “Guess who just said yes?” my voice had a hint of a laugh in it, which was actually unintentional. I mean, I’m a pretty happy stallion, as far as stallions go, but being around Pinkie just brings that out of everypony.

“Golly, this is sure shapin’ up to be one heck of a hoedown, Pinkie!” Applejack said, before turning to me. Her eyes really were something else. “It’ll be nice havin’ you there too, sugarcube. Been too long since we had a good chat.” I smiled politely and nodded. I couldn’t really tell from her voice if she was implying something more, or just honestly wanted to have a good chat. I know her eyes were saying something, though. It had been a while since we really talked, anyway. It really would be nice to see her at the party.

“Oh yes, It’ll certainly be good to see you somewhere other than behind your booth. Um, I mean, not that there’s anything wrong with that, if that's where you want to be…” Fluttershy was getting all apologetic, like she’d made some big mistake in saying that. I sort of laughed it off, laughed it off because I really liked that about Fluttershy. Equestria could use more ponies like her, let me tell you.

“Don’t worry about it, Fluttershy. I suppose I could use a break and all.” I said it all suave like. I don’t mean to brag or anything, but I’m always suave as hell around the mares. Or at least, I try to be. I sort of looked at Fluttershy for a second, and I got this little idea running around my head. “ Say, you wouldn’t mind if I brought a friend, would’ja?” I turned my head to Pinkie Pie.

Now, she got this look on her face like she had some kind of big idea. “Ooh, is it a filly? A fillyfriend? Or just a fillyfilly? Ooh, is she a friendly fillyfilly?” Pony talks a mile a minute, I swear. I could see Fluttershy blush a little, being so shy and all. I could have sworn I saw Applejacks eyes change for a second or two. You can bet they changed when Pinkie said ‘fillyfriend’.

So, I cleared the air pretty quickly, sort of waved my hoof as I did. “No, no! Nothing like that, or anything. It’s just… I got this friend, see? Works real hard, harder than anypony I know. And I mean, he’s like me and all. Doesn’t get out much, you know? I think this party might be good for him, help him get out there more, meet some ponies and everything.”

“Of course he can come!” Pinkie was always ecstatic at the prospect of another guest to entertain. “Oh, but now I feel bad that I didn’t invite him earlier! It must be so miserable, having all work and no party!”

Applejack chimed in “Well, I think that’s awfully considerate of yah, Parch. What’s this stallion’s name, anyhow?”

Fluttershy continued “Who could it be? I don’t know anypony who works harder than Applejack here. Um, I mean, not that you all don’t work hard or anything…”

Now, here’s where I got a little crafty. See, I didn’t want any of them to know it was Big Mac I was inviting. I figured I’d tell Applejack later on, whenever I could see her alone, and keep the others in the dark until the party. Suspense, and all that. I smiled, said “It’s a surprise, but trust me. You’ll love him.”

Applejack looked at me sort of skeptical like. You know, one eyebrow in the air and all that. She’s another one, always quick to catch on to something suspicious. Pinkie, however, was pretty excited. “Ooh! I just love a good mystery!” She gasped louder than I thought possible. “I know! Since I felt so bad about not inviting him in the first place, I’ll make him a special cake! It’ll say ‘Sorry-I-Didn’t-Invite-You-Sooner-Mystery-Pony-!-I-Hope-You-Still-Enjoy-The-Super-Duper-Extra-Special-Alligator-Birthday-Bash-For-Gummy-Party-!’ all in pink frosting!” She brought a hoof to her chin and thought. After a second she said all serious “Huh… That’s gonna be one big cake.”

Applejack ended up agreeing with Pinkie. “Well, if he’s alright in your book, I reckon he’s alright in mine. Just tell us, is it somepony we outta know?”

I chuckled a little bit. “Yeah, I’d say you know him pretty well. No more hints though! Wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise, would we?” I smiled at her, all charming. She smiled back, said she’d see me tonight. While she and the others trotted away, I got to thinking. It was nice, just talking with Applejack like that. Like I said, we hadn’t really talked for a little while, and I was starting to miss it. I mean, the last thing I wanted to do was hone in on Big Mac’s little sister, but damn it she was amazing. It felt great just to be around her, but the love thing didn’t hit while I was talking to her, rather after. I got this odd feeling in my stomach. It was just a really odd feeling, like it was telling me it wanted more, more of Applejack. I don’t know, I’m really not good at all that mushy stuff. Talking to her just then reminded me how much I wanted to talk with her always. I was surprised on how easily they gave up guessing who the stallion was, though. I assumed they just loved a good surprise as much as the next pony. They probably didn’t expect me to invite Applejack’s older brother, anyhow.

I let out a sigh once they were out of sight. Figured I could get away with closing up shop early, start getting ready for the party. It’s not like I made a hobby out of this, so one day wouldn’t kill me.I get surprisingly good business.I kind of stopped for a second, after I realized a minor snag in my plan. See, I’m always doing that. Thinking up a plan or scheme or something, and I end up ignoring the most obvious flaws. The biggest challenge I had ahead of me: convincing Big Macintosh to go with me. For starters, I didn’t even know just what it was about Pinkie that scared him. I mean, she’s always the nicest pony around me, around everypony. I’d also have to convince him to talk to Fluttershy once he got there. I mean, that’s the whole reason I was inviting him and all. It’s like I said before, I’m friendly with a lot of ponies, but Big Mac is the only real, honest to goodness pony I’d trust with my very life. Maybe I just have high standards or whatever, but the point is I wanted to help him out. Get him some social skills and what not. That and it was pretty damn annoying seeing the guy blush and rub his hooves every damn time he saw Fluttershy. And hey. Maybe, if he ended up with Fluttershy, he’d be cooler about me ending up with Applejack…

I closed up shop started going in the direction Big Mac went. If I was going to pull this off without a hitch, I’d need to get the big guy ready.

A/N: Okay, so heres this then. Got a good review over at the Ponychan by a gentleman by the name of Vanner. Let me know just how much you like/loved/hated/digested this chapter in the comments!