//------------------------------// // 11 Interlude // Story: Twilight's 1000th Birthday Blowout // by Cyndaquil //------------------------------// …Twenty minutes ago… Discord had just poofed away. He wasn’t here anymore. How could Fluttershy get married without her groom? She couldn’t, that’s how, it was impossible. For a moment she felt worried, even frantic, then it hit her. Didn’t she want to get out of this crazy marriage? Her nervous energy eased slightly. It must be nice to be able to poof anywhere you want. Nopony can make you do anything if you can just poof yourself an escape. That must have been Discords other idea. If he isn’t at the mare-emony then they can’t get married obviously. She laughed slightly. Problem solved. So are they going to put her in front of the wedding alter with everyone watching, and he won’t be there? It’ll look like she’d been stood up. Fluttershy started to worry again. “Fluttershy, I need an opinion.” Twilight cut in. “Discord was completely useless. Now tell me, which napkins do you like?” She held the butterfly prints in one hoof, and the bunny prints in the other. “Oh, uh… I don’t know Twilight they're both awfully cute.” Twilight seemed frustrated. “C’mon, I need an answer. I swear this is one of the most disorganized weddings I’ve ever planned.” “Well, the groom is the spirit of chaos.” “I planned two of his weddings before. Besides, Nopony even seems to know if the theme is traditional breezie or jabberwocky steals damsel.” “The butterfly napkins, I suppose.” “Finally we’re getting somewhere.” She tossed the napkins aside. “Next, do you prefer cilantro or parsley in your salsa verde?” “What’s salsa verde?” “Argh!” “I’m sorry Twilight.” “Never mind, the salsa verde wasn’t that important,” she lied. “What is important, is that we talk about the bridesmaid dresses.” “Bridesmaid dresses. Now hold on Twilight. Discord poofed away. He’s gone.” “Don’t worry about that. I’ll just poof him back here and into a tux when the sun sets.” “Can you do that?” “Sometimes Stallions just need a little encouragement. Did I ever tell you about the time Big Mac and Sugar Belle both got cold hooves at their wedding? I turned every escape route in ponyville into a spatial mobius strip so they couldn’t get apart.” “Sugar Belle, I always thought Big Mac liked Miss Cherilee.” “Oops,” Twilight remembered, “gotta watch it with those spoilers.” “When did he and Sugar Belle get together?” “Last Wednesday. Now let’s please get back to those dresses. This is very important.” Twilight’s horn crackled with energy, then with a zap she was wearing a brides maid dress. “I know what you’re thinking, I’m officiating the mare-emony, so I can’t be a brides maid too.” Actually Fluttershy was thinking about last Wednesday. “The other girls are not here yet, so I’ll have to model for you. Now what do you think?” Twilight gave a slow spin, lettering Fluttershy see every inch of the outfit. Bare-in-mind, that none of the ponies wearing it will have my colouration. “It’s nice.” “Nice, just nice, don’t you have anything more to say.” “It’s very nice.” “C’mon Fluttershy, you can do better than that.” “I don’t know what you want from me.” “This is the day mares dream about since they are little fillies.” “I understand that,” Flutthershy insisted. “All your friends will be watching you. Don’t you have anything more to say than it’s nice” “Well…” Twilight tapped her hooves up and down. “Tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me.” “Well, All right, since you really want to know,” she took a deep breath. “The arms a size tight, The middy collar doesn’t go with the shawl lapel, The hems are clearly machine stitched, The pleats are uneven, The fabric looks like toile, You used a backstitch here, when it clearly calls for a topstitch, Or maybe a traditional blanket stitch, And the overall design is reminiscent of pret-a-porter, and not true French haute couture. Twilight and several random breezies all looked at Fluttershy, mouths agape. “Also, it doesn’t fit my theme. Breezies never wore anything like that in all their history.” …Now… Discord appeared back in the breezie banquet hall, and turned to Fluttershy. He looked at her, looked deeply into her eyes. She was every bit as beautiful as he didn’t remember. It had been a long time, such a long time, and at last they were together again. Fluttershy and Discord, just like beauty and the beast, although if anyone else ever called her beast he would rip their lungs out. Oh hey, she’s about to speak. I’ll bet whatever comes out of that noble muzzle is sure to be sweet and soothing to the ear. “Discord, it’s about time, I thought I was going to have to have Twilight poof you here.” “What! I’d like to see her try.” “Come with me right now. I ordered some redesigns, and you need to be fitted for your tux.” “What, don’t fuss over that. I can poof up any sort of tux you want me to wear.” “You can only poof up what you can imagine Discord. Thats why everything you poof is done with backstitching. Now come on and get fitted. We have work to do before sundown if this day is going to be perfect.”