Messy Ponies

by The Dark Wolf

The Main 6's Food Fight

The Main 6 sat at a table at Sugarcube Corner, still wearing their outfits from earlier today. No one would be able to tell how dirty they had been an hour ago.

They had already enjoyed many festivities of the party, and were now having dessert. The table was full of cakes, pies, ice cream (and stuff to put on it), and pudding.

The ponies had only eaten a few of them when Rainbow Dash suddenly pointed in a corner of the room and said "Is that a Daring Do book?"

Twilight ran over to the corner, but found nothing. She wondered why Rainbow Dash had thought she'd seen it. Or maybe she was playing a trick on her.

She returned to her seat and sat down. Her eyes went wide as she felt a wet, squishing feeling under her. She stood up and looked at her seat to see that she had sat on a cake with chocolate frosting. Obviously Rainbow Dash had put it there, and both she and Pinkie were laughing.

"It's not funny! I just washed this outfit!"

Rainbow continued to laugh, so Twilight levitated an apple pie and threw it at her. It hit her in the face, and gooey apple filling oozed onto her back.

"Oooh, are we having a food fight?" said Pinkie Pie. She picked up a cake and threw it at Rainbow Dash, but her aim was off and it hit Rarity instead, covering her with pink frosting.

"Oh, it is on!" Rarity threw three cupcakes at Pinkie in succession. Each one made contact with its target, the third one hitting her in the face, and she licked the frosting off.

Rainbow Dash threw a cake with white frosting at Pinkie. Pinkie hit it back at her with her butt. In seconds Rainbow was covered in frosting. Pinkie giggled, not caring that she now had frosting on her rear.

Then Applejack entered the food fight by throwing another apple pie at Rainbow Dash.

"Hey, I don't like pies!" Rainbow Dash said, and she picked up a bigger cake with green frosting and vanilla filling, flew above Applejack, and dropped it on her like a bomb. Then she grabbed a bowl of chocolate pudding and turned it upside down directly above Rarity.

A cupcake hit Twilight in the face. She looked in the direction it had come from. Fluttershy had thrown it.

"Um... I hope you don't mind... Everyone else looks like they're having fun, and is it all right if I join in?"

"You might as well," said Twilight. "If you don't mind getting as dirty as the rest of us, again."

Fluttershy responded by spraying Twilight with whip cream. She blushed a little, hoping she hadn't offended Twilight, but Twilight clearly didn't mind anymore.

"I guess it's all right if I do this then!" Pinkie Pie sprayed Fluttershy with chocolate syrup. Fluttershy giggled again, for she preferred this to being hit in the face with a pie.

Rarity, meanwhile, was spraying Rainbow Dash with vanilla syrup. Rainbow Dash grabbed a bottle of butterscotch syrup and they were spraying each other back and forth.

Fluttershy took a bottle of ketchup and sprayed Pinkie with it.

"Ketchup? That so doesn't go with the rest of this stuff!"

Fluttershy just giggled a bit, having as much fun as the others. Then, Rainbow Dash turned from Rarity and sprayed Fluttershy with butterscotch syrup, not caring how saturated her lower half was getting with Rarity's vanilla syrup as a result. Fluttershy sprayed Rainbow with both ketchup and whip cream.

Rarity decided it wasn't fun attacking Rainbow Dash anymore when she was hovering still and facing away from her. So she threw a bowl of pudding at Pinkie and sprayed her with syrup. Then Applejack threw a bowl of applesauce on Rarity, who grabbed a can of whip cream and started spraying her while still spraying Pinkie with syrup.

Twilight levitated five bowls of pudding, two of which were chocolate, two of which were butterscotch, and one of which was vanilla, and threw them. The chocolate pudding hit Rarity and Applejack. The butterscotch pudding hit Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. The vanilla pudding hit Pinkie Pie.

All five of them immediately turned on Twilight, relentlessly soaking her with their syrup or whip cream and pelting her with cakes, pies, and ice cream. It was intense, but Twilight kind of liked it.

Rainbow Dash threw another cake at Twilight, but Twilight stopped it with her magic and threw it back at her. Pinkie jumped in front of Rainbow Dash, and the cake hit her instead. She licked the frosting and bits of cake off her face. "Mmmmm!"

"Pinkie, you are so random," said Rainbow Dash.

Pinkie giggled and sprayed Rainbow with chocolate syrup. Rainbow sprayed her back with butterscotch syrup.

Then some Jello fell on them both. They looked up to see Fluttershy with two empty bowls in her hand, and immediately began spraying her. Fluttershy turned and aimed her whip cream at Rarity, but hesitated, knowing how much the unicorn hated getting dirty.

"Oh, go ahead Fluttershy," said Rarity, who was having fun despite the state she was in.

Fluttershy sprayed Rarity with the whip cream. Rarity could tell Fluttershy was having fun too, so she didn't feel bad when she threw a strawberry pie with whip cream at her.

Eventually, there was nothing left to use as ammunition. All six ponies were completely covered in cake frosting, pie filling, pudding, whip cream, ice cream, and syrup. They had enjoyed the food fight a great deal. They looked around at the messy room.

"We're gonna have a lot of cleaning up to do," said Twilight.

Pinkie ate all the dessert remnants on the walls and floor in seconds.

"Pinkie, you don't know how dirty the floor was," said Rarity.

"Yes I do, silly! I washed this room three times before the race! It's REALLY clean! Clean enough to eat off of! Which I did."

"I admit this was rather fun, but I think now we need to wash, again."

"I've got a bathtub big enough for all of us!"

They stepped into Pinkie's bathtub, and Pinkie turned the shower on to rinse them off first, so they'd be a little cleaner during the bath. Then, Pinkie filled the tub with water, putting a lot of bath soap in it so the water was full of soap suds.

First the ponies put shampoo on their manes and tails. Then they sat down in the bath water and started to scrub themselves this time. They started to scrub their front legs, their chests, their sides, their faces, and Twilight, Rainbow, and Fluttershy's wings. Soapy foam was forming on them quickly.

Once that was done, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Twilight started massaging Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie's backs with soap. They all enjoyed having the ponies of their choice doing this to them. Then, they swapped places, with Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie washing Applejack, Fluttershy, and Twilight's backs.

Then, they stood up to take turns washing each other's rumps. Which, again, Fluttershy, Twilight, and Pinkie took a little longer to finish because of how much Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie liked it on either end of it. Afterwards, they only scrubbed which parts of their back legs were above water. They figured that what was below water, including their back hooves, was clean enough.

Then Pinkie turned the tap on to make the bath water deeper. They dove underwater to rinse themselves, and then they just sat in the bathtub, enjoying the relaxing warm water and talking about how much fun they had today, laughing about the food fight.

Once they were done, Pinkie drained the tub. Once again, the ponies were completely clean, looking as though the food fight or the muddy race had never happened.

"I can dry us off again!" said Rainbow Dash.

"I think towels will suffice this time," said Rarity.

"What about our outfits?" said Applejack.

"We can take them off. We don't need them for the party. They were mainly for the race anyway."