//------------------------------// // Chapter 28: A brand new night // Story: Shield and Shadow Part 1: Rise and Fall // by LucidReverie //------------------------------// Surprise. Spring Mist felt the sensation of falling. Then there was the sensation of hitting something cold and hard. He jolted awake, and found himself looking at the ceiling. The light thought the cracks in the window was brighter, and Mist guessed it was likely late afternoon. He stood and looked around the room. The first thing he noticed was the scattering of books about the area. The second thing was significantly more odd: a set of legs flailing about in the air, their source obscured by the very large cushion. Mist moved around the cushion and saw a heavily-breathing and startled-looking Luna on her back. Her legs were still slightly flailing and her wings were twisted beneath her. Mist stifled a laugh of pity on the little Princess before him. “Luna? Are you okay?” Mist asked with concern. Luna blinked and righted herself. Shaking out her wings, and stretching her limbs, she replied, “I’m fine. But do you have any idea what it is like opening your eyes and seeing another pony’s face closer to yours than you ever imagined probable?” Mist blinked, “I can’t say I know what that is like, sorry.” “Well, I assure you that it is very startling.” “I could see that.” “Yes, about that – if you tell anypony –” “Who am I going to tell? And what am I going to say, exactly?” Mist rolled his eyes. “I don’t know, exactly. But, just don’t.” Luna warned. “Mum’s the word,” Mist reassured. A long pause stretched out over the room, broken when Mist spoke again, “So, what now?” “Well, would you like to accompany me as I raise the moon?” “Really? I’d love to! But that’s not for another few hours.” Luna scrunched her eyes shut for a moment, “Three.” Mist raised an eyebrow, “Three hours. So… what do we do until then?” “Well, I can think of a few things we can do in that time…” Mist looked at her, eyes wide, “Um… what?” “Breakfast!” Luna said brightly, “Why? What were you thinking?” “Nothing,” Mist said. Liar. “Breakfast sounds wonderful.” “To the kitchen!” Luna said triumphantly. “You are in a good mood today.” Mist said as they walked from the room. It was odd seeing Luna in such a good mood. It was refreshing, yet at the same time… concerning… “Why should I not be? I had an interesting night of studies, very comfortable rest, a not-entirely-unpleasant awakening, and I am in the company of a good pony.” Mist blushed, “Well, it was a nice night…” “I thoroughly enjoyed it. It is fascinating to learn what ponies have discovered about my night.” Mist stopped suddenly, a realization hitting him, “Wait, weren’t you supposed to lower the moon?” “Oh, I did.” “You did? When?” “Just before dawn, I set it on its path.” “I don’t remember that.” “You wouldn’t. You were asleep.” Mist gaped. “And yes, then I crawled back onto the cushion and went back to sleep. You are very warm, by the way.” Mist stood slack-jawed. “I- Uh…” he groaned. “Oh, don’t. It’s fine. Let us just go and get something to eat.” Luna continued walking, Mist following slowly behind her. His thoughts flared and a conversation started in typical fashion. She… went back to the cushion. With me there. It’s better than her being in tears constantly, isn’t it? Yes, but… I was there. Asleep. And still she went back. Did you expect her to sleep on the floor? No, but she has her quarters. They were just up the stairs. Or she could have woken me, or even moved me to the smaller cushion… But she didn’t. She’s obviously comfortable with you. But it has been what, a week? Less? And? Stranger things happen… Like what? Remember the books about pony pre-history? Discord? Odd things happened then. Yes, but there are no supernatural beings involved right now. Are you sure? I’d say the Princesses are pretty… supernatural. What exactly is your point? My point is that you have to stop worrying and learn to love what is provided. Stop questioning everything and just enjoy a good thing. But how is this happening? Why? Questions! Gah. I’m not arguing with you. Yes, you are. Well, arguing with yourself really. But that’s just semantics. How do I keep losing arguments with myself? Now that is a perfectly acceptable question. Just go along with whatever happens. And stay on your hooves because somepony is giving you a very worried look… Mist looked up, having not noticed that they had reached the kitchen. Luna and a cook were giving Mist a very concerned look. “Mist, are you alright?” Luna asked. “Uh, yes Lu- Princess. Apologies, did you ask me something?” “Yes, what would you like to eat?” asked the chef pony. “I wouldn’t want to be a bother, so whatever is easiest.” The chef pony looked at Luna with a pained expression. She responded softly, “Two sittings of blueberry crepes, a pot of lemongrass tea, and two salads. No carrots in mine. Please.” The chef pony bowed, “Of course, Your Majesty. ‘Twill be but a few minutes. Shall we deliver it to your quarters?” “No, I think the eastern garden balcony should do. Thank you.” “Very good, Majesty.” The pony walked off to the rest of the kitchen to prepare the meal. Luna and Mist turned to exit, and began walking down a hallway. “What was that about?” Mist asked. “The servants in the castle are not used to having unclear instructions. And our chef is one of the finest in Equestria. Giving him a request of ‘whatever is easiest’ is torturous, considering the number of dishes he knows, and the chances of picking the wrong one. What if you had said that, he had complied, and then you hated the food? It would be heartbreaking for him.” “That’s… oddly astute, Luna. You really must care for your ponies.” Luna sighed, “I do. Despite their hatred of me, I do still love them.” “Come now, nopony hates you. Misunderstands you perhaps, but never hates.” “You are right, Spring Mist. It just seems to feel like that an awful lot.” The doors to a balcony swept open and the pair took a seat at a small table set out. The balcony overlooked the front gardens and the entrance to the castle. Mist could see the guards on duty and a few ponies walking amongst the foliage. The sun was dipping in the sky. Still bright, but clearly on its descent. True to his word, the chef had prepared a meal in a matter of minutes and had it delivered to the balcony. Small wraps dressed with blueberry sauce on one set of plates, two bowls of salad, and a pot of tea accompanied by small teacups, were delivered to the table. After dismissing and thanking the servant ponies, the doors closed and Luna began to eat. Taking that as his cue, Mist joined in. The crepes were delicately prepared, the blueberry sauce sweet. The tea was hot and soothing. Mist eagerly awaited the salad. “One of the best indeed. This is a truly enjoyable meal,” Mist said with some elation. Luna smiled, “I am glad you enjoy it.” “Of course. I would like to offer my compliments,” Mist paused, “Though I would like to see how his soups are…” Luna looked at Mist questioningly, “Why his soups?” “Just a matter of interest and opinion. There is a friend of mine who owns a small eatery in the market. Garlic Clove of The Salted Clove. I would wager everything I own that he makes the best soup in Equestria. Not just any soup, though – his famous, signature soup. You will know bliss when you have had that soup.” “That seems like an interesting challenge. I would like to try some of this famous soup.” Without thinking, Mist jumped on the opportunity, “Oh! I could take you. I’m sure Clove would be more than willing to have a Princess in his shop, and I guarantee that the soup will not disappoint.” Luna looked at Mist and slowly spoke, as if arguing internally as to what to say, “I… I think I would like that.” “Wonderful. When do you think would be a good time?” “It would have to be night, and we would have to sneak about. I’d prefer to keep the public as unaware as possible.” “I can understand that. And not to worry, he is usually open quite late.” Mist paused for a moment, “What about tonight?” Luna hesitated, then spoke, “I don’t- Yes. Tonight.” Spring Mist smiled, “I promise, you shan’t be disappointed.” He paused again, “Oh ,but what about the tower?” “I’m certain Caramel Tart will forgive. But I’d say that you are performing your duties to the letter. You are supposed to liaise with the Princesses, and that is exactly what you are doing.” “I suppose you could look at it like that. A bit underhoofed, though…” “If you like, we could not visit this eatery and I could have you report back to the tower to perform menial tasks,” Luna said, somewhat teasingly. “Only if you would like that, Princess.” “Princess? What did we say about that?” “I know, but you are still a Princess and deserve the respect that comes with it and you are a wonderful pony, and you deserve the respect that comes with that. So I shall do as you command.” “So, I could command you to do anything, and you would do it?” Luna said, stroking under her muzzle with her hoof. “Within reason, yes. If it is something against my moral code or any kind of ethics, I would attempt to avoid doing it.” “Reasonable, I suppose. Still, the options are… potentially limitless.” “I would argue that there is a limit. Don’t take advantage of power. I can’t guarantee that I’ll still like you if you make me do things I don’t want to do.” “You like me?” “I said so, didn’t I? Why? Did I imply to the contrary?” “No, no. It’s just pleasant to hear. I enjoy it.” “Well, as long as you are happy.” “Actually, I think I am happy. For the first time in longer than I can remember.” “Really? You’ve been around a long time, and you do have an absurdly long memory… You can’t have been unhappy all that time…” “No.” Luna paused, before pushing Mist, “But you know what I meant.” “Fine. Well, in any case, I’m glad you are happy. I really am.” Silence fell on the pair as they finished last of their meal. The sun was approaching the horizon, shadows taking over the garden below, the sky turning a light orange that blended into a soft and darkening blue. Mist enjoyed the sunset, the closing of a day and the entrance of the night. In his reverie, Mist had failed to notice the removing of the dishes from the table, and was startled as Luna stood from the table. She looked back over her shoulder at Mist before speaking. “It is time, Mist.” Mist stood and watched as Luna walked to the edge of the balcony. The sun had fallen through the horizon and the last sliver was slipping away. Celestia must have already done her part. Mist felt a tingle as Luna’s horn glowed. She flapped her wings and lifted herself about a pony’s height into the air. As she rose, Mist could see the glowing white body of the moon appear. A final flash of magic, and the moon cleared the horizon and was firmly set in the sky. Luna lowered herself and audibly exhaled. Mist stood silent, amazed at what he had seen. No slack-jawed expression, no stoicism, just reverence. “That was… something, Luna.” “You enjoyed it?” she asked quietly. “I did. I had seen Celestia raise the sun, and that was impressive, but I like this better. It’s calmer, more pleasant…” Mist added a winning smile, “And I’m not blinded by the sun – that’s always nice.” Luna giggled, “Indeed. We wouldn’t want you to go blind, would we?” “I’d prefer not,” Mist agreed. “What now, then?” Luna smiled, “Now, we sneak out of the castle and try to reach that little eatery, the… um – what was it again?” “The Salted Clove. And are you sure we can make it without being spotted?” “You know shadow spells, right?” “Yes. Why?” “Because you will be our way out.” This is going to be fun, isn’t it?