Object XP-84c

by Scourge the yellow cat



Abentfree, Techno, and Stormsurge turned their heads to the sound, as they saw the door open.

"That is not creepy in any way..." Said Stormsurge. Techno agreed. After all, this place seemed to be waiting for them. And since this is the Everfree, well...Who knows what'll happen?

"Ooooh! A new place to explore!" Abentfree excitingly said. Abentfree was a HUGE Daring Do fan, so much that the greenish earth pony got a vest and hat very similar to the character. But then again, her cutie mark IS a map with a big 'X', representing her adventurous tone. Techno shook the memories from her head as she whipped out a foreleg in front of the adventurer before she could move.

"Don't," Techno said while looking at Abentfree, "We have no ide-"

"Awww, why?"

Techno stopped and mentally cursed, before continuing. "We have no idea what is in there, Abentfree. What if there's a bad pony in there that wants to hurt us?" Techno watched Abentfree think about her response, then came the answer.

"I guess so, then you can take the lead?"

Abentfree got an amused eye-roll for her troubles as the trio entered the room.


The Everfree Forest, Kingdom of Equestria

"So, how was this place discovered?"

"About four days ago some pony walked into the Everfree and managed to find it." Rainbow Dash replied to Fluttershy's question. Twilight seemed to have wanted to ask the same question but was then satisfied by the response. Quiet ensued as the three friends ventured closer to the area, accompanied by the sounds of leaves dancing to the breeze and the grass being trampled under their hooves. After five minutes, Fluttershy softly spoke.

"Um...Why is this part of the forest so...devoid of animal life?" She asked, looking at her friends in concern. It was not wrong, as they never have seen any during their trek so far. Normally, there would've been a rabbit scurrying to escape the ponies, or some would've checked them out of curiosity or something like that. But no, not EVEN birdsong is present. The other two ponies thought about it, then shrugged in defeat to the shy Pegasus.

Rainbow Dash then said in her usual attitude, "I dunno, but what I do know is that I'll win the Cloudsdale Race!"

"The what now?" Twilight asked.

"The Cloudsdale Race! The city of Cloudsdale has invited me to participate against the best and fastest pegasi in all of Equestria!" Rainbow Dash exploded in a distinct Rainbow Dashy way. She then added with a bitter tone, "I still look forward to retrieving the gold medal..."

The others were confused. "But aren't you the fastest Pegasus?" They said in unison.

"Yeah, but there are specific rules that make it harder to win. You can't do a 'boom in the race, and they built the course in a specific way so you have to be sooo slow! Plus they change the layout of each race."

Twilight and Fluttershy nodded in support of their friend. Satisfied, Rainbow Dash then used her wings to allow her to hover above the ground, and turned to her friends, to continue.

"You see, it was at the last part of the race, and-" She did not hear the incoming Pegasus.

*Flap flap flap*


What in Faust's world?! Thought Rainbow Dash as something big crashed into her from behind, knocking her down from hovering on to the unforgiving ground below.

"RAINBOW DASH!" Yelled Twilight as she and Fluttershy ran to the downed Pegasus seconds after impact.

"Are you o-ok?" Said Fluttershy.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but what hit me?"

"Great Celestia...what did I hit?" Said a new, yet familiar voice right next to her.

Rainbow Dash turned to the voice and locked eyes with the owner of that voice. A sky blue Pegasus with-Wait a minute...

"YOU?!" Yelled a very pissed off Rainbow Dash to the sky blue Pegasus.

"Y-you!?" Responded a very scared gold metal stealer as he realized who he crashed too.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" They both asked each other.

"Uhhh... what's going on?" Asked a confused Fluttershy.

"Oh, nothing really, just somebody who TOOK MY GOLD MEDAL CRASHED INTO ME."

"...I don't know whenever to correct her or be scared of her." Said a cowering Pegasus to Fluttershy.

Twilight and Fluttershy looked at the newcomer, expecting his name.

"Oh, I'm Stormsurge by the way."

He turned to face the now snarling rainbow pegasus-o-doom. Rainbow Dash was just about to explode some more when she realized something.

"What in the hay happened to you?" She said to Stormsurge.

The left side of his face was soaked in a rainbow-colored liquid, and his left foreleg was bent at an odd angle. Rainbow Dash knew first hand that you can't get those when you face plant on dirt and leaves.

"M-my friends and I were a-at the ruins over there," he pointed towards the direction he came from with his non-broken foreleg. Then he continued, "Then suddenly, this...pony came in and attacked us, shouting something like 'intrusion' or whatnot. I escaped to get help, but my friends are s-still captive...Oh Celestia..." He started to cry into his useful foreleg, as the others took pity on him. Rainbow Dash not as much, but still.

"We'll get them back and defeat the bad pony for you." Assured Fluttershy as she laid a hoof on his shoulder. Then she told her friends to commit a you-know-what as they raced to the ruins...


Experimental Prototype eighty-four system logs update:
The startup was a success. There were a few glitches during boot-up due to programming activating for the first time, but that was fixed within 0.817 seconds after activation. My sensors detect that the power for this facility has been offline for a while, unable to pinpoint the exact measure of time due to no active clock systems present. Strange, it seems this facility has been reactivated by some kind of unidentified energy. While I am analyzing this data, my audio analyzers are picking up sounds...I search through my G.M.C (General Memory Chip) to see if any of the 14,365,432 audio files match with the ones I detected. Within 0.456 seconds, I find 'English'. Cross-referencing...Results are 99.92% identical. I then code my voice box to understand and speak English with these locals.

Order completed within 0.548 of a second created. Ah, perfect! The sight program is working, so I can now see the room. There is a table to the right of me, the ceiling has destroyed arms hanging from it...skeleton slouched against the wall. Within 0.152 seconds after spotting it, I went through my database for files containing 'skeleton', finding a file that reveals it to be from the 'Primate' Order. Speaking of the remains of the Primate member, the door opposite of the skeleton has just opened, with three small deformed horses walking in. They look like...I search the G.M.C again within 0.111 seconds and I come across a 'unicorn' and a 'Pegasus' from the Mythology section and a 'pony'. Perhaps these files were misplaced?

The 'Pegasus' had a sky blue coat, with what I assume is some type of tribal mark near its flank: A hurricane. The 'unicorn' had a very dark black coat and another of those markings, this time in the shape of a wrench and gear. And the 'pony' had a forest green coat with one of those jungle explorer hats on the head. Not going to question that. The mark this time was a map with a big red X on it. Wait, they are emitting sounds that seem English. They also have no ID. Trespassers!

I activate into sentry mode and attack...

After my ambush, the intervention was a success. I managed to capture all but the Pegasus, which I swelled the face a bit and broke a leg bone. Sentry mode goes offline as I now guard the prisoners. Retrieval of useful information from the prisoners is about 91%. Beginning now. Continue until identifiable superiors order something else.