It's The End Of The World As We Know It

by Samey90

43. No Other End of the World Will There Be

Only a white-haired old man, who would be a prophet
Yet is not a prophet, for he’s much too busy,
Repeats while he binds his tomatoes:
No other end of the world will there be,
No other end of the world will there be.
Czesław Miłosz, A Song on the End of the World

Lemon was indeed shocked by Beauty’s new approach, although it was somewhat alleviated by another shock when the realisation that they were going to go to the prom in just two weeks sunk in. Since their first attempt at getting dresses somehow ended up in Flash Sentry’s house, this time they chose a more methodical approach.

“This is gonna be so cool!” Sunny Flare exclaimed, grabbing a few yards of fabric and looking at Lemon. “I can’t wait when we’re at the party together and–”

“You were kinda kicked out of school,” Indigo muttered. She was sitting on the table in Sunny’s room eyeing the fabric without much enthusiasm. “I doubt they’ll let you into the prom.”

“I’ll find a way, don’t worry,” Sunny muttered. “Maybe I’ll get to CHS prom with you. Besides, who doesn’t like proms?”

“I don’t,” Indigo said. “I used to dance like a retarded goat when my both legs worked, so I doubt it’s gonna be better now.”

“You’ll be a lame retarded goat now.” Sugarcoat smirked.

Indigo furrowed her eyebrows. “Shut up, Sugarcoat.”

“I always liked to make dresses for you,” Sunny said to Indigo. “I don’t needmuch fabric for you anyway…”

“I’m only two inches shorter than you!” Indigo exclaimed.

“Which leaves more fabric for Lemon’s girlfriend,” Sunny said, making round gestures as if she tried to assess someone's measures. “How tall is she?”

Lemon shrugged. “About six feet? No idea. Don’t bother, she’s probably has her own dresses. Also, first she’s going to the Crystal Prep prom with me and then to the Canterlot High one with her boyfriend.”

“Aww, and I had such a cute idea…” Sunny put her hands together.

“I’d rather get something I’d be able to run in,” Lemon muttered. “You know, in case she catches me drinking.”

“Then don’t get drunk, simple,” Sunny said. “You always end up under the table and I’m definitely not planning to join you. Not coming back to that shithole…” She shrugged and turned to Sugarcoat. “How about you? Something classical?’

Sugarcoat rolled her eyes. “Whatever you think fits.”

“Not into the prom?” Indigo asked. “Did physics already take your mind over?”

“Nah, I’m just wondering how to bring Sandalwood to our prom without him putting on something ridiculous.” Sugarcoat replied.

“I can always get you something ridiculous for your CHS prom,” Sunny said. “Red, black dots… You’d look like a ladybird.”

Sugarcoat sighed. “Did your crib catch fire when you were a kid?”

“No, why?” Sunny asked.

“Because some of your ideas seem like it did and your father put the fire out with a shovel,” Sugarcoat muttered.

Sunny nodded slowly. “How about something black? Inspired by the uniforms of–”

“Now that’s getting tasteless…”

“What?” Sunny asked. “I meant those guys in ridiculous helmets who blew up Alderaan…”

“That sounds even worse.” Sugarcoat sighed. “Does anyone have any more retarded ideas, or can we assume the meeting is adjourned?”

Indigo raised her hand. “I have one. It goes like, ‘stop being a dick, Sugarcoat’.”

Sugarcoat crossed her arms. “Or what? Are you going to fight me?”

Indigo smirked.

A few minutes later, Sugarcoat was still clutching to her liver. A sneaky jab with a crutch knocked the wind out of her; afterwards she didn’t protest much when Sunny Flare gave her a frilly pink dress with a matching feather boa, but after putting it on, it started to slowly find its way to her consciousness.

“I look like I’m in kindergarten and it’s my sixth birthday,” she muttered. “I only need a tiara now.”

“Oh, please,” Sunny replied. “Don’t you know that nineties are all the rage now?”

“Yes, but when people say that, they usually mean the twentieth century,” Sugarcoat said. “I’m pretty sure the previous owner of this boa died when it got caught by the engine of their steam car or something.”

“I can always put you in something different,” Sunny said, producing a red tartan fabric. “How about a kilt?”

“I can take it.” Indigo chuckled while Sunny tried to see if the tartan fit Lemon and winced at the result. “That, or we put Bulk in a kilt.”

“You don’t happen to have anything blue or purple?” Sugarcoat asked, looking at her pink dress and furrowing her eyebrows. “And not too frilly or else Fleur will behead me, shouting something about Liberté, égalité et fraternité or something.”

“Nah, she’s more of a royalist or whatever.” Sunny smirked. “During the prom, she’ll let us eat cake..." She looked at Lemon. Assuming she becomes the queen.”

“It was actually a brioche and the context was apparently different,” Sugarcoat said. “Assuming she ever said that.”

“Whatever,” Indigo replied. “I’d rather be done with dresses and all this talk about cake and brioches makes me hungry.”

“Oh, we’re far from done.” Sunny walked to Indigo. “We’ll need a loose, ankle length dress for you, unless you want to scare people off with your legs. Why is the left one still thinner?”

Her eyes widened when the tip of the crutch stopped an inch from her face.

“Would you kindly fuck off?” Indigo asked, smiling at Sunny.

“Language, Indigo, there are kids around,” Sugarcoat said. “And you really need to stop waving this thing around.”

“It’d be easier if you didn’t keep talking about my kid,” Indigo muttered. “Besides, I gotta go. I have rehabilitation and stuff.”

“Your kid?” Sugarcoat raised her eyebrows. “I meant Lemon.”

Lemon pouted. “Would you kindly fuck off, Sugarcoat?”

Indigo emerged from the water and shook her head. It was still before noon and there weren’t many people at the pool, letting her swim slowly and carefully. She was taking her time, checking how the joints and muscles in her injured leg and arm worked.

Taking a few deep breaths, Indigo lay on her back in the water, backstroking towards the other end of the pool. She looked at the ceiling; she’d remembered the position of the lamps, as well as the backstroke flags above her so she wouldn’t hit her head against the wall and drown. Swimming took her way longer than it used to before the accident, but she was glad she was still able to do that.

A few minutes later, her hands touched the pool’s wall. She grabbed the lane rope to take a rest.

Suddenly, some big shadow blocked her view. She looked up and smiled, seeing Bulk standing by the edge of the pool wearing his swimming trunks.

“Hello,” he said. “How are you?”

“I have a large draft and I swim like an old, rusty trawler manned by one-armed dwarfs,” Indigo replied. “Besides, Sunny wants to put me in a dress. Twice.”

“The prom, huh?” Bulk nodded and jumped into the water. “Rarity is so excited she’ll soon shoot through the ceiling and start orbiting around the planet.”

“And Sunny will soon join her,” Indigo muttered. “I hope you don’t want to race. I’m not in the top form.”

Bulk stretched his arms. “Nah, not when there’s a baby aboard.”

“Little Indy seems to like water,” Indigo replied. "At least judging by the fact she's not trying to kick my guts out."

Bulk nodded, looking at her, his expression faltering.

“Shame we’ll have to give her up for adoption,” Indigo muttered.

“Indeed,” Bulk replied. “I mean… You want to do that, right?”

“Yes,” Indigo said quickly. “I mean, it’s already settled. One day we’ll just have to go and fill the papers.” She shrugged. “There are a lot of families who can’t have kids, right?”

“Indigo, your liar’s face is showing,” Bulk muttered.

Indigo rolled her eyes. “I may be having second thoughts, okay? It’s our baby, after all. And people fawning over my stomach don’t make it any easier. Seriously, Sunny seems to think that if I keep this baby, she’s gonna be its auntie, even though she’s leaving the town soon.”

Bulk nodded. “You wish it was so, huh?”

“Well, the ‘we all stay together’ part, sure.” Indigo lowered her head slightly, her fingers playing idly with the arm of her one-piece swimsuit. “Not the parts involving a baby, an accident, and my body being all shades of fucked up.” She shrugged. “That reminds me. I have a meeting with Dean Cadance next week. You know, holiday and online courses so I graduate and don’t have to spend another year in school.”

“That’s good to hear,” Bulk said. “And what then? The college?”

“Guess I’ll spend a year recovering.” Indigo ran her hand through her wet hair. “Maybe I’ll get some job. Is your dad hiring?”

“You want to be a lumberjack with your hand?” Bulk chuckled. “Besides, Ruby is not a good colleague.”

“Yeah, and you probably don’t pay much, given that she steals bicycles.” Indigo smirked.

Bulk shrugged. “I guess that’s just a hobby.”

“Next time we’re not getting her out of the river.” Indigo let go off the rope and started swimming. “Unless I train more.”

Bulk followed her. Soon, he managed to overtake her; when she reached the other side of the pool, he was already there, waiting for her.

“Trying to be in the top form at the prom?” Indigo asked. “I have no such problems. Best I’ll be able to do will be throwing my crutches at the dancing people.”

Bulk chuckled. “I don’t think that’s gonna be necessary.”

Indigo smirked. “Oh, I know quite a few people who could use a crutch to the face.”

“I was wondering,” Sandalwood said. “Can one say about a lesbian that she’s pussy-whipped?”

“I can’t see why not,” Sugarcoat replied, looking at the pair of shoes in front of her. As far as she knew, their colour would fit the dress Sunny was preparing for her. However, she was quite unused to the stiletto heels and breaking a leg most definitely wasn’t how she wanted to start a new chapter in her life. “Why are you asking?”

“Oh, Flash told me a few things about Lemon and Beauty Brass.” Sandalwood moved on to another shelf. “How do you find this tie?”

Sugarcoat looked at the grey tie with small ninjas, pirates, zombies, and robots. “Much better than the reindeer-shaped one.”

Sandalwood chuckled. “Gonna take that one, then.”

“I’m only allowing that because I know you’d choose some more offensive tie if I didn’t,” Sugarcoat muttered.

“You’re allowing, huh?” Sandalwood shook his head with a playful smirk. “I’m not as pussy-whipped as Lemon.”

“As if.” Sugarcoat spun the stiletto heel in her hand as if it was a revolver. “A short dry spell should teach you to behave.”

“Sure,” Sandalwood replied. “Let’s see who’d last longer. Besides, we could use some training if we’re to live with Twilight Sparkle. Unless she likes to–” He moved aside when Sugarcoat threw the shoe at him. It flew past him and hit the door of one of the fitting rooms behind him.

The door opened. Sugarcoat quickly hid behind the shelf, seeing Fleur Dis Lee emerging from it, looking quite striking in a pale dress – almost like liberty leading the people towards the barricades. She looked at the shoe, then at Sandalwood, furrowing her eyebrows.

Connard,” she muttered.

Va te faire enculer, conasse dégénéré, Sandalwood replied; while his accent was horrible, it was effective enough for Fleur to huff and close the fitting room’s door.

Sugarcoat emerged from behind the shelf. “What did you even tell her?”

Sandalwood shrugged. “One dude in Paris said that to his boyfriend and he walked away.”

“You were in Paris?” Sugarcoat asked.

“Dad was making a movie there and I somehow ended up in a bar full of gay Frenchmen.” Sandalwood picked up Sugarcoat’s shoe and handed it to her. “Are you buying these?”

“Yes,” Sugarcoat replied. “Let’s go before we meet Fleur again. Or someone else we know.”

“Too late,” Sandalwood muttered, pointing at the door of the store. “Seems that everyone came here to buy shoes.”

Beauty Brass’ voice could be heard even from the place where Sugarcoat and Sandalwood were standing. “You know how hard it is to find high heels in my size? Some runt in the store told me to ask a drag queen…”

“Why do you even need high heels?” Lemon asked. While Beauty Brass wasn’t holding her in an embrace, they were walking much closer to each other than other shoppers; as Sugarcoat noticed, closer than she was to Sandalwood, though this didn’t surprise her all that much.

“Yeah, I know I’m tall enough without them.” Beauty Brass chuckled. “Though on the other hand, how many people in Crystal Prep would be outraged if I donned a tuxedo?”

“No one,” Sugarcoat replied, appearing in front of them before Lemon had a chance to reply. “One of our previous principals always carried two flintlocks with silver bullets in his smoking jacket in case of a vampire attack, so you wearing a tuxedo will be regarded as only a bit eccentric.”

“And what happened to him?” Beauty Brass asked.

“Oh, he accidentally shot himself with a flintlock.” Sugarcoat shrugged. “But at least no vampire attacked him.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Beauty Brass turned to Lemon. “If you need something, you’d better hurry. The hairdresser won’t wait for us.”

“I think we can go,” Lemon replied. “See you at the prom, Sugarcoat.”

“Bye,” Sugarcoat muttered.

Sandalwood raised his hand. “To think about it, we need to go to the hairdresser too.”

Sugarcoat’s eyes narrowed when she looked at his dreadlocks. “A guy with a lawnmower would be cheaper…”

Despite Sugarcoat’s efforts, Sandalwood’s hair survived until the Crystal Prep’s prom mostly intact. Same with Indigo’s hair – if only because the hairstylist didn’t have much to work with.

Sunny, on the other hand, did quite a job working on Indigo’s dress. It was light blue and while it was rather long and wide to hide her legs and make the fact that she was pregnant less obvious, but no sleeves and a cleavage slightly bigger than in case of Sunny’s other designs made quite a few jaws drop as she walked across the car park with Bulk.

“Man, I’m kinda disappointed,” Sandalwood said when they met him and Sugarcoat in front of the school. “You didn’t put that pink suit on.”

“You have a pink suit?” Indigo chuckled, poking Bulk. “You’ve never showed it to me!”

“It’s legendary.” Sandalwood smirked. “You could’ve taken it with you.” He looked around. “It’d loosen up the atmosphere a bit.”

Bulk leaned to him. “I totally didn’t hide it in the trunk of my car. Gonna change clothes when the party gets wilder.”

Sugarcoat shuddered. “Anybody wants to bet we’re getting kicked out of this party before it ends?”

“That’d be like, a part of the prom bingo,” Sandalwood said, producing a handful of bingo cards and giving them to everyone. “Someone getting drunk, someone getting kicked out, someone making weird declarations, a fight breaking out, all that stuff.”

“Speaking of people getting drunk, where’s Lemon?” Indigo asked, looking at her card.

Suddenly, they heard roaring of an engine; everyone raised their heads looking for the source of the noise. Some of them quickly ran out of the way as a black, vintage car drove towards the school entrance and spun in front of it. Flames shot out of the exhaust pipes; the car’s bonnet was gone, making every detail of the large engine visible.

When the car stopped, Indigo realised that only some of the noise was coming from the engine. The rear part of the car was fitted with speakers and a tangled mass of wires and vacuum tubes surrounding the gramophone installed in the middle of the backseat. The whole contraption seemed to be designed with only one purpose in mind: filling the whole neighbourhood with a loud rockabilly music.

“What the hell?” Sugarcoat muttered, seeing Lemon and Beauty Brass getting out of the car. Just as she’d announced, Beauty Brass arrived in a tuxedo. Lemon, on the other hand, wore a long, dark green dress. Her normally untamed hair was neatly groomed and curled.

“Where did you get that car?” Indigo asked.

“Vinyl’s car only has two seats, so she borrowed this one from her grandpa,” Lemon replied.

“Ah, that explains many things.” Indigo waved at Vinyl who opened the window of the car and smiled at them. “So, she’s your driver today?”

Lemon nodded.  “Not only that. She’s friends with Neon Lights and he invited her.”

“I see.” Indigo looked at Neon Lights who approached Vinyl’s car. As soon as he touched it, Vinyl slapped him. “Hmm, too bad Flash and Muffins aren’t from Crystal Prep. Though I guess we’ll meet in CHS.”

“I’m pretty sure they’re not regretting,” Bulk said.

The two bicycles were lying on the grassy clearing at the top of the hill overlooking the town. It was pretty far away from any civilisation which was pretty convenient given what was going on the blanket nearby.

“Is it really that big?”

“Nah, it only seems so because it’s close. I know some bigger ones.”

“For example?”

“KW Sagittarii,” Flash replied. “It’s over a thousand times bigger than the Sun, but it doesn’t look that impressive because it’s two thousand four hundred parsecs away.”

Muffins nodded. “It could take Han Solo a while to get there…”

“He’d still be faster than us,” Flash said. “That’s over six thousand light years. What we see now is how it looked when our ancestors were learning to ride horses.”

“There goes my vacation plan.” Muffins chuckled.

“It’s big, red, and cold,” Flash replied. “Probably not a good place for a vacation.”

Muffins sat closer to him, wrapping her arm around him. “Well, this clearing is kinda cold too…”

“We can always go back to the town.” Flash shrugged. “We could eat burritos and–”

Muffins shook her head and laughed, embracing him. “I never said I didn’t like this place…”

The party was slowly getting into full swing. Neon Lights got behind his turntables—with Vinyl still trying to mess with him—and the music filled the school’s sports hall. A few pairs, including Lemon and Beauty Brass, started to dance, while the others waited, talking or watching the dancers.

“Do you think the teachers had seen me?” Sunny Flare asked. She’d appeared a few minutes late, wearing platform shoes making her at least three inches taller and sunglasses covering a half of her face.

“I’m pretty sure they won’t kick you out just because you’re not a student anymore,” Indigo replied. “Besides, you can always say you got invited by someone who’s, I don’t know, tied and locked in the bathroom stall now, whatever.”

“Dunno. Better not to be recognised.” Sunny threw a few nervous looks around.

“Hi, Sunny!” Zephyr exclaimed. She walked to Indigo and her group of friends, accompanied by Frosty Orange and Ginger Owlseye.

Sunny groaned. “Why does it keep happening?”

“You suck at disguises,” Sugarcoat muttered.

Frosty Orange looked at Indigo and Bulk. “Do you know how cute you two look together?”

Bulk and Indigo looked at each other, shrugging. After a brief moment of silence, interrupted only by loud music, Indigo finally spoke. “Did you already drink something illegal, Frosty?”

“No, of course not,” Frosty replied. “Anyway, since we’re kinda not the students of this school anymore, I need to tell you something.”

“We’re gonna hear something retarded, don’t we?” Sandalwood asked, attempting a whisper which nevertheless was heard by everyone.

“Oh, please.” Frosty rolled her eyes. “I graduated and I can say that: I’m in love with coach Sombra.”

“Aren’t we all?” Sugarcoat muttered. “Well, most of us grew out of it, although Indigo, as you can see, still likes big muscular guys. Oh, and Lemon is a gold star lesbian, so I don’t think she was ever interested in–”

“No, I mean… We’re actually in love, like… We’re together.” Frosty smiled sheepishly.

“Oh!” Zephyr exclaimed in a very unconvincing way before fainting, conveniently landing in Ginger Owlseye’s hands.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Ginger hissed.

“Such a declaration wouldn’t count without someone fainting dramatically,” Zephyr replied, standing up and fixing her hair.

“Next time I’m not catching you.”

Sandalwood chuckled. “I’m changing my mind about Crystal Prep students. You are even funnier than Snips and Snails trying to solve math problems…”

“So, no one gives a damn?” Frosty asked.

“No,” Indigo replied. “Do whatever you want.”

Sunny chuckled. “Although it’s kinda funny you were always a substitute in the team, despite, you know–”

“Don’t finish that sentence or else Sandalwood will win the prom bingo,” Sugarcoat said, watching as Frosty’s face turned red. “Seriously, ‘fight breaking out’ right after ‘someone making a weird declaration’? That’s unfair.”

Frosty furrowed her eyebrows. “You find that weird?”

“Not really,” Sugarcoat replied. “A buff dude. Beard. Position of authority. I can totally see this happening. Do you often feel lost and unnecessary?”

Indigo looked at her bingo card and turned to Sandalwood. “I have ‘Sugarcoat gets murdered for accidentally offending someone’ here. Does that count?”

“Not until she actually gets murdered.”

However, before Frosty could prove Sugarcoat that she was, in fact most definitely not lost and unnecessary, Lemon and Beauty Brass barged in; Lemon wrapped her arms around Frosty while Beauty hugged Bulk and Sugarcoat.

“Why aren’t you dancing?” Beauty shouted.

“We were having a chat,” Sugarcoat muttered, trying to free herself from her grasp.

“A chat? You go to a pub to chat,” Beauty said. “Or to the public toilet when the girl in the nearby stall is as bored as you.”

“This puts all the wrong images in my head,” Indigo muttered. “Also, I can’t dance and the surgeons described my leg as a three-dimensional jigsaw puzzle that they had to put together. I’m literally screwed. Or at least my leg is, but I’m getting it all removed once it’s not necessary.”

“Do you really have to?” Bulk asked. “I mean, the doctor said it can stay there if it doesn’t hurt.”

“It’s kinda freaky when I touch my left ankle and feel the head of a screw,” Indigo muttered.

“Cool!” Beauty Brass exclaimed. “Can I see?”

“Can you fuck off?” Indigo muttered.

Bulk looked at his bingo card and smiled. “I have ‘Indigo tells someone to fuck off’.”

“Do you also have something about Sandalwood getting his ass kicked?” Indigo asked.

Sandalwood smiled sheepishly and looked around until his gaze landed on Sugarcoat. “You know? I think a dance is a good idea.”

Sugarcoat took a peek at Frosty Orange. “Definitely.”

“That’s the spirit!” Beauty Brass exclaimed. She and Lemon followed Sugarcoat and Sandalwood to the dancefloor. Sunny Flare got asked to dance by Trenderhoof, leaving Indigo and Bulk with Frosty Orange, Zephyr, and Ginger Owlseye.

“I got no screws when that brute broke my leg during the match,” Zephyr said to Indigo. “I freaked out enough without them.”

“You puked in the emergency room,” Ginger Owlseye muttered. Before Zephyr could say something to counter that claim, Ginger walked away to dance with Royal Pin.

“Is this everything people remember about me playing in that match?” Zephyr rolled her eyes.

“Not quite,” Frosty muttered. “You played like shit, hit a kid with a ball and then the kid’s sister broke your leg. Oh, and you puked in the emergency room.”

Bulk leaned to Indigo. “You know, I think you could dance slowly. And we wouldn’t have to stay here with them.”

“Surely,” Indigo replied. She grabbed Bulk’s hand and walked with him to the dancefloor. Her leg didn’t quite cooperate with the rest of her body, but Bulk held her firmly, guiding her around the dancing pairs. He spun in place with her, ending up somewhere near Lemon and Beauty Brass.

The music went faster. Both pairs split and swapped, Indigo ending up in Lemon’s arms while Bulk started to dance with Beauty Brass, causing several students to run out of their way.

“If I break something it’ll be your fault,” Indigo muttered, resisting Lemon’s attempts to lift her. “Chill out, it’s not Dirty Dancing…”

“Okay,” Lemon replied. She made a pirouet and landed in Bulk’s arms, leaving Indigo with Beauty Brass.

“Not quite what I had in mind…” Indigo sighed. “Hope you’re not jumping too much because I’m not into getting hit with boobs in the face…”

Beauty Brass chuckled. “I’ll be gentle.” She lifted Indigo off the ground and turned around with her.

Indigo felt her stomach twist. “Put me down if you don’t want me to puke all over your tuxedo…”

“Sure thing!” Beauty Brass exclaimed, putting Indigo on the ground at the edge of the dancefloor and going back to dance with Lemon. Indigo sighed, looking around to find her crutches. With a groan, she realised she’d left them on the other side of the sports hall.

Bulk joined her, panting. “You okay?”

“I think so,” Indigo replied. “But I think it’s enough of dancing for one day.”

“Yeah.” Bulk looked at the dancefloor. “Though the party only just started.”

As if to confirm that, Sandalwood got pushed out of the crowd, tripping and falling on the ground right below their feet. He stood up and wiped some blood from his nose, staring at his hand in disbelief.

“You’d never believe what happened to me,” he said.

“Sugarcoat got sick of you?” Indigo asked.

“Not quite,” Sandalwood replied. “I was trying to dance with some teeny-tiny little ginger girl with glasses.” He waved his hand, showing just how short the girl in question was. “Then suddenly some nerd appeared out of nowhere and punched me.”

“Must’ve been Alizarin Bubblegum.” Indigo chuckled. “Celery Stalk doesn’t understand the concept of ‘the guy you don’t have to worry about’.” She produced her bingo card. “Oh, and I happen to have ‘revenge of the nerds’ right here.”

“It’s open to interpretation.” Sandalwood rubbed his face. Bulk and Indigo left him at the edge of the dancefloor and went to retrieve Indigo’s crutches.

The music was booming loudly, drowning all the conversations. Most of the students were dancing. Indigo noticed Fleur with her boyfriend; she wasn’t sure what his name was, but she heard he was British. His sharp suit and perfect hairstyle clearly showed that they were hoping for the title of the prom queen and king.

The contenders were few and far between. Zephyr looked outstanding in her black dress, but Indigo felt she just wasn’t popular enough. Cold Forecast and Ginger Owlseye hardly cared. Orange Sherbette and Upper Crust definitely voted for Fleur.

Indigo looked around, spotting Sunny Flare sitting at the table. She grabbed her crutches and walked to her, waiting for the current song to end.

“Not dancing anymore?” Indigo asked.

“Enjoying the shit happening,” Sunny replied. “Watch out, someone spiked the punch. I nearly puked when I found out.”

“How long–”

“I stopped counting,” Sunny replied. “Also, I want to be sober when they reveal the prom queen.”

“It’s gonna be Fleur.” Indigo shrugged. “Who else could that be?”

Sunny looked at the dancefloor and smiled.

“Did you rig the election?” Bulk asked.

Indigo raised her head and turned to Sunny. “You rigged it!”

“Chill out, how’d I do that?” Sunny shook her head. “I talked with a few people… Well, with Lemon, mostly. Then Lemon talked with a few more people…”

Indigo groaned. “If they all voted me, as a prom queen I’ll let you choose which limb you want to have cut off.”

“Why so serious?” Sunny shook her head. “It probably failed anyway, but if everything went well, tonight you may see Fleur shitting herself…”

“I hope it’s a metaphor,” Bulk said, shuddering.

“It is,” Sunny replied. “Some shit may go down, though. Assuming it didn’t already. I just overheard coach Sombra and Frosty Orange. He mentioned something about him having to still work there and not wanting, umm… a reputation. I think Frosty is now crying in the bathroom stall.”

“Crazy.” Indigo shrugged. “Hope you didn’t choose her or heads will roll…”

It took a while before the prom queen was announced. Meanwhile, Indigo managed to dance to a few slower tunes. Frosty Orange came back from the bathroom only to end up somewhere near the punch. Soon, she had to be escorted out; the only good side of it was that it allowed Indigo to win the prom bingo, much to Sandalwood’s displeasure.

Finally, the time has come. Neon Lights freed himself from Vinyl’s grasp, grabbed the microphone and walked to the middle of the hall.

“Dude is that thing on?” he muttered, looking at the microphone. “Oh, it is. So, like, we gathered here to announce, like, the prom queen and king, right? I bet you’re all dying to know who this may be…”

“Not really,” Cold Forecast muttered.

“Hurry up, it’s not Oscars or other wankfest,” Sunny whispered.

“Actually, it kinda is,” Sugarcoat said. “I’m pretty sure this is how ancient tribes used to choose the alpha female.”

Neon Lights cleared his throat and fixed his sunglasses. “Where’s that envelope?” He looked around. Vinyl shook her head, smirked at the audience and gave him the envelope. Neon opened it and looked at the card inside.

“The Prom Queen is…” He made a brief pause, chuckling faintly. “... Alizarin Bubblegum!”

The crowd let out a collective “ooh”. Zephyr fainted; it’d be dramatic, but this time Ginger Owlseye didn’t catch her, letting her drop on the floor unceremoniously. Fleur gave Neon Lights a glare – if the looks could kill, his body would never be found. Cold Forecast pushed Alizarin Bubblegum towards Neon Lights; her face was now as red as her hair.

“What would you want to say?” Neon Lights asked.

Alizarin’s eyes widened. “This isn’t happening, right?” she muttered. “You’re fucking with me, don’t you?” Realising what she’d just said, she covered her mouth.

Sugarcoat chuckled. “Don’t worry. That’s still the best prom queen speech I’ve ever heard…”

“Isn’t it the only one you’ve heard?” Sunny asked.

“I watched some on the internet,” Sugarcoat replied. “They all sucked. Alizarin's was short and to the point.”

Alizarin took a deep breath. “Good. Can I go and have a heart attack already?”

“Go on,” Neon Lights said.

“Thanks.” Alizarin smiled nervously and walked away, accidentally bumping into Fleur. Their gazes met; everyone around held their breath.

“Well, this is gonna suck…” Indigo muttered.

The first rays of sunlight found their way through the curtains. Indigo opened her eyes and looked around, realising that she was in Bulk’s bed, using his arm as a pillow. She smiled, closing her eyes and trying to fall asleep again.

“That was fun, huh?” Bulk muttered.

“Mhm,” Indigo replied. “The pink suit really saved the party.”

“Well, the atmosphere kinda dropped after the prom queen was announced,” Bulk said, sitting on the bed and scratching his head. “Who’d think that girl gets nauseous when she’s stressed enough?”

“Fleur now knows,” Indigo replied, stretching her arms. “Shame about her dress. At least Celery Stalk and Beauty Brass took care of Alizarin. Though I think Lemon’s gonna be jealous, with all those hugs.”

“A prom without drama is not a prom,” Bulk said. “Speaking of, remember that we have another prom today, in my school. With Sandalwood, Flash, and Muffins, I wonder what it’ll bring.”

“Knowing Canterlot High, a demon attack.” Indigo smirked. “Maybe it’ll be fish people this time. Or bimbo zombies.”

“Hope Sunset Shimmer can deal with that.” Bulk stood up and opened the curtains, letting more light inside. “Also, did I tell you that I finished the boat?”

“Nice.” Indigo smiled, looking outside the window. “So, it’s, like, completely done? When can we go on a cruise?”

“Well, it could use some better paintjob, but we could go even now,” Bulk replied.

Indigo nodded. “We still have quite a few hours to the prom, right?”

“Yeah…” Bulk turned to Indigo, raising his eyebrows. “Wait, you’re not thinking about going to the lake right now?”

“Why not?” Indigo shrugged. “We can take your boat for a brief spin and we still can go back to the town in time.”

Bulk scratched his head. “Maybe… If we hurry.” He looked at Indigo. “I’m not sure if I can sail it all by myself. No offence, but you’re–”

“– pregnant?” Indigo asked. “Lame? I won’t have to take long walks in your boat, will I?”

“No,” Bulk replied.

“Then I see no problem.” Indigo got up, grabbing her crutches. “Come on!”

“Oh, come on…” Flash slipped off his bicycle and yawned. “Where are we?”

Muffins looked at the map. “I think it was upside down for the last half of an hour,” she replied. “What does the GPS say?”

Flash produced his phone. “It says we’re in northern China.”

“I knew we shouldn’t have taken that left turn near the ruins of Dunwich,” Muffins replied, looking around the decrepit heathland. “Damn. I bet if we try to to hitch a ride here, the driver will turn out to be a vampire.”

“As long as I can go to sleep, this doesn’t worry me at all.” Flash shrugged. “I can’t even call anyone from here!”

“Vampires are coming,” Muffins said.

Flash raised his head, waking up from the stupor. “Where?”

“Over there.” Muffins pointed at the pick-up truck driving towards them.

Flash looked at it, noticing that the car was pulling a boat trailer with a sailboat. “Hmm, this one could use some better paintjob. And they say vampires have a good taste.”

The truck stopped near them and the window opened, revealing Indigo in the passenger’s seat. “I’d ask what you’re doing here, but it seems obvious,” she said. “Did you sleep in the forest?”

“We didn’t sleep at all,” Muffins replied. “Could you drive us home?”

“Later, sure,” Indigo said, pointing at the boat with her thumb. “By now, we’re planning to test it. Do you want to join us?”

Flash sighed. “Not re–”

“Sure!” Muffins exclaimed, putting her bicycle in the back of the pick-up. “This is gonna be fun!”

“Where do you get so much energy?” Bulk asked, looking at her.

“Oh, sandwiches!” Muffins exclaimed, rummaging through the bags in the back of the car.

“Nevermind,” Bulk muttered.

Flash shook his head. “Typical,” he said. “If I got stranded on a desert island, someone would probably give me a bicycle. Not even a paddle boat, just a regular bicycle.”

“Or a rotor kite, knowing your luck,” Indigo said. “Get into the car, we don’t have all day.”

“I already pulled an all-nighter looking for the way in the forest,” Flash muttered. “Why’d a day make any difference?”

“The prom, remember?” Muffins slurred, chewing a sandwich. “Sailing may be the last occasion to do something stupid together.”

“Of course.” Flash shook his head before putting his bike in the back of the car. “Let’s do this, then.”

He got into the car. Bulk started to drive down the road, towards the lake. The road was quite long, but there was no need to hurry. There was still a much longer road in front of them; the one full of obstacles, often hard and unforgiving. The road they didn’t want to take, but on the other hand they were excited to start a new chapter in their lives. The one they’d prefer to take slowly, but which would often lead them at an uncontrollable speed, way beyond their understanding.

There was really no need to hurry.