//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: A Special Diamond: Diamond Tiara's Past and Future // by Ink Rain //------------------------------// Prologue: "Glitter Ring, honey. Where are you going this time at night?" The tan stallion named Filthy Rich called from the from door of his house. His wife, Glitter Ring, wore a dark cloak on her head with the hood on. It was dark and the winter brought a terrible thunder storm. She was already out the door and heading down the black road. She stopped and turned around. Her curly, lavender mane hung over her face, not letting it show. Filthy hated to see his wife in such deep agony, he couldn't fully understand why she was this upset. No matter how many times she had explained the reason to him. "Where do you think I'm heading, Filthy?" Glitter said, she flipped her mane. Her jade green eyes sparkled with tears. Filthy Rich shook his head in disbelief. How could Glitter be so foolish? She wouldn't dare to do such actions, not to her the ones she loved most. "Wife... you cannot keep doing this." He said after a bolt of lightning roared in a distance. Glitter's dark lavender face showed sadness and even depression. This isn't her first time that she left without notifying her husband. Each time it happened, it'd be at night, and at the same time. At midnight. "I must leave. I'm not going to stay and let myelf drown in your never ending world of spoiled and stingy mules like you!" Glitter hissed. "You never gave a flying feather about me nor your daughters. You've always had been nothing but dung! It's about time you take resposibility, Filth." Her hooves were starting to get muddy from being in the wet earth too long, she could hear it from taking several steps back. Unlike Filthy, she didn't care too much about her appearance. She cared more about her family bond. The mare never really acted this negative. She's always been a good and reasonable pony, but her instincts tell her that Filthy and his business ways are opposite. Filthy put a hoof out in front of him. "Glitter, dear, please... don't leave me," But Glitter shook her head. The stallion never intended to hurt his wife like this, the life of business and money ran in the family, it was truly his fault. Or that's what he thought. He could've chosen a different life style long ago, but his cutie mark stapled 'money maker' onto his personality. "What about the kids? They can't live without you." Filthy trotted outside the warm house to the cold outside to meet his wife. She didn't run, she stayed with the same furious look on her face, still making eye contact with Filthy. "They'll be fine without me. Just be good to them." She said in monotone. He petted Glitter's cheek and kissed it. She didn't reply with a kiss back, but only trotting away from him, and her family. She was leaving them. Her kids. They had two kids, the older one Shimmer Shine and the baby, Diamond Tiara. "Glitter Ring, please! Don't leave me here alone... PLEASE!" Filthy cried, tears running down his face. He sat down and could only stare at his wife's departure, and sob. "Please... Glitter, I need you." He whispered. Glitter stopped at fifty feet away as if she heard him. She faced Filthy for about eleven seconds, and went off again. The male pony continued staring in the distance, in the direction his wife disappeared. When he realised she was never coming back ever again, he stood back up and went back into the house. To his misfortune, little Shimmer Shine was waiting for him at the front door. Her icy blue eyes sparkled with innocent confusion and sadness. Her lavender coat seemed to be more dull and gray than usual. Her father hated to see her this way. It was maybe worse than Glitter running away. Filthy wanted to burst out in tears at the sight. He felt like every single thing in the world was all his fault, and that little Shimmer was disappointed in him. More than disappointed, more than angry, but furious and unforgiving. "W-Why did Mommy run away? Is she ever coming back, Daddy?" The filly asked. Filthy sadly smiled and stroked her silky pink mane, he pecked a kiss on the young one's forehead. "I..." Filthy couldn't explain well of what just happened. Shimmer would never understand, or at least accept it well. But she must have heard what was said out there. There might have not have been any need for explanation. "Maybe." That was all he could say. The filly smiled with hope. But Shimmer remembered being kissed by her mother before she dashed out the door, Shimmer heard her parents fighting. Right before an average filly's nightmare came true. The filly never wanted it to happen, but it did anyway. "I'm gone! And for real this time!" Glitter screeched after getting her cloak on. Diamond Tiara started crying in the other room when her mother screamed even though the child wouldn't understand what anypony said. "Go back to bed, Shimmer Shine. I'll see you in the morning." Filthy Rich sobbed. She did as she was told, but when she crawled into bed, she couldn't even sleep. But Diamond's crying stopped after a while, possibly Filthy went in and rocked her back to sleep. Shimmer's mind had a never ending 'Mama's gone...' Shimmer thought to herself. 'Forever.... And it's all Daddy's fault' She felt waterfalls of tears stream down her face before closing her eyes to try to sleep. Unfortunately, she might have to force herself to learn to live without a mother, even though her mother was one of the most important figures in her lifetime. She wanted to run outside and try to find her, so she can canter at her side forever. Her mother would never be alone, and would always be happy. Whatever her dad did, it must have been bad. Bad enough to drive her mother out, out of the house and out of her life.