//------------------------------// // Interlude: One night in the Empire. // Story: Three to Five // by TwilightsmyMare //------------------------------// A low 'psst' awoke me, looking around in the dim room I found the source Shining Armor looking through the cracked door gesturing with his head to come out. I carefully disengaged myself from Twilight smiling at the little frown that formed when I did so, I kissed her softly pulling away joining Armor in the hall easing the door closed. "What’s up?" I whispered. He looked around cautiously. "Let's walk a bit..." I glanced down at myself, nothing but a pair of shorts. "I'm a little underdressed for wandering around." "Ah relax no one’s around at this time of night..." His reassurance was interrupted by a gasp of surprise and clatter, turning we found a young pony maid blushing as she gathered up her spilled supplies trying to avert her gaze. "Ok almost never." He chuckled levitating her supplies back onto the cart with an apologetic smile as he passed, any embarrassment I felt was quickly overridden when I noticed she wasn't even looking at me all eyes for Armor. He led me up through the palace to a flat section of roof, an assortment of blocks of differing size, toys and a couple of slightly singed training dummies. Seeing my confused look, he chuckled. "Magic practice for Prism and Shimmer, sometimes it gets a bit exciting." "I bet, alright what's bothering you?" "That transparent huh?" "Well I'm all for some brotherly hanging out but usually not this late at night." I chuckled. He tried to smile but just looked distressed. "What...?" "I'm scared..." I let that sink in a moment. "You? Shining Armor? Youngest captain of Princess Celestias guards ever, defeated Chrysalis with his wife, co-ruler of an Empire! Now one of the most powerful... Oh..." He'd twitched at that last bit wings unfurling before he got them back under control and pinned back. "I see..." "It's not that I don't appreciate what Twilights done... This gift... I mean I never could have done it..." "It's a big change for sure but..." "Shimmer and Prism... I... I always knew Cady would outlive us and there wasn't anything I could do about that but treasure every moment with her, live my life... Barely the blink of an eye for her but to me it was understood... Planned! I would pass before them... I wouldn't have to see... I didn't think I... I can't, I can't bury my babies..." His composure broke as he slumped down sobbing, I put an arm around him holding him tight, these thoughts and fears how could I have seen? "I know how you feel brother." "You do?" "Twilight and I's 'joining', it seems likely we'll live a very long life together, and I look forward to it but..." "Scootaloo..." "Yes, and Star maybe I don't know... I've gone from possibly living to eighty if I was lucky to five hundred or even more! It tears at me and Twi too I'm sure. Luna, Celestia... The loved ones and friends they've seen pass, will see pass... And you and Cadence now too, nothing we can do but be there for them in every way we can until..." I slumped down beside him trying to shake off these melancholy thoughts, but I just couldn't deny them. In my mind’s eye I saw Scootaloo, my little Angel propped up in a bed, old, grey, eyes dimmed by time. I wanted to reach out, hold her as my tears fell but then slowly my vision... Awareness, opened, slowly other ponies began to appear. Friends, family, children, grandchildren... A life lived, fully... I didn't know if this vision was real, magic or just my imagination fate being kind... I might not know if this was real, but I knew my Angel, she would live, fully, without regrets, without limits, without fear... She would fight, hurt, cry, laugh and love and we would be there for her, for Star whenever they needed us and others when our parental instincts pushed us to interfere... I chuckled to myself softly. "This isn't funny." He snorted. "Your right..." I rubbed his back comfortingly. "Your fears, my fears their real but..." "What?" "Time, we have time to come to grips with it. Watch them grow, make mistakes, fight, overcome, live..." "And we'll be there..." "Every step, it's not going to be easy for either of us but... For them." "For them..." He drew a deep breath letting it out slowly. "Heh, I do feel better. It's a long road but at least I'm not alone..." "You never were buddy, I think you'll find Cadence will understand far better than you think. You should talk to her, seriously." "Yeah... I've probably been a bit distant... Difficult lately, she doesn't deserve that she deserves..." "You. By her side, through thick and thin, ups and downs... Eh, other motivational stuff... I'm tired." He burst out laughing and after a moment I joined in, two proper idiots laughing like maniacs on a roof in the middle of the night. "Don't think you’re off the hook either, you should talk to Twi too." "Your right, I know she worries too but we haven't talked in depth about it." "You will, we will. Thanks bro, it means a lot I appreciate it." "Anytime, helped us both and family is something I would never turn my back on no matter what." "You and me both." He yawned widely setting me off as well. "We'd best get back to bed." "Sounds like a plan." We hadn’t been too long and not surprisingly the palace was still quiet, he led me back to the room and we shared a last hug and smile before parting ways. I eased my way back into the room trying not to wake up Twi, right where I left her, sort of... Sprawled out now like she'd searched every corner of the bed in her sleep. I slid in behind pulling her close breathing her in. "I don't know what the future holds but I'll be by your side every step if you'll have me." I whispered kissing her neck settling down to sleep. Forever and a day...