//------------------------------// // Freedom and Change // Story: Knights of the Everfree // by Lightning Shaker //------------------------------// Knights of the Everfree Chapter Seven: It was a warm day; still early enough in the year that the chill of fall hadn’t set in; it would be harvest time soon. Lightning was in his room at Ponyville medical, his injuries had been healing up rather well; his coat was growing back in, and his wings were mostly capable. He gave them a flap as he watched out the window. The muscles felt stiff from not being used. The base of his wings felt numb, but the doctors had said his axillaries might be damaged. He was warned that the nerve damage might be permanent. Lightning’s hoof, the last of his injuries was healed, the split having been repaired. No more casts, no more inability to move. Today Lightning Shaker could finally go home. Dream Dasher had been by earlier, but had gotten tired of Lightning being mopey when he knew he should be happy. He had gone off to 'bug Little Gear'. Deciding he had had enough of sitting in his room for the day moping, Lightning Shaker decided to join his two friends. It was still awkward for him to walk. It had been hard to walk with a split hoof so he was used to avoiding using his right foreleg, but now that it was better and he could use it, he found he still avoided using the leg; just another thing that was going to take getting used to. As he walked down the corridor towards Little Gear’s room, with its sterile atmosphere, too-bright lights, and other patients going about their day trapped in the hospital just as he had been. Lightning was thinking about all the things he had learned. Dash had found the ruins; there was cool stuff in them. He thought back to how he was injured, it had been bad, but he would do it again. Being laid up for this long had been hard for the colt, but it had given him time to think about some things. Lightning’s thoughts were interrupted when he realized he had arrived at Little Gear’s room. He opened the door, or would have but the door was locked. “Oh no, somepony is at the door, what should we do?” Muffled voices were coming from the other side of the door sounding a bit panicked. ‘That’s odd.’ He thought as he knocked on the door, his curiosity piqued. There was a scrambling and some angry whispering coming from the other side as Lightning listened confused. When the door opened Dream Dasher stood there looking disheveled and sweaty, behind him Lightning could see Little Gear also looking a bit ragged, both ponies were blushing profusely. “Um, what’s going on you two?” Lightning asked giving them both a confused look. “Nothing!” They both shouted at the same time, causing Lightning to look even more confused. “We were just talking about stuff we shouldn’t let others know about.” Dream Dasher said, closing the door behind Lightning. “Yes, we were merely talking about the artifact; I have come to the conclusion that I may be able to use it as a magical power source.” Little Gear looked from side to side. Even if she wasn’t, Lightning would know if she was lying, she was less mindful of her speech around him now, and would even use contractions; unless she was telling a lie. Lightning sighed, he would respect his friends need to hide whatever it was. They would tell him in time. “Alright, well I just wanted to come by and hang out and apologize for being so mopey.” The two earth ponies seemed to sigh with relief Little Gear even came forward and gave Lightning a hug with her one good hoof. “No it’s fine; I’m going to miss having you around to keep me company.” She said ruefully. Lightning Shaker grinned at her. “You think I’m not going to come visit you? We’re family remember?” Little Gear smiled, hugging him tighter. Just then there was a knock at the door. Nurse Redheart poked her head in, smiling with that look she sometimes got when she was panicking a bit. “Oh hello you three, I just thought I would let you all know, we are going to be visited by someone important momentarily.” With that she walked off to inform more patients, leaving the three ponies to look confused. Lightning Shaker shrugged and looked at the other two the obvious question of 'are you going to follow' written on his face. The three of them made their way to the main room of the hospital where a large crowd of patients had already gathered, Lightning looked but he couldn’t see anypony he hadn’t already seen around the hospital while he was here. Everypony was sitting around; there were some murmurs among the crowd as apparently nopony else knew what was going on. Lightning was about to ask nurse Redheart, as she had just come into the room with some patients, when a warm glow filled the room. Everypony gasped as they looked upon the Princess of the Sun herself. Princess Celestia stood in the doorway, her regalia shining, her alabaster coat glowing with the light of the sun, and her mane and tail flowing from the effects of the solar winds. Lighting blushed deeply, speechless at the sight of her, the Princess of the Sun and the ruler of all of Equestria. He had been dreaming of meeting her in person for as long as he could remember, had practiced many times his speech declaring his intent to be a knight in her service, but now that she was here, he could not form words as he stared open mouthed at the Princess. He felt a hoof push his chin up as a small chuckle came from Dream Dasher. “Way to show that proper knightly behavior there Lightning.” To his credit, as an example of all the willpower he had, Lightning Shaker tried – tried really hard – to compose himself, and even to respond to Dream Dasher. All that emerged from the pegasus colt was some random sputtering and a hasty kneel with the rest of the ponies in the room. And then she spoke, the sound of her voice felt like the warm breeze on a summer day. “Hello my little ponies, it is good to see you all.” Dream Dasher was clearly becoming annoyed with Lightning and his reverence for the Princess as he and the others stood back up. He nudged Little Gear in the side, pointing at Lightning with a shake of his head and a sigh. Little Gear made a small titter of a laugh but said nothing as the Princess went into a speech about how she liked to visit the hospitals and spend some time with her subjects who had taken ill or been injured. The three ponies took a seat in the back of the room and talked amongst themselves while the Princess introduced herself to each pony, taking time to get to know them asking about what ailed them. “I have to say, I did not expect the Princess to be here.” Little Gear said, her shell up in full effect. “She’s just a Princess.” Dream Dasher said, though even he seemed to be sitting up a bit straighter. Lightning looked between them and the Princess. “This is our chance.” He said, shaking and gulping a bit at his next thought. “I’m going to tell her we want to be knights. After all, who knows when we’ll get another chance like this.” They continued to talk as the Princess made her way through the crowd of ponies, she really was taking time to talk to each of them, asking them questions, offering support, and even occasionally using her magic to help the ponies where she could. Eventually Princess Celestia made her way over to the three ponies that had patiently waited their turn. She looked them over her face betraying the briefest of winces at the sight of Little Gear. “And how are you my little ponies?” She asked in her kind regal voice. Dream Dasher once again showing no sign that he understood the concept of manners spoke up first. “I’m just here visiting your majesty.” She smiled and looked at the other two; Little Gear seemed to be fumbling to try to talk but was shrinking into herself so Lightning Shaker spoke up. “I’m actually getting released today Princess, all healed up.” He smiled and puffed out his chest. “Oh, what brought you here, Lightning Shaker isn’t it?” The Princess asked with a smile on her face. Lightning was stunned speechless, the Princess knew his name? Luckily nurse Redheart was there to provide the information. “He and his friend here were in the Everfree forest, I didn’t get all the details but he was hurt pretty bad when he was brought in, we were fairly sure his injuries would prevent him from flying again.” The nurse said, her expression a mix of emotions. The Princess looked down at him, that same regal smile on her face. “The Everfree forest is a dangerous place, I am glad to see you are recovered. Can you fly now?” Her voice was kind, but slightly scolding which Lightning felt he deserved. “Yes Princess Celestia, I can fly now.” He gave a few flaps of his wings to show her. The Princess gave a nod and cheered, even clapping her hooves together. Then she looked to Little Gear. The Princess of the Sun frowned again. She knelt down to look Little Gear in the eyes. “Solid Gear is it? No, it is Little Gear is it not? I am sorry for your injury, if there was anything I could do about it I would but I am afraid this is beyond my ability to repair.” There was genuine sadness in her voice as she spoke to the filly. ‘Wait, Solid Gear?’ Lightning thought to himself. “I... I am all right Princess Celestia; I am working on building a new leg, I have the designs in my room actually.” Little Gear was blushing furiously. Celestia’s expression showed her surprise at this. “I would very much like to see these designs; I am surprised to see such a young filly showing so much ingenuity.” At this point Little Gear’s face was completely crimson as she stammered and sputtered, looking for words. After a few moments she gave up and turned to head to her room for the design sheets. A hoof on her shoulder stopped her as Dream Dasher moved past her. “I’ll get it. You stay here, slowpoke.” Princess Celestia looked back to Lightning Shaker. “What were you doing in the Everfree forest anyway; it is highly dangerous for full grown ponies, let alone a young colt such as yourself.” Lightning Shaker stammered, looking around in a panic. “We uh, we...” He faltered a bit trying to get the words out somehow. “WewanttobeknightsforyouPrincessCelestia!” He finally shouted all at once. Princess Celestia chuckled at the display. “I’m sorry, could you repeat that?” She asked a warm smile and mirth in her eyes. Lightning looked around a bit bashful at his outburst. “We... I mean Dream Dasher and I want to be knights, your knights Princess. We go into the forest to practice at being knights.” She was looking at him with a shocked expression. “I’m afraid we don’t have knights, Lightning Shaker. We have the royal guard, but no knights. Did you honestly put yourself at such risk for something like that? What do your parents think of you behaving like this?” Lightning’s face fell. “Don’t have any parents, Princess. Dream Dasher and I are orphans. We have a guardian, but our only family is each other and Little Gear here.” “You are family even though you are not? And you go to the Everfree to gain skills as a knight you say?” The Princess tapped a hoof to her chin as she thought for a moment. “Let us go somewhere private, I believe I have a proposition you will like, perhaps we can talk in one of your rooms?” Dream Dasher groaned having just got back. She gave the earth pony an apologetic look as she beckoned the other two to lead the way. Once they were all gathered in Little Gear’s room – cramped as it was with four ponies, one of them twice as large as an adult pony – Princess Celestia was quietly looking over Little Gears designs while the other three ponies sat quiet, nervously watching her. The room was for once absent of another resident, the frequent exchange of patients for Little Gear to have to get to know was something she both enjoyed and hated. Some ponies were fun to talk to and made sharing the room enjoyable, others not so much. ‘Though the privacy I’ve had recently has been useful for my time spent with Dream Dasher.’ That thought made her blush clear up to her ears even before it was finished and she quickly squelched it down. ‘We’ll visit that thought again about two weeks from never I think.’ She frowned, looking over at the earth pony who was giving her an odd look. “These designs are remarkable, and you say you did them yourself?” The Princess asked Little Gear, looking genuinely surprised at the intricate designs with the careful detail and exact placement of each gear. “Y-yes your majesty, I have been working on those plans for a while now. My parents back in Manehattan run a mechanical repair shop. I learned a lot about gears and other such things there, and I applied that knowledge to the design for my new leg.” Little Gear’s voice was quiet, and she was clearly nervous, but she spoke clearly for the Princess. Princess Celestia seemed to be thinking on this for a bit longer before she finally replied. “What do you need to get this put together my little pony?” Little Gear thought about it for a moment before responding with a checklist in her head. “Time, the details will take a bit of work to make sure everything is in place, parts as well. I had thought of using parts from my parents shop, but at this point the amount of parts required would end up costing the shop too much money, especially since I will have to make new versions as I grow older.” The Princess looked back at the plans, frowning. “What about a power source for the motors? You make mention of needing one, what did you have in mind?” She asked, a peculiar gleam in her eye. Little Gear was caught off guard; she had purposefully not mentioned the power source because she had something in mind but didn’t want to bring that up to the Princess. “I umm, had not really figured that part out yet your majesty. I was thinking something magical, since otherwise I would likely need to strap a huge engine on my back to make the leg work properly.” Little Gear fibbed. Celestia smiled warmly. “Perhaps while we are alone like this something a bit less formal than “your majesty” would be appropriate, this conversation will last for some time if we have to keep using it don’t you think? I believe Princess will do for now.” The Princess looked between the three ponies again making a decision. “I will have some parts brought to you so you may work on your leg, after all if this proves to be a viable construct for replacement limbs many ponies would benefit from it.” She glanced at Dream Dasher and Lightning Shaker. “You two have been patient while this has been going on, I believe I may have a task for you two, the bond you seem to form with your fellow ponies intrigues me after all. Canterlot and Equestria as a whole does not have a standing army really, merely soldiers in my Royal Guard. However, I believe I can allow for a special division of my Royal Guard, to watch over the Everfree forest. Though I will say I expect you to do some growing up first. Perhaps if you can show me proof that you are ready, and qualified to be professional soldiers then I can see to it that those members of the Royal Guard are you.” Lightning Shaker couldn’t hold back his enthusiasm. The Princess, Princess Celestia had just offered him the chance of a lifetime. Lightning’s wings gave some unconscious flaps as he considered this. He looked to Dream Dasher, who had been watching him. Dream Dasher gave a sigh and a shake of his head, his brother's over enthusiastic response was obvious. Reaching over to grab his saddle bags, Dream Dasher pulled out the orb to show the Princess. The room was flooded with the orange and blue light of the orb as it was released from its hiding place. The Princess eyed it with a frown. “Where did you find this?” She asked. “The ruins in the Everfree forest we were going to when we were attacked and Lightning was hurt. I went back and found this as well as some other things there. It looked like something really bad happened in those ruins. There were bodies of ponies all over.” Dream Dasher answered, pushing the orb forward a bit. Princess Celestia was still frowning at the orb. “This is a relic from a long time ago; the place you found it in was forgotten. I am not sure I am comfortable leaving this in your hooves as it is.” She focused some magic into her horn the soft golden glow connecting with the orb making a dull thud as it hit. The room glowed with golden light so bright that the three ponies had to hide their eyes from it. As the glow faded, Lightning gasped, looking at the orb — or rather orbs — as there were now five of them, all smaller than the original but still glowing brightly with their light. “You can use these, I have limited their potential though they are still magical, and I expect you to take great care in using these. I believe I have come to a decision for you.” The Princess sighed before she continued, obviously not happy with her choice. “I am going to send one of my Royal Guard to watch over you three. He will train you, however you must continue with your normal lives as well. You are all young and must still go to school and participate in your home lives. I will be expecting reports not only from the Guardsman I send but from you as well.” Little Gear spoke up. “Princess, I am from Manehattan. I am not sure I can stay here in Ponyville once I get my prosthetic finished.” “That will be up to you and your parents, Little Gear. If you would like I can make some arrangements for you.” The Princess said evenly. She stood up and addressed all of them. “You are three very brave ponies, I am quite proud of you. Just remember be more careful, it is hard for me to see my subjects hurt so.” Dream Dasher stowed the orbs back in his saddle bags now that the topic was closed and moved a bit closer to Little Gear. There was a knock at the door, nurse Redheart and Melody Spring were there, and they bowed before the Princess. "Your majesty, it is an honor to see you in person. Are my little ones causing some sort of trouble?” Melody Spring asked, her voice shaky as she kept her head to the floor. Celestia smiled down at the mare. “Please rise, and no not at all. In fact, I am quite impressed with your colts; you have raised some brave ponies. I have decided to give them a task; however I have instructed them to mind their schoolwork and home life as well.” Melody Spring stood looking surprised at the Princess. “Thank you Princess Celestia, but are you sure this is the best thing for them?” The Princess nodded sagely as she began to exit the room. “I do, and I will be sending someone to help train these three so they will be ready for the task I have in mind. As well as another bit of assistance I think, something to both help you, and make sure I can keep in touch with them. Yes, I believe that will be perfect.” They watched as the Princess left, chuckling to herself. A few days later, Lightning Shaker and Dream Dasher were doing chores around the house; it wasn’t a school day so they figured they should be helping their mom with house chores. Melody Spring herself was outside tending the garden, a fresh crop of carrots and daisies were almost ready for harvest. “Hello Miss Spring, I have the mail for you.” The mail-mare announced cheerfully. “I also have a letter for little Lightning Shaker and Dream Dasher.” That got their attention and both of the colts came running out of the house. The mail-mare smiled and waved at them as they came out of the house and handed them the letter, it was a sealed letter from the Princess. “Thanks a lot Derpy.” Lightning said as he scanned the letter. “No problem, see you three later.” Derpy Hooves said as she flew off to the next house on her route. “Her eyes really creep me out.” Dream Dasher said as he tried to read over Lightning’s shoulder. Lightning Shaker snorted. “Don’t make fun of her, it’s a medical condition.” “But she’s always crashing into stuff; some ponies say she’s not right in the head.” Dream Dasher said with his usual lack of tact. Lightning gave him a bit of a shove, shaking his head. “Yeah, you cross your eyes and see how well you can get around, Dash.” To his utter amusement, Dream Dasher crossed his eyes and started walking – or rather wobbling – around, bumping into Melody Spring as he did so. “Ok, maybe it is kind of hard...” He said looking up at their guardian. Dream Dasher saw she had tears in her eyes. “Mom, what’s wrong?” Lightning looked up from his letter seeing she was crying also moved over to her, giving her a quick nuzzle as he looked at the letter. “It’s from the hospital. That’s so much money.” She shook a little, looking at the amount of bits the hospital was charging. Lightning stared at the letter, seeing the number too. He handed his letter to Dream Dasher. “If the pony mentioned in the letter shows up tell them I’m busy but I will be back.” He said as he took off into the sky in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres.