Three Years Gone

by DeletePlease

Chapter IX: An Invisible Thread

Three Months Later

Canterlot Castle

It seemed impossible that everything had been rebuilt so quickly. When the word came that the horror was over the rebuilding began almost immediately. No one looked for the Princesses because they knew that they were alive. Somehow, they had come through fire into a brave new world. Almost all of them had. Of the ponies present, there was one casualty. He had been an interesting stallion that had studied the arts of pony psychology. If it hadn’t been for him the land would be gone.

Only Octavia remembered what had happened. It had been her choice, and she had chosen well. It would never be explained though, how any of them had survived. It didn’t need to be. After three months, none of them had forgotten a single detail of what had happened with the nine. Today, though, a choice was made that they thought would change that.

Octavia, Vinyl, and Raincloud sat with Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. A moment of silence passed just like all of the other silent moments had. It was Luna who spoke first. “It’s best that we forget what has happened.”

Vinyl’s eyes shot wide open. “What do you mean ‘forget’? How can we possibly forget?”

“Luna and I and going to let everyone forget today,” Celestia said. “It’s generally an illegal spell, but we are going to make everypony in Equestria forget that any of this business with the nine ever happened.”

“Almost everypony,” Luna cut in. She looked at the three in front of her. “We tried to make you three forget last night. We poured all of our energy into it but we couldn’t erase a single memory.”

Octavia held tightly onto Vinyl. “Why do we need to be here then?”

“We need to know you can keep the secret,” Celestia said. “What happened, all of the ponies who died, no one should have to remember this. We’re sorry we can’t make you forget.”

Octavia laughed softly. “I don’t think I’d have it any other way. I’ve had enough memories wiped for a lifetime.”

The princesses nodded and smiled. Their horns flared and visible energy shot out through Equestria, wiping the minds of every memory of what had happened. Three months were erased from history.

* * *

"It has been said that time heals all wounds. I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens, but it is never gone."
-Rose Kennedy


Author’s Notes for Three Years Gone

Why are we here? I ask myself this more than any human should. I’ve thought about it and thought about it but there’s no sensible answer.

I wrote Three Years Gone with no meaning in mind, but it developed meaning. It actually means something to me now. I’m not done, not by a long shot. I have many more stories to tell. This one, however, comes to a close.

The story of Vinyl and Octavia has been told far too much but that won’t stop me from putting in my two bits.

I want to thank everyone who liked the story, favorite the story, or who even gave it a chance. I’m far from deserving anyone being a fan of my work, but the idea that even one person liked this story is exciting to me. If you enjoyed this story then please click the “Watch” button next to my name so that you can read my other stories.

I hope I did this story justice.

Until Next Time,
<3 Shae

Now I leave you with the end of “Three Years Gone”

P.S. Make sure to check out the sequel story, Brave New World.
Vinyl and Octavia walked together along the Canterlot streets. They were one of very few who knew these streets were freshly completed. Vinyl spun around to face Octavia from the front. “So, Miss Philharmonica,” She began in the most regal sounding voice she could muster. “We’ve inherited the vast fortune of a psychologist and we’ve been working so hard lately. I think it’s about time we go on vacation.”

I’d love to, Miss Scratch,” Octavia responded. “But I have concerts I must perform at. It’s been a while since I’ve put on a show and I want to very badly.”

“Alright,” Vinyl rolled her eyes. “How about we go in three months to anywhere you want.”

Octavia nodded. “It sounds like a plan.” Vinyl hugged her tightly. “Oh come on, Vinyl. I think we have some things much more interesting we can do at home.”

* * *

Raincloud watched the two from high above in the clouds. A tear came to her eye but she wiped it away quickly and regained her composure. “One day, Vinyl,” she said to herself. “One day soon you’ll be all mine.” She turned and flew off to what used to be Erik's home to begin her new life.

* * *

The cool night air made her shiver as she flew through the sky. It seemed like forever since she had flown. It had been a while for a pegasus, though. The only time she had ever flown was when she was a little filly. A few months after she was born a terrible accident happened and her parents were told she would never fly again. The night air wasn’t nearly as bad as the damp streets had been. She would always wonder how a filly less than a year old had survived on her own in a place like Manehattan.

It wasn’t like she was used to having feeling in her wings. One moment she was no different from an earth pony and then suddenly she could feel again. She was still only a child, and now that she had been tempted she wanted more. There would have been no way for her to know that seeing what the blinking light below her was would be the worst mistake she could make.

With this, it begins.