School of Horrors

by Bookpony579

Chapter 2

It was the perfect day for Nightmare Night.

Cool enough for autumn but still warm enough that you didn't have to cover your costume with a huge coat.

Naturally, for most of the day people just relaxed, prepared for the celebrations that night or doing the traditional ceremonies in honor of the Gods. Priests and priestesses got their shrines ready for their annual Samhain ritual to honor the gods and the wild animals were preparing to pack it in for the winter.

At CHS, things were well underway for the celebration for the annual Nightmare Night party. Snacks were starting to be delivered, the gym was fully decorated and the rest of the school was quickly being transformed into a house of horrors with the usual dark hallways, jump scares and fake 'monsters' and whatnot.

But this year Rainbow wanted it to be extra terrifying....

"Come on! There has to be something new and scary we can do!" Rainbow said as she, Pinkie and Rarity tried to come up with new attractions. "Last year was a hit! We've got to top it this year! If at least one kid doesn't faint or wet their pants tonight, it'll be a snoozefest!"

"Honestly Rainbow, we've come up with everything we could think of and you turned them all down!" Rarity said in annoyance.

"Rarity, nobody's going to be terrified of a room filled with last seasons outfits!" She turned to Pinkie. "Or a clownfish piñata!"

Pinkie shuddered. "But clownfish are so....un-clowny! Why do they even call them clownfish when their not even funny like clowns!?" she cried out.

Rainbow just rolled her eyes. "There has to be something we could do!" She thought for a moment before grinning. "I've got it. How about we make this night a little more....magical?"

Rarity and Pinkie were confused by this. "Huh?"

Rainbow headed to the door. "Just follow me."

"Rainbow what are you doing?" Rarity asked as they entered the Lair.

"Just picking something up." Rainbow looked through the bookshelves until she picked out one in particular. "This is it!"

Pinkie and Rarity saw that Rainbow had picked a large, old spellbook with a slightly tattered cover covered in swirls and braids. It was titled : Leabhar draíochta.

"There has to be something in here that can help us!" With that, Rainbow began skimming through the pages.

"Rainbow, you know Celestia and Luna don't like us trying new spells on our own. Especially ones from the older books like that!" Rarity scolded.

"Yeah! They said these spells could be even more unpredictable than me!" Pinkie said.

But Rainbow wasn't listening as she skimmed though the book. "Come on....there's gotta be something in here that make this place at least twenty percent scarier....",before landing on a particular page. "Now this looks like something!" She pointed to the spell and read: "'Taigh-uaisle: this spell will give your place a real horrifying feel!' This is perfect! Don't you see!?" She looked at her friends. "If we use this, it'll give the school a real spooky kick to it tonight!"

Rarity and Pinkie were skeptical about this. "Rainbow, do you know what exactly this spell does?" Rarity asked.

Rainbow just shrugged. "I don't know, the rest is in Gaelic and I only learned to read a little bit so far. But the first line says all I need to know! What do you say?"

The two girls thought this over for a minute.

" certainly sounds like a super-fun party spell!" Pinkie decided.

"Are you really sure about this? I know Gaelic better than you do, maybe I should..."

"Oh come on! Cut me some slack! It's not like I've ever steered you guys wrong before!"

Pinkie and Rarity just stared at her.

"Uh...Not within the last year?"

The duo just continued to stare.

".....Within the last month?"

More staring.

"...Alright I get it!"

"Look darling," Rarity began. "I know you want this year to be a blast, but maybe let's put the spell off for a while. Maybe you can use it if it starts to get boring, alright? Just in case we do need the extra 'oomph'?"

Rainbow sighed. "Alright. And if anything goes wrong we'll tell Celestia and Luna and I'l take the blame." She quickly geared herself up again. " Now, who wants to make this the scariest night ever!?"

After a moment, both Rarity and Pinkie agreed.


With that, they prepared the school for later that night, unaware of what would happen once they used that spell.

Back in the study, Spike grins.

"So it appears our girls decide to take a trip into the unknown, but the question is: will they come out alive!? Now let us move on to later that evening..."


"I'm busy Twilight!"

"Dinner's ready!"

Spike's eyes widened at the thought of food. "Coming! Ok, I'm gonna take a little break now. Just sit tight and I'll back to tell you more of how that party became one of the scariest nights ever seen!"


"Coming!" With that, he jumped down from his chair and he rushed out of the room and to his dinner.