The Bill-inning

by EmperorDalek

Chapter 39

Beginning of the End

As a red cloud stretches out across the landscape, it shoots crimson bolts of lightning onto the suface that strikes trees, rocks and water.

The trees turn purple and their branches turns into tentacles, that immediatly grabs the nearest ponies and lifts them off the ground.

Rocks turns into large slitted eyes, that startles the nearest ponies they look upon.

And water becomes concious. Taking on a humanoid form as they begin to move about (However, this is only limited to lakes, not the ocean).

The humanoid water grabs several of the eye-rocks and plops them inside their bodies.

With their new eyes the humanoid water blinks and looks around the landscape, before they wander off.

A cone-shaped mountain starts shaking until it soon thrusts several large out of the ground and stands up.

Two holes open, out from which smoke raises into the sky.

A hole that resembles a maw opens up, and a fiery light becomes visible inside the mountain.

The mountain soon steps forward. Slowly moving forward across the landscape...

Soon, the skies and ground begins to shake.

Underneath the rift, the ground begins to tear open at the rift emanating a deep rumbling.

From the Castle of the Two Sisters, Bill Cipher grins at making out several silhouettes inside the rift.

Both small and large silhouettes...

"And here...we go!"

Bill gently extends his arm, and suddenly pumps his fist!


Over in the nearby Ponyville, ponies have begun to notice the strange occurences.

The dark clouds, the lack of any sun...and now the massive X-shaped rift in the sky!


A random pony remarks confused at the sight before them.

"What is that?"

Another pony asks at pointing their hoof towards the X-shaped rift.

"I've got no idea," another replies.

The crowd is so occupied by the events transpiring above the Everfree Forest...that they don't notice as a shadow envelops them!

A mare, though, notices the shadow and looks behind her...

However, her intrigued expression contorts into a look of fear at seeing a being tower over her!

"Hey! Everypony, look out!"

The mare shouts, attracting everyone's attention...

But as they turns towards the mare their shocked expressions turn into looks of terror at seeing the large behemoth behind them!

Silently looking down at them.

"Whoa! What is that?!"

A pony exclaims, as both he and the others backs away from the behemoth, afraid.

The three-legged behemoth looks down at the ponies.

Its square-shaped head displays constant static on it's screen.

Yet, the behemoths turns its square-shaped heads and looks down at the ponies in front of them.

Watching the small Equestrians back away from it...

Only to notice several more like it encircling Ponyville.

"T-these things...they're encircling us!"

A random pony says aloud.

The behemoths's screens then flashes a bright light on the ponies!

The ponies soon recovers from the blinding light, but they all petrify in place at the horrible sights in front of them!

All around them, everyone of the ponies freeze at seeing what can only be described as...the horrors of war!

They watch in stunned shock as pony soldiers fires rifles and weapons back at each other. Killing one after the other in the cross-fire...!

Large tanks rolls across fields and fires at the enemy soldiers. Crushing the lifeless corpses of their enemies in the process...!

And large planes bombards their enemies' cities and armies. Structures collapses and crushes both millitary and civilians!

However, the worst is to come as they're shown lifeless and mutilated corpses. Some missing body parts...or the entire body!

Some of Bill's eye-bats flies towards Ponyville, and zaps the petrified ponies with their eye-beams.

They then lift the ponies, and flies them towards the Everfree Ruins as the T-Walkers turned and began walking away from Ponyville towards their next target...!

Meanwhile in a nearby city on a mountainside, a seemingly concious tornado moves through the city.

The force of the wind is so strong it pulls buildings apart.

Randomly scattering the destroyed debris across the city.

Some of the debris slams into another buildings, or they're thrown off the mountainside.

Inside the tornado, an eye opens and looks down on the death and destruction its causing.

Sensing the death around it, the entity shoots out several black-slimed tendrils to grab onto the bodies. Pulling them inside the tornado.

Body after body after body is pulled inside the tornado, which only causes it to grow larger and intensify its wind force!

While the ponies flees in panic, a humanoid form comprised of black slime with a dark-green eye (with a black pupil) crowned by a golden mask whose front is open. Exposing the eye.


The entity murmurs to itself as it observes it's ever-growing collection.

Be it books or bodies!

The ponies that can flee, don't hesitate to flee their doomed city.

Running away in fear...but those cannot, are just another body added to Azetlor's collection!

Meanwhile in Manehattan, ponies fleed from the black and red robed, blue-skinned humanoid hovering in the air.

"I will pave over your fields to start anew! I will fill your seas with concrete and stone! I will pierce your world with girders of steel and panes of glass, -!"

The robed humanoid says in a deep voice that echoes all over the city.

Screaming ponies runs away from him in shock and horror as the robed figure glides through the air.

The humanoid soon extends an arm and points its slightly clenched hand towards one of the surrounding buildings.

He clenches his hand, and swiftly thrusts his arm upwards...!

The ground begins to shake, before the old Manehattan building crumbles as a new structure shoots up out of the ground!

This new building is comprised of a dull material, and appears in a gothic style...

However doors appears as large faces with their open maws being the doorway, and their eyes glows green.

"I will crush your world under the weight of my cities! I will smother your creation under my own!"

He continues at extending his other arm towards another building, and clenches his hand.

Another Manehattan building collapses as another goth structure explodes out the ground.

"I am the Destructor! I am the Architect!"

From afar one can witness green flashes throughout the city, as the city of Manehattan is replaced by a new city comprised of gothic buildings!

The surface underneath what was once Manehattan breaks up as a green, swirling vortex appears.

Despite the loss of ground, the city floats above the vortex.

The surrounding oceans doesn't spill inside the vortex. Instead, it swirls underneath the (now) floating city.

From out of the swirling vortex thousands of ghostly shapes flies into the sky.

Including a large tower, that while gothic has more of a crimson design to it.

This new building towers over every other building in the city.

The Architect plants his feet atop the tall tower, and looks out across his new city.

He puts his arm behind his back and watches as hundreds of ghosts flies across Equestria.

Watching as several massive creatures traverses the nearby landscape. Causing chaos and mayhem wherever they go.


Back at the Castle of the Two Sisters, Bill's eye displays the chaos and mayhem that's occuring all across Equestria.

The Changeling Empress's guards keeps a close watch on the fillies and colts. Ensuring they don't attempt anything.

Empress Pollus stands besides the red device (that's projecting the X-shaped rift) and looks out across the land as Bill Cipher's minions and strange creatures moves across Equestria.

She turns and looks at the red projector. Intrigued by how such a seemingly small device can unleash all this chaos and mayhem.

Her face tightens at giving an impressed nod, before she turns around and trotts back inside the throne room.

Velevet, meanwhile, silently stares towards the projector.

A stern expression on her face as she narrows her brows.

I don't know how, but this ''Bill Cipher'' is somehow using that thing to open a portal that are allowing these creatures to run havoc across Equestria. We've got to destroy it if we're to have any chance of stopping him, she thinks to herself.

We just need an oppertune moment to strike.

Pollus turns away from the projector and trotts back inside the throne room.

She approaches the motionless Bill, and looks into his eye.

Inside his eye, she sees the horrors and insanity that has been unleashed upon Equestria.


Bill's arm hangs down in front of him, and he blinks his eye. Returning to its normal self as he turns around to face her.

"Yes, your Majesty?" he asks.

"The Equestrian foals and fillies, what are we to do with them?" she asks.

Bill blinks his eye at looking towards Velvet and her friends.


He ponders at rubbing his chin.

Bill soon puts his arms behind his back, and turns back towards Pollus.

"Release them."

"What?!" Pollus exclaims.

"B-but they are Equestrians!"

Pollus says, pointing her hoof towards Velvet and her friends.

"They are of no consequence to our plans," Bill replies.

"Let them return to enjoy their old world's final days. I've got big plans for this place, -"

Bill narrows his eye and smirks, as he rubs his hands. "Big plans!"

Oh that doesn't sound good!

Velvet thinks to herself.

"For now, though, -" Bill says at turning and looks out the balcony, "what do you say we give this place a make-over?"

A devious smile spreads across Pollus's face, and she nods back at him.

"Most certainly!"

Without uttering another sound, Bill raises his arms into the air,

The walls and ceiling cracks, and their broken fragments floats into the air!

Velvet gasps at watching the broken wall and ceiling fragments float away.

Bill then extends his arms out in front of him, and gently raises them into the air.

The ground shakes and rumbles as a terrible quake rocks the landscape...before the ground rips open and large and black structure grows out of the ground!

Taller and larger the structure continues to grow and develop as the black substance takes shape!

Tall and vertical shapes are formed into hundreds of tall towers.

Long and broad masses defined themselves as battlements, and/or other parts castle.

From out of the castle, a central tower shoots upwards into the sky...

However, unlike the other towers this one's top was completly flat...and yet, it has a pointed top.

Hovering in the air above the flat tower is a black pyramid.

Even the hovering pyramid top is disconnected from the pyramid and hovers above it.

Each of the pyramid's corners has curved spires that points in towards the center. On the pyramid's hovering top are four more curved spires that point in towards the center.

The black substance solidifies, and changes from black into bricks with red roofs.

"Ahhh! Home sweet home."

Bill exhales content at finishing the construction of his new castle.

He turns and looks towards the open field next to his mountainous castle.

He lightly turns his eye towards Pollus and says, "And now, you and your Changelings will live in the good lands. Free to consume as much love as you see fit, your Majesty!"

Bill proudly proclaims, before he snaps his finger.

The ground shakes for a bit until a large Changeling hive grows out of the ground!

The hive, while larger than the Castle of the Two Sisters doesn't even compare to Bill's castle, or even his central tower.

Pollus' gritts her teeth as a crazed smile appears on her face. The two Changeling drones and the Equestrians can only stare in shocked awe.

Unable to believe what they've witnessed.

First Bill's castle...and now a new Changeling hive, that even outmatches the Princess's castle!

Bill droops his arms and turns towards Pollus.

"Shall we, your Majesty?"

Pollus closes her mouth and smirks in an evil manner.

"Aku should soon be back with the Princess, so we'd best be ready to greet him."

Velvet's brows jumps at the mention of the Princess.

No! Not the Princess!

Shock turns rage, and the little filly gritts her teeth.

Her head snaps towards the projector, and she glares at the crimson contraption.

Sternly narrowing her brows.

I've got to act fast! If they take the device to the castle we'll never have a chance of destroying it!

Velvet's horn glows, and she magically teleports over towards the projector.


Nightlight and their friends calls out to her, which attracts Bill and the Changeling's attention.

Bill and the Changelings swiftly turn around to see Velvet next to the projector.

Velvet stands up on her hind legs, and points her glowing horn towards the projector. Charging a spell to destroy it!

Bill's eye widens in frantic panic.

"I'm ending your apocalypse, Cipher! Bid your plans for world domination-...goodbye?!"

Velvet calls out towards Bill and the Changelings, until a red and scaled tendril suddenly coils itself around her!

It squeezes Velvet tight enough to make her lose control of her charging blast, but as she fires it, the tendril angles her out away from the projector.

The tendril continues to squeeze Velvet until she shoots her charged into the distance, where it vanishes from sight.

"Phew! That was a close one, wasn't it boss?"

Everyone's attention soon snaps towards a strange creature that pulls itself up onto the balcony.

Nightlight and the other fillies and colts gasps at seeing a creature with a humanoid body, and a long snake's tail from the waist-down that falls onto the balcony as the creature sits atop it.

The humanoid snake looks to be scantilly clad (but then again, its not like the ponies wear clothes at all) with only some sort of black fabric on her arms that stops at her shoulders, and strange cups that holds those large dome-shaped things on her chest, and some sort of fabric that covers just underneath where her long snake tail meets her humanoid body. Her whole attire is black with yellow outlines.

Her ears are long and pointed, and her long red hair reaches down behind her back. Parts of the scales could be seen on her face, and on both sides of her head she has two yellow hairclips.

Is it just me, or does the hairclips resemble eyes? Seriously, the hair already resembles fangs.

One of the fillies/colts thinks to themself.

Bill sighs relieved and looks towards the humanoid snake.

"Oh thank you, Miia."

Bill says at wipping some sweat of his forehead.

"Ohh Bill it was nothing, -" Miia touches her cheek as she blushes, "...I was just stopping this one from destroying the projector."

Miia holds up her tail, and Bill's and everyone else's attention shifts onto Velvet.

"Equestrian!" Pollus hisses.

Bill narrows his eye towards the filly.

"Good girl, Miia."

A voice speaks behind Miia...but when everyone looks to see who it is, their jaws drops at seeing another Bill Cipher fly towards Miia.

The Bill duplicate extends his hand and gently pats Miia's head.

Miia just closes her eyes and smiles happily.

Enjoying as Bill pats her head.


Bill chuckles at floating over towards Velvet.

Extending his hand, he touches her cheek.


Bill says in a soft tone, before Velvet pulls her head away from him.

"Its Velvet...Bill Cipher!"

Velvet growls back.

Bill's brow jumps, but his eye soon narrows.

"This one, she knows me...or at the very least she's smart enough to know i'm the boss in charge of this little operation," he says.

Velvet's scowl intensifies, and she huffs back at the demon.

"Don't underestimate me, Cipher. I may be a filly, but we Equestrians-"

"...are known for your stuborness. Yes, that you certainly are," he interrupts her.

Pollus's Changelings laughs in response, and Pollus, herself, just smirks towards Velvet.

Bill extends his arm and opens his hand, to which Miia loosens her tail's grip around Velvet.

However Velvet doesn't fall down.

Instead she hovers in the air in front of Bill.

Bill smirks and swings his arm down. Throwing Velvet onto the floor.

Nightlight and the rest of their friends gasps.

But only Nightlight dares to urgently make his way over towards Velvet.

The rest of their friends are too petrified with fear to move.

Nightlight is quick to help Velvet back up onto her hooves.

Bill, though, just turns his back on them and puts his arms behind his back.

"Come on girls. Its time to go."

He says at pointing his thumb behind him.

"Agreed," Pollus says.


"Miia, what say you?"

Bill asks again after not hearing back from the lamia.


He asks again (again) at turning around to face her, only for his brow to jump at seeing Miia.

Pollus, Velvet and everyone looks towards Miia, but all of them cannot escape having the same reaction as Bill...

"Whose a good girl? Whose a good girl?!"

"I am! I'm a good girl!"

Miia giggles at the Bill duplicate scratching her stomach.

Sitting with her back to the balcony railing, Miia holds her arms like a cat.


Both the Bill duplicate and Miia stops what they were doing, and silently looks back towards Bill.

"Oh yeah."

The Bill duplicate replies at realizing he got a little carried away, and turns back towards Miia.

"Sorry my love, but our journey ends here," the Bill duplicate says.

"Oh boy."

Bill rolls his eye at his duplicate's dramatic exit.

Miia frowns sad at his departure, and extends her hand out towards him but the Bill duplicate vanishes with a *POOF*
as Bill snaps his finger.

Miia exhales heavily and hangs her head. Saddened by her loss.

"Come on, Miia. We're heading to the castle."


Miia immediatly perks up. Smiling at replying in such a happy tone.

She slithers over towards Bill.

Pollus joins her, and trotts towards Bill. Accompanied by her Changelings.

"Alright, then let us go ladies."

Bill says at turning his back to Velvet and the others.

Velvet stares slack-jawed after the demon, as he and the Changelings and lamia slithers/trotts away. Feeling ignored.

"Hey, you're not going anywhere!" she exclaims at stomping her hoof on the ground. "We're not done here!"

"Oh, we most certainly are..." Bill replies.

The bricks (below his eye) seperates, and the top portion of his body floats and turns around. Setting back down on his body.

"Look around you...! Discord is consuming your world, and there is nothing you can do to stop it."

Bill says at extending his hand and points outside.

Velvet and her friends turn their heads and look out.

"Your hero is gone and your hopes of saving your world are gone."

Velvet slowly opens her mouth, and stares slack-jawed at the insanity and mayhem flooding Equestria.

Bill narrows his eye, and turns back around to face Pollus and Miia.

He snaps his finger, which draws Velvet's attention back towards him...

However, before Velvet can do anything golden flames envelops Bill, Pollus and Miia.

A golden bolt of lightning shoots out towards the projector, before the golden fire flashes a bright light at Velvet and the others.

The ceiling, above, cracksAn amorphous ball of golden light shoots upwards, and crashes through the ceiling.

The golden form arches as it shoots up towards the top of the Bill's castle's tallest tower.

When the golden light fades, Velvet looks back towards Bill...but the triangular demon and his followers are now gone. Along with the projector!

Above the castle, the rift thrums and continues to unleash horrid and mishapen creatures upon Equestria!