//------------------------------// // Secret of the Pies // Story: Sisters Reunited // by SuperPinkBrony12 //------------------------------// The road trip back to Ponyville from Goldie Delicious' cottage was much less of a hassle (though by no means less of an adventure) compared to the trip to the cottage. And while all involved had walked away without knowing the answer to their question, they didn't let it bother them. Still, Applejack noticed that once the chorus of "Apples to the Core" started getting old and the singing ceased, Pinkie Pie was almost uncharacteristically silent. It usually took a lot for the pink party pony to ever shut up, so the fact that she was doing so now suggested that something might be bothering her. And Applejack... well she was usually not one to pry in a friend's private matters, but Pinkie wasn't just a friend, she was family (or at least, she might be). So the farm pony nudged her fellow earth pony with a hoof. "Hey, sugarcube? You holdin' up okay?" Pinkie flashed a bright smile back at Applejack. At least that hadn't left her. "Yes indeedy, I'm super duper fine, Applejack. Fit as a fiddle, which is weird since I don't really feel like a fiddle," A giggle forced its way out of the pink pony's mouth. "Sorry, still getting used to your countryisms and stuff." "Pinkie, you know you don't have to talk like my family to be part of my family, right?" Applejack asked with concern. "If this is about the dead end we hit with the Apple Family records, I already told ya you'll always be an Apple in here." She motioned a hoof down to her heart. "Of course, Applejack. I was there, I heard you," Pinkie replied with a smile. But then she turned and a faint sigh escaped her lips. "It's just... I thought I knew everything there was to know about my family. But from what I read of that genealogy scroll Twilight let me borrow, it seems like there's an entire family history I don't know about it. There could be a whole bunch of ponies I'm related to, and I wouldn't even know it. It's driving me all loco in the coco!" Applejack put a hoof to Pinkie's shoulder, lightly rubbing it to calm her down. "I know how that might feel, sugarcube. I was just as surprised as you to find out the Apples and the Pies might be related. But considerin' the possible link, I can see why nopony really remembered it. Hay, I remember when I first learned the Oranges were my cousins, even though they lived all the way over in Manehattan. I was as shocked as could be!" "That's how I feel right now," Pinkie remarked, her tone of voice sounding overall more confused than truly upset. "Genealogy is so incredibly amazing, but it's also full of stuff I had no idea existed before. It really makes me wanna really look into my family tree. For all I know, there might be other families the Pies are related to. And that means I'd have a whole ton more parties to plan: Birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, you name it." Applejack just chuckled. Now that was more like the Pinkie Pie she knew. "Well why don't you ask Twilight for the proper scrolls?" The mare suggested, adjusting her stetson a little. "I'm sure she won't mind, as long as you're careful not to damage 'em." Pinkie's eyes lit up like stars light up the night sky. She almost rocketed right out of the wagon right there and then! "Of course, Applejack! That's a brilliant idea! No wonder we're fourth cousins twice removed, we know each other so well!" And without warning, she spun around and embraced her friend and potential cousin in a massive hug! At first the hug wasn't so bad, it actually felt kind of nice. But after a while, Applejack started to feel like she was being squeezed just a little too tight. "Okay, okay, simmer down now, sally. You're squeezin' me like an apple in a cider press." "Oopsie, sorry, Applejack." Pinkie blushed in apology, ending the hug then and there. After that, she said nothing more on the subject of genealogy, but made a mental note to visit Twilight at the nearest available opportunity. That nearest available opportunity turned out to be next morning. Pinkie had volunteered to run the friendship journal back to the Golden Oak Library, now that she and Applejack had finished writing down the lesson they'd learned from their road trip. As she bounced up to the front door and rapped a hoof against it three times, Pinkie hoped that Twilight hadn't already packed up the scrolls for genealogical research and sent them back to... wherever it was she'd gotten them from. The door was answered by Spike, who was most surprised to see Pinkie Pie of all ponies knock. She usually either invited herself in without asking, or somehow appeared from out of nowhere in places she logically shouldn't be able to fit into. It was an odd but welcoming change, one the little dragon was most grateful for. "Hi, Pinkie Pie. Come to return the friendship journal?" He guessed, spotting the familiar binding resting atop her back. "I can take that for you." "Thanks, Spike," Pinkie greeted with her trademark smile. "Where's Twilight?" "Just looking over some genealogy scrolls here on the ground floor," Spike answered his guest's question. "Want me to go get her for you? Is it another one of your 'girl' talks or something?" Pinkie shook her head. "I just wanted to do some more genealogy research. It's so fascinating. Like extra sprinkles on an extra special, super-duper delicious cupcake." At that very moment, who should come trotting up but Twilight Sparkle herself? "You're quite welcome to do as much research as you wish, Pinkie," The young princess said to her guest. "But this time why don't I retrieve the scrolls you want to look at it? Speaking of which, what family tree were you hoping to look more into? I've got records for every family in Ponyville, and even some from beyond Ponyville." "Do you have a scroll on the Pies?" Pinkie asked, hopefully. Twilight nodded. "Of course I do. I had a feeling you might ask for that... wait right here for a second," And it took just that, an exact second. Soon, the alicorn returned, holding up the aforementioned scroll in the violet-reddish glow of her magical aura. "Here it is, Pinkie. Just be careful not to rip it up or get it stained, those records are extremely delicate." Pinkie waved a hoof in response to her friend's concerns. "Oh relax, Twilight. Of course I know to be careful," She carefully unfurled the scroll once it was placed in her hooves, her eyes scanning down the list from the first known Pie family members. All the while, she made occasional comments like: "I see.", or "Yeah, that makes sense.". At last, she made her way down to her parents, Igneous Rock and Cloudy Quartz. "Okay, there's one, two, three, four, five Pie sisters. So that means..." But sudden realization hit the party pony something fierce! "Wait a minute...!" Pinkie frantically re-read that last part. Her eyes must've been deceiving her, no way did her parents have five daughters! She specifically remembered growing up as the third of four sisters. Although, hadn't there been that brief period of time where her mom had been confined to bed for several months? Her dad had mentioned something about Mom being sick, and various doctor ponies had come and gone from the rock farm. But that could mean anything, right? The earth pony with a coat of beautiful pink scanned the scroll again, reading it more slowly this time. But there it was, plain as day. The records officially stated that Cloudy Quartz had given birth to five daughters. And the name of this fifth daughter was instantly recognizable to Pinkie, it was a name she'd heard so many times before. Printed on the scroll, to the right of Marble Pie, was written a single word: "Scootaloo". Pinkie felt the scroll drop from her hooves as she finished reading that word. And already, one nagging question was forming in her mind: Why had she never been told of any of this before?!