Shattered Glass

by Lucky Seven

A Strange New World

Andrew woke in a daze, his eyes still adjusting to the environment. Once he was able to see well enough, he realized he was in what seemed to be a forest, and a rather ominous one at that. He slowly started to get up, but realized he couldn't. His legs seemed... different, he couldn't move his toes, but was able to move his leg freely. He looked down at his legs and noticed something startling. They were a pale yellowish color, and where his feet should be, there were mere stumps. He starting freaking out and flailed his arms around, but then he noticed something. His arms were the same pale yellowish color as his legs, and they also ended in stumps instead of his normal human extremities. In fact, his entire body was the same color, and it seemed like the pale yellow color was actually hair of some kind. He then noticed something out of the corner of his eye, but when he tried to look at it, it followed his every movement. He realized it wasn't a creature, it was a part of him, but he wasn't sure what.

He was extremely puzzled, he turned around to get a better look at his surroundings, but as he did so, he noticed something. He had a mark on the left side of his waist, if it even was a waist, that is. He checked the other side, and sure enough, it was the same marking. It was like a vortex of some kind, almost the same as the one that he had been sucked into, but a mix of different blueish colors instead of black. It had small white dots in and around the vortex, with the vortex itself being a mix of light blue and white, and the very center of the vortex being a dark blue dot. That's when it hit him. Instantly, images of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic crept into his mind, and he realized what the mark was.

He had seen the same kind of mark on Rainbow Dash for the few minutes he watched the show, but hers was a rain cloud, with a rainbow colored lightning bolt coming out of it. His friends had talked about these marks before when discussing the show. They were called "Beauty Marks" or something to that effect, and they were meant to represent your special talent. This is when he was hit with the biggest revelation of all. He had been transported to the Friendship is Magic universe itself, and he... was a pony!

He fainted from the shocking revelations and everything went black again...

When he woke up, he saw three blurry figures. One was orange, with a purple-like mane and tail, fuchsia to be exact. The next was a very pale color, like a light olive, with a light red mane and tail. The last was white with a light hint of grey, and had a light purple and white man and tail.

"Do you think he's okay?", said the white one.

"I dunno", said the orange one.

"Alright Cutie Mark Crusaders, let's go tell Fluttershy, maybe she can help him! We'll be like, like, messengers!".

Suddenly, in unison, they shouted out, "YAY! CUTIE MARK CRUSADER MESSENGERS!", and with that, they ran off down the trail and out of sight.

Andrew blacked out again, and when he woke up, the three ponies he had seen before were still gone, but in their place was a single pony. This one was much bigger than the, uh, Crusaders, or whatever they called themselves. This one was a pale yellow, though not as pale as Andrew, with a pink mane and tail.

"Um, s-sir, are y-you okay?"

"She must be really shy, and timid..."

"Uhh, yeah, but my head still hurts a little from the fall."

"The fall?"

"Yeah, I just sort of fell and landed here, by the way, where are we?"

"Oh, we're in the land of Equestria, but to be more specific, the outskirts of the Everfree Forest."

"Everfree Forest?"

"It's a really scary forest on the outskirts of Ponyville"


"You're not from around here, are you sir?"

"To be honest, I don't even think this is my world, see I fell through some sort of vortex, and when I came out, I found myself falling. I blacked out after that, and when I woke up, I was here."

"O-oh my."

"Can you tell me something, uhh?"

"Fluttershy, and o-okay, I'll try I guess."

"Alright, Fluttershy, can you tell me if anybody is around here that can help me find out why I'm here?"

"Anybody? Don't you mean anypony?"

"Well, where I come from, we don't say that, but I'll explain everything later."

"Alright, and I somepony who might be able to help."


"Uhh, my friend, Twilight Sparkle."

"Alright, can we go see her now?"

"Sure, me"

Fluttershy started to walk, and Andrew finally got up, although slowly, and started to follow her.

"So, Fluttershy was it? Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, um...what is it?"

"You just seem really shy and timid, you're not scared of me, are you?"

"Oh no! It's just that I've never met you, and um...I'm kind of shy around new ponies I guess..."

"Fair enough, I'll drop the subject."

After about 15 minutes of walking, they arrived at what looked like the town square.

"Alright we're here, by the way, I never got your name."

"My name is Andrew"

"That's an odd name for a pony"

She motioned to follow her, and they started walking towards a large tree. It looked like it had been hollowed out and made into a home of some sort. How odd, he thought. Fluttershy knocked on the door, and after a few seconds, a purple pony, with a red,blue, and purple mane answered.

"Hi, you must be Twilight Sparkle?"

"That's right, and you are...?

"Uh, Andrew"

"That's a strange name. But come on in you two!"

We walked into her house and I took a few seconds to check it out. The bottom floor seemed to be a library, with a kitchen branching off to one side. He decided he would investigate the top floor later though.

"So what brings you to my home Andrew?"

"Well, I have a few questions, and Fluttershy said you might be able to answer them."

"I'll try my best."

"Alright, first let me explain how I got here. I was in...another world, or universe...? Anyways, I was in my bathroom, shaving, when my mirror suddenly shattered."

"That's very strange, continue though, I'm quite interested."

"Well, after that, it was like a vortex, or a black hole or something like that, formed in the spot the mirror had been. I got sucked into it, and when I got spit out, I was falling, and fast."

"Oh my, that s-sounds, t-terrible", Fluttershy added

"It was pretty terrifying, but as soon as I hit the ground I blacked out. When I woke up, I was here, and not on Earth."

"Earth?", both ponies said in unison.

"It's the planet I'm from, much like how you're from Equestria."

"Alright, I think I've heard enough Andrew"

"So what do you think Ms. Sparkle?"

"Please, just Twilight is fine," she giggled lightly while saying it

"Alright, Twilight, do you know why I'm here?"

"Well I'm no scientist, but I'd say what you got sucked into wasn't a black hole, I think it was uhh, how do I put this? A tear in between dimensions, or a rift to be more specific"

"A what?"

"A cross-dimensional rift. Umm... Oh! Okay, imagine the inside of this house is one dimension alright?"

"Okay, go on."

"Alright, and imagine the outside being another dimension, that's across from this one."

Twilight pointed at one of her windows, "Now imagine this window is what's keeping the dimensions apart, but if I open it, then things from either dimension can be thrown into the other one!"

"That... was actually a very good example..."

"Thanks, and now, if you don't mind, I want to take a look at you, I already know that you're a pegasus pony, but I want to look for any, let's say, irregularities."

"Alright, that's fine as long as I'm awake while you do it."

"Don't worry, I'm just going to check a few things."

"Alright, go ahead then."

Twilight walked up to Andrew and looked at his wings, they weren't damaged in the slightest, which surprised her. She looked at his cutie mark, and a thought came to her mind.

"Andrew, can you tell me what this cutie mark is supposed to represent?"

"I haven't the slightest idea, I know it shows off your special talent, but..."

"But what?"

"It's just that it looks an awful lot like the vortex I got sucked into."

"I see, so maybe this cutie mark represents that you are the only one here from another dimension, because that sounds special to me."

Twilight continued to inspect him, but when she got to his head, she noticed something odd. She moved his hair out of the way, and her suspicions were confirmed, he had a horn, but it was broken clean off, most likely due to the fall.

"Fluttershy, take a look at this," she motioned towards the shy pegasus

"What Twilight?"

"Alright we already know he has wings, but look!"

"Oh my, is that a horn too?"

"Exactly, but it's broken clean off, and I suspect it broke as soon as you hit the ground Andrew."

"So what? I have wings and a horn, what's the big deal?"

"Well, there are only three known ponies in existence with both wings AND a horn..."

"Well, who are they?"

"They are the rulers of Equestria, well, at least two of them are. The third is their niece. Their names are Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadance. Celestia and Luna are the royal sisters who rule over Equestria, and Cadance is the royal niece, who by the way, is married to my big brother."

"Well Twilight, so far they don't sound all that powerful..."

"Just wait until you hear this next part then. Celestia is responsible for the Day, and she actually uses her magic to raise the Sun at Dawn, and lower it at Dusk. Luna does the same, but with the moon."

"So, are these princesses like gods then?"

"Essentially, they have most of the traits of a god. Immortality, unlimited magical capabilities, the works. But Luna hasn't always been a ruler, about 1002 years ago, she revolted against her sister, claiming that nopony appreciated the night, while everypony loved the day. The evil eventually consumed her, transforming her into a wicked mare of darkness, Nightmare Moon."

"Wow, well what happened, why did she come around and rejoin the good team?

"Well, during their battle, Celestia wielded the most powerful objects known to ponykind, the Elements of Harmony. Using the Elements, she defeated her sister, and banished her IN the moon, for 1000 years."


"You can say that again. Anyways, about 2 years ago she was freed from her prison, and returned to Equestria to bring about night time eternal. But me, and five of my friends challenged her, eventually found the elements again, and destroyed the evil in her heart, thus transforming her back into Luna."

"Wow, well, is she grateful?"

"Absolutely, she couldn't be happier that she is ruling with her sister once again! Hold on, I'm gonna write her a letter telling her to come here."

Twilight wrote the letter, handed it to Spike, and he sent it out the window with his breath. They waited patiently for about an hour, when Andrew noticed a carriage pulling up. A white pony with wings AND a horn trotted to the door, and knocked lightly. Twilight got up and answered, and upon seeing Celestia, she asked her to come inside. It was then that Celestia noticed the stallion standing in the main room.

"Uhh, hi, are you Princess Celestia ma'am?"

"Why yes I am, and I came as soon as I got Twilight Sparkle's letter."

"I see, your majesty."

"Please, just call me Princess Celestia."

"Uhh, okay, Princess Celestia."

"Excuse me Fluttershy, but I need to talk to Twilight and this young stallion here alone."

"Uhh, it's Andrew"

"Alright," she said with a chuckle, "I need to speak with Twilight and Andrew in private."

"Oh, alright Princess Celestia. I'll see you guys later, and um, it was nice to meet you Andrew."

Fluttershy departed leaving Andrew alone with Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia.

Alright, that's the end of Chapter 2 of Shattered Glass. Sorry about ending it on a cliffhanger, but I promise there will be a payoff next chapter. Again, I'd love for you guys to leave feedback, positive, or negative, so that I can improve my story, and if you spotted any errors while reading, feel free to point them out, and I'll fix them. Again, thanks for reading Chapter 2 of my story, I promise the payoff in Chapter 3 will make the cliffhanger seem necessary. One last footnote, if you guys see any problems in the way the characters are acting, please let me know, so I can make them more like their TV show counterparts, because that is what I'm aiming for.