
by Maddie Koester

Friendship Foals

It was the last week of being grounded, and Mother and I were walking home from school. Out of the corner of my eye I could Jazzy, Controller, and Hurricane with their parents. They were following us, but they didn’t make it obvious. Mother and I soon reached the street that led to our house, but I kept walking forward.

“Shining, come on,” Mother called.

“No,” I replied. That one word made Mother stare at me in shock, then she grew angry.

“What did you say to me, young lady?! Let’s go, now!” Mother said in a warning tone.

I shook my head and ran down the road toward Platinum’s house. Mother, of course, followed me. The rest of the CMC 2.0 followed, and their mothers chased them. Platinum was waiting outside for us, and I dashed through the front door and into their storage room. It would be perfect for the plan. I sat there and heard Mother shout at Platinum. Then I heard Platinum’s mom shout at her. Platinum then came through the doorway, with the rest of the CMC 2.0 close behind. The moms shouted at each other and we sat in that room and waited for them to come. Scootaloo was the first to find us, and called to the other mothers.

‘They are starting to get along! I really hope this will work.’

When our mothers called to us, we refused to move. They all came into the room, and started to drag us out, but we slipped out of their grasp and ran out the door. They started to follow, but Papa and the other dads were waiting outside. Before the mothers could leave the room, they locked the door. Time to wait for them to work everything out. At first they pounded at the door and yelled at their spouse or foal to let them out, of course, we refused. Then they fell silent. There was no noise in the room, so I unlocked the door and walked into the room.

“We will only let you out once you become friends again,” I said as the mothers looked at me.

“Again?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Our fathers told us how you were friends, but then some guy named Polished Pebble ruined it because love and-” I started.

“You should not know this stuff Shining Feather, now move aside,” Mother commanded.

“Ok then, we will bring you food later if we need to,” I said before leaving and locking the door.

It felt weird being in charge my parents. We sat around outside the door, waiting for the mothers to solve their problems. Platinum was doing homework, I was reading a book called “Creatures of Equestria”, Jazzy and Hurricane were brainstorming ideas, while Controller was writing on a piece of paper. The dads were huddled near the door, listening to their wives and having a quiet conversation. How long is this gonna take. Hopefully not long. We had been sitting outside there for about two hours, when the muffled voices disappeared. Platinum had gone downstairs to get the pizzas we had ordered, and walked up to see us all gathered near the door being as quiet as possible.

Then we heard a muffled voice say, “I guess it’s not really your guy’s fault. It’s Polished Pebble that started this”.

“I can’t believe we let that stupid stallion affect us and our kids,” replied another voice.

“Do you think they have been listening to us?” someone said.

“Knowing them, definitely,” one of them replied, and the mares all laughed. Then we heard a knock on the door and we all jumped back.

“May we come out now, darlings?” Mother’s voice asked.

“Sure Mother, you solved your problems. Now we can all be friends without having to worry about you guys,” I said, opening the door.

The mares laughed, and walked out.

Then Platinum walked upstairs, and asked, “Did I miss something?” and the parents laughed at his confused expression.

Controller's mom floated the pizzas back downstairs, and I filled Platinum on what happened. He looked extremely happy as we all walked downstairs and sat at their small table. It was a bit too small though, so the parents sat at the table, while we all sat on the couch.

“I’m glad that they made up with each other,” Platinum whispered.

“What are you two whispering about?” Platinum’s mom teased. This caused us to blush, and the others laughed. The whole house was filled with happiness and laughter until we left.

“See ya Shining,” Platinum said to me while Mother and Diamond Tiara said goodbye.

I nodded and said, “This was great,I can’t believe we got them to make up. We’re like the foals of friendship or something, and now we don’t have to worry about getting in trouble for hanging out!”

“Oh by the way Platinum, you are grounded from your workshop for another week,” Diamond Tiara said, looking at him.

“You too, Shining Feather, but from dessert,” Mother said to me.

“Not another week!” Platinum and I moaned before going our separate ways.