//------------------------------// // Those who don't learn their History... // Story: For love of a Pony // by The Cowardly Christian //------------------------------// Those who don't learn their History... ... Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters who ruled together and created harmony for all the land. To do this, the eldest used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn; the younger brought out the moon to begin the night. Thus, the two sisters maintained balance for their kingdom and their subjects, all the different types of ponies... But one day, strange, evil men from a far away land came and kidnapped the elder sister. She tried to free herself, but the enemy was cunning as they were cruel. And for each one that was killed, two more rose in it's place... The eldest was rendered powerless and dragged in chains all the way to a strange, unknown land called Cuba... ...Cuba 1898... "Our position is compromised and our influence in Spain is waning...we must move her quickly!" Shouted a voice outside Celestia's cage, Celestia groaned as she tried to wake herself up fully...but it was no good, the drugs they forced on her continued to sap her strength. BANG! Suddenly there were shouts outside, and gunfire! "Kill one and two more will- BANG! "You heard him men! Let's kill two more!" As quickly as the fight began...it ended. "Right, let's see what was worth all this protection shall we lads?" And just like, that the cover was pulled off her cage, revealing the Alicorn to the Rough Riders in all her Splendor. ...They were in awe, and Teddy Roosevelt even more so, "My word...your beautiful!" He exclaimed amazed. "Why, thank you." Said Celestia with a smirk. Had the Rough Riders not been so busy gaping a the horned, winged, TALKING pony. They'd have been met with the rare sight of Rosevelt fainting... ... Roosevelt freed the princess from her captors and together they helped bridge their two worlds. The friendship they shared inspired others like it..and from friendship came love...and from love came an egg. "I'm sorry...Human plus pony equals...a DRAGON!? How dose that even make sense!?" Asked the hysterical doctor. "Oh, hush. It's romantic." Said the mid-wife flatly. Their daughter Sapphira was but the first of many dragons birthed from such a union...and as the dragons came into existence...so did harmony and prosperity came to both nations... But all things must come to an end... ...Germany, Berlin 1914... "TALLY HO!" Shouts President Roosevelt as he rides the Pegasus Spitfire toward the shattered, retreating remnants of the German army. The Ottoman empire was crushed, Austria-Hungary had ceased to exist and Germany was about to suffer the WORST defeat in it's history! And they'd only been at this for three months! ...his only regret was that while Spitfire had proven herself a capable soldier/war horse...he'd have preferred to have been riding his wife into battle. But Celestia had made it very clear that even though she respected his reasons for going to war, she flat out refused to have any part of it. He supposed he shouldn't complain, victory would soon be his, America was coming out of this the victor more so then anyone else, and he'd be back with his loving wife and daughter soon- BANG! ... Roosevelt never did see the stray bullet that took his life coming...and thus a day of mourning was declared the same day the 'Great War' came to an end. Celestia and her daughter went into seclusion to mourn their loss. But while a nation mourned for the broken family that had given to them so much...evil forces plotted... Celestia's younger sister Luna was captured...by the successors of the same wicked men that had kidnapped her so many years ago. ...except this time...their was no happy ending... The younger sister was experimented, tortured and brainwashed...twisting her. She cast aside her old identity and took on the mantle of 'Nightmare Moon'. She bedded Adolf Hitler and from their hate and wrath was born Chrysalis; First and greatest of the Changelings. Over the years; more ponies were kidnapped, tortured and raped. For as love created the dragons so did HATE conceive the Changelings. The Changelings used their powers to sow discord and treachery between human and pony. Almost all Dragons and human spouses found themselves lynched by angry mobs from both sides. By the time the Deception was discovered...it was too late...and the world was cast into a NEW war. ...1945... Celestia shed tears over her daughters corpse as she looked skyward to the moon...her sister's visage permanently scarred on it... The war was won...but the cost was great. With a broken heart, Celestia gathered all her ponies...and with broken hearts...returned to Equestria...sealing the portal between worlds... But as one last gesture of good will she gave the elements of Harmony to her last living human friend...lest the enemy ever return... And so pony and human were divided...never to be reunited... ...2012... "That's what you think," Thinks a smirking Twilight as she reads the sentence in the book. She was inside a luxury first-class jet, being protected by men from The 'Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division'....She wondered why they didn't just name it 'SHIELD' and save everyone the time and headaches... She looks once more at the picture of her best friend...slash betrothed- Twilight still can't help but blush at this - Dipper surrounded by his twin sister Mable, his older Brother Tyrone, Tyrone's girlfriend Wendy, and his 'semi-twin' brother/lab experiment Alchor. Twilight rubs her pregnant belly, It was hard to believe it had only been a month since the doctor had told her she was with child...a month in a half since she'd convinced Dipper to let her experience the strange human concoction known as 'alc-hO-haul'...and only a couple weeks ago when they announced they're relationship to the world..BOTH worlds... She whispered to the new life growing inside her sweetly. "Don't worry sweetie...you'll be with your father soon." Then a frown comes to her as she looks at the book again. "Elements of harmony...now where have I heard of that before?" ...…... TO BE CONTINUED?