//------------------------------// // I Thought I'd Never See Ze Day Part 1 – Welcome to Reine City // Story: The Fightin' Dragon // by Phantom-Dragon //------------------------------// Following their recent battle with the Predators in the Prairie, Spike and Arizona continued their long arduous and treacherous journey across Fœnum, to find the Prophet's Key and a way for Spike's return to Equestria. Over foreboding mountains, across treacherous deserts, and sailing the seas, the heroes never gave up on their epic quest. Spike and Arizona were trekking through the snows of the Tundra, battling their way through the region's cold windy blizzard. But the icy cold wind wasn't friendly with them. They found themselves battling against a force of nature, more fearsome and possibly formidable than the Predators. The cold wind was raining sharp, tiny shards of snowflakes, biting and blinding Arizona and Spike, blowing them off their feet, pushing them back. Spike had to be tied by the waist, hanging on for dear life by Arizona's lasso, which she tied around her neck, while clenching the rest of the rope with all her might, in her teeth. Spike shivered fiercely from the bitter cold. He's never felt this cold since the time he once fell into a cold, freezing lake at the end of Winter Wrap Up. Nor the first time he and his friends first ventured to the Crystal Empire, back in Equestria. It's a well-known fact that dragons are cold-blooded. However, given to their innate ability to breath fire, they can store enough heat in their body to keep them active in the coldest environment, but only for a short while. Though, it's not enough to keep Spike warm in such condition that is as bad as a blizzard.See IDW issue #87-88. Spike felt he was on the verge of collapsing into the snow, right then and there, but Arizona wouldn't have none of that. Spike was nearly blown away by the wind, and he was almost lifted off his feet, into the air, had he not been secured by Arizona's rope. The young calf twisted her neck as she grabbed he rope with her mouth, and with a stomp of her hoof, she pulled Spike back down into the snow, and they pressed on with all of their might. But even Arizona wasn't strong enough to force her way through the snow, and she was nearly blown off her hooves. Spike tugged tightly against the lasso with all his strength to pull Arizona back down. From there, he walked over to the calf and leans himself against her shoulder, pushing the calf forward. Barely blinking her eyes open, Arizona strained to look through the blizzard, when something caught her eyes. "Spike! Over there!" She pointed to an opening on the side of a mountain. "It's a cave! We can hide out in there until the blizzard passes." Both dragon and calf immediately trudged through the snow, with every last ounce of their strengths, barely reaching the cave as the snow covered their footprints behind them. The clouds grew darker and darker as the blizzard grew colder and stronger outside. Not a single soul could ever survive in such weather. Or so it seems... Just as they entered the cave, Spike was almost certain to have seen a comet blazing across the sky. The strangest thing was that it looked as if it has wings. He didn't ponder for long, before he passed out. The blizzard soon became a calm gentle shower of snow, with the sky turning into a hue of pink. Standing at the the peak of a hill, two shadowy figures followed the barely clear tracks left behind by Spike and Arizona. "Brrrr," Oleander shivered. "They couldn't have just come here sooner? I'm freezing my horn off!" "Then how about we just forget about the dragon and start looking for the key?" The demon book named Fred suggested. "No!" Oleander stomped her hoof. "I didn't came here just to let that little predator sneak get away! We're here to ambush him, and ambush him we shall! We'll get that key," Oleander's horn begins to glow a menacing aura, as she sets her sight on the cave Spike and Arizona had taken refuge. "But not before I bury that dragon alive!" The Next Morning By morning, the blizzard had cleared up, the clouds parted to welcome the sun, bathing Fœnum in its warm, radiant, and beautiful daylights of gold. Inside the cave, both Spike and Arizona were snuggling up tight in their sleeping bags, when a streak of sun flooded its way to wake them up. Arizona was the first to greet the dawn, as she got up to stretch her legs, when the entire cavern shook, and she looked up to see some stones coming loose from the ceiling, as chunks of ices from the icicles begin to melt. The young calf's eyes widen in alarm and she quickly turned to Spike, "SPIKE! WAKE UP!" She shook the sleeping dragon awake. "AVALANCHE!" Quickly grabbing the book and a few of their bare essentials, Spike and Arizona quickly hightailed out of the cavern, just as a large chunk of snow fell on top of them. "Haha! I've got him!" Oleander chortled in delight, before she composed. "Now that little... pest is out of the way, we have a key to find..." "Yes, we do," Fred said in agreement as he and Oleander took their leave. Beneath the heavy snow, Spike felt weighted down, barely able to move. It almost felt like the time when he was buried under a sea of books by Twilight, after he accidentally interrupted her "re-shelving day." "I-I-It's re-really c-c-c-c-cold under here," Spike shivered. "I...gotta...get outta here!" Spike tried to breathe fire, but was dismayed to find he only managed a spark. "Oh no! No, no, no, no, NO!" Spike whimpered frantically, as he struggled to breathe fire to melt his way out of the snow. "Don't do this to me now! C'mon! Melt! MELT!" But with his fear getting a firm hold on him, Spike could barely breathe an inferno, and felt his entire body turn cold as ice. Just when he's certain he was about to be frozen solid, a strong hoof broke through the ice from above, shining the sunlight through. "Spike?" Arizona called. "C'mon, get up!" Spike complied as he poked his claws out from the hole Arizona made, sitting himself up and brushing the snow off. "Are ya alright there?" "Yeah," Spike shivered, hugging himself for warmth. "I'll live," Turning back to the buried cave, he shuddered, "I'm glad we got outta there in time! Brrr, just think what would happened if we were trapped in there..." "I'm sure we can still handle it," Arizona mooed casually. "What?!" Spike exclaimed. "How?" "Well, with yer fire breathing and my super kick, we can destroy those snow and ice in no time." "Uh...good point." "Well, enough chit-chat. Let's get going to Reine City and get to that museum! We've got a Key to find." "And after that, home sweet home for me." Resuming their quest, the two weary adventurers wobbled a bit, holding onto each other until they were at least able to keep their heads upright. Without the blizzard, it was just a simple hike through the snows of the Tundra, until they had arrived, outside of the stone wall of the city, Reine. The only entrance through the walls are the large wooden gates that stood about ten stories tall, almost touching the thick snowing clouds above. Before walking up to the gates, Spike and Arizona looked to the left to see a cow, standing next to her wagon. “Friend of yours?” Spike asked, while adjusting his hat to make sure he's not so easily recognized. “I don't know her,” Arizona confirmed. “But I'm always happy to greet a fellow cowgirl. Howdy partner!” “Howdy, youngin’!” The cow greeted. “‘Yer both a pretty long ways from the Prairie!” “Sure are, ma’am!” Arizona greeted. “I’m the Champ’een of The Prairie, and we’re on a quest ‘ta stop the Predators from comin’ back into Fœnum!” “That’s an okay story,” The cow began. “But I can see ‘yer new at this. Don’t think the gate guards are gonna buy it.” “Whada’ya mean STORY?!” Arizona mooed in outrage, getting the feeling she wasn't being taken seriously. “All I’m sayin’ is, ‘yer gonna need a better excuse ‘ta get through in these tryin’ times. How ‘bout this...” The cow cleared her throat as she began: “Reckon you boys up there have been workin’ hard all day, yellin’ an screamin’ at passerby. How ‘bout a nice cold glass ‘a milk to soothe ‘yer parched gullets?” “Huh...?” Arizona and Spike both exchanged confusing glances. “‘Ya really think that’ll work?” The young calf asked. “Count on it! Me an’ the gals jus’ made a delivery usin’ the same smarts.” “Sure but... where am I gonna get some milk?” Arizona asked in a high-pitch voice, and a visible blush clear on her face. “No need to fret, calf,” The cow began. “Bet’cha we could come to an arrangement.” Spike and Arizona were a little hesitant at first, before they both exchanged shrugs and looked back at the cow. “What sort ‘a arrangement?” Arizona asked. “Tell ya what,” The cow began. “My ‘travel in’ companions’ have been taken’ their sweet time over there in the saloon. I’ve gotta stay here and mind the wagons, but all this standin’ around has worked me up a mighty appetite.” The cow then handed the duo a bag of salt, “Here’s a bit ‘a salt. Could ‘ya pop in there an’ buy me somethin’ decent ‘ta eat? None 'a that fancy mess. Jus’ some plain ol’ country food. You know the stuff.” “Got it!” Arizona nodded. “Be back in a jiffy. C’mon Spike! Let’s go!” “Thanks, y’all," The cow mooed happily. "I’ll fetch ‘ya both a fresh bottle while you’re in there.” Arizona and Spike both headed off into the building and were both greeted by the hostess. “Welcome to the Long Tail Winding Inn!” The hostess greeted. “Table for one?” “No thanks,” Arizona said. “We’re jus’ here ta’ order take out.” With that, both Spike and Arizona walked over to a bar, “Uh, Spike," Arizona suggested, "Why don’t ya go check around, and let me do the talkin’?” Spike nodded in understanding, “Yeah, okay.” Spike walked over to the other side of the building, where four troughs of foods were set in a row. Spike went up to the first trough, “Hmmm, I wonder what’s in here,” Spike sniffed. “Smells kinda weird,” He samples a bit on his claw and tasted, before he spat out. “EW! That’s disgusting!” He then went to the next trough, “Hmmm, smells like bread, but.... something’s not right about it. Why would those anyone want to drink this?” He then went to the next trough, “It’s juice. But it smells really weird.” Finally, he came to the last trough, “Oh great. Just water.” While Spike was checking the troughs out, he couldn't help but overhear the conversation between two cows, sitting at a nearby table. Without a doubt, they must be the "travel in' companions" of the other cow outside. "Now what in my mama's five-alarm black bean chili are these here doodads on the table?" One of the cows asked, gesturing to the utensils, sitting beside her empty plate. "I think they're doohickies..." The cow replied. "Or maybe dinglehoppers?" "Dingle...watchamacallits?" "No, no... they're definitely doohickies." Spike couldn't help but giggle at the conversations. Meanwhile, Arizona took a seat at the bar, “Another cow!” The bartender exclaimed. “How nice.” Her antlers shimmered in a sparkling aura as she levitates a notepad and pen and asked, “What can I get for you? "I'd like 'ta order some food, please," Arizona greeted. "I see," The bartender nodded. "What did you have in mind?" "Well, it's not 'fer me. I'm gettin' it 'fer a friend outside. Could 'ya fix her up somethin' more... homey? Know any recipes from The Prairie?" “Sure, I’m not insulted!” The bartender replied. “I’ll get you what most cows order.” With that, the bartender went to the other part of the bar and proceeds to get something for Arizona. While the bartender was getting the food, Spike walked up to another reindeer at the table and mingled, “Hi there!” Spike greeted. “Nice weather we’re having, huh?” “Ho there!” The reindeer greeted. “Care to join me for a toast? Come, enjoy a frothing night of milk with me! I know not what plant they make this from, but deer alive... is it delicious served ice cold!” Spike looked uneasy at first, before he began, “Uh, well you see... the truth is...” He leaned in close and whispered to the reindeer, much to his shock. “... Great heavens, it comes out the WHAT?!” With that, he immediately froze up. “Uh...sir?” Spike asked, but watched as the reindeer passes out and dropped dead cold on the floor. Back with Arizona, she was tapping her hoof on the table, just when the bartender returned with her order. “Here take some svele,” The reindeer said as she handed Arizona a plate of pancakes with syrup and butter on top. “Pancakes?!” Arizona gasped. “This is perfect! I’ll get these to my friend quick as a wink!” “Yes. Pancakes. I bet you like that.” “Thanks a lot!” Arizona smiles as she paid the bartender the salts, before she called to Spike. “C’mon Spike! Let’s go!” "Huh? Oh, sure, coming," Spike said, as he left the unconscious reindeer, though the bartender looked questionable at Spike, then back at one of her costumers on the floor. "He's just a little..." Spike held his claws up, miming a drinking cup, while making some gulping sounds. "Oh dear me," The bartender replied, looking back at the out cold reindeer, while Spike quickly took his leave to catch up with Arizona, who was just meeting with the cow outside. “WHOA, are those pancakes?!” The cow drooled hungrily. “They sure are!!!” Arizona smiled. “Gotta tell ‘ya I was halfway tempted ‘ya gobble ‘em up myself.” “Thanks again!” The cow thanked as she took the pancake from Arizona, “As promised, here’s some ‘a my finest. See what them boys think ‘a THAT.” She said as she gave both Spike and Arizona a bottle of milk. “Pleasure doin’ business with ‘ya both!” With the large bottle of milk in their possessions, both Spike and Arizona turned back to the large gate of the city. The two young travelers walked up to the huge wooden gate. Outer Wall | Reine City On top of the huge wall that guarded the city, two reindeer guards were engaged in a lively conversation. "Joyous occasion!" The first reindeer guard commented. "As I draw breath! The weather is certainly crisp today." "Such as it is, my good fellow!" The second reindeer replied. "Yes it is, indeed!" "Certainly there have been many travelers who have come to our fair city as of late. One cannot help but wonder why!" "Undoubtedly it is due to the decree." "Likely it is so. But wherefore are–" Suddenly, something caught the first guard's attention. “Hark!” The first gate guard shouted. “Someone approacheth from the south!” Arizona walked up to the gates and tapped her hooves on the woods a couple of times, "HOWDY UP THERE!” Arizona greeted. In response, two reindeer guards showed their heads from above the wall. “Hold. Is that... MILK I spy?” The first guard asked. “A cow with milk?” The other guard scoffed. “Nonsense! That’s not how it works! ‘It’s the stuff of legend!” “Stuff of legend?” Spike asked. “What do these reindeers know about milk?” “Nevermind that,” Arizona replied. “Let’s see uh... how did that lady put it?” Clearing her throat, Arizona began, “Hey! Uh... must be hard work up there... what with all the screamin’ at folks an’ such! Yeah! How’s about a nice cold drink ‘ta PARCH ‘yer... wait no... QUENCH ‘yer gullets!” The two guards then turned to each other, “My gullet is rather in need of quenching.” The first one said. “Yes,” The other agreed. “‘Tis hard work, up here all day, issuing edicts from high!” The first guard then spoke up, “VERY WELL, cow. We shall accept your magic viscous quenching fluid! In exchange, we grant you passage through the gate!” “So long as you and your companion not eat anyone!” Arizona and Spike turned to each other, looking rather confused, “Eat... anyone?” Arizona asked. “Why would we do that?” Spike asked. Deciding to let that one slide, Arizona turned back to the guards, “On my honor!” She said. “Promise I won’t make trouble ‘fer ya’ll, sirs!” “Then we must sally forth!” Said the first guard. “Our sprites will collect the offering once you’re through. OPEN THE GATE!!!” “OPEN THE GATE!!!!” Before long, the ground beneath Spike and Arizona shook, and the sounds of gears turning and clicking can be heard from inside the walls, until at last, the door was open. A smaller door, that is. Both Spike and Arizona turned their heads to see that a smaller door, big enough for them had opened up, at the bottom of the bigger gate, like that of a doggy door. "Well, that was a little overdramatic," Spike muttered, just as a small elf-like creature appeared from the doorway and stood before the two travelers. It greeted them in a soft, squeaky voice, "Well, howdy there little–" Before Arizona could finish, the little creature quickly took the bottle of milk off of her, before it went back into the opened doorway. "Well, okay then!" Arizona mooed, both aghast and miffed at the little creature's quick greeting. "Anyway," Spike cleared his throat, snapping himself and Arizona from their stupor. "Shall we?" He pointed to the door. "Let's shall," With that, the two friends walked into the city. District I | Reine City Upon walking into the city, Spike and Arizona both looked and marveled to see a splendid city of cozy warm houses, snow covered streets, and graceful ice sculptures as far as the eyes can see. "Wow!" Spike said, marveling at the sight. "This place is cool! It's like being in the Crystal Empire again!" "It's a little crowded," Arizona commented. "Welcome to Reine!" A reindeer greeted. "Please wipe your hooves before proceeding into the city, and do not eat the shrubbery. It is ornamental, not a free snack. Any brawls or disorderly conduct will result in expulsion from the city and heavy salt fines. Have a nice visit! Please leave soon!" Spike and Arizona both turned to exchange uncertain glances with each other. "Well...that's welcoming," Spike said in sarcasm. "Let's just get to the museum and find a clue to the Prophet's Key," Arizona replied. "And get ya home fast." Arizona turned her head in every directions of the huge city, "Now where would that be?" Spike looked up, trying to find some distinctive landmarks, “Oh look!” Spike pointed. “Here’s a sign for directions.” He pointed to a large signpost. “So it is,” Arizona pouted. “There’s a picture of a boat to the north, houses to the east. And... Yup! There’s the gate to the south." Just then, one of the local reindeers happened to gallop by, "Hey, let's ask this reindeer. Excuse me, ma'm?" Spike called out to the doe. "Can I ask you a question?" "Why, certainly darling!" The reindeer replied before she walked away without letting Spike and Arizona ask. Confused, the two adventurers caught up to the reindeer, with Arizona asking, "Do you know how to get to the museum?" "Of course I do!" Without another word, the reindeer galloped away, much to Spike and Arizona's confusion. Arizona caught up to the doe, "Uhh, can 'ya TELL us how t'get 'ta the museum, then?" "I absolutely can!" But rather than complying, the doe simply walked away, leaving Spike and Arizona even more dumbfounded. "I don't think she's quite on the level with us here," Spike shook his head, before he and Arizona turned to another reindeer. "Let's ask this guy." Arizona and Spike approached to the reindeer, who was fuming and grumbling over a snow covered trough. “...Don’t leave the troughs outside overnight, I tell them...But do they listen? At least I didn’t get my tongue stuck this time...” “Uhm...’scuse me," Arizona began. "Could I a-“ "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!!" The reindeer hollered angrily at the two. "AH!" Spike yelped, jumping in the air, clutching his claws and feet around Arizona's neck. Spike and Arizona both stood wide eyes, before they slowly backed away, "N-Nevermind..." Arizona mooed as she and Spike were on their way. "I guess Madison wasn't kidding about these deerfolks," Arizona fumed. "Some of them jus' ain't right!" "No kidding," Spike replied. "But there's got to be someone here who could give us some directions. Let's split up and ask some of these reindeers. One of them's got to point us in the right direction." Arizona pondered for a moment before she nodded, "Eh, what've we got to lose? And time's runnin' out, so let's hurry!" With that, the two friends went their separate ways, throughout the city. Arizona walked up to a reindeer and asked, "Excuse me, miss. You got a–" "Nice hair. Lose the scarf." The reindeer rudely said to Arizona, who huffed. "I jus' need direc–" Again, she was rudely interrupted, "That was a freebie, sweetie. You need to pay for future image consultation." Spike went to a house, knocking its door, to which a reindeer opened the door, "Hi!" Spike greeted. "Do you–" "If you're looking for the upstairs couple, the entrance is in the back," The reindeer cut him off. "And could you please tell them to tone it down a little? They're keeping me up at night." "Uh, sure I guess," Spike then left the house, circling around the corner to find the doorway to the said room upstairs. "Huh, it's shaking. Should I just make my way in?" The young dragon walked in, which he immediately regrets. "AAH!!" Spike yelped, as he quickly slams the door, panting heavily with a blush on his face. "I did NOT need to see that!" At the same time, Arizona happened to knock on the door of another house, to which a creepy reindeer answered. "Oh, you finally arrived!" The deer greeted. "I've been waiting for hours! I almost thought you weren't coming." "Whu-huh?" Arizona questioned. "Did you bring it? And the maply syrup...? Or... maybe... you want to try with honey instead? I've still got some in the cupboard, I think. Oh deer! I am so nervous... how... how do we go about it then? Do you want to just like... jump straight into it or do you want to..." Arizona backed away in discomfort, which the deer immediately took notice of. "Did I... Did I say something wrong? Or were... were you thinking maybe with mayo instead?" Arizona backed away some more. "No? ... Uh... alright, okay, I... I guess we can just skip the toppings. So... uh... on the table then?" "That was weird!" Arizona shuddered. Spike happened to be walking down a street, when he was stopped by a reindeer, "Sorry! You can't go this way," The reindeer said. "There was a brawl between Velvet and Vixen, and the damage is still being repaired." "Yikes," Spike winced. "What happened?" "Uh, I'd tell you, but there's too many details, so I bid you good day." "Okay," Spike shrugged. "Anyway, you wouldn't happen to know where the museum is, do you?" The reindeer shook his head, "Haven't been to any museum in a long time." "Okay then, see ya." Meanwhile, Arizona was walking down the streets when she happens to meet another reindeer, "'Scuse me, cou–" "...You may have had that floof trimmed a bit too much, darling," The reindeer commented. "You're starting to look like a cow." With her face turning a shade of raging red, Arizona turned to take her leave, when she was stopped by another reindeer who said, "Sorry, but you can't go this way. You're just not floofy enough." Further irritated, if not annoyed, Arizona took her leave. Arizona then walked to another reindeer, who looked like she has nothing better to do, and asked, "Excuse me, do ya–" "Sorry, I'm busy," The reindeer replied, much to Arizona's confusion. "Uh...busy with what if ya don't mind me askin'?" Arizona asked. "Standing here. And yes I do mind." Arizona shot the reindeer a deadpan look, before she took her leave. She then noticed two reindeers, staring lovingly at each other, with the buck saying, "I wuv you more." "No, I wuv you more," The doe replied. "No... I wuv you more." "Noooooo, I wuv you more." Arizona couldn't help but blush as she watches the scene unfold, "They seem busy... 'Spose I shouldn't interrupt 'em." Turning to the left, Arizona happened to see a local reindeer passing by. Willing to give another chance, Arizona asked the reindeer, "Howdy! I was wonderin' if I could ask 'ya a question?" "Shhhhh. Do you want to blow both our covers?! Don't talk to me in public, you fool!" With a huff, the reindeer took his leave, leaving a further distraught Arizona behind. Turning back to the houses, Arizona blew a tuft of her hair up, "Let's try this again," She sighed. "Hopefully, this next occupant won't be as weird as the last one..." Arizona walked up to a house, and was greeted with, "Excuse me! This is private property!" One of the occupants bellowed in outrage. "Does your kind always make it a habit of barging in on people's homes?" The other occupant added. "I'm so sorry," Arizona quickly apologized as she was on the way out. Meanwhile, Spike went to a house and knocked on the door, “Uh excuse me?” He greeted. “Oh splendid! You’re here!” The reindeer smiled as she pulled Spike into the house. "You finally got here! I thought I'd have to go looking myself!" "Why?" Spike asked. "What's the problem?" "We keep hearing strange noises coming from the basement," The reindeer explained. "You can get in from the door to the back of the house. Here's the key." Spike receives the key from the reindeer, who continues, "Please do something! We can't sleep with all the noise!" Before Spike could ask, a loud roar erupted beneath the floorboards, startling the dragon and the two reindeers. "There it is again!" The second reindeer exclaimed. "You heard it, didn't you?" She asked Spike and continued, "It's been like that for weeks! Coming from the basement! We don't dare go to look!" Seeing how scared and on edge the reindeers looked, Spike reluctantly nodded, "Okay, I'll go check it out," He muttered. "But I'll regret it..." Soon, Spike came walking out of the front door, circling around the house, trudging through the snow until he reaches the back of the house, with the key in hand. "I hope it's just a reindeer with an upset stomach," Spike gulped nervously as he inserted the key into the lock and turns it open. At that moment, Arizona was just rounding the corner of the block, "Argh! The nerve of these deerfolks!" She grumbled. "All I wanted was just to ask for some directions to their museum and all I've been gettin' are...Oh!" The calf gasped when she saw Spike. "There's Spike! Wonder if he's had better luck than...Hey! Where's he goin'?" She asked herself, when she saw Spike entering the basement of the house.