Spiders and Magic IV: The Fall of Spider-Mane

by Maximus_Reborn

Fall of an Empire, Part I

Chapter Seventeen "Fall of an Empire, Part I"

Peter sat in the confines of the Treebrary's cellar, shifting through an array of scattered notes across the table. The contents within an incubator boiled while walls of text scrolled down the computer screen. With all that was transpiring, he had not forgotten the promise he had made to Sonata and Aria. Unfortunately, their genetic makeup was proving to be more complex than he had anticipated.

Finding a safe and healthy feeding method for the changelings was challenging, but it paled when compared to doing the same for the sirens. Peter directed his attention to the computer screen, holding a hopeful gaze. However, the results were negative once again, with a red 'X' filling the screen. The stallion slammed his hoof on the table next to him in frustration. Its legs gave out from the force of the impact, and the piece of furniture collapsed effortlessly.

Exhaling, the stallion picked up each piece of the broken table before disposing them in the scrap pile. "This is going about as well as I expected."

The door to the cellar opened, allowing Trixie to descend the stairs with a small plate of two sandwiches in her magical grasp. "I hope that was the good kind of crash," the mare muttered, pausing to survey the damage with an arched brow before giving the stallion a knowing glare. "I understand how frustrating it is, but please try to refrain from destroying any more furniture. The last thing I want to hear is Twilight pitching a fit because her husband leveled the house." She huffed, setting the plate down on the nearest table. "While Iamhere to watch over you, I willnotbe held responsible for any damages you cause. We've already exceeded the quota for this year, and Idon'twant our insurance company to drop us."

Peter exhaled, rubbing a hoof over his eyes as he made his way to the computer. "It shouldn't bethisdifficult to polarize the feeding process of the sirens to match something similar to the changelings."

Trixie propped herself onto the table, sitting upright alongside the computer. She brushed a hoof through her silver-blue mane. "They're two completely different species, Peter. I imagine there'd have to be some difficulty."

The stallion scrolled through the walls of text on the screen, narrowing his gaze at a particular passage highlighted in crimson. "Of course, but what I mean is that I'm on the verge of a breakthrough. There's something in the sirens' DNA that's rejecting the process I'm trying to exhibit. If I can find out what it is, I can reverse the polarities and give Sonata and the others a new way to feed." Peter lowered his head and groaned. "I'll need another blood sample from Sonata and probably one from Chrysalis so I can better compare the two."

"There's plenty of time for you to figure that out," Trixie declared, placing the plate down next to the stallion. "You should eat. Skipping breakfast is not a hobby you should start."

Peter eyed the meal with a furrowed brow. "What are you? My wife?"

Trixie snorted, ignoring the pink tint that filled her cheeks. "No. I'll leave that questionable privilege to Twilight. However, youareone of my best friends, and that means you have no right to make me worry." She edged the plate closer to Peter. "Now eat."

As Peter yielded to the mare's demand and proceeded to eat one of the sandwiches, Trixie eased into the nearest seat before crossing her legs. "Stop thinking so much about it. The answer will come to you in good time. Even I can't deny the legitimacy that your intelligence holds when you'renotdoing stupid things."

Peter weakly smiled after finishing his snack. "Why is it that you always have the most twisted way of giving compliments, especially when it's toward me?"

"Because it's you," Trixie replied, holding a smile that was both sweet yet condescending. To Peter, it was vintage Trixie. The mare lowered her stoic demeanor, brushing her cheek against the stallion's warmly. "I give special treatmentonlyto you. Consider yourself fortunate."

Peter rolled his eyes as the temperature in his face rose. It did nothing to lower his exasperation. "Is it the same as considering a hernia fortunate?" Trixie offered no immediate response. Instead, she simply flicked her hoof, swatting the stallion's horn. Peter yelped as a jolt of pain traveled from his appendage into his forehead. "Ow! Why are you and my wife so abusive to me?"

Trixie simply smirked. "Again, because it's you."

Peter exhaled, glancing off to the side. "The women in my lifenevermake any sense."

Suddenly, the cellar door opened once again, earning the collective gazes of Peter and Trixie. Before long, Princess Luna trotted down the stairs and paused upon spotting the stallion. "Ah, Peter. There you are."

Peter smiled, waving. "Your Holiness."

Luna straightened her posture while a stern glare formed in her eyes. "This is not a time for levity."

"Good. Because I can't fly— Ow!" Peter offhandedly quipped before earning a firm smack to the back of the head from the unicorn.

Trixie waved afterwards, grinning sheepishly as she rubbed the aches out of her hoof. "Good morning, Princess Luna."

Luna smiled at the mare. "I appreciate the thought, Miss Lulamoon, but I'm fairly used to Peter's antics by now." The alicorn's smile faded, all sense of humor dissipating. "I'm sorry, Peter. I wish I could have come under better circumstances, but we have a situation building in Baltimare. Somepony's causing destruction to the center of the city." Luna's frown deepened. "It's one of the sirens."

Peter's eyes widened at the statement. "Wait. What!? Which one?"

Luna furrowed her brow. "The light blue one. Her name escapes me at the—"

Peter shot up out of his seat. "Sonata?!" He glanced to the side. "But she was just here a couple of days ago. She seemed fine. What could've made her snap?"

Trixie alternated her concerned gaze between the princess and the stallion. "While a bit eccentric, I got the impression that Sonata was quite friendly and aloof. Why would she commit such a violent transgression all of a sudden?"

Luna narrowed her gaze. "Theyareworking with Discord. I imagine this is surely morehiswork than hers."

"I don't like it. This just has bad news written all over it," Peter grumbled, rushing to the chest in the corner of the room before kicking it open and retrieving his classic heroic attire. "I'll take care of it."

The alicorn shifted her line of sight to the stallion as he finished sliding his costume and mask on. "Peter, I'm going with you."

Peter shook his head while checking the web-shooter mounted on his hooves. "No. I need you to stay in Canterlot. Keep Twilight and the kingdom safe in case this turns out to be a distraction or a trap." Peter walked up to Luna, holding up a hoof. "As much as I don't wanna think about it, two of the sirens are still left unaccounted for. That fact alone really bothers me."

Luna was slow to respond before hesitantly nodding. "A fair point. I understand. Please be careful. I will maintain watch from Canterlot should something happen."

After the alicorn vanished in a burst of light, Peter slid the straps of his knapsack over his shoulder before leaping onto the Spider-Glider. As the cellar's hatch doors propped open, the stallion shared a glance with Trixie. "I'll be back."

Trixie nodded, her violet gaze soft yet stern. "Make sure that you do."

Peter waved before the glider's engines ignited. The thrusters fired, giving the stallion flight, and he rocketed out of the cellar, reaching the clouds in a matter of seconds. Trixie watched as his silhouette faded into the distance. She placed a hoof over her chest, offering a silent prayer for one of the two beings she cherished above all else.

Approaching the outskirts of Baltimare, Spider-Mane leaned into the Spider-Glider and began his descent into the city. As he scanned the streets below, it didn't take him long to find evidence of Luna's words upon reaching the heart of the city. Hopping down from the glider, Peter surveyed the extent of the destruction to the surrounding block. Everything formed of glass had been all but shattered, and large cracks had been formed in the stone walls of almost every building in sight. A number of smaller buildings had even begun to crumble and collapse from whatever force had assailed them.

Peter's eyes softened at the sight. "Oh, Sonata... Please tell me there wasn't anypony in those."

The stallion's ears perked up at a collection of screams that suddenly rang out from nearby before he raced in their general direction. Upon reaching the source of the yelling, Peter found a number of ponies racing out of a nearby diner with screams of panic. A few moments later, Sonata emerged from the building. Taking a look back inside, she turned to face the structure. Taking a deep breath, she sang out, her voice's volume picking up greatly in both pitch and depth. Almost instantaneously, all the windows and glass within the building shattered as cracks slowly began to form on the walls. In a matter of seconds, the diner collapsed in on itself into a pile of rubble. A dust cloud escaped from the remnants of the building, spreading out as it filled the vicinity.

Peter stood slack-jawed at the sight for several moments before shaking the cobwebs from his head. "Sonata! What are you doing!?" He called out, causing the mare to gasp and spin to face him once their field of vision cleared. Peter's eyes widened as he finally got a good look at the mare's face. Clearly tear-stained and with puffy red eyes, Sonata glanced away shamefully as the stallion approached her. His masked eyes furrowed. "Why are you doing this?"

Sonata snuffled, rubbing her snout. "Because I have to," she answered weakly, turning to the side and walking towards the next building. "I don't have a choice."

Peter shook his head. "Of course you have a choice," he called out, pointing a hoof at the mare. "You clearly don't want to do this!"

"I said thatI don't have a choice!" Sonata screamed back, causing windows in the surrounding buildings to shatter at the power behind her voice. Peter looked up before quickly shielding his face with a foreleg as a shower of glass rained down on him from the towering building beside him. Trails of energy spiraled around the siren, and she gave the stallion a sympathetic gaze. "You're going to have to fight me, Peter. There's no other way. If you won't attack…" Sonata trailed off, a pair of tears streaming down her cheeks before she bellowed, "thenI will!"

Peter's masked eyes furrowed. "I have my responsibilities, Sonata. Discord's clearly making you do this." The stallion lowered himself into a defensive stance. "Iwillstop you, but I want you to know that this isn't personal. You're still my friend."

Sonata was slow to respond as her eyes widened. Something pulled at her chest, forcing the siren to choke back a sob. She longed to simply leave this ordeal behind and embrace the friend that didn't want to leave her side. However, images of her deceased friends and family flashed across the confines of her mind. In spite of the streams of tears that rolled down her cheeks, a sharp glare formed in the mare's eyes.

She could not forgive Equestria's ruler, Princess Celestia, for her role in the siren race's extinction. Sonata took in seething breaths through gritted teeth while sniffling. Everything she loved was gone, and all that remained of the past was Aria and Adagio. Sonata inhaled deeply before slamming her eyes shut. Not wanting to lose her best friends, the siren threw all caution to the wind and did only what she thought was right.

"I'm sorry, Peter," Sonata whispered before unleashing a high-pitched scream.

Vibrational waves raced through the streets, sending tremors through everything in sight as well as destroying what couldn't withstand its might. Peter backflipped onto a carriage behind his position, shifting its weight until its bottom faced the incoming attack. The siren's waves tore through the carriage, reducing it to broken shards of wood, but Peter escaped unscathed as the rest of the traveling energy shattered any stones weakened from previous assaults, the rocks crumbling to bits. Peter stood in an upright stance, eyeing the siren, and Sonata blinked, slack-jawed at the feat she'd witnessed.

She cleared her throat, flustered. "I'm not going to lie. That was pretty cool. I guess I'll have to fight you the old fashioned way."

Sonata planted her hooves as she hummed a light melody. A bright blue aura emitted from the siren's body before she disappeared in a blur. Spider-Mane barely tracked Sonata's movement, glancing in every direction as she passed him by multiple times. The stallion waited for his sixth sense to chime a warning should she attack, but no detection was offered, even after Sonata delivered a kick to the center of his back.

Peter was launched into a roll, skidding across the ground for several seconds before he managed to hop back to a vertical orientation. Sonata followed with another strike, this time to the chest, and the stallion was knocked onto the back of his shoulders. Shifting his momentum, Peter hopped onto his hooves and took a wild swing as the siren closed the distance between them in a flash. Sonata ducked underneath the attack before lunging forward, wrapping her hooves around the stallion's waist.

Fading into a blur, the siren sped out with Spider-Mane in her grasp, ricocheting his body off of every stone wall in the vicinity until cracks spread over each of their surfaces. Sonata stopped instantaneously while relinquishing her hold, blasting Peter's frame into a wall with an earth-shattering crack. Spider-Mane shook the dazed ringing from his cranium and attempted to pry his embedded form free from the stone. However, Sonata made her way to the stallion's position before he could do so, stopping once they were mere hoof-lengths apart.

With a saddened expression in her rose-tinted eyes, the siren inhaled deeply before shrieking at the top of her lungs. Violent waves of vibrational energy hammered into the stallion's body with enough force to reduce the surrounding stone into rubble. A shockwave erupted afterward, rocketing Peter's body through a series of walls until he reached the streets of Baltimare. He eventually skidded to a halt on his back.

Peter readied to pull himself from the ground, but a sharp bolt of pain rushed through his midsection. The stallion placed a hoof over the small protrusion over his rib, taking in jagged breaths. His mind recalled the previous battle endured, and his body ached in response, echoing the sentiment. Even with his accelerated healing factor, Peter's physique was not ready for any form of confrontation, let alone with something of this magnitude.

"That's just great. Not only is my Spider Sense completely off, but Sonata's just aggravated my Venom wounds," he groaned, rolling onto his stomach. "Sonata can probably kill me if she really wanted to. I have to think of something."

Sonata quietly walked past the surrounding debris, never averting her somber gaze from the stallion. "I didn't want it to come down to this, Peter." She stood over his prone figure upon closing the distance between them, frowning as she held her gaze on the hoof placed over his midsection. "I know you're still hurt. I just wish there was another way."

"There is," a low female's voice declared.

Faster than anypony could react, a black blur dashed between the two, delivering a fierce kick to Sonata's chest. The siren staggered back, eventually gathering her bearings, and she stared wildly at the intruder, specifically the bell collar around her neck. It was a mare with a slender figure, and her form filled the set of black tights to perfection, as if it was her own fur. Along her hooves, legs, and shoulders, a flow of white fur accompanied the costume, matching her long, silky mane and tail.

A small frown formed on the mare's pale blue features. "You can get out of my city. You're ruining my view. And the neighborhood."

Peter weakly chuckled, clutching at his ribs soon afterward. "Black Cat. Am I glad to see you."

Felicia turned to the stallion as her lips curled into a coy smile. "Hey, handsome. It's been a while." She alternated her gaze between the siren and stallion. "You're usually sharper than that. What's going on?"

"It's too much to get into right now, but I can give you the short version. Our friend over there is working with Discord, and I haven't recovered from my fight with Venom yet," Peter groaned, straining as he forced himself to a standing position.

Black Cat's ears perked momentarily. "I saw the headlines in the newspaper. So, that reallywasVenom?" The mare faced the siren with a stern glare. "If that psycho Discord really is behind this, then I guess I don't have a choice but to help you." Turning back with a grin, Felicia playfully winked at Peter. "My services aren't cheap though."

Peter nodded. "We'll negotiate later. You know I'm good for it. Just do me a favor and don't hurt Sonata too badly. She's a good friend working for the wrong side. Ithinkyou know what that's like."

Felicia huffed, holding a sultry smile. "Always the gentleman. I'll see what I can do. At the very least, Iknowyou'll make it worth my while." Upon receiving a defeated sigh from the stallion, Black Cat grinned victoriously before slowly approaching the siren. "You should leave before you get hurt. I'm not nearly as lenient as Spider."

Sonata pursed her lips, frowning at the mare. "Peter's the only one I'm supposed to fight. I don't know who you are, but I'll fight you if I have to!"

Felicia frowned, eyeing the surrounding damage. "You're not leavingmemuch of a choice. You just so happened to destroy a private condo of mine that I was renovating during your insufferable singing, and you leveled the apartment I was staying in. At this point, you've made this pretty personal."

Sonata narrowed her gaze before humming a low tune and dashing off into a blur. Felicia smirked, giving chase until her form resembled a blur as well. Peter watched from his position, tracking their movements to the best of his ability. Racing side-by-side, Black Cat drove her shoulder into Sonata's, slamming the siren into the nearest wall.

Their momentum only ceased temporarily before both mares picked up speed. Felicia prepared to swing a kick, but Sonata unleashed an angelic melody, knocking the earth pony off her hooves and bouncing off of a billboard. With catlike reflexes, Felicia landed firmly on her hooves and dashed back towards Sonata. Peter paused as his vision distorted, flashing as the aura emitting from both mares grew brighter.

His head ached in response, similar to how his Spider Sense usually reacted to danger. He glanced about madly at the magical energies in the atmosphere before nodding. Meanwhile, Sonata and Felicia continued to fight, trading blows while racing across the vicinity. They sped through a narrow alley, paying no mind to the path ahead.

"Cat! Heads up!" Peter called out, briefly earning Felicia's attention.

Black Cat's eyes widened as she glanced ahead, skidding to an immediate halt. Sonata looked back at the mare with a look of bewilderment while holding her pace, but the second she returned her attention forward, her eyes caught sight of a lone strand of webbing stretched across the end of the alleyway. However, Sonata could not react fast enough as she was clotheslined by the thread, her head snapping back while her legs were swept into the air. The back of her skull bounced off the concrete street, leaving a crack, and her momentum carried her body into a violent roll until she crashed into a carriage. Sonata's eyes rolled into the back of her head before she quickly yielded to unconsciousness.

Peter relinquished his strand of webbing before holding his gaze on the prone siren. "Sorry about that, Sonata."

Felicia smirked as she made her way next to Peter. "Once again, I see the downfall to having high speed. The force of impact is particularly welcoming… especially on the head. Nice work, Spider."

Before the stallion could respond, Discord materialized into existence over Sonata's unconscious form, clapping his talon and paw together. "Bravo, Spider-Mane! I guess even Sonata's speed is no match for your ingenuity!" The draconequus reached down, lifting the unconscious siren bridal style. "Don't worry about our mutual friend here. I'll see to it that she gets proper medical treatment. Ta-ta for now!" That same second, the pair disappeared from sight in a flash of light.

Peter growled under his breath. "That guy is really starting to get to me." He dropped to a knee, wincing in pain as he continued to clutch at his side. "He didn't have to drag Sonata into this."

Felicia placed a hoof over the stallion's shoulder. "If you have faith in your friend, I'm sure she'll come around, but she's the only one that can do that."

Peter glanced off to the side, nodding. "You're right. I just hope that's the end of it for now."

"I hope so. The last thing I need is to pay for more property damage," Black Cat muttered, turning to Peter and raising an eyebrow. "Anyway, now that that's settled, you mind letting me in on just what's going on here? It isn't exactly every day that a screaming banshee pulverises a city." She raised a hoof, shaking her head once the stallion readied himself to respond. "Not here. We should talk somewhere a touch more… intimate. I believe I have a solution."

Peter groaned under his breath. "What did you have in mind?"

Felicia smirked, tracing a hoof over the stallion's shoulder. "How about your place? Both of my homes are currently in shambles, and I can safely say that youoweme right now."

Peter let out an exasperated sigh. "This hasbad ideawritten all over it. Twilight would kill both of us if she saw you."

Felicia chuckled. "Don't worry, handsome. This isstrictlyprofessional. Besides, Celestia's informed me that your wife has taken refuge in Canterlot for the time being."

Peter let out a defeated sigh. "I still don't like it, but I guess we don't have much of a choice. Discord's up to something. Until I'm sure of what he's scheming, I could really use your help."

Black Cat grinned. "Sure thing, honey. We can talk more once we make it to your place. I trust that you'll takeverygood care of me."

Peter grimaced as the pair took their leave, shifting his gaze to the sky. "Ican't waitto see what Trixie has to say about this." The stallion paused, finding a small crimson puddle on the ground where Sonata previously laid. He knelt down, recognizing that it was blood possibly left from her injury. Tapping the button underneath his hoof, Peter turned as his glider hovered next to him with his knapsack in tow. He reached into one of the compartments before retrieving a small syringe. He managed to extract as much of the blood as possible, saving the fluid in a spare tube. With a simple nod, Peter continued to follow Felicia. "I hope this can help."

Deep within the abysmal reaches of Tartarus, Adagio stared intently at Sonata as she slept in the confines of her bed. "I wonder if you feel the same way about him now, Sonata?" she cynically whispered, turning as Discord entered the area. "So, how did it go?"

Discord nodded with a fanged smile. "I must say that Sonata performed admirably. Things might have gone better for her, though, had Miss Black Cat not intervened, but that couldn't be helped. In any case, things are going swimmingly. Now, we must go to the second phase of our plan. The next avenue is Fillydelphia, and I have the perfect candidate in mind." The draconequus turned to the side, glancing at the individual nearby. "Now seems like a wonderful time for you and Peter to have a reunion."

A pegasus walked out of the shadows bearing a wide fanged smile. He wore matching purple attire, with a pointed hat, shirt, and boots. His piercing yellow gaze widened and wings sprouted. The pegasus had green scales in place of any fur. As his black tail whipped about wildly, the pony cackled maniacally while tightening the straps of his saddlebag.

"Take a look, Parker. It's the last face Spider-Mane will ever see. It's the real face of the Green Goblin!"

Dark aura emitted from Adagio's form before traces of energy seeped into her body. The siren laughed wildly. "Oh, yes! This will be fun!"

To be continued...