The Sound of One Hoof Clopping

by Trick Question

Koan 1: The Best Candy

Hoof traffic in Sugarcube Corner was usually light in the early afternoons, and at the moment there were no customers. Pinkie Pie was busy cleaning off tables with a damp rag following the lunch-hour rush (something Pinkie insisted on calling "the sugar rush").

As Cheerilee walked into the shop, Carrot Cake waved to her from behind the counter. "Good afternoon, Cheerilee! Looking for anything sweet?"

Pinkie stopped what she was doing to watch the new conversation. Even though she spent all of her time surrounded by friends, the thoughts and feelings of other ponies always fascinated Pinkie. Pony-watching was one of the best perks of working with the Cake family, although it was a distant second to all the free candy.

"I need something to take with me for a business lunch I'm attending this weekend. It's nothing too special, just an educational conference," she said. "I know everypony has their own personal tastes, but is there a candy or dessert you would consider the best in the store?"

Somehow Pinkie had managed to acquire a large bag of popcorn, and she munched merrily away as she watched the exchange. She already knew what Carrot's favorite confection was (white-chocolate-dipped pretzel sticks), but she'd never thought to ask him what he thought was objectively the best candy! What would he say? The Cakes designed treats for a living, so if anypony knew what the best candy was, it'd be Mr. Cake.

Carrot Cake smiled. "They're all the best," he said, motioning in a grand wave of his hoof. "Every item we make is our best treat." Cheerilee looked confused for a moment, and then they both laughed.

Pinkie, however, froze in place, leaving a piece of popcorn she'd tossed into the air to bounce off her muzzle and onto the floor. What her employer had said in jest actually made perfect sense to her: each and every candy in the store was truly better than all the rest. In this sublime epiphany, Pinkamena Diane Pie found great enlightenment.