Equestria Wing-Girls

by BasedRainbowz

Man Up

Sunset's eyes light up, perhaps at the fact you've not immediately dismissed her suggestion.

"Well, they're into those weird video games you like." she begins, which immediately gets your interest. You don't know any girls at Canterlot High who play video games aside from Rainbow and Pinkie.

"They play that one you're always talking about, World of Witchcraft or something?" Well that rules out either of them. Rainbow actively mocks you for playing that. Not that Sunset would have set you up with either.

"Really? Who is it?" you ask. Sunset giggles in response.

"That'd be spoiling it," Sunset teases, as you roll your eyes. "You ready to meet them?" Sunset looks at you expectantly. You're really interested, more so just to see which girl she's found. You're sure you'll have plenty more in common with them. You're pretty excited about this one.

"Sure, take me to them." you enthusiastically reply. Sunset then takes your hand and leads you into a crowd of people around the dancefloor. It's nearly impossible to make out anyone as you're taken across the dancefloor. Finally, Sunset stops at a table on the other side of the room. She stands you in front of the table, across from a guy you've never seen before.

"Anon, this is Blaze Bolt, I've been telling him all about you!" Sunset giddily says as you give a look of confusion. She's not actually set you up with a guy, right? You look across to Sunset, who is delirious with delight, then across to Blaze, who is sheepishly smiling towards you. You look back to Sunset, almost lost for words.

"Sunset...that's a guy..." you manage to let out, still confused. Sunset drops her expression to a more straight-faced look.

"Well, yeah. I thought that's what you were into, with you not having luck with those girls before." she replies, her stoic expression removing any doubt that she may have been joking. You return a shocked, slightly offended look.

"Hey, none of that was my fault!" you scathe, before thinking back. "Well...maybe one was, but just because I had trouble with those girls doesn't mean I like men!" Your outburst catches the attention of Blaze sitting opposite you, who slightly shrinks back in his seat. "N-not that there's anything wrong with that." you quickly add, slightly putting him at ease. Sunset frowns before responding.

"But he's a great guy, and he likes everything that you like." Sunset pleads, trying to get you to come around. Instead, you sigh.

"I'm sure he's great, but I'm not into men." you reply, frustrated that Sunset isn't backing down. She looks between you and Blaze nervously.

"W-well how do you know if you've never given it a try?" Sunset shakily asks, desperately attempting for her efforts not to be in vain. You simply return a deadpan look, not amused in the slightest.

"I'm not even going to dignify that with a proper response," you coldly reply, before turning back to Blaze "Again, no offense, but...uh, you're....not my type." Blaze coyly looks away, clearly embarrassed about this situation. At least you're not the only one feeling awkward. You worry that Sunset is going to try once again, but instead she looks back over to you apologetically.

"I'm sorry, Anon. Guess I misread the signs." she quietly says, an embarrassed smile across her face. She then apologies to Blaze, who thankfully seems to take it quite well. Your awkwardness quickly subsides as you offer her a reassuring smile.

"It's fine," you start, before adopting a more serious expression. "I appreciate the effort, but maybe ask me first next time." Sunset blushes a little in embarrassment before nodding. You then go your separate ways within the club. Maybe you can actually find some peace this time. You look back towards the table to once again give your apologies to Blaze, but find the table empty, a half-finished drink still on the table. Must've left out of embarrassment. Poor guy.