//------------------------------// // Tickled pink // Story: Happy Anniversary Sug // by Bysen //------------------------------// Her head hurt. She hadn’t even opened her eyes yet which was what usually let the hang-over come flooding in. Rarity started to move but realised it was more than just her head that hurt. She felt a jolt all down her neck and a tinge in her right side as well. What the hay had happened la… oh… right… She opened her eye and took a look around. She was in Sugercube Corner, laying on rug and a few pillows in a corner of the shop, a blanket covering her. Ace and Ven where over the other side of the room, plucking at the strings of a violin, Octavia looking over them. Nopony else seemed to be around though. They must’ve all left after her show with Twili… she realised she was laying where Twilight had been last. “Oh, Rarity.” Came Octavia, as she took her attention away from Ace. A rookie mistake… she turned back and he was gone. Looking around for Ace, she heard a loud yelp come from Rarity. Ace now stood next to Rarity and had given her a small poke at her face. “Ace Swift!” Octavia said in her nice-but-strict-aunty tone “You shouldn’t do that.” “It’s alright, I think I deserve it.” Rarity said, as she got up from under the blanket. Her face felt swollen but she couldn’t tell how much so. “Did I… yesterday… that happened didn’t it?” “Yes, I’m afraid so. I wasn’t there but Pinkamina told me all the details… in her own way at least. But don’t threat, we all do stupid things when we drink.” Octavia said, turning slightly to show her side. There was a pink spot on her grey fur and it was rather large, about half of her lower right side had been dyed. “Luckily I woke up before she could finish the job this time… I have to dye her grey one day. Get her back for it.” Octavia snickered. Rarity didn’t find it as amusing as she usually did when Pinkie would dye her sister in their sleep… Rarity wasn’t pink was she? No… Pinkie only did that to Octavia. At least she hadn’t been the only drunken idiot yesterday, but somehow Rarity felt Octavia hadn’t done as much damage as she had. “I suppose I could help you remove that dye again. I feel like heading home anyway.” “I don’t think you should leave just yet, not before you talk to them.” Octavia said cheerfully, she got to be the bearer of good news. “No, I can’t face them after what I did to them yesterday. How could I think calling my sister a bitch, my friend a slut and then telling every secret I know about them would be a good idea…” “Even if they want to thank you?” Rarity didn’t respond for a few moments. She just stood there staring at Octvaia, there was no way it was true. But the smile on her face said she meant it. “Th-thank me? You mean… it, It worked!? Argh!” Rarity winced as she over exerted herself and pulled her neck a bit fast. Octavia walked past Rarity “Hold on, I’ll get you some ice.” “Yes, thank you… but, where are they? Who’s still here? Is it, still Friday?” “It’s Saturday, and it’s still quite early, you might want to keep it down.” Octavia replied as she walked into the kitchen and as if on queue after saying to be quiet, a loud clang of pans falling came along side it. “Uh… rut my life…” After another moment passed and some noise came from upstairs; Octavia returned from the kitchen, a tray on her back with a bowl of ice-cubes, two glasses and a bottle of Pinkie’s rum in toe. Rarity saw it and instantly felt sick. “I think it’s a bit early to have any of that. I think I may give it up for a while too.” “A little hair-of-the-Diamond-Dawg never hurt anypony. But this is mostly for me.” Octavia said, grabbing the tray with her mouth and placing on a table, she then scooped some ice into the glass and handed it to Rarity who readily pressed it against her neck. Octavia then did the same with the other glass but added about a quarter the glass of rum into it. The exact amount she’d learnt would instantly be chilled by the ice, then gulped it down. “Sure but… should you be drinking the stronger stuff so early?” “Hmm? Ohm… I think I know what happened yesterday now a lot better. 5X? You drunk a 1X didn’t you? Pinkie’s brew is… not normal. 5X is the weaker of the lot and 1X is somewhere around 200 proof.” “200 proof? Is… that even possible?” “We’re talking about my sister, remember?” “Oh, right.” Rarity laughed. She’d been drunker than she though. Had she even made a coherent point? She was a relatively elegant drunk but still… it was completely possible that what she thought she had said and what she had actually said where two completely different things entirely. "Octavia, dear, who is here anyway?” “Applejack and Fluttershy left shortly after I returned. I’m not sure of what became of your two stallion friends nor Sweetie Belle but aside from them, everypony is still here.” Rarity was stunned. She had actually done it. Her stupid drunken plan had worked. And to think how many long thought out, elaborate plans had failed entirely, her spur of the moment idea had worked perfectly. “Wait…” Octavia said, causing Rarity’s heart to miss a beat. Fluttershy and AJ had left, but had they left together? She knew nothing about what Sweetie Belle and Spike had said to each other? Who said Twilight and Big Mac where even still together after what she had told them? Pinkie and Dash? Even herself... and Flash Dacne?... Elusive… Rarity’s thought where cut off as Octavia continued on “that Scootaloo, isn’t here either.” Praise Celestia that’s all she had interrupted for… but she had to ask now. “Applejack and Fluttershy, they left but did they leave… together? And Big Mac and Twilight, are they alright? Pinkie? Rainbow Dash?” “Yes, they left together. They’ll probably be back soon too. Twilight was upset but even I know Big Mac well enough to know he couldn’t dump her.” “Oh that’s wonderful. I feared so much they would hate me.” “My sister and Dash though… Dash is here. But she’d not gotten back with Pinkie… and Pinkie is devastated. She’s up sleeping in the foal’s cot right now.” Octavia’s expression grew grim. Not at what she had just said about Pinkie but what she knew was about to happen. She had a sixth sense for it now and even though she knew it as coming it still horrified her. “No I’m right beside you!” chirped Pinkie, chipper as ever. “And who sad I was devistised?” Rarity laughed quietly as Octavia jumped sending the ice in her empty glass flying. The ice landed perfectly in the two glasses balanced on Pinkies back with a splash. “Perfect! Thanks, aunty-Octy, the juice for the kids could use some ice.” “Mummy.” Came both Ace and Ven’s voices in unison, then only Ace’s words, who though only learnt to talk recently, already had a better grasp on the Equestrian language than her sister who learnt months earlier. “She said devastated, not divistised” Pinkie simple replied “Tomato, ‘tomato’. Potato, spud. Apples and oranges, same thing!” Rarity couldn't help but wonder how Applejack would’ve reacted to that last comment. Not to mention the affect such… ‘Pinkie-ness’ would have on these kids. Though Rairty was sure Ace and Ven would be fine she still had a slight bit of fear of what being raised by such an eccentric mother would do to them. Pinkie gasped loudly and zipped over to Rarity, the two glasses flipping off of her back and landing perfectly in front of the two foals “What happened to you face!?” “Oh, I um…” Rarity had known here face felt swollen but was it really that bad? “Is it SO noticeable?” “Ab-SO-lutely!” Pinkie yell-replied, stretching out her arm and coming back with a mirror that had been nowhere around before. Rarity looked into the mirror. The left side of her face was completely puffed up. How she was even able to see out her eye on that side was miraculous to say the least. She stared into the mirror for some time, pulling different angles constantly, touching and poking to swollen cheek which, not surprisingly, hurt! “I should get back home! I… I don’t want to be seen by anypony else like this.” “I’ll come with you.” Octavia added “Pinkie’s awake, she can handle the foals. I should try to get this pink off of my side.” “Octavia…" Pinkie said with a tone of implication behinh it. "Are you hitting on Rarity?” Pinkie smirked, giving her a wink. “Give that flank of yours a nice scrubbing.” “No, dear. I doubt she is… you’re not right?” “Oh, of course… I’m hitting on an engaged mare in front of my crazy lesbian sister… what do you think?” she instantly, after saying that, put her hoof over Pinkie’s mouth. “It means no Pinkamina… shall we just go?” she said, walking past Rarity, not really needing an answer. Rarity followed. As they walked, Octavia wasjust in front, with Rarity to her right. It covered both her pink rear and Rarity’s swollen face from most directions. They didn’t notice it themselves but it worked quite well to hide the embarrassment being seen like that would’ve caused. ~ ~ She couldn’t believe she was doing this. But the note was written and already folded as she slid it into the envelope. She stopped and started to pull the letter back out for the slightest moment But before she could, a yellow hoof was placed upon her own. Applejack looked up at Fluttershy who just smiled back at her. Putting her panic aside, AJ smiled back and slid the letter in and sealed the envelope. It was time Applebloom knew the truth. She wouldn’t just tell her by letter, that would be stupid. It merely said that they needed to speak the next time she could come back to Ponyville. Even though it would be a month or so away at the least, before she could get back here from the tourement. Unless she lost a few bouts but the odds of that from her sister… her daughter... Even still, AJ felt horrified of what could happen when she told Applebloom. Even with Fluttershy by her side again at long last. As if sensing the fear from AJ, or just being Fluttershy’s natural self, she pulled AJ close to her. “Applejack, I want you to say something.” “Ah’m fine suger. Ah’m… just. Well you know… it don’t need sayin' again.” “I understand, but… I want you to… say it…” “She’s ma daughter. Ah promise ah’ll tell her. Honestly, ah don’t know why ah’m scared. She loves me, she’d understand as well. 'S just… something feels wrong right now, ya know suger? “Yes. I know.” Fluttershy sighed, pulling away from Applejack. Fluttershy knew she shouldn’t say it but… “I don’t want you to hate me but… I still… even now, I still want a child.” “You still...? Ah, ah don’t know how I can help ya. Ah really wish ah could give you a child Fluttershy, ah really do. But, ah’m sorry. Even if ah could, or Big Mac, or any stallion… not that ah would let them. How long have you been? Uh, 'unfurtile'?” “May… maybe a y-year now. And… I told Rarity before you because… I don’t know Applejack, I just did.” Applejack pulled Fluttershy back in towards her. “That doesn’t matter. I don’t blame you for being scared. I can’t imagine how ya musta felt. As if you were letting me down? But suger, all ah really want is you. And ma family. And…” Applejack paused… she had an idea… a very BAD idea. “And...?” said Fluttershy, looking up from AJ’s neck to meet her eyes. “Um… Flutttershy… Ah don’t know quite how ta say this but… you have a brother too don’cha?” “Yes, I do-oh... oh my…” Fluttershy suddenly realised what Applejack had implied. “No, it’s ok Applejack. I know that maybe you wanted my… our child to be yours in some way but… I…” “Ah know how weird the idea is… after how this whole mess got started and all, but ah… ah wanna do this for you.” AJ just snickered at her own words. “Wow… ah wanna cheat on you with yur brother… fer you. It sounds even stupider out loud than it did in ma head.” she had said that thinking about herself but also about Fluttershy. How could she have ever thought about Fluttershy and Big Mac would cheat together… it was just such a far-fetched idea. Fluttershy closed her eyes, breaking her contact with AJ’s stare and buried her head into her lover’s neck. “No. I don’t need the child to be mine at all. I don’t need it to be yours… I just…” tears welling inside her as she spoke” I just… I don’t know why. I thought I would love Ace and Ven. And I did but, it wasn’t the same as what I felt for…” AJ felt the tears flow down her neck form Fluttershy’s face. It broke her heart that she could feel so sad at such a happy time. They had just gotten back together. “Ah understand suger… ah love you differently to how ah love Applebloom. Ah love you just as much but just differently somehow.” “No! No you don’t understand! I felt… I know how exactly how you feel for her and that’s what I meant. I didn’t love those two the way I do Applebloom. She’s… she’s my daughter too and I love her. But I… I can’t explain it… I just… want my…” she looked back up at Applejack who was still looking down at her from the same direction. She hadn’t moved her eyes at all from when she had broken away. “my… Angel back…” There it was. It all made sense to Applejack now. Angle Bunny. She wasn’t sure, but he had probably died the same time she had lost her fertility. He had been with her for seventeen years. She’d found him when she was only fourteen, where she had fallen from her flight school and landed in one of the most beautiful places in Equestria, just inside the Everfree Forest. Nearby was an old abandoned cottage which she had moved into when she was older. She often wondered from the lush, open, 'safe' area she loved so much into the more wild regions of the forest. One day however, as she strolled through, she came across him. He was just a new born: injured and abandoned... Or so she had thought. A Timber-Wolf had invaded his parent's den and killed them both. One of his rear legs had been broken but he’d managed to crawl out and away from the den when Flutterhsy came across him in the forested land. She thought he was going to die and it crushed her. Why did such an innocent little creature have to die? “This isn’t right… t-this isn’t… fair.” she whimpered aloud. But it got worse. The Timber-Wolf emerged from the rabbit den, having finished eating the rabbits within. And now it wanted to eat pony. The Timber-Wolf moved towards them slowly, ready to pounce at a hair’s drop. She could simply fly away and escape but something inside her told her to stay, to fight. To defend! “It’s not fair!” she yelled. She stared directly at the Timber-Wolf and it stopped in its tracks. “I won’t let you harm this creature! You’ll have to go through me first!” she yelled, not blinking, not daring to. She knew she was about to die. But the Timber-Wolf backed away. It turned and ran: terrified. Flutterhsy simply stood there for a moment not sure what had just happened. “I… I didn’t know I had that in me… I just… stared him off.” she said as the bunny slowly crawled its way over to her and wrapped its arms around her leg. Fluttershy turned to see it. It could barely walk; it had to have been born less than an hour ago. “You’re very inspiring little bunny, if you had not appeared then I might not have been able to do anything.” she said with a smile as it continued to wrap its arms around her. The rabbit slowly opened its eyes for the first time… and saw its new mother. Fluttershy turned to meet its gaze. “You must be my guardian angle… or I’m yours. I don’t know which.” It responded to her voice with a happy squeak. Though it must’ve been in horrible pain! It couldn’t walk, even if had been more than a few scant moments old. Fluttershy lifted it onto her back and made sure it was carefully balanced between her wings. She started to walk out of the forest. She turned back to it again and added “You can just be my little Angel.” Applejack had only heard the story once. It was a proud moment for Fluttershy but she’d never told it to anypony else. Since then Angel had been her son in a way. The same way Spike was to Twilight’s perhaps. She had lost him and Applejack had thought Fluttershy meant what she had said. ‘It was just his time… he lived a long and happy life. He wouldn’t want us to be sad.’ And maybe she had but it didn’t stop what she still felt. AJ couldn’t imagine how she would feel if Applebloom died. “Ah miss the li'l fella suger… ah really do. But please… don’t cry. This should be a happy time fer us. Back together. Ah love you.” Applejack said, still not having moved at all from Fluttershy’s gaze until now, when she lowered he head to hers and gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead. She lingered there for a moment afterwards, just resting against Flutterhsy’s head. “I just… want you…” Fluttershy said lowly, wanting to continue the thought and tell AJ what she really wanted in this moment. But if she simple said it, AJ would oblige. It wouldn’t mean anything if she only did it at request. It had to be natural for it to mean anything. But without it… it just wasn’t the same. Applejack however misinterpreted Fluttershy’s longing “I want you too, Fluttershy.” she said, giving another gentle kiss to her forehead, once again, staying there afterwards and for a few moments longer. Eventually though she pulled away. “We should get going. We said… ah promised… ah would. Rarity…” With that Fluttershy snapped out of her small stupor of self-pity. She wasn’t the only one hurting here. Still, even if it wasn’t perfect, she still wanted this moment to last. “We… we don’t have to go just yet. Do we?” “No. We don’t have to go jus’ yet.” AJ said as she laid her head back against her lover. ~ ~ “ARGH!!!” Rarity yelped as Octavia put the cold, partly frozen cloth on her face. Rarity didn't have any ice at her boutique so Octavia had come up with the idea of just wetting a cloth and throwing it in the freezer. This worked well for a normal tea towels and the like but as both found found out a few seconds before, with one she had prepared earlier: Do not freeze a wet Sham-wow, as the will shatter into pieces… “Sorry.” Octavia said as she reapplied the towel to Rarity’s face, more softly than before. Rarity had already removed the pink dye from Octavia’s pelt. The same method always worked, Pinkie always used the same type of dye. It still took a good amount of time to remove though. Long enough for the towel to partially freeze, which now rested against the side of Rarity’s face. “I’m not too sure what this’ll do though, cold prevents swelling, it doesn’t put it down.” Rarity sighed. It was true but she couldn’t think of anything else to do to make this go away. It was better than nothing. “At the very least it feels nice.” Rarity said. There was a knock on the door and Rarity turned to look towards it. Turning, however, pressed the towel Octavia was holding to her face hard into the cheek. “ARGH!!” Rarity cried… “So much for feeling nice.” After a moment to recollect herself, she walked over to the door. Making sure the angel she would look out of it from she could hide most of her swollen face to whomever it was knocking. The thought occurred to her that it may be one of her friends. She both hoped it was and dreaded this too. They knocked again and Rarity answered. “Hey Rarity” Spike said in a low tone. He didn’t look to happy to be here. “Twilight sent me to get you. She wants to talk about… whatever you said to her yesterday.” Spike hadn’t been there for most of what she had done. Had he spoken to Sweetie Belle? Rarity had to ask… then again he had been at Sugercube Corner and Sweetie Belle wasn’t... she thinks. “Spike… I’m sorry for what I said yesterday. I didn’t… I didn’t actually say anything about you but still, I apologize. And I threat to ask but… did you and Sweetie Belle talk?” “Well… that’s the other reason I’m here. I didn’t.” Spike paused, not sure if he should continue on or not. Nothing had actually happened back then so it was alright now wasn’t it? Still it was awkward. “I haven’t told anypony else yet, not even Twilight but… Sweetie Belle… she’s with somepony else… she’s with Elusive.” Rarity couldn’t have heard that right “I’m sorry, I must’ve misheard you.” “You heard me… I went looking for her yesterday. I looked for ages, I tried her house, your place, my place, even Sweet Apple Acres but I couldn’t find her until… I saw her at the train station. They were at a small café and she was kissing him.” Rarity looked appalled for a moment but that quickly passed. She seemed to be taking this a lot better than Spike had thought she would. “Oh, I see. I’m sorry to hear that Spike. But… she’s a grown mare and even if I dislike what she does, she can still do so. Honestly, I expected better from Elusive…” she said the last part with a grim-sadness to her tone then added “and I never thought I would say that.” “Are you… really ok with that?” Octavia asked. She’d heard what had happened between him and Rarity’s sister, though only yesterday found out the newer developments. When he had shown up WITH her; Octavia had been shocked and needed to know why her sister would invited him. Which of course, being told to her by Pinkie… the details weren’t entirely accurate. “Yes… and frankly I had my suspicions when he showed up to the party with her, apparently invited. But why should I care? He’s a good pony after all… and she can make her own mind. Let’s just drop the matter shall we? Now Spike, Twilight wanted to see me correct? Is… is that a good thing or a bad thing?” “Um, I don’t know. I’m not even sure it was her to be honest. It could’ve been…" Spike caught himself. That was one secret he was definitely not letting Rarity in on after yesterday. “Forget I said anything. I don’t know what she wants. She could’ve just wanted some alone time with Big Mac for all I know.” Octavia let out a small laugh at Spike’s words. Rarity didn’t follow suite but was clearly somewhat amused by them. "Well let us go then, shall we? Oh, one tihng first though..." she’d forget all about her swollen face and Spike hadn’t mentioned it. She did remember it just before they were to head off back to Sugercube Corner and she quickly applied a heavy dose of make-up to cover it up. Though blush and rouge can only do so much, it was well disguised but still visible none the less. They walked for a few moments, not talking very much. Octavia had tried to start up a conversation but it had drifted towards music and neither Spike nor Rarity had too much of an interest in the topic so it hadn’t lasted too long. Rarity especially didn't want the conversation to drift towars that time herself and Octavia had song that terrble duet... Octacvia couldn't even sing for Celestia sake and why Rarity had tried to play a chello...? She sighed to herself remembering it. They were about half way back to Sugercube Corner when they heard a yell “Hey, Bitch-ity!” it was Gilda… Rarity turned to see her, walking alongside Scootaloo. Not too surprising. She’d probably have to apologise to Gilda as well. Though frankly half of her apologise would be forced. Really, she hadn’t needed to say sorry to Spike but she still had. What did she owe one to Gilda for? AppleDash? That was more towards Dash than her. She’d actually liked Gilda, found her somewhat abrasive but otherwise quite similar to Dash. “What up, G-riff?” Spike looked stunned by what he had just heard… so did Rarity. Octavia knew Gilda? How did… never mind, they’d find out in a roughly a second anyway… “Yo, Octopus! What are you doing here? “You know her?” asked Scootaloo “There anypony here you don’t somehow know?” “What, you jelly?” “Not even!” Scootaloo replied, she clearly was. “Haha! Relax, I know her through her roommate, we run the same crowd… wait… don’t tell me. Is Vinyl this one’s sister?” Gilda pointed to Rarity as she asked. They definitely looked similar, both white unicorns. “Hardly.” replied Rarity “Though, nothing against Vinyl of course.” “Oh yeah, of course…” Gilda mocked “sure you got nothing against her.” “How do you know Rarity?” Octavia asked “and Scootaloo too it seems.” “Scthuloo here and me go way back. Rarity? I met her yesterday at some Pink-Squeak’s party.” Rarity laughed a little. So did Spike and Scootaloo. They all knew, Gilda didn’t though. “What’s so funny?” Gilda asked, she hated being the butt end of a joke. “That 'Pink-Squeak'… is my sister.” “Serious? Uh! You look nothing like her. Should I just name everypony I know and see if you guys are related somehow?” ~ ~ She lay there in the bath tub. Big Mac didn’t seem to care about her past but it didn’t stop Twilight from being disgusted at herself. She hated Rarity at the moment, almost as much as she hated herself. There was also what Dash had said… Twilight didn’t even know the names of the some ponies she’d been with either. She only remembered about half of their names now, but even when it happened she hadn’t known some of them... “Miss Twilight.” came Big Mac’s voice through the door. She’d been in there for at least an hour now after some noise from down stairs had stirred them both. She’d slept with Big Mac last night but as always he was a perfect gentlestallion and hadn’t tried anything. Though what she originally thought was shyness along with being well mannered wasn’t so. When he wanted, he got! “Twilight!?” She could tell he was starting to get worried. He had dropped the formality of saying ‘Miss’ which he rarely did. “I’m fine. I just don’t…” she paused, not entirely sure what it was she didn’t want. “I’m just fine Big Mac…” “Are ya near the door?” “No… I’m in the tub…” She was cut off by a loud bang and cracking sound. She turned to see the door fly open. He’d kicked in the lock and just strode in, as if he hadn’t done anything. Twilight was a little frightened by this. He had never been so violent and even with his size she hadn’t really though he could be. He was normally so peaceful and calm. He walked over to her in the full tub, a small, now mostly gone layer of bubbles along the top. He slipped into the large round bowl with her. The bath was rather large and Twilight couldn’t help but wonder if Pinkie ever used it for… ‘Try not to think about that…’ she thought. Hypochondriac Twilight wouldn’t help here. He moved around to her side of the tub and placed a hoof around her, pulling her into him. She accepted his embrace and returned it, wrapping her arms around him. She didn’t want to be here with him now but she didn’t want to ask him to leave either. As mad as it sounded, with her thinking she was a slut, being with this stallion just felt right. “Miss Twilight, ah know how ya must be feelin’. But ah don’t care what happened in tha past.” Big Mac offered, fully sincere but it somehow seemed forced to say. “I’ve done so many stupid things though. I’ve… three of your cousins even. I’d probably have slept with Applejack even, if she wasn’t with Fluttershy. And… you and Applejack?” Twilight said, looking up at him, both a little confused and intrigued. She was pretty sure she knew what Rarity had meant by 'that happened too.' She didn’t really want to ask but wanted to know. Her stare conveyed that to him. “Ah’d like ta not think about that right now, not while ah’m with you.” He said, looking away, clearly embarrassed by it. Twilight laughed a little at his reaction. It was pretty much what she’d expected from him. She added “Who am I to judge, I’ve made so many mistakes before now…” the shame coming back from the brief moment of respite. “We’ve made some’a the same mistakes… some’a the same ponies…” he said, turning back to her, trying to comfort her. “Same ponies… please do tell me you mean Golden Delicous?” she asked, still stuck on the thought of him and AJ. He laughed a little as well, dismissively. “Cheerilee… ah mean. Me and her went out fer a while some time ago; after Applebloom where no longer her student. She insisted ta keep professional and wouldn’t see a students’ brotha.” “Or uncle, rather.” Twilight added “But, Cheerilee? Really? I guess you have a thing for purple.” “An' ah guess you have a thing for earth ponies.” Big Mac replied, but regretted it almost instantly, thinking she would take it the wrong way. She didn’t however and chuckled for a moment before saying “Yeah… I guess I do…” she’d made mistakes, but who hadn’t. It still nagged at her a little and hurt somewhat but now if it mattered. Whatever she had done had gotten her here. With big Mac. “Big Mac, you know I love you right?” “Eeyup, and ah love you Miss Twilight.” “I was wondering if...” she paused and took a moment to find exactly what to say. He really cared for her. He’d made some mistakes too… though Twilight had to admit whatever she had had with Cheerilee, was defiantly not been a mistake. And quite frankly; was some of the best… and to think Big mac had still wanted Twilight after knowing what Cheerilee could do. Maybe that said something about him. Or maybe that said something about Twilgiht... but it didn’t bother her either way. He was probably the best thing to happen to her since Spike. She’d practically even moved in with him already; she kept at least twenty books at Sweet Apple Acres. She knew what this was, what she wanted it to be. She just had to find the right words. "Big Mac, I was wondering if…”