Darkness Rising

by Bronyprophet

Chapter 4 Thinning Patience

Thorax flew back to his kingdom, muttering irritably to himself as he made the long flight back. He had been Annoyed at Trixie ruining his perfect date. It was going to be great for the two to share their first kiss, the sun was setting beautifully. Thorax thought that maybe he could ask Celestia, to set the day up like that again... However, he realised as he thought about it, that he couldn't do that, she was the princess of Equestria.

Thorax let loose a sigh of exasperation, realising that he would just have to hope that their would be another perfect time. Thoraxs kingdom came into sight. The castle had changed, it was no longer so dark and foreboding.

The foliage around the castle had fully grown back, since the Maulwurf had been defeated. It had a closer resemblance to the Everfree forest now. Thorax made it to his beautiful kingdom, entering through the main halls where his brother Pharynx met him.

"Brother, how was the party? I would of loved to join you, but with Queen Chrysalis still on the loose I must prepare for every possibility. She could attack at anytime." Pharynx greeted kindly. Though Pharynx had changed considerably, he was still the hives protector, but he was just more accepting of the way things were now.

"Thank you Pharynx, but you should enjoy life as well. Yes Chrysalis is still out there, and is a threat, but that is no reason to not make friends. The party was great, you would of enjoyed it, I also have a fillyfriend now." Thorax explained before becoming embarrassed.

"Oh really, please tell me who is the lucky mare?" Pharynx stated, with interest.

"You remember Starlight Glimmer, well um, yeah, we kinda started dating." Thorax replied, turning a shade of red.

"I knew you would end up with her Thorax, I'm happy for you, and if she becomes your Queen, then I'll gladly give my life for her. I owe her that much, she helped me find my true self. Though it was reckless." Pharynx replied happily, he was so happy for his brother, and the potential future brood Queen.

"Oh, I don't know Pharynx, I think your getting ahead of yourself. We only just started dating, and that would mean we would have to get close to each other." Thorax replied, ending on a slightly sour note, that Pharynx picked up on.

"Thorax, whats the matter? you sound irritated." Pharynx replied.

"Oh, it's just... never mind, it's alright." Thorax started before stopping his sentence.

"Something is wrong, you cant lie to your brood brother." Pharynx pressed.

"You're right Pharynx, there is something I'm upset about. You know Starlights' best friend, Trixie." Thorax stated.

"Yeah, the really annoying one." Pharynx replied.

"It's just she ruined the moment between Starlight and I, we were going to share our first kiss, while the sun was setting, but she decided to interrupt us. Then we went our separate ways." Thorax explained.

"I see, I can throw her into the dungeon, if you like." Pharynx offered.

"That sounds... Oh no don't do that, we don't imprison our friends, even if they are annoying." Thorax considered the thought, before he disregarded it.

"If you say so, well you are probably tired from such a long flight, I have things organised over here. You get some sleep." Pharynx replied, concluding the conversation.

Thorax made it up to his chambers and used his magic to send a fire message to Starlight, telling her he arrived home safely, and within a second he received a reply saying good night.

Back in Ponyville, Starlight had been facing the same dissatisfaction with her best friend, Trixie. The timing had been perfect for them to share their first kiss, and they had such a great date, but it all ended in disaster, because of how narcissistic Trixie was. As she made it back to the castle again, she burst through the door with a huff, which earned a raised eye brow from Twilight.

"Starlight, whats the matter?" Twilight inquired.

"Its nothing Twilight, I'm just tired." Starlight snapped, as she continued stomping towards her chambers.

"Now you just hold on for one second." Twilight replied, picking up Starlight in a telekinetic grip, bringing her towards where she was sitting, before she sat her down, in the seat in front of her. "Now what happened." Twilight continued, sounding more, or less like Celestia.

"Well, its just that Trixie, ruined my first kiss with Thorax. She makes me so mad." Starlight Explained, with exasperation.

"I see, you know I was like you at one stage, I was annoyed at my friends. It was actually pretty recent, when I had to save Equestria from the storm king, I tried to steal a really powerful magical Item to save our land, but I was caught-"

"You mean that you actually tried to steal something, and had a friendship problem, with your own friends." Starlight abruptly stated, sounding a little shocked, with a hint of disbelief.

"Yes Starlight, I'm not perfect, no pony is. We all do things we regret, and I did regret it, because in my haste, my friends and the ponies of Equestria were blamed by Queen Novo, and we were cast out of Seaquestria. When we came to the shore line, I got into an argument with my friends. In that argument I said somethings that I wasn't proud of, and for a little while, I felt alone and lost, I had failed my duties as the princess of Friendship.

While I was distracted by my self pity, I was captured by Tempest. Although my friends were angry at me they still saved me, and we even made a new friend in the process.

The reason I told you this story Starlight, is because the last thing you want to do, is hide what you're feeling. Tell your friends about how they are making you feel, a lie is never the solution, it just hurts them. " Twilight explained, before hugging Starlight tenderly, like a mother hugging their daughter.

"I understand, your right, I shouldn't be angry. I'll explain to Trixie the reason why I acted, the way I acted, tomorrow." Starlight replied a lot calmer, embracing Twilight, before she started making her way, to her room.

Chrysalis, had returned to the surface of the Crystal Empire, after writing two letters, one to Twilight, and the other to Cadance.

She had her part of the plan firmly in her mind, she transformed into a Crystal Pony, and entered the town, before transforming again, this time into a crystal pony guard. She noticed Cadance and Shining Armour packing their bags.

Chrysalises' plan had been going well. Soon she would be able to disguise herself as Cadance, and start handing soldiers over to Sombra, and soon they would have their army. When they did, they would march on to conquer Equestria.

Chrysalis had felt the happiest she had been in a long time, she was finally going to take her revenge. She had planned out how she would make Starlight suffer, and how she would do the same to Thorax. She would corrupt Twilight, and force her to fight Starlight. She would do the same to Thorax she would corrupt Pharynx, and force Thorax to fight his own brother. Chrysalis started to smile, as she thought of her revenge.

She had to admit none of this would be possible, if it weren't for Sombra. Maybe she would become his Queen after all. He was powerful, and their offspring would be quite powerful. Even if she didn't love him, she would still have a use for him.

Chrysalis saw Sombra as nothing more then a tactical asset, one that she could use to attain what she wanted. Once he had lost his usefulness, she would discard him as a broken tool.

After Celestias' mother, Nova, took Chrysalises' Beauty away, she became cold. She had been the most desirable mare in the world 995 years ago. Nova was her best friend, until she stole her beloved away from her, she used her final dying breath to curse her. causing Chrysalis to become ugly, and unlovable.

Because of that, Chrysalis Heart Song died in East Dragonside Village, leaving a cold hard husk behind, that gave birth to what she was now. She no longer cared for anypony, or creature. They were all expandable, she would never be hurt again, instead, she would be the one who hurt ponies and creatures. She would spite her ex best friend, and rule the world, without love, making it illegal to love. Then the world would feel how she felt, cold and dead inside, that was her true intent for revenge.