And if I don't belong...

by RejectOwl

Making Amends

"Twilight." A voice said softly, a voice Twilight hadn't heard in months.

"What do you want?" She spat at the rainbow maned pegasus.

"I... I wanted to apologize. I know Rarity and I didn't have the best reaction, but... once you two made up and she told me about it, I realized I felt the same way. I couldn't stand the thought of losing you, and of failing you. I mean, I'm supposed to represent the element of loyalty! Fat lot of good I've been lately."

"It's been months Rainbow Dash. Why just now?" Twilight asked.

"Hey, you know I got a big ego, I had to swallow my pride to do this!" Rainbow exclaimed. "No, wait, that's not how you apologize."

"Oh wow, she's learning." Twilight rolled her eyes.

"Twilight, I'm sorry. I felt terrible after the fact that I'd attacked you and I didn't want to face you. I know I have a big ego, and I let that ego get in the way of my friendship with you. Instead of being there for you, you've had to go through this without me, I mean not like I would have made a big difference anyway, you seem to be doing okay on your own. I'm supposed to remain loyal to my friends, to you, but I didn't. This is all on me, not you Twilight. I should have seen how much you were suffering and-I- I'm sorry Twilight, I should have been there for you, and if the element of loyalty never again works for me, I'll fully understand why, it should have come to life and kicked me right in the ass when I abandoned you." The pegasus scuffed the ground with her hoof.

"It really should have." Twilight answered and then smiled. "But, I guess I forgive you."

"You-you mean it?" Rainbow asked her ears perking up.

"I mean it Rainbow Dash. I forgive you. I'm not saying you didn't hurt me badly by abandoning me, but I kind of get it. I wouldn't have done it, but that's because I'm not as rash and prideful as you." Twilight answered.

"Ow, way to kick a mare when she's down Twilight!" Rainbow joked.

"Rainbow, I've been recovering after trying to kill myself and you "kicked a mare when she was down" didn't you?"

"Ouch. I deserved that." Rainbow sighed.

"You did." Twilight smiled. "How about you treat me to some ice cream as a peace offering, and we can catch up?"

"I don't have any bits!" Rainbow exclaimed.

A flash of purple and saddle bags appeared on Rainbow Dash.

"I believe your money is in there?" Twilight asked.

"I-uh-huh, that's useful. To the ice cream shoppe!" Rainbow cheered.

Twilight found herself genuinely laughing at the blue mare's antics.

It felt good to be friends again.

"So, Fluttershy told me Princess Luna adopted you?" Rainbow questioned while eating her ice cream, as if she doubted the truthfulness of her friend.

"She did." Twilight laughed. "She decided since my family was shit, she was going to be my family, I have a permanent room in Canterlot Castle now."

"Nice, Twilight has a castle!" Rainbow cheered.

"Well I mean, it's still the princesses' castle, I just have a room there."

"And you are Luna's daughter now, so that makes you like a princess, and therefor the castle is also yours, invite me for a sleepover sometime."

"Will do." Twilight laughed enjoying her own mintchip ice cream.

"So, besides the whole, trying to off yourself and shit, what's been happening?" Rainbow asked.

Twilight rolled her eyes at the bluntness of her friend, she'd actually really missed it, not that she'd admit it to Dash.

"Well, the princesses punished my family, they were a very large part of why I tried to do what I did, I made a new friend, her name's Pearl Shine, I've been having regular therapy sessions every two weeks, and seeing a psychiatrist every month to work out stabilizing my medication, I actually had a seizure with the first one she tried."

Rainbow looked a the ground, fighting back tears, she shouldn't cry, Twilight needed her, Twilight needed to talk, not reassure Rainbow, before when Twilight needed her, she hadn't been there.

"And I've actually been learning some new things, you know, stuff to keep my busy, Luna thought reading and maybe some other hobbies would be good for me. Even if I suck." Twilight said.

"Like what? I don't think it's possible for Twilight Sparkle to suck at anything." Rainbow laughed.

"Crochet." Twilight deadpanned and teleported a very disfigured lump of crocheted green yarn to the table.

"Oh it's not that bad! Scarves are supposed to be kinda lumpy!" Rainbow said picking it up and throwing it around her neck.

" was supposed to be a shirt." Twilight said, keeping a straight face.

"Oh.. oh shit! I'm sorry!" Rainbow tried to back-peddle. "I mean for a first effort! Shirts are hard! This is really good for a first time!"

"That was the third." Twilight responded.

"Fuck!" Rainbow whispered.

Twilight burst out laughing.

"No, Rainbow I'm just messing with you." Twilight said. "It was indeed meant to be a scarf, you can have it if you want."

"Really? It does get pretty cold up in Cloudsdale. Think you could someday make me some socks and a sweater?" Rainbow asked, then immediately looked away. "That is, if I'm really forgiven and we can go back to being friends?"

"Rainbow, I already said I forgive you, besides my therapist doesn't think it's good for you to hold grudges." Twilight waved her hoof dismissively.

"How's therapy been going anyway?" Rainbow asked.

"Good actually. Been able to get a lot out, stuff I just... don't want to burden you guys with. It helps talking to someone who has an "impersonal connection" so to speak." Twilight said.

"I'm glad you're doing better Twilight, and I'm glad we're friends again." Rainbow smiled.

"Me too." Twilight answered and gave the pegasus a hug.