Something Missing (Old/Cancelled)

by Lazy Coyote

Chapter 1: The First Step...

Several years later...


"Silver Spark you get back here this instant!"

He turned the corner, leaping up and jumping of the wall so that he didn't lose speed, and he heard his mom do the same, picking up the pace so that she could catch him.

He giggled around the hair curler he had in his mouth, once more cursing his mother's foresight of using whatever was on hoof to block his magic first chance she got whenever he started causing trouble, the object of his ire being a juicy red apple, stuck securely on the tip of his horn.

Probably gonna eat it later. He thought, absently ducking under his father's legs, before he felt a large blanket settle on top of his everything, the world going black as he was captured.

He felt his dad's magic latch onto him before he rose up into the air, the chuckling of his parents filling the room as they exposed his doom-and-gloom expression to the light.

"You can try to delay it all you want, but your first day of school is already happening, now can you please let your father and I finish getting ready?" His Mother only half-jokingly said, and he giggled at her half-curled yellow mane, the limp half dangling in front of her face.

He really didn't want to go, but it was better than sitting in the house all day doing nothing, not that he would tell his parents that, he wanted them to have the real parenting experience, plus it was the day where he started on his goals. Not that they were very numerous right now, be better wasn't exactly the most concrete of goals.

Still, he had to get out of the house at some point, and oddly enough he'd found his experiences as a kid to be fun.

He shook his head, idly fiddling with his freaking neon yellow mane while his parents got ready to take him to his first day of school.

He munched on the apple that had been stuck on his horn, thinking about what he was planning to do with his life, what he was gonna have for a snack later, repeating the names that needed remembering (Never Forget), and just... letting his mind wander.

He most definitely did not scream when he felt two hooves grab him, and he couldn't have blushed in embarrassment when his parents laughed, it just wasn't possible.

He silently fumed at his parents while they ran a brush through his blue fur, before just rolling his eyes and going with it.

He was gently placed on his mother's back as she hovered along, and he giggled again, and speaking of, he really needed to get out of that habit now that he was going out in public.

He was utterly fascinated with flying-well, more of the falling aspect really, nothing but the wind as it roared past you, the ground getting closer and closer, it was just so liberating, so freeing, so-

"Silver..." He sheepishly retracted his head from where it was hanging off his mother's back, being firmly reminded that they hadn't forgotten the first time he'd done that and tilted right off, laughing so hard he was crying on the way down until his mom had caught him.

"Just looking." He saw his mom roll her eyes as she turned to look forward, and now that he payed attention he realized they were already nearly four times as far as he usually went into the city, that number rapidly growing as his mom flew.

Canterlot was big, and while not as big as some cities on earth it was a lot more densely packed, everything laid out just right instead of the casual expansion of most cities, it was odd.

He watched as ponies went about their usual business, everyone just walking about like little ants.

"Hey look, a bug!... think I'll squish it!" He said in his best gruff voice, and he felt his mother's flight wobble as she snorted, his smile widening at the sound.

It wasn't long before they were descending, and he vaguely made out the sign spelling out Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns, rolling his eyes once more at this world's odd namings.

He hopped off his mom's back once they landed, glancing around at all of the other families that had gathered, all of the Colt and Filly unicorns, and he counted nearly forty families.

His mom placed a wing on him to make sure he didn't run off (Smart) and before long they were in the building, walking down halls that were eerily familiar, schools all having the same general feel from his experience.

He was really, really happy his parents had decided to homeschool him until this point, he was not the most social of creatures, sitting right there next to The Grinch on the antisocial behavior meter.

He hadn't really expected to ever see this place, but apparently he was 'Freakishly Good' at magic, his father looking proud whenever he used some of the spells he'd figured out, but utterly lost whenever he used some of the ones he'd made himself.

He'd been stuck in a house with nothing to do and a key to almightly power stuck on his forehead, and all he had to do to figure out how to use it was read some books and figure out how it worked.

The human mind was not built to be tempted on such a level.

Hey, it's not like he could exercise like he did in his downtime during his last life, he read enough to know that excessive exercise could seriously mess up a child's body.

He came out of his thoughts when he and his mom entered a large room that absolute screamed lecture hall, and while he'd never been in one himself he'd seen a few from videos and pictures.

There were four official-looking unicorns up at the top of the seats, and he startled when he realized his mom had walked over to the edge of the room, leaving him in the center of the room.

He turned when he heard the door open, seeing a light brown earth pony with dark brown hair wheeling in what looked like a mannequin, but studded with odd sensors.

He stared at it in confusion for a bit, wondering what happened to the dragon egg test that Twilight had used in the show, was he before when they got the egg or after she had hatched Spike? Questions for later.

"Now mister Spark, if you would kindly cast the most advanced spell of your repertoire?" Good god if everyone here talks like that he'd snap.

Not the most powerful but the most advanced... that would have to be one of the spells he'd made himself, and it would have been easy to cast the most powerful spell he had, but to pick out the most advanced...

The spells he'd made were all ripped off from video games or anime, but if he had to pick the most complicated one... it would have to be Haste, the most loved spell in the Final Fantasy series, and the single hardest spell he knew how to cast. Easily leagues and leagues above anything else he'd created.

He'd had to look through dozens of books on Time magic, which were really fucking complicated to even start on making the spell, the only reason he stuck on it was that it would be the most handy spell ever if he could get it right.

He lit up his horn, and his magic aura engulfed the dummy, before he narrowed his eyes and focused, and as he watched, his blue magic aura gradually turned purple as the light coming from the dummy was compressed from being sped up, before turning red, and he focused a bit of his attention to make that signature holographic clock appear in front of the dummy, an illusion of course, but it just wouldn't feel right without it.

Jesus fuck that spell made him tired, the only reason it was viable at all was that it both cost less to use on himself and would last a few minutes before wearing off, and he took a second to just collapse onto the floor and groan from the strain.


... Why is everything so quiet? He cracked open an eye to check on the entrance exam ponies, before blinking.

Two of them were frozen solid, just staring at the dummy in a way that he couldn't quite decipher, one of the others was scribbling something down furiously, while the last was opening and closing their mouth, making odd squeaking noises.

"That was quite the impressive spell." He turned, wondering who- WHAT IS CELESTIA DOING HERE!?!?

He was gone, bye bye, believe it or not Spark isn't at home, please leave a message at the beep.

She was looking over the dummy, and her horn lit up, presumably to cast a spell to scan it. He was too busy making dying squeaky toy noises to care though.

He saw her eyes widen a bit, before she turned to him and smiled and dying squeaky toy noises.

"What is this spell called? I've never seen something like this before." He wheezed, before pulling in a breath and closing his eyes for a second, doing his best to get his mind off the fact that the God-Queen herself was standing before him.

Blood for the blood god, Milk for the Khorne flakes. "It's called Haste." He saw her nod, taking a closer look at the mannequin.

"It's derived from the Aging spell, correct? Making them age quicker, and as a byproduct speeding up their movements?" He blinked, that was... almost what he'd done to create it, but not quite.

"Er, no your highness, I used the failed Time Stop spell, or at least what I could learn without the official research, and reversed the process, making the target... slipery when it comes to the fabric of time, but not quite invisible. Turns out slowing things down or speeding them up is a lot easier than stopping them." She was nodding along as he talked, before her horn's magic winked out and she turned towards him.

"I don't suppose I could see about giving you another test? It won't impact your exam here, it's simply for curiosity." A test from the God-Queen Celestia herself? Twilight would have flipped her shit.

"No, it's no problem at all!" Probably sounded a little too eager there, as evidenced by The Princess' amused smile and his sudden bout of existential terror at it.

He forcefully reminded himself that as nice as Celestia was, and how caring she seemed, she was still a God, and there are no good Gods, history and fiction had both taught him that much.

He heard his mother following behind him and The Princess, and soon enough they came upon and entered a room much different than the last one, something more reminiscent of the classrooms you'd see in middle school.

The desks and other furniture were covered in dust, so the room probably hadn't been used in a while.

He took a seat as The Princess went to dig around in that closet that every classroom has, returning shortly with what looked like a ball wrapped in a few towels.

She gently set it on the teacher's desk, before slowly unwrapping it, revealing- why the hell is Spike's egg sitting in front of him?!

Purple egg, darker purple dots, it was (from what he remembers) a mirror image of the one the show, and it was sitting right in front of him, looking like it hadn't been touched in forever.

Good thing his poker face was unbreakable, because he was FREAKING THE HELL OUT!

"Now, young Silver Spark, I would like to see if you can't use your magic to hatch this egg, don't worry about failing, this has been here for quite a while, and has laid untouched for nearly a year. It can go back in storage, dragon eggs last quite a long time you see." It... was probably him just making connections where there weren't any, it probably wasn't Spike's egg after all, but if it wasn't, then when exactly did Twilight hatch him?

He'd been looking out for the Sonic Rainboom for nearly his whole life, and nothing. Did he miss it? Was he just not paying attention at the time? He did read inside quite a lot, so he wouldn't exactly be in a position to hear ponies talking about it.

Yeah, he just missed the moment that made the main six, so he saw no problem with giving it his best shot, The Princess was probably just wondering if he could do it, Cutie Mark unrelated magic using unicorns were pretty rare after all, and he had used Haste, a pretty unique magic, without a Cutie Mark.

He narrowed his eyes at the egg, going through all the spells he knew that might work, and coming up with nothing, before delving into the spells that he'd never actually used, but thought up anyway, coming up with the same.

How did Twilight hatch Spike again? Some sort of massive magical surge, combined with gaining her Cutie Mark, which was a lot of power, he didn't have anything that could match that power, save for a spell he'd deemed way too risky for now due to how hard it would be to control at his age.

'Eh, fuck it. If it goes wrong then... not sure, but The Princess will stop it. Probably.' He'd thought this spell up due to both reading through some power-amplifying spells and remembering one of the most memorable moments from an anime he'd watched.

"Can you please step back for a bit? Need some room." He cracked his neck, as was habit, barely noticing his mother's flinch as he focused. This could go very wrong, very fast, but if he could pull it off...

He closed his eyes and focused, drowning out the world around him as he layered spell upon spell on top of eachother in his head, preparing to make the plunge, so to speak.

He inhaled, and started talking-it was only right to pay homage to the original. "You walk the path of magic, but to arrive at it's summit... there is something you still lack."

The two other occupants in the room looked at him in confusion (and worry in his mother's case), then their eyes widened as a silver glow appeared around his horn.

"Learn now what that is."

The glow surrounding his horn doubled in strength, becoming almost flame-like, then it doubled once more as it spread to the rest of his body, bringing with it an odd sort of ache that could only be described as 'too much everything', before it grew even more, beginning to reach up towards the top of the room and starting to blow some of the dust in the room around.

The magic aura seemed to double in strength once more as he grit his teeth, some of the magic around him becoming almost opaque, making it a bit hard to see.

As cool as it probably looked, the reason why it looked like that was because of the horrible efficiency of the spell. He was barely getting a tenth of the magic internalized, if that.

He turned his gaze towards the egg, briefly contemplating using a spell on it, before dismissing that idea as foolish, he could barely hold onto the magic as is, using it to power a spell would be impossible, the best he could do would just be to funnel it into the egg and hope for the best.

So he did, and his control wavered at just how much the egg was taking, his magic shuddering as his control slipped more and more, and he worried that it would all come crashing down.

Then there was a flash of light, and suddenly his grasp on the magic was ironclad, funneling the rest of it into the egg as the white pillar of magic surrounding him dissipated, leaving him groaning on the floor in pain, his horn aching like no other as his body echoed the notion.


"Heh... I win..." He felt half delirious at this point, his emotions drained and his body aching for sleep, it had taken all that magic just to hatch the egg, and Twilight had managed to do that, age up the resulting child, turn her parents into inanimate objects, and still had enough left for a magic overload? Wow...

He shook his head in an attempt to get rid of his sudden case of cobwebs, immediately regretting the action when his headache got worse.

He did his best to drag himself out of his thoughts so that he could tell what was happening.

His mother was standing there staring at him, her jaw doing its level best to touch the floor, while The Princess had an expression he could only describe as pure joy on her face as she watched the egg.

He turned his attention to the focus of his efforts, the egg's shell cracking more and more, before eventually the top part-

It's Spike...

It didn't look like Spike, it was Spike. Same colors, same everything, and as he stared, suddenly everything made sense.

He was late to the story, that much was obvious, and by at least a year if what The Princess said was true.

He didn't miss the sonic rainboom, it never happened in the first place.

He turned his head, almost dreading what he would see printed there on his flank.

A magic looking symbol, some sort of rune made out of an eight-pointed star inside of another eight-point star, but the most important part was what it represented.

His special talent was Magic.

"Silver Spark... how would you like to become my own personal student?"
