//------------------------------// // 21- Cross dimensional freak out. // Story: Blazing a Trail to the Past. // by Daylight_Dreamer //------------------------------// Arriving at Vinyl's house right on time I knocked on the door and waited... and waited. I tried a few more times, but still nothing. I was about to give up when none other than Octavia came walking up to the house. "Oh, my," She said, "I think I would remember seeing you around. I'm Octavia, I'm guessing you're this 'Jerry' I've heard about." She spoke in an odd tone. It was like she wasn't sure what to think. I didn't really read into it. Warned or not, I wouldn't know what to think in the reverse situation. "Nice to meet you," I said, "I am Jerry. I'm looking for Vinyl. I was told she was expecting me at ten." "She's probably working on a song," Octavia said, "Come on in, I'll see if I can get her." "Thank you," I said. Octavia lead me into the living room and invited me to have a seat on either couch as she went into another room. I thought it fitting to sit on Vinyls side of the room. A few moments later Octavia returned. "She wants me to bring you down there," Octavia seemed apprehensive, "Keep in mind, I don't even go in her music room very often, so it's not the tidiest." "I'm sure I can handle it," I laughed, "lead the way." She took me down a flight of stairs to a room with padded walls. It was apparently soundproofing but it was made of fabric rather than the foam I had seen on earth. The room was filled with sound equipment and a glass wall sectioned off an area just large enough for a small band to play. Something seemed off about it. For one thing, everything seemed to be built stronger than it had to be. I knew where I was going if Ponyville was bombed. It was all reinforced concrete and steel from what I could see between the padding. Also, I don't know a whole lot about recording, but everything looked outdated to me. It could just be that all the recording was done on vinyl, but it reminded me of scenes in old band movies. A few empty plates and glasses were set around the room. It looked as though she hadn't left the room in a week. The smell of body odor lingering in the air seemed to back this up. I finally caught sight of the dark blue mane. It was sticking out over the back of a chair. "What is the name of the song you played?" a raspy female voice asked. "What song?" I asked. "The one you played the night you arrived," Vinyl spun around in her chair. She looked angry. "Twilight said it was about Octavia playing you a lullaby. What is that supposed to mean? Is that code for sleeping with my girl?" I couldn't hold back a hysterical laugh. She was going psycho girlfriend on me because I keep a CD of fan music in my jeep, and it happened to play 'Octavia's Overture' while I was driving to the cabin with Twilight. I knew now why Octavia was so apprehensive. I could tell by the way she left right away that she did not approve. That realization only made me laugh harder. "What's so funny?" Vinyl was starting to get pissed, but also confused. She was clearly expecting a different kind of riot. "Sorry, sorry," I caught my breath, "Didn't Twilight mention that you guys were a show on earth? Let me see if I can find something you'll like." I was going for Tropical Octav3. I figured I should start by lightening the mood. Then I could move on to Musicians Of Ponyville and ease her into the idea before showing her any of the ones about Octavia running off to Canterlot or her blowing Octavia off. That was the plan, but the touchscreen intervened. As I was scrolling my thumb landed on a video in just the wrong way. Before I could react the phone started playing I Am Octavia. Loud and clear my phone said, "Yea, this is Pon3." Vinyl, who was barely calming down, dropped her jaw at this. "What was that? Play it!" "You wouldn't like that one," I warned. "I don't care," she growled through her teeth, "Play, it!" "OK," I said, "but I didn't write this, and you may as well see the whole show." I set the phone on her switchboard so we could both see the screen and was just daring enough to sit in the empty chair next to her. I could tell she was intrigued by the screen but clearly wanted to see what I had to show. By the end of the video, she was crying in her hooves. "I tried to warn you," I said, "I would have rather started with a different video." "Why would anyone make that," she turned and looked up at me. "I like to think its because they like the dynamic of your relationship," I replied. "But I would never blow Octi' off like that," She said, "never..." "I don't know the words that will help," I said, "but I did bring a joint." "I don't normally...." she looked down, "but I doubt even Octi' would blame me. We can't do it in here though." "I think the living room should do just fine," Octavia revealed herself to be standing just inside the door, "mind if I join?" "How long have you been standing there?" I asked. "Long enough," she replied. --- For once the discussion about the show focused on the fan artists. After all, the show was just an example of a TV program. I was here to discuss all the entertainment technology humans had. She was just fascinated with my phone. So that's where we started. I showed her the videos and music I had, a lot of them anyway. I made sure to show her some non-pony earth music too. Vinyl seemed to like Kid Rock, Octavia was just fascinated with Lindsey Sterling. They both picked the same favorite tho, Metallica Sn'M. Vinyl did have to express disappointment that I don't listen to dubstep. "I think I have enough to make a report for the princess," Vinyl said, "But I definitely want to talk more about this another time. I'm going to be playing at the club in Ponyville tonight. You should come." "I'll think about it," I said, "what time?" "Show starts at 9 and goes till midnight," she said, "Show up any time but be ready to party all night. Just tell the guard you came to be blasted away by the bass, he'll let you in." "I won't have any trouble remembering that," I laughed. She smiled and looked at me all pie-eyed. She could not handle her weed. "Make sure to bring a date, or one 'will' be provided for you." She winked. I started wondering if Gilda would join me, I certainly didn't care to have a date provided. At least Gilda would just be a friend. "I'll think about it," I said, "I better get going, I'm already late for lunch." "If it sweetens the pot I can make it two dates," Vinyl gave me a playful look, "I know some wild mares." "NO! No dates," I said, "I'm still getting over a divorce and dating a pony is not OK where I come from. I'll come if I have time but don't try setting me up." She seemed disappointed, "You may have to explain that to the mares at the club, but I respect that." "Thank you," I said, relieved I didn't have to impose on Gilda. "Before you go," she said, "mind if I scan that for my friend. He may be able to make them for ponies." "I think we better clear that with the princesses first," I said, not sure how much of my world I cared to expose Equestria to. "You're no fun," Vinyl pouted. "He does have a point though," Octavia backed me up, "the princesses will at least want to know." "I guess I can live with that," Vinyl kept pouting, "as long as you show up tonight." She looked at me with big pleading bloodshot eyes. I just fake pouted before sighing, "Fine."