//------------------------------// // We Glide // Story: Clockwork Dreams // by Dark0592 //------------------------------// Twilight knew she fell asleep at Rainbow Dash’s bedside again, she had done so almost every night since the attack four days ago. She became acutely aware of the fact she was dreaming due to the dark alicorn that was now in the room. “Luna!” Twilight exclaimed and quickly hugged the alicorn. She pulled back a bit when she noticed hesitation in Luna’s return embrace. She looked at her and saw an expression of conflict between joy and sadness. “Luna? Is something wrong?” She asked softly. “There are many things wrong, Twilight Sparkle… I am just glad your lives were not lost.” The alicorn replied. Twilight put a hoof to her chest. “Luna? It’s alright, you can talk to me… I’m the only friend you have right now, it’s kind’ve my job.” The unicorn said, smirking slightly at her attempt to add a bit of humor to the situation. Luna’s smile showed its success before falling again. “I… I don’t know. It took me all this time just to build up the courage to return to you after I made sure you were both alive… But she’s done so much for you… and all I’ve done is steal your nights away…” Luna explained. Twilight put a hoof to her mouth for only a second after that, enough to make her pause. “Luna, whatever it is that’s bothering you I want to you tell me. I promise you our friendship will fare none the worse for it. I care about you too you know.” The unicorn said. Luna took a deep breath and nodded, looking at Dash’s sleeping form for a moment before turning back to Twilight. “I apologise if this makes you uncomfortable, but even in this land of dreams I am still terrible with words… Forgive me.” The alicorn said softly before quickly leaning forward and kissing Twilight. The Unicorn was more confused than anything at first, but before Luna pulled away again she returned it. It didn’t turn into a long thing, just a sweet kiss, but they were both a little shocked when they did pull apart. They stared at each other for a moment before they both looked at Dash. “I love you, Twilight Sparkle… And that is why I must stay away… I-” Luna started, but was cut off by Twilight grabbing her. “Don’t you dare say you must stay away… This is something we must discuss and figure out, and I will come to the moon myself and make you come back if you stop visiting me…” The unicorn practically yelled. Luna was shocked by it and wasn’t able to get a reply out before Twilight continued. “I… I know I love Rainbow Dash, but I don’t think I love her in that sense. She almost died for me, and she’s so… attached… and I love her, but I don’t see a future with her like that. I never want to leave her side, but I’d rather it be left at that… I just haven’t had the chance to explain this to her yet…” She explained. Luna nodded slowly. “She is dreaming, you know… I could link your dreamscapes and we may speak with her together…” The alicorn suggested softly. Twilight considered it for a moment, but then remembered her breakthrough with Fluttershy. “No, I want to talk about it in person… I also want to give her a proper thanks for saving me to hopefully make up a tiny bit for what’s going to come after…” The unicorn replied. Luna nodded. “What kind of gift is it? Could I help?” The alicorn asked, interested in anything Twilight would come up with. Twilight giggled and shook her head, though the mechanical wing reinforcements appeared on Luna’s wings. She looked at them curiously and extended the wings to see them. “They’re already done thanks to Fluttershy’s help. It’s already helping Fluttershy reach even better flyin stamina than the average pegasus, and she used to hardly be able to fly for more than a few minutes without getting tired. I’m hoping it’ll bring Dash back to her former glory at least.” Twilight explained. Luna nodded slowly and examined them closely. “It seems like their primary function is to reinforce the bone structure and take stress off of the muscles, though it may be easier to replace the damage bone structure with a completely mechanical alternative- a prosthetic I believe it is called.” Luna explained. Twilight nodded. “I thought about it, especially when I was thinking about repaying Rabenkrahe for his help… but there’s no easy way to study the bone structure of a pegasus wing without permanently…” Twilight started, but tapered off in fascination as Luna’s wings seemed to moult and the skin and muscle dissolved until it was only the bone. “Mine are a little larger, but as it’s the aspect of a pegasus that grants me my wings they should be close enough. Mayhaps I could aid you in your research afterall no?” The alicorn said. Twilight just smiled and hugged her. “Let’s get started then!” She exclaimed, a veritable wall of empty books and pages appearing around them. “My, you’re getting rather proficient at manipulating your dreams.” Luna said as Twilight started sketching. “I’ve figured out a few things, when I know it’s a dream I can start doing it lucidly like normal- but I started looking closer and seeing kind’ve how it all works. It takes a lot of concentration, but I’m sketching this in a real notebook right now as well.” Twilight explained. Luna stared at her for a solid minute before Twilight noticed and stopped. “You’re… using magic to do it?” Luna asked. She was clearly shocked. Twilight slowly nodded. “Is that… bad?” The unicorn asked, worried she had done something wrong. Luna slowly shook her head. “No it’s… that’s… Twilight, that’s dream magic. There ae only two creatures alive capable of it and you’re speaking to one of them.” The alicorn answered. Twilight’s eyes widened. “And the other is Celestia?” She asked. Luna nodded. She looked down at her sketch for a few moments before coming to a realization. She remembered what the monarch had told her before she left. “I helped Celestia raise the sun to save Rainbow’s life… She told me that the sun may recognize me like it does her should I call for it, and to be very careful in that regard… Would that have anything to do with it?” Twilight asked. Luna stared at her again. “Helped her raise… You… I… I suppose that since she has taken over my duty and domain, though she never practices dream magic, it may have opened itself to you… Or perhaps it is my influence rubbing off on you in a literal sense. We cannot be sure. I-” Luna began, though she suddenly paused and looked to Rainbow Dash. She smiled. “You should probably wake up now, she’s getting worried.” She said. Twilight followed her gaze, confused, but then lit up as she realized what she meant. She looked between the sleeping mare and the alicorn and quickly nuzzled the alicorn. “We’ll talk about this later.” She said. Luna smiled and nuzzled the mare back until the dreamscape dissipated as Twilight woke up. “Aw, you were actually super adorable.” Dash’s voice greeted her as she blearily opened her eyes. It sounded scratchy, like she was sick and had phlegm in her throat. She blinked a few times so that the multicolored blob in front of her clarified into a surprisingly alert looking Rainbow Dash. “Dash!” Twilight could only exclaim as she nearly tackled the pegasus in a hug. The pegasus chuckled and wrapped herself around the unicorn. “So the nurse came by while you were still out. Said I’m good to go as long as I don’t go getting into fights again any time soon. Can we go back to the workshop? I miss it already.” The pagasus explained softly. Twilight just nodded in the embrace. They stayed like that for a while until they finally got to their hooves. Twilight made sure to alert someone they were leaving and filled out the appropriate paperwork before meeting Dash back at the door to her office. “You ever gonna show me how to do it myself by the way?” The pegasus asked as Twilight opened the glowing door into the workshop. “You’ll figure it out eventually.” Twilight replied with a little smile before she walked through. Spike was at the coffee machine and he turned to look at them as the door opened. “Rainbow Dash! You’re up!” The little dragon exclaimed, his tired slouch straightening immediately. Apparently it wasn’t as early as Twilight thought if Spike was already up A glance at the clock informed her that it was 8 in the morning, fairly early even for Spike. “What’s got you up so early, Spike?” They both asked at the same time, earning a giggle from Twilight. The dragon looked between them before shaking his head. “AJ came over with the report on the tractors, I had to let her in. They’re on the main desk in there.” The dragon replied. Twilight smiled and patted his head. “Can you do me a favor and go get the girls? I want to give Dash her gift right now.” Twilight asked. The dragon poured his coffee into a thermos, saluted, and dashed out of the door. Then he came back inside, closed it, twisted it so it stopped glowing, and then dashed out again. This earned a bit of laughter from the two as Twilight practically dragged Dash into the workshop proper. “A gift huh? Waking up with you passed out on my bed was pretty awesome already.” The pegasus asked. Twilight nodded and stood her in the center of the room. “Close your eyes and brace yourself. This is going to hurt.” Twilight said. Dash did as she was told, and was clearly resisting looking when she felt the harness go over her chest and what was left of her wing feel something poking it. She flinched and opened her eyes when the drilling started and stared at the contraption that was drilling into her crippled wing. After a few seconds it stopped and Twilight made a few adjustments on it and the harness before turning back to where Dash was somewhere between stunned and confused. “Try it out, move it around.” Twilight prodded. Dash slowly started moving the wing around. Rarity’s modifications to make it much less abrasive seemed to be working as Twilight didn’t notice any visual chafing. She pointed towards the still open door. “Fly.” She said in almost a whisper. Dash’s eyes widened and with only a glance between the unicorn and the door she was out into the morning air. Twilight watched the pegasus fly, perform simple maneuvers, and even do some of the more death defying stuff usually done during stunt shows. She landed on a cloud and looked at herself for a moment before Twilight was suddenly skidding accross the floor of hte workshop as the pegasus-turned-projectile tackled her in a hug. “Twilight… thank you.” The pegasus said, tears evident in her tone and as they fell freely form her face. Twilight, after making sure that all of her bones were intact, wrapped her forelegs around the mare and squeezed. “You saved my life. The least I could do was give you your wing back.” The unicorn said softly. Rainbow pulled back for just a moment and Twilight’s heart sank. Rainbow kissed her again, but she couldn’t bring herself to kiss her back. She reciprocated of course, but when it was clear that Rainbow wanted to deepen it she pulled away. Twilight suddenly felt terrible at Rainbow’s confused face. She looked away, unable to meet her friend’s gaze. “Something change when I was out?” The pegasus asked, a little confused but the tone seemed to reveal more understanding than anything. Twilight slowly nodded. “I… Technically… I think I’m cheating on you?” The unicorn said, still not meeting Dash’s look. She thought of how Luna kissed her and how she kissed the alicorn back. Dash snorted. “Is she cute?” The pegasus asked. That brought Twilight’s gaze back to her. The pegasus has a little smirk on her face. “Twilight, you gave me everything back. I don’t care if you want another mare or stallion or whatever, I can do the whole polyamory thing.” The pegasus explained. Twilight cringed. Dash nodded, another look of understanding. “Ah, I see. You… don’t love me like I hoped you did…” She continued. Twilight quickly grabbed her and pulled her into a hug. “Of course I love you Rainbow Dash! But I also love Applejack, and Pinkie, and Rarity, and Fluttershy. You guys are the best friends I’ve ever had. I never want to leave you guys, I want you all to be in my future. I just don’t see us having that kind of future together…” Twilight quickly explained, tapering off at the end. Dash smiled and nuzzled into Twilight’s neck. “As long as you’re happy, and I still get to be with you as a friend, then I’m ok with it then… Do you know what PGD is?” The pegasus asked, her expression and tone falling at the end. Twilight slowly shook her head as she looked down at the mare. “PGD is Post Grounded Depression. It’s something that happens to a Pegasus after they’ve been grounded. Usually they mope around until they can really fly again, but it’s worse when it’s permanent. A Pegasus that can’t fly anymore, even if they can still do it for short periods like me, they usually only live for another year or two… and not because of outside influence if you know what I mean.” Dash started explained. Twilight’s eyes widened as she processed what was being said. “The only reason I lasted so long was because the girls kept me cheered up and happy… But combined with the nightmares I was having… I… Do you know why Fluttershy was so worried when she came to check on me and didn’t find me at home?” The pegasus continued. Twilight shook her head, not wanting what she thought the answer was to be true. It was. “Fluttershy was so worried because I’ve been grounded for four years. I was barely hanging on. Meeting you gave me another day, but the nightmares… I left home that day intending to just hop off and snap my wings shut… And I did, but I saw your workshop… Something made me open them up again and glide to your door.” She continued. Twilight felt tears welling up in her eyes but said nothing, waiting for Dash to continue. “And you gave me my nights back, my dreams back… I fell hard for you- which by the way if this new mare screws up I’ll still be here of course- and you gave me another month… maybe two.” She went on, taking a deep breath and looked at the machinery on her wing. “But now you gave me my wing back… You saved my life, Twilight. I thought that if I died for you, saving you from those griffons, it wouldn’t be like suicide. I guess it technically wouldn’t be, but now I’m glad I survived.” She continued, nuzzling further into Twilight. Twilight could only wrap her legs around the pegasus a little tighter. “Tonight, I want to introduce you to her. The other mare… She’s the one who gave you your dreams back. I just asked her to try…” Twilight said softly. Dash gave her a strange look at that. “What really? I may have to give her a nice big smooch then. When do you wanna do it?” The pegasus replied. Twilight smiled. “Tonight, you’ll see… We don’t want a lot of people knowing about her until I can help her come home.” The unicorn explained. Dash looked a little confused but nodded. “Whatever you say, between the two of you I feel like an actual person again. I wouldn’t care if she was a griffon rebel or something. Well, maybe. You know what I mean!” The pegasus rambled on for a bit before Twilight giggled and hugged her. “Say, do you think you could attach wingblades to these?” Dash asked after a few moments, looking at the wing reinforcement. Twilight snorted. “No, but if you want one on the other wing Rarity and I have been working on something better.” She replied. Dash’s eyes lit up. “If it’ll help me get stronger then hell yeah!” The pegasus exclaimed, earning a giggle from Twilight as the sound of voices carried from the open front door. There was a gasp and an exclaimed ‘Dashie!’ before the two found their embrace being shared by a familiar pink earth pony. Within seconds it was a whole pile of six mares, and one dragon, as they all reveled in being together again. They stayed silent for awhile before they finally untangled and started talking business. “So I dunno if ya read mah report on that tractor, but it’s still runnin’ strong just on ambient energy.” Applejack explained as they moved into the workshop. Twilight was both surprised and not surprised to find party streamers and a ‘WELCOME BACK DASHIE’ banner hanging from the pipework. “Good, I used a smaller design to power the wing reinforcements. And how are those treating you Fluttershy?” Twilight asked. Dashed looked to Fluttershy, confused for a moment, before the shy mare extended her wings with a smile. “I’ve been getting more confident in the air. I even did a few tricks last night, nothing fancy like Rainbow Dash or anything…” The pegasus answered. “Oh that reminds me darling, I finished up the designs for the changes, haven’t had any dress orders lately you see, I have them here.” Rarity said, levitating a few scrolls out of her bag and laying them out on the table. “But what about the party?!” Pinkie exclaimed. They all looked up at her. “Tell you what. Clean all of this up and stick it in Sugarcube Corner and we’ll be there in an hour.” Twilight said. Pinkie saluted and, in a comical whirlwind of motion, the workshop was back to its normal aesthetic and the pink mare was nowhere to be seen. “Oh my, those are incredibly detailed!” Fluttershy said, noticing the wing sketches Twilight had moved next to Rarity’s designs. “I… had help. I’ll explain later.” Twilight replied a little sheepishly. Fluttershy seemed satisfied with that, and Rarity seemed a little preoccupied with the designs, but Applejack gave her a funny look. “Who’s helpin’ ya?” She asked. Twilight shook her head, but Applejack put a hoof to her shoulder. “Twi, ya can tell us anythin’... Whoever this pony is helpin’ ya we’d be glad to invite them into our little circle if they’re a friend’a yers.” The farm mare continued with a soft smile. Twilight gave a hefty sigh. “It’s… not that simple. Half of it you probably wouldn’t believe, the other half of it might be kinda dangerous if word got out.” The unicorn explained. Applejack snorted. “Twilight, think about it. In one week I’ve seen my tractors fixed and running on clean and renewable energy, Flutters flyin’ high an’ proud, Dash bein’ happier than a kite in a windstorm, Rarity being tutored by the best arcanotechnician in the country, a walkin’ building powered by a cheeky phoenix, and ah’ve personally met the princess. I would believe you even if ya told me yer friend lived on the moon.” Applejack explained. They all stopped to think a moment at that. “Wow, when you put it that way you really have changed all of our lives. For the better.” Dash said, booping Twilight on the nose. Twilight rubbed the back of her head with a hoof. “What if that’s exactly what I’m telling you?” Twilight finally said after a few moments of silence. It took a few seconds for everyone to realize exactly what she was saying. “On the… I was only jokin’! How does someone live on the moon?” Applejack asked. “They’re banished…” Dash replied before Twilight could. Twilight gave her a surprised look. “That book, the one that’s supposed to be all secret and stuff, I’ve been reading it out of boredom since you kept leaving it out. Nightmare Moon is scaring away my nightmares?” The pegasus asked softly. Twilight shook her head. “Luna is warding your dreams against them. Nightmare Moon can’t follow her into our dreams for some reason. She’s been visiting my dreams almost every night, we kept each other company. “ Twilight replied. Dash’s eyes widened at that and she dashed back into the living area, returning with the book. “No! Not for some reason! It’s because of the Elements of Harmony!” The mare exclaimed. Everyone gave her a funny look. She opened the book up and started flipping through pages that were there. "What? I like to read sometimes..." She grmbled at most of their looks. “Honesty… Generosity… Kindness… Pinks is totally Laughter… and Loyalty.” Dash read out, pointing at everyone in the room respectively. “Whoa… that’s new…” The pegasus continued as she flipped one page too many. They all looked to see the page. It looked like the other pages for the elements, but this one read ‘Magic’. “Ahah! And Twi is Magic! It says here that the element of magic can bring all of the others together, and combined they will aid in her escape. That prophecy wasn’t about actual stars! It was about the stars on your butt!” Dash exclaimed, pointing to Twilight’s cutie mark. Everyone stared at her, and then Twilight’s cutie mark, and then at Twilight. “That… doesn’t make any sense…” Twilight started. Dash shook her head. “You said this book magically appeared to you, right? You also said that the version the princess read said something else right? And the thing changes based on what’s happening! If it weren’t for all of that, we never would have met you. But you brought us even closer together and all of us are better off for it. I said before it was like destiny. Well, what if it actually is like destiny? Maybe we’re supposed to help you free your saucy marefriend on the moon.” The pegasus went on, flipping a few more pages in the book before letting it drop as she paced and spoke. “What’s all this about marefriend? I thought y’all were datin’?” Applejack asked. Twilight avoided the farmer’s gaze but Dash smirked. “Talked it out, not the best time. More of a joke really, but anyways… How do we start Twi?” The pegasus continued. Everyone stared at Twilight then. She looked around at them, even Spike was giving her an expectant look. “W-What? You all… Just want to follow me like that?” Twilight asked. Dash just gave her a look, she had already explained her piece. “You’ve changed all our lives fer the better sugarcube. ‘Least we can do. Have ya told the princess?” Applejack said, everyone nodding. Twilight was somewhat startled to find Pinkie next to her nodding as well, apparently having heard the entire thing. “Well… Last time I mentioned the mare in the moon, she almost executed me on the spot. She trusted me enough to let me explain, but I don’t know how she’d react if I told her I was trying to free her sister. For all we know it’ll be Nightmare Moon we’re freeing, Luna says she’s gathering her strength for something... “ Twilight finally replied. “Wait, didn’t the elements of harmony put her on the moon in the first place? If they’re trying to bring all of you together and all of this maybe it’s trying to fix its mistake and make things right again?” Spike suggested. Most of the others nodded. “But…” Twilight started. Everyone gave her a shushing look so she stopped. Rarity stepped forward. “It would appear, Darling, that we’ve all made up our minds on the manner. Where do we begin? Knowing you, you’ve already got some ideas.” The other unicorn said. Twilight gave her a sheepish smile before turning to Spike. “Spike, can you write to the princess and tell her Dash is recovered? Before we start on… that project, I want to finish our current ones. We’ve perfected the design for the arcane battery, now I want to work on further improving on the wing reinforcement design. Luna was able to manipulate her wings in my dream to show the skeletal structure and the way the muscles and everything worked, so I wanted to try my hoof at making actual prosthetics. Rabenkrahe deserves to fly again.” Twilight listed off, going into professional mode. “Griffon wings are a little different than pegasus wings, but I can help with that. I know how they work almost as good as mine.” Dash said. “Can it wait until after the party? I got it all set up just like you asked!” Pinkie asked, her lower lip quivering in her pinkie-pout. “Of course, Pinkie. Why don’t we head over now?” Twilight replied. They all nodded and the squeal that came out of the pink party pony brought a bout of laughter from everyone as they filed out of the workshop. A caw and ruffling of feathers alerted the group that Philomena had invited herself and was now on her usual perch on top of Dash’s head. During their walk back into the town, Celestia replied and said that she would be able to return in one week’s time, but she would be able to make a quick visit the next day. Twilight decided that she wanted to be able to present the modified reinforcements to her then and immediately after the party they got to work. While they weren’t technically dating anymore, Twilight was perfectly fine sharing their new combined ‘bed’ with Rainbow Dash in front of the fire. She always slept the best like that she found. She gave the pegasus a look when she kissed her goodnight. “What? I had to get at least one more in. Helps me sleep.” The pegasus said with no small amount of snark. They both yawned and Dash nuzzled into Twilight’s neck. The unicorn just let out the sigh she was holding and let it go, resting her chin on Dash’s head. They stayed like that for quite a while, though it was made abundantly clear when they were dreaming. “You haven’t told her yet, then?” Luna’s voice came softly. Twilight looked over and saw the alicorn on the usual couch. Twilight smiled and almost snorted at Luna’s surprised face when the unicorn’s horn lit up and she was dragged over. She was shocked into silence when Dash opened her eyes and opened a wing to welcome the third pony into the cuddle pile. “Told me a lot more than you think apparently. Thanks for giving me my dreams back by the way.” The pegasus said, keeping true to her word as she gave Luna a ridiculous kiss. The alicorn pulled away, her face turning pink, and looked between the two. “I learned a little more about dream magic. Turns out linking dreamscapes is very similar to telepathy. And I was going to say I can’t believe you just did that, Dash, but I’d be lying if I did. I think you two know who each other are, I just wanted you to meet.” Twilight explained. Luna slowly calmed down and even found herself leaning into the two ponies that had a wing or leg wrapped around her. “You never cease to amaze, my dear. It is a pleasure to finally meet you directly.” Luna said, nodding to Dash. The pegasus stuck her tongue out before her expression got serious for a moment. “So, it was you I saw before I woke up. I thought it was the zebra poison messing with my memory.” The pegasus said. Luna froze, and Twilight stared at her, before slowly nodding. “It was your reaction in your dreamscape that told me you two were in danger… I am beyond glad to know my call for help was answered.” The alicorn explained softly. Dash nodded and pulled Luna a little closer. Twilight was gaping at the alicorn though, dumbfounded. “Well thanks for that. Because of whatever you did, I’m still alive and Twilight is still with us.” Dash said. Luna nodded but had noticed Twilight’s reaction and was giving her a questioning glance. “Luna, you... “ Twilight started, remembering what Celestia said about her dream that night. “Did the nightmare not follow you?” She asked, deciding she didn’t need to repeat what was already known at this point. She had gone to Celestia for aid. Luna shook her head. “She may not be able to follow me into your dreamscapes, but she dares not go near my sister. Not while she still commands the moon.” The alicorn answered, she seemed satisfied by that. Or at least a particular memory. “Oh yeah! We think we know why she can’t follow you here.” Dash said. Luna gave her a questioning look. “We’re the new bearers of the elements of harmony. Or something like that. She doesn’t because she can’t, all of this stuff that’s been happening with that book and everything kinda point to it.” Dash continued. Luna was the one to look dumbfounded then. She looked to Twilight, but found the unicorn with her eyes closed and a smile on her face as she was held against the two of them. “I… Well… I know very little about the elements, especially after I lost the few that I had… I suppose it would make sense.” Luna started. She stopped as Twilight opened her eyes and fixed her with a look. “I know that look. You’re planning something.” The alicorn said, bumping her snout against the unicorn’s. Dash snorted, but Twilight kept her expression unchanging. “In one week’s time, we’ll be able to do this in person. For real. I’m sure of it.” She said with determination. “In one week’s time is when Celestia returns, the day of mourning.” She continued. Luna blinked. “Aw hell yeah, I knew you were cooking something up!” Dash exclaimed. Luna just seemed confused for a moment before she felt tears welling up in her eyes. “You… are coming for me?” She asked softly. “Duh, we all are. I wanna give you a real smooch, and I’m pretty sure Twilight wants to give you a bit more than that.” Dash said, earning a boop on the nose from the now embarrassed unicorn. That didn’t stop her though. “And the rest of the girls want to meet you too. Oh! Not to mention the Princess! She’ll be super happy to see you again!” the pegasus continued. Twilight and Luna met each other’s gaze at that point, though. “What are you planning, really? You will have to deal with the nightmare… She will be ready for you.” The alicorn asked softly. Dash quieted down at that. Twilight snorted. “I‘m going all the way to the moon and back, do you really think a bad dream is going to get in my way?” The unicorn replied with a little smirk. Luna just gave the softest of chuckles and kissed her. And Twilight kissed back. “Whoa. When we kissed it was awesome, but yeah you totally deserve each other. That’s hot.” Dash said after a little while. They paused and pulled away slightly and looked between each other and the pegasus. “Anything goes in a dream, right?” Twilight asked. Luna nodded and they both turned towards Dash. Dash didn’t seem to notice her wings had suddenly shot out at that look, but her blush betrayed her smirk at what it sounded like they were suggesting. “Dreams are awesome!” The mare exclaimed before the other two tried to kiss her at the same time.