A Special Diamond: Diamond Tiara's Past and Future

by Ink Rain

Chapter 3: Temporarily Alone

Diamond Tiara opened her eyes to the night sky overhead. Rain was being poured all over her body. She wobbled as she stood up, rubbing the top of her head, she found that her plastic tiara was gone. But she didn't care about it, Filthy Rich bought it for her. It was nothing more than a piece of plastic with false jewels.

On her hoof, there was a sticky note. The rain washed most of the words out, black blobs filled the small piece of paper. Diamond assumed it was from her father. But she didn't want to see him nor anything from him. She ripped up the stickynote with her teeth, bursting out her anger into it. That son of a motherless llama must have done this to her. He must have used a dart to knock her out so he could drive her to the middle of nowhere and drop her off. He already decieved her, but now he added it with deserting her and never returning. What a father he was.

The chilling rain water was starting to make the filly shiver. She couldn't go to Silver Spoon's house, she moved already. And Diamond Tiara never said goodbye to her friend. Her best friend, the most dearest friend she ever had in her entire lifetime.

Diamond just decided to walk to civilization, try to find some shelter. She was known as Filthy Rich's daughter, but she wasn't as welcomed as Filthy was. Thunder screamed in the sky and lightning jumped, but the tiny pony just kept walking. She didn't know where she was quite going though, she's never been here before.

She stopped when she spotted a cottage at the end of a path. The cottage was surrounded by nature. Diamond crossed a bridge and followed the path to the door. She knocked on the door and waited a minute. No answers. She knocked on the door harder, she heard a squeak.

"W-Who is it?" A high pitched voice came from the other side of the door.

"A little filly." Diamond called weakly. The door opened and a yellow mare popped her head out of the top half of the door. When she spotted Diamond, she gasped and opened the second half of the door as well and let the filly in.

"Please, come in." The yellow mare said softly. The pegasus's voice reminded Diamond of Glitter Ring's voice. Soft and soothing. But this mare's voice was just more high pitched, but it still sounded like soft wind blowing through trees. "Please tell me where you came from. Where are your parents?" The pegasus sat on the couch, Diamond did the same.

"Dead." Diamond lied. "They're dead." She couldn't tell the mare the real story. It'd be too painful, plus it would might give her a ticket to being taken to the authorities and she wanted as far from her family as possible. Even though the last thing she wanted was to lie. She was a hypocrite.

"Oh, dear! Poor baby." The mare's wings fluttered open in surprise and her pretty teal eyes snapped wide open. She flew off the couch and to the upstairs. After coming back down the stairs, she held a soft blanket in her arms. She wrapped the soft material around Diamond Tiara.

"Do you mind telling me your name?" The older pony said softly. Diamond Tiara hung her head. She knew she was going to be asked this.

"My name is Diamond Tiara." Suddenly, the yellow pony's eyes widened as if she were to recgonize her.

"Diamond Tiara? THE Diamond Tiara? The pony who bullied poor, poor Apple Bloom?" The pink filly sighed in responce, this pony must know the country pony. She must know how she was treated by Diamond.

"Yes." The regret was revealed in her voice. The confession stung her as if it was stabbing her. It was, emotionally and mentally anyway. Each of her swings of insults thrown at Apple Bloom, Diamond knew that her classmate never did anything wrong. Not to mention the apple picker didn't know anything about what was happening in her family. She didn't know about the lies and deception Diamond Tiara had to go through.

"But... what are you doing here?" The mare said. Despite her discovery, Diamond was a filly who came to her, who came to her in the rainy lonesome for refuge.

"I... I got lost." Of course, that wasn't really a lie. She was lost, and had nobody to care for her.

"I'm Fluttershy, and you're welcome to stay here with me." The pegasus smiled. The beautiful smile reminded Diamond of her mother in the video. It made her want to cry harder. Diamond hugged Fluttershy.

"Thank you..." The filly said softly. She felt like she had a mother now, or more of an older sister. It didn't matter which, she had somebody to look up to. Somebody to count on.

"It's no problem at all," Fluttershy returned the hug. "Now let's get you into bed." The two walked up into the stairs into a bedroom, Fluttershy did the motherly thing and tucked Diamond Tiara in.

"I'll sleep downstairs." Fluttershy insisted. The two said goodnight to each other and Fluttershy exited the room after blowing out the candle. Diamond Tiara couldn't quite sleep immediately even though she was tired. She couldn't thank Fluttershy enough for letting her crash. Especially with no notice and them actually first meeting after Fluttershy heard a lot about Diamond from Apple Bloom. What confused her is why did the pegasus let her stay when the wealthy filly bullied one of her friends? Why didn't she just leave Diamond Tiara out in the rain in defense? Whatever the reason, Fluttershy accepted her. And that was all that mattered.