//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 - Falling So Deeply in Love! Are They Really Going to be an Item? // Story: Prismatic Soul // by Prism Sparkler //------------------------------// What was he doing?... I found my body gravitating towards his as his hands found their way around my hips, my own placing themselves on his chest. There was a comforting warmth that only made me fall in deeper... Keeping his right hand around my waist, he trailed his left up until they reached my chin, tilting it up so that my eyes could meet his... Those eyes... Their deep red hue showed a hint of something I've never seen in someone's eyes before... Our faces grew closer together, our noses rubbing against each other, making us both smile... We felt our lips graze together... Before they finally connected... Our eyes closed as he pulled me in closer, both of us wanting to savor this moment forever... My heart was aflutter and my knees grew weak, as I came to the sudden realization that my biggest crush of the past 6 weeks was kissing me... Kissing me... I could barely believe it. His lips were soft to the touch despite his looks being so rugged, and his hands were gentle when moving me. Minutes once again felt like years as this moment occurred... And I know that I never wanted it to end... The kiss was soon broken, and we didn't do anything but stare into each other's eyes in blissful silence. It felt as if the world has stopped time just for us. My heart was firing off celebratory fireworks as the realization hit me again but like a freaking brick. Soul kissed me! And I wasn't the one to make the first move! I was worried I would have to because I literally thought he wasn't into me just a few hours ago... But I'm glad it didn't end up that way. I don't think I would've been able to do it! The sun soon started to shed its final rays of light onto the Earth before the stars started to come out. Soul tucked my hair behind my ear again and kissed my forehead, making me blush like crazy, before getting up and offering his hand to me. "It's getting dark, so we should probably head back if we don't want to run into any Kishin. I especially don't want you to get hurt..." I blushed again and smiled brightly. I knew that things were going to be alright between us. The planets are aligned for me this month, after all. Mercury is in retrograde, too! Things were doing just great today. I really hoped that nothing would ruin this day for me, especially running into a Kishin. I took his hand and he helped me up, pulling out his phone to text Maka that we were on our way to eat dinner. I smiled and looked at him when he put his phone away and he looked back at me, a grin on his face. "What's that look for?" "I... I've known you for a month and a half, and yet it feels like I already know so much about you... And... You've always been so incredibly sweet to me... I guess what I'm trying to say, is that I didn't expect for this to happen!... It was amazing, though..." His eyes were wide for a second before he smiled again. "Why would you think it wouldn't happen?" "Well... I'll explain once we get home. I don't want to stay out for too long, either!" I smiled and he nodded, taking my hand in his as we took a 15-minute walk back to his apartment. We opened the doors and set our coats back on the rack before a wondrous smell hit our noses almost immediately. It was heavenly! Did Maka really cook something good on her own? "Maka! We're back!" "Geez, Soul, took you both long enough! What held you up?" I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment, not knowing whether or not to tell. Soul looked back at me and winked, then turned back to Maka. "We were checking out the autumn market. Anyway, what's for dinner? It actually smells good!" "Shut up!" They laughed at each other jokingly, then looked back at me. Maka began to speak to me. "Why don't you get washed up? I'm dressing the plates now." I laughed a little and went to my room upstairs, which used to be a large closet for extra clothes, but they made do and I wasn't picky. It was nice and cozy! Sure, there were shelves everywhere, but that just meant I had to watch where my head was at all times so I could avoid head injury again. I got changed into some comfortable pajamas which normally consisted of an oversized t-shirt of some sort and some athletic shorts, but today was special so I changed into my super duper special... Unicorn onesie! You couldn't really blame me for picking that one, I did used to be a unicorn before coming here and it gave me a sense of security with being away from home! Speaking of security... I rolled up my sleeves to take a look at my scars. Several were visible all around my forearms, indicating plenty of injuries. Everyone here assumed that those were from my fall and they just healed unbelievably fast, but... That wasn't the case. Those were the result of lonely nights, swamping work, troubles, heartbreak, and loss. Those don't heal quickly. It's a slow... painful... process... It takes time, support, and faith. But often times, those are struggles we keep to ourselves because we don't want anyone to worry. I'm especially guilty of that. But tonight will be different! I'll come clean about my problems, and all I can ask is for them to be patient with me. But fear still found it's way into my heart as it always has, worrying that they'll leave me on my own because they can't handle my problems... I took a deep breath before covering my forearms again and washing my hands. I made my way down the steps and all the plates were set on the coffee table, the smell still as fresh as when she walked in. The dish was a beautifully plated Cordon Bleu, something Soul had made once before, but... How did Maka make this!? She smiled proudly to herself as Blaire, Soul and I took our own seats. I tore into it, not leaving a scrap behind. Sure, eating chicken was weird at first, but to my surprise, it was delicious when I first tried it! I finished my meal in 10 minutes flat and leaned back on the sofa, placing a hand on my stomach. I looked at Maka, grinning. "C'mon, there's no possible way you made that without instruction. Who taught you!?" She giggled and responded, "Blaire helped, but she didn't teach me, silly." "Then what!?" "Weeeeeeell~... Maybe I cheated. Just a little!" "Cheated? Enlighten me." Her face flushed and her cheeks grew red, knowing she slipped up by saying she cheated. She looked down at her feet, barely mumbling out the words. "It was one of those pre-measured meal kit services you see on T.V..." My eyes widened and I tried so hard not to lose it. I didn't want to make her feel worse, so instead, I found my best words of encouragement that I could muster. "Ah, I see... Well whatever it was, you really did great! It was delicious! Maybe it even rivaled Soul's cooking..." I flashed a mischievous grin and winked at him, and he gave me a surprised, yet amused look. He leaned forward, his elbows on his knees and pointed at me with his left hand, beginning to speak. "You know that's not true!" "Yes, yes, I know, you're just so cute when you're competitive!" I giggled as his cheeks were dusted a light pink as he chuckled and began to clean his plate. Maka looked at him, confused, and something else I couldn't quite place... Jealousy? No, that can't be right... Maka wouldn't be jealous of me for a small comment, right? I hope not... In her cat form, Blaire jumped on Maka's shoulder and meowed a goodnight to us before they both headed up to bed without much of a word spoken. I didn't even get a chance to tell her... Oh well. Soul would listen like he always does. He must've been reading my mind because he leaned against the wall to the living room, an eyebrow raised at me as he spoke to me softly. "So what was it you wanted to say earlier at the park?..." My smile left my face as I looked down at my feet. "Could we... Talk about it somewhere private?... Please?" He walked over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder for comfort as he led me upstairs to his own room. He turned on a lamp, the overhead light off, and opened the blinds so the lamp and the moonlight would be our light source. It was incredibly comforting and I felt myself immediately relax. He was so sweet to remember that I loved the night sky... He took a seat on his bed, patting the spot next to him. I sat there, my hands shaking slightly as I tried to find the words. His voice brought me back as he took both my hands in his. "Milly, I can see that this is a difficult topic for you, but I'm all ears for you... But you don't have to say anything until you're ready, okay?..." I nodded and swallowed a lump in my throat, squeezing his hands a little, still thinking of what to say. I took a deep breath and looked into his eyes. "Soul... The reason why I didn't think the kiss would happen is that... I've never thought of myself as beautiful... At least... Not for a long time... I have Persistent Depressive Disorder... I have for a long time... And that was something I wanted to deal with on my own, thus... The scars that you've seen... But I don't want to suffer anymore, and I want to feel better!... You... You gave me a reason to be happy again, and I just want to be able to know that I can have someone there for me, especially in this new world where I don't have my old friends to look to... I..." My eyes were filled to the brim with tears as I looked away from his eyes. I let go of his hands and held my head in my own, rocking back and forth, sobbing. My heart was hurting, and I wanted it to stop!... Tears fell in an endless waterfall out of my eyes and into my hands... They wouldn't stop... Suddenly, I felt strong arms pull me into the lap of their owner. Those same arms wrapped around me, one of them tilting my face up, wiping the tears away and holding me tightly. I looked up into those red orbs I fell in love with... My lip quivered and threatened to let out a sob... "S-Soul..." He kissed each area underneath my eyes and my forehead, holding his forehead pressed to mine. I then felt something drop onto my lap and I looked up at him again, only to see... He was crying, too... My eyes were wide with surprise, worry, and sympathy... He sniffed, smiling sadly, and wiped away his tears. "So uncool, Milly... You made the coolest man alive cry... But... I hate seeing you hurt... And I promise you... I will always... Always... Be there for you... Don't you ever doubt me when I say that... You mean too much to me... I also promise... If you accept... I'll be the best damn boyfriend I can for you... Milly Whey... Will you be mine?..." My heart stopped... All I could do was hug him tighter than I ever have before, crying into his shoulder... The one person I wanted more than anything... Wanted me to be his... I was so unbelievably happy! "Of course I will, Soul!... You've given me every possible good reason to accept... And I also promise that I will be the best damn girlfriend for you, too..." He suddenly pulled me in for another kiss, this one bittersweet from all our poured out emotions. His hands around my waist, mine around his neck, we felt as if we were one, once again savoring this moment in time, burning it into our memories...