//------------------------------// // A Stranger Arrives // Story: Invictus and the Bishop of Sin // by CommanderInvictus //------------------------------// Invictus woke up in a hospital bed, with the unknown unicorn watching over them. Invictus tried to get up, but couldn't, the unicorn holding him down. The unicorn spoke softly, "Please don't try to get up, you are lucky to be alive! That vine almost killed you." Invictus frowned and relaxed, noticing a darkening shadow behind the unicorn. Invictus said, worry edging into his voice, "I think there is something behind you, please turn around...." The unicorn turned around, and stared into the eyes of a dark purple unicorn. Immediately, a giant purple spike appeared through the body of the green stallion, vanishing a few seconds after, the green stallion with it. Invictus' eyes went wide with fear. "Who are you? What did you do to them? What do you want?" The purple stranger sighed, "One question at a time. For one, my name is Vivid Loss. Everything else you just asked me is irrelevant to why I'm here and as such, I won't answer those questions." Vivid Loss ran a hoof through her mane, grinning evilly down at Invictus, her blue eyes staring into his soul, making him shudder in fear. "Now you, my young little stallion, are another matter. What did you do to end up in a place like this, and why shouldn't I kill you right now?" Invictus snapped out of his reverie, speaking slowly, fear creeping into his voice with each word, "I got attacked in a forest, and killing a veteran of a war may invoke the wrath of some powerful ponies, so I would be wary of what enemies you make today, mare." At his words, Vivid Loss smirked. "You think I'm scared of the Princesses? You are naive, to say the least," She put a hoof to her chest. "I work for Cadence and Shining Armor, in exchange for my....freedom. Now you, are beneath me." Invictus swallowed, his eyes growing hard with fear. "Fine, what do you want with me?" Vivid Loss smiled, her horn glowing. "You, are going to come with me. I don't care if you are willing to come or not. You have 5 days to prepare." Vivid Loss vanished, leaving Invictus alone to begin his preparations for his forced adventure.