Shattered Glass

by Lucky Seven

A Date Gone Wrong

Solar and Luna trotted towards the restaurant and made small talk the whole way. Mostly either about how Solar had adapted or how Luna had been handling things since Nightmare Night. They did notice a few ponies giving frightened stares at Luna, while even more were staring in wonderment at this unlikely couple. They were both getting pretty embarrassed from all this attention to say the least. They finally reached their destination after about 10 minutes of trotting.

Solar trotted over towards the pony standing behind the podium, and started to talk.

"Reservations for two, the name is Solar Flare."

"Excellent, right this way sir, let me show you to your table."

Solar motioned towards Luna to follow him, and she quickly trotted next to him. When they were at their table, the waiter noticed the princess, and bowed, "Oh, princess, it's such an honor, I hope you enjoy everything."

"I'm sure I will," responded Luna.

"Would you like to hear our specials for the day?"

"That would be excellent," replied Solar.

"Alright, we have 2 specials for the day. Our first is a white bread sandwich, topped with daisies, daffodils, and your choice of either roses or bluebells. Our second special is a soup made with cream of chicken broth, consisting of carrots, peppers, seasonings, and other assorted vegetables. While I give you time to think, would you like a drink?"

"We'd love some apple cider," replied Luna.

"Excellent choice, I'll be right back with your drinks."

The waiter left, leaving Luna and Solar to talk about what they had done the past week. Luna talked about how people were still giving her odd looks even after the Nightmare Night, while Solar talked about how he was adapting to his new life as a pony. They were just finishing up their conversations when the waiter came back with their drinks.

"Here are your drinks, and have you made your decisions?"

"Yes," Solar responded, "I would like the sandwich special, with bluebells instead of roses."

"And I'll have the same."

"Excellent choice, your meal should be ready in about 10 minutes, but while you wait, would you like an appetizer from our selection."

"No thanks, we're fine for now," responded Solar.

"Very good, I will be back shortly with your food."

"Alright, thank you very much."

Solar wanted to ask Luna something at that moment, and she could tell. He was looking around nervously, clearly trying to avoid being questioned.

"Solar, what is wrong with you? You are acting very odd."

"I'm just nervous, it's not every day you go on a date with a princess, you know?"

"I understand, but try to loosen up, it's not like I'll banish you to the moon if the date doesn't turn out well, I just want to have fun with a pony who likes me."

"Thanks Luna, you're right, I should loosen up, but I did have a question."

"Fire away."

"Actually, I was wondering if I could ask it after the date."

"That is fine with me Solar."

They spent the rest of their time waiting for their food making small talk.

"Your food, two sandwiches with daffodils, daisies, and blue bells?"

"You got it!", responded Solar.

They spent the rest of the evening enjoying their food, making small talk, and generally enjoying each others presence. After they had finished eating, Solar paid. It was twelve bits, but he left a five bit tip to the waiter for being so friendly. They left the restaurant shortly after, and walked back to Twilight's house. They said their goodbyes and Luna left in her chariot. He then realized he forgot to ask Luna his question he mentioned at lunch, but decided it probably wasn't even worth the effort. He walked inside, content with himself, and went straight to sleep.

He awoke the next day feeling odd. He decided he would go to the mirror and see what was wrong. What he saw shocked him beyond belief. He was a human again! He quickly ran upstairs to Twilight's room, and woke her up. She was still groggy, but could clearly see somepony she didn't recognize. Her vision finally cleared up, and what she saw shocked HER beyond belief.


"It's me, Solar!"

"I don't believe you, now get out of my house!!!"

"It's really me Twilight, I somehow got turned back into a human!"

"This is what humans look like?"

"Yes, but unfortunately, I don't think I can venture outside of this house until we get me changed back."

Suddenly, there was a banging on the door. They went to investigate, and see what was wrong. When Twilight asked who was there, she didn't get a response, just more banging. Curious, she opened the door to see...


"No! It's me, Luna!"

"Wait," intervened Solar, "did you wake up like this?"

"Yes, I don't know what's wrong, and who are YOU?!"

"It's me, Solar. I woke up like a human again!"


The three ponies, or to be more specific, two ponies and a human, looked for the source of the yelling, and found that it was Spike. They waited for him to continue.

"Don't you realize what's going on Twilight?"

"Um, no. Why, should I?"

"Twilight, it's obvious what's wrong, it happened to you before, don't you remember, it was when we first met Zecora."

"Wait, Spike, are you saying the cause of this is poison joke?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying Twilight, can't you tell?"

"But we didn't even go near the Everfree Forest," stated Luna.

"Wait," interjected Solar, "what does this poison joke look like?"

Twilight thought of it, and responded, "It's a blue flower, with dark blue streaks on each petal, and it has a few bulbs sticking out of the center."

"Oh my god..."

"What is it?", asked Twilight.

"The sandwiches we had on our date last night. They were blue with dark blue streaks on each petal too. We must have gotten some poison joke on accident."

"Well," responded Twilight, "You two are in luck, I have a book with the cure in it. Spike, go fetch the Super Naturals book."

"On it!"

Spike came back a few moments later with a green book with what looked like a leaf drawn on the cover. He handed it to Twilight, who flipped the pages until she found the cure for poison joke.

"Ah good, the cure is right here, but unfortunately I don't have the supplies. You two wait here while I run to Zecora's to get the ingredients."

"Alright, it's not like we want to be seen right now anyways," Solar said with a slight chuckle.

Twilight and Spike left to go to Zecora's hut, leaving Solar and Luna alone.

"So," Luna started off, "this is what humans look like?"

"Yeah, I know, they're weird right?"

"On the contrary, you even look kind of cute!"

"Heh, you might think so, but in my world, I'm not considered very attractive."

"Well that is unfair, you shouldn't be judged by appearance."

"I agree, but that's Earth for you. So, any eventful things happen on your way here?"

"Aside from everypony running at the sight of me and locking their doors, nope."

Solar started laughing, prompting Luna to give him a glare. "Sorry, it's just that I couldn't even begin to imagine hw bad it would be if I walked out there right now," he said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, that's true, I guess we do have something in common at the moment."

"So this is what Nightmare Moon looks like?"

"Yea, I know, it's scary."

"Not really, she looks kind of cool, but I'd prefer the real Luna any day of the week."

"Thanks, but I don't know why you find me attractive, nopony ever has..."

"Well, I do, and that's all that matters, you shouldn't let anypony else tell you how to act, or influence the way you look, everypony is perfect the way they are."

"That means a lot, thanks Solar."

"Hey, I'm just stating the truth, heh."


"It's just that, what would Celestia think if she saw you like that?"

"I think she would flip out, but she's a smart mare, she'd figure it out sooner or later."

"True, she does seem bright."

Twilight then barged in with the ingredients Zecora had given her. Had it really been that long since they started talking? They weren't going to complain though, they just wanted to be themselves again, or in Solar's case, his new form.

"Alright you two, this might sound a little odd, but you'll need to take a bath together."

"WHAT?!", they both shouted in unison.

"Well, it's a herbal bath, besides, you did just go on a date, didn't you?"

"Well yeah," responded Luna, "but we didn't get nude in front of each other!"


"Oh, yeah," said Solar, while Luna chuckled nervously.

"I'll go get the bath ready for you two."

About five minutes later, Twilight came back, and motioned for them to come to the bathroom. They both got in the tub, and could feel a tingling sensation all over their bodies.

"Yeah, that sensation you're feeling is the herbs doing their work. It'll be about five minutes before the effects of the poison joke wear off though. In the meantime, why don't you reminisce on your date from yesterday or something."

Solar and Luna both blushed, but agreed to keep each other company for the next five or so minutes. They spent all of those five minutes talking about their date, and how big of a disaster it turned out to be. They both laughed at the thought. It had finally been five minutes, and when Solar looked down, he could see his old, pale yellow fur, while Luna noticed her fur was azure blue rather than black. They got out of the tub, dried off, and Luna was getting ready to leave when Solar remembered something from the night earlier.

"Oh yeah, I still haven't asked my question?"


"The one I mentioned while we were waiting on our food."

"Ah, yes, well? What was it?"

After the events that had just transpired, calling their date a disaster, Luna being feared by everypony, and he himself being turned into a human, he was finally ready to ask his question.

"Want to go out again sometime soon?", he said with a sly grin on his face.

All Luna could do was simply smile at him.

That's the end of chapter 5, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I thought him asking that question after everything that had happened was pretty funny, but you may disagree. Now then, down to business. I'm about to be back on my normal schedule, since my family is back in town, and I can go to work again, so don't expect the next chapter until about Saturday, as I will be busy working a six hour shift on Friday. Now, that's not to say I won't be writing any of it on Friday, because I don't go into work until 6:00 in the evening. So I'll have plenty of time to write it before I head off to work, but I will spend Saturday editing, proofreading, and generally doing the finishing touches. Now, as always, rate, comment, favorite, follow, whatever, just give me some kickass feedback alright? Until we meet again! Oh, one more announcement, if any of you fellow bronies and/or pegasisters have an Xbox 360, with Halo: Reach, and a gold subscription, I'm going to be playing with fans tomorrow at around 6:00 PM EST, hope to see you there!