Blood Runs Cold

by Silence_EXE

Chapter 2: Silence.EXEs' Secret

"And that's how you found them?" asked Twilight, leaning forward. Silence had just finished explaining how he had found the cartridges that were in the box sitting on the floor at this very moment.

"Yes. Although I find it strange that I had no idea they were there," he commented.

"That must have been amazing to find," breathed Twilight, staring at nothing in particular.

"Indeed it was. I do believe it might be an enormous breakthrough to the secrets of the GrimDark reality, which is something I have currently been trying to find out more about," Silence replied, just as passionate about his research as Twilight was.

"Why don't you two just kiss and get it over wi - OW!" yelped Rainbow, her snarky comment being broken up by a sharp hoof on the flank from Twilight. Twilight now glared at Rainbow, who wilted under her glare.

"Never EVER say that in front of a stallion who we've known for maybe an HOUR," said Twilight, with an angry tone.

"What? You two would make the perfect - YOWCH!" yelped Rainbow again, receiving a harder blow on the other flank. Twilights' face warned Rainbow that if she didn't keep quiet, she'd teleport her out of the house. Rainbows' face grew sulky, as she muttered "Jeez, I was just trying to be funny."

Twilight gave Rainbow one last glare, then turned back to Silence, whom had been quite amused by the conversation.

"Where were we?" Twilight asked calmly, acting as if nothing had happened.

"Ah, yes, we were about to listen to the recording, I believe?" he replied.

"First, I'd like to know one thing," Rainbow said. Twilight attempted to stop Rainbow from speaking, with no success.

"No, this isn't about your possible crush on Silence, though I won't let you escape from that," said Rainbow, wincing as she received another furious blow from Twilight. "What is the 'GrimDark' reality?"

At this, Silence sighed. "The GrimDark reality is a place of deep and dark history. Not much is known about that world, other than the fact that anypony whom arrives there will never come back. The portal to that world was destroyed long ago, as the evil from it was leeching into Equestria," he replied.

"Evil?" interjected Twilight, clearly interested.

"Yes, evil beyond even Nightmare Moon. Evil of which nopony dare speak of in this world for fear that its' curse will affect Equestria," said Silence grimly. Twilight thought about this for a moment, unsure of what to say.

"It's also the place where I was born," added Silence, without even a shred of denial in his voice. Twilight and Rainbows' ears laid back on their heads, as their eyes grew wide.

"You... You were born there?" asked Twilight in a voice like a whisper.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa... Wait a second. How did you get here?" said Rainbow, her head tilted in confusion.

"That is why I am researching the GrimDark. If I am to know how I got here - and I do not, mind you - I need to learn about the black magic of that world," said Silence, unaffected by their reaction to his history.

"Wouldn't that mean - " said Twilight, being cut off by Silences' reply.

"No. I know exactly what you are thinking, Twilight, and the answer is no. I am not an evil being. I do not kill, nor would I enjoy it. I do not attempt to be the most powerful being in the world, and I most CERTAINLY am not going to harm anyone," said Silence sharply, leaning forward.

"I hope not..." muttered Rainbow, looking worriedly at the tree next to the window, which was making creaking sounds due to the now-blowing wind outside.

"I WILL NOT," said Silence firmly, ending the conversation. "Now, we were going to watch the videotapes, were we not?"

Twilight, looking more calm now, breathed deeply.

"Rainbow, if you want to leave, you should now. There might be things in this videotape that could be very disturbing," said Twilight, looking at Rainbow.

"I'll be fine, Twilight, don't worry," chuckled Rainbow, turning her head to the screen.

"Very well. If you are prepared, we will begin," said Silence.

The play button was pushed, and the recording began.