Home is Where the Heart is

by smileyfacer

Chapter 11

Spike knew that a certain mare would appreciate the piece of information that Twilight accidently had spilled. After he had gone to get something to eat, he made up an excuse to make way to the Carousel Boutique. As always, Rarity was occupied with designing the latest gowns for mares all over Equestria. She hardly even noticed Spike as he entered, but as the baby dragon coughed to make himself magically appear, a wide smile adorned the mare's face.

"Spikey-wikey, darling! What a exquisite surprise, what brings you to my humble boutique?" she chirped, putting down the pencil and walking away from her drawing board to embrace Spike.

Besides seeing the mare of my dreams?, the dragon thought, but obviously didn't say that out loud.

"I just got some very interesting gossip for you!" he said instead, the unicorn's eyes going wide with excitement. Rarity was undoubtly a mare who loved to gossip about others, but loathed it when the gossip was aimed at herself.

"Oh, Spike! What kind of wonderful, juicy news do you have for me?" she spoke, and leaned closer to Spike to hear the news. Sudden confidence took over Spike, and instead of letting the gorgeous face get any closer, he pushed it away with a tiny claw, much to Rarity's dismay.

"Something for something, Rarity," he teased, and moved the claw towards his own cheek, slightly blushing. Rarity narrowed her eyes in annoyance.

"That is no such thing to ask a lady, Spike! Just tell me what juicy gossip you have acquired this instant!", she said, emphasizing her desire to wish what he knew, with a stomp of her hoof.

"I'm afraid I've forgotten, is there something you could do to help my poor memory?", the dragon continued, his claw still on his cheek.

Rarity growled slightly, before the sound vanished from her throat as she realized how unlady-like it was, and rolled her eyes before planting a big kiss on Spike's cheek.


Rarity gasped loudly, before shaking her head in disbelief.

"Spike, darling, you need to speak slower, please. Now, tell me again."

"Rainbow Dash is pregnant!"

Another gasp escaped Rarity's lips, before she let out a squeal, and fell over in surprise.

After Rarity awakened, it didn't take many hours before the first pony besides herself knew the gossip. Rarity quickly arranged a meeting with a surprised Fluttershy at the spa, who let out a loud 'eep!' at the mere thought. The two spa ponies were even worse with gossip than Rarity herself, and they spread the news quicker than a wildfire. It seemed that Twilight had just lend the book to Rainbow Dash, as the news reached her library. She was shocked to hear that the rumour had spread so quickly, with Pinkie Pie arranging a visit to Rainbow Dash and a baby shower, but she knew just who to confront.

"Spike!", the lavender mare roared, without any response from her bedroom. It was Spike's napping time, and she was certain that the dragon wouldn't get any sleep with all the trouble he had caused.

"Spike!" she shouted again, with no response, yet again. The librarian instead stomped up the stairs, each step echoing louder in the hollow tree. When she reached the top, her hooves banged so loudly, that she could hear the birds resting on the thick branches outside chirp in anxiety. She opened the door with such force, that it smacked against the wall with a bang, causing the little dragon to snort in annoyance, and simply turn away from the noise.


This time, Twilight's yell rang true and clear, and the baby dragon jumped high into the air in surprise, before faceplanting the wooden floor.

"Eh, huh, what?" he mumbled as he rubbed his sore nose.

"What in Celestia have you told Rarity?!" Twilight growled, her muzzle getting dangerously close to Spike's face. The lavender mare took threatening steps, forcing Spike to take small steps back, until he reached the wooden wall, quivering with fear.

"I didn't tell her anything, Twilight! I swear!"

"Don't you dare lie to me, Spike!" the lavender mare hissed, her snout touching Spike's in a threating manner. Sweat taking shape on Spike's brow, he shields his face with his two scaly arms.

"Alright, alright! I told Rarity in exchange for a kiss on the cheek!", the dragon admittet, shivering before his roommate.

"Augh, Spike! How could you do such a thing to Rainbow Dash?!"

Without an answer, the baby dragon's eyes became attached to his scaly feet, nervously shifting the weight from one foot to another. He was expecting Twilight to give him a long speech about privacy and spreading harmful and untrue news about your friends. There was no speech, however, and instead of giving the dragon a tirade about his seemingly lacking morals, Twilight grabbed the baby dragon, and forced him upon her back.

"You are going to clear this whole mess up, cause I sure ain't!" she growled,

The book seemed to stare evilly upon the cyan mare.

'The modern mare and her foals', the title said. Rainbow Dash had heard the author's name before, Lily Kindheart, and she thought it was Twilight who first mentioned the mare behind the book. Apparently, the mare was well-known for novels as well as lifestyle books such as the one that laid before her.

Ever since she had gotten home from the library and returned to her castle in the clouds, she had wondered about how she would approach the matter at hand. Wasn't being a parent just about being awesome enough to have foals? After Twilight's obvious doubts about her potentiel parenthood, Rainbow Dash found herself doubting ever becoming a parent even more.

Maybe Twilight is right? Maybe I'm not suited to take care of anyone, but myself., the mare thought, lowering her head in dismay as she gazed at the book while laying on her couch made of clouds. Her frontleg seemed to lazily dangle from the couch for an hour or so, before the mare took action. Slowly stretching out a hoof to get the book, she laid on her back and held the book in her hooves high above her face.

"Alright Rainbow Dash, you can perform sonic rainbooms and be the fastest flyer in Equestria! You can be a mother or sister to a little filly too!" she exclaimed, and quietly began to study the contents of the books. On the page of the introduction, miss Kindheart adorned the page herself. Her cutie mark portrayed a single big heart, with a few smaller ones placed next to it. Next to the mare, was, what Rainbow thought, her three foals. Two colts and a filly, and they all smiled widely towards the reader. Envious of the harmony that obviously roamed in the picture, Rainbow Dash begun reading the introduction.

A modern mare and her foals - introduction:

Dear readers;

Before I go on with how I have fared through the journey of parenthood, I must adress some of you. Not all are suited to be parents, at first glance. It took me some time to realize that I wanted kids, and a couple of years ago, I wasn't even sure I liked them! My first foal was a bit of a surprise, and it took me a long time to grow with the task at hand. Some single-mares out there, with a foal or two, know what I mean. No matter at what age you are lucky to bless your life with a little filly or colt, know that you will be a wonderful parent. You can doubt yourself to the end of Equestria, but it will get you nowhere. This goes for both career opportunities and parenthood.

You are all wonderful mothers and mothers-to-be, and any foals that are possible daughters or sons of yourself, are blessed without compare. Never doubt yourselves, for the sake of yourself, and the foals I hope you will bear some day.

A bunch of thankyou notes for some family members was written across the next couple of pages, which Rainbow Dash merely skipped, before heading to the first chapter.

Chapter 1: Pregnancy

Pregnancies are obviously a phase that is necessary to truly establish what all ponies search for in life: a family. I won't go over the birds and the bees, assuming you, my reader, are well-aware of reprodu-

"Rainbow Dash!"

The pegasus gasped in surprise and in her surprise, let go of the massive book, which didn't hesitate to fall flat on the mare's face. She groaned in pain and removed it, only to see a pink pony outside her window. Pinkie Pie had tied several ballons unto her back, and seemed to have several cards and presents with her.

"Urgh, Pinkie? What are you doing here?!" Rainbow Dash asked, somewhat taken aback by the fact that Pinkie had actually visited her home in the skies, as she didn't get visitors often due to that very fact. Fluttershy was always confined to the earth, with her good will, although Rainbow never quite understood it when she could indeed fly, and the others couldn't walk on clouds.

It got lonely at times.

"I wanted to congratulate you on your pregnancy! I'm having a babyshower later today, so show up for your baby! Maybe we can arrange playdates with Pound and Pumpkin!", Pinkie squaled, and didn't hesitate to throw all the presents, cards and balloons inside the cloud house before she took off, her legs flailling wildly in a silly attempt to move forward

"Wait, Pinkie!" the mare shouted, quickly zooming after the party pone, who quickly descended towards the earth. Pinkie nimbly landed in front of Sugarcube Corner, Rainbow Dash following shortly after, who gasped loudly upon arrival.

If Sugarcube Corner ever could've gotten any pinker, this was the time. Several banners with random cute babies adorned the building, each decoration more pink than the other. Rainbow Dash tried to contain herself, as the only pink she could tolerate was the coat color of Pinkie Pie herself. Several ponies that Rainbow Dash didn't recognize stood with various foal-related party hats and other party decorations, alongside some of her best friends. Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity seemed to share the same look of disbelief, but they all smiled widely nonetheless. They never would've thought that Rainbow Dash was one to have foals, not until a much later time and a good increase of maturity on her part.

Which lead them to the next question, who was the father?

"Why, Rainbow Dash, darling, I must congratulate you on your pregnancy! It will be an exquisite to our own little family! How long have you known, sweetie, and how did you keep it a secret to all of us!?" Rarity cooed as she approached the pegasus, interrupting any words that came out of the cyan mare's mouth.

"Eh, Rarity, I'm not pre-"

"Rainbow Dash, ye' old trickster! I nevah woul' hav' thought ye' woul' get any cute foals flyin' 'round in the sky! Mighty congratulations!" Applejack exclaimed, holding the pegasus tight.

"AJ, I'm sorry, but I'm no-"

"Rainbow Dash?", a tiny voice said, and the mare looked down to face Scootaloo.

The little filly's face was a blank slate of emotions.

I had heard about Rainbow Dash's pregnancy right after Applebloom. It was after school, and we were in the cloubhouse, Applejack came sprinting up the stairs, tripping twice.

"Ya'll, we need ta' rush into town! RD's pregnant, and Pinkie Pie's havin' a baby shower!"

My jaw hit the floor, and we ran as fast as we could towards Ponyville!

At first, I thought it was awesome! A tiny version of Rainbow Dash flying around! I could teach her to fly, now that I could fly!

Well, flying may be too much, but I got a year and more to practice!

But as we made our way towards Ponyville, I started thinking more about it. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom thought it was awesome too, and it didn't seem like they had the worries that I had.

Rainbow Dash barely have time for me - her number one fan! I mean, don't I diserve all the attention she got? Well, some of it at least. I know she's busy with weather patrol and training so much to become an awesome Wonderbolt and more awesome stuff, but doesn't she care about me at all?

All those questions kept bugging me until we arrived at Sugarcube Corner, just to see Pinkie Pie land with several balloons tied to her back, popping one by one. Rainbow Dash landed right after her, seemingly in shock over the baby shower.

I can't believe she'll be a mother soon. After Rarity and Applejack go congratulate her, I step towards her.

"Rainbow Dash?"

She looks down at me, without answering me.

"Rainbow Dash, is it true?" I ask again, my eyes beginning to well up with tears.

Why am I crying? It's her life, for hay's sake!

"No! Scootaloo, I promise it ain't true!" Rainbow Dash exclaims loudly, causing everypony to gasp and stare at her. Everypony begins to mumble, and I can faintly hear some fragments about Rainbow being a fraud, and an attentionmare, with all her Wonderbolt and weatherpatrol stuff. It makes me so mad!

"Stop it! Rainbow Dash is the most awesome pony ever! She's not pregnant at all! So just leave her alone!" I yell, standing on my hind legs in front of my idol, shielding her from the danger of the words.

Such a brave little filly you are, Scootaloo.

"Why on earth would she borrow that book then?"

Ponies start to mumble again, and this time, I don't know what to say. I glance up towards Rainbow Dash, who seems just as confused as I. She is just about to talk, before Twilight Sparkle suddenly appears, with a very shameful Spike upon her back.

"Stop! There's been a terrible mistake! It's only a hurtful and evil rumor about Rainbow Dash's so called 'pregnancy'! She borrowed the book from me because...", Twilight glanced back towards Spike, hoping that he had a suggestion to why Rainbow Dash had borrowed the book, because in honesty, neither of them had the faintest idea, "because she's an egghead!"

Everypony gasped loudly once more, as the citizens of Ponyville never could've imagined that Rainbow Dash, the star-athlete of the small village was an egghead. Some of the ponies began to giggle, but it didn't take them long to stop giggling, as Rainbow Dash quickly stood in front of me and talked in what seemed to be the royal Canterlot voice all over.

"Everypony, I am not pregnant! I mean, c'mon, why would I ever bother with having a kid right now? I'm about to be a Wonderbolt! I don't have time for a silly filly walking in my every step, I'm way too awesome for that!"

Ponies continued to mumble, clearly discussing whether or not that was a decent argument. They all begun nodding in approval, which obviously made Rainbow Dash let out a massive sigh as she stood before me, but all I heard was a particular part of what she said.

... I don't have time for a silly filly walkin in my every step...

... No silly filly...

... Way too awesome for that...

These thoughts blocked out almost everything that went on outside, but I faintly heard Spike apologizing to Rainbow Dash over and over again, before she smacked him across the head with her hoof, which probably meant that she was ok with it.

It may have taken me awhile to realize it, but as Rainbow Dash spoke those very words, I had a... eurgh, what's it called... an epiphany!

An epiphany, yeah, that's it.

I love Rainbow Dash like a sister. Maybe even a mom. I just want someone to hold me tight at night, and comfort me when I have nightmares. The tiny hope I ever dared building up of Rainbow Dash becoming my sister, was totally crushed when I heard her say that.

Even if I was awesome enough, Rainbow Dash would never think of me as a sister.

I can't take it anymore. Nopony would ever want to be my sister!

Tears start to well up in my eyes, and I hear somepony faintly calling my name, but all I can do, is run away.

Run away from all the ponies who think I'm a bad pony. I'm not a bad pony, I'm just lonely and unloved.

That's all.

Hey everyone - I'm going on a holiday again very soon, Sunday in fact, so I'm just squeezing this chapter through before then. I'm not very satisfied with this chapter, besides the gathering in front of Sugarcube Corner.