//------------------------------// // PIEKOVSKY ALWAYS YES! // Story: Piekovsky No // by The Psychopath //------------------------------// "Pinkie Pie, no," Twilight scolded. "But Twilight, I only want to use a few cannons for the show," Pinkie Pie retorted. Twilight groaned loudly, her voice echoing through the halls of the school. "Pinkie, using cannons in a theater show, even those filled with confetti, is a bad idea. ESPECIALLY those that are NOT filled with confetti." She tapped the white stone ground impatiently. "Cannons are NOT instruments, so for the LAST time; No cannons for the end." "But...but...I was going to show up as-" Pinkie spun around and fumbled with something. "PIEKOVSKY!" She threw her forelegs into the air. She was wearing a pink, curly beard with a mustache. "I am to send off the play with big cannons!" she cheered. "NO!" Twilight yelled. Her voice almost made the stained glass of the windows shatter. She got so close to Pinkie's face that their muzzles were touching. "No cannons. Too loud and dangerous." There was a moment of silence while the two exchanged looks. "Now help me with the play for Princess Luna." Twilight pulled down a tapestry-sized list of different color schemes and decorations for the play from a slot in the ceiling and dropped it on her wood desk. The pink pony rolled her eyes and tore her beard off at the same time, creating a painful ripping sound that took some of her coat with it. Twilight took notice to this and reached a hoof out. "Did you glue that on?" "Yes," Pinkie stated firmly. Twilight was concerned. "D...That sounded like it hurt. A lot." "Psch. No." A single tear leaked from her eye and vanished into her coat. The lavender alicorn was taken aback and, although reluctant, continued with her request for aid. It went on for several hours, and Pinkie Pie genuinely just wanted it to end. Not because she hated Twilight nor that she didn't want to help, though. "We could have blue streamers float on wind currents or magic to have them pretty up the white sparkle dust for the stars, no?" the pink pony proposed. "Oh! I love that idea," Twilight cheered. She scribbled away on some parchment, dotted the end, then dropped the quill into a small pot of ink. "Alright! I think we have everything we need," Twilight said. She rolled up all her notes and held them next to her in a grip of magic. "Now we can go and tell everypony what we need. I'll go see the others, and YOU can start preparing the stage, okay?" "Alrighty Twily!" Pinkie shouted with a salute and hopped off through the doorway. The stage was still the same as before, with its wood finish, polished surface, and red curtains decorating everything. Pinkie stared at it then pulled out half a white mask and placed it on her face. "Now to sneak into my crafty little hidey-hole under the stage," she mumbled to herself. She looked around for anyone then hurried to the cover below the stage and flipped a panel replete with several numbered buttons. "I'm going to use my super-duper-ultra-hyper-sophisticated password that NOpony else knows!" she announced loudly. The mare rubbed her forehead of sweat, rubbed her hooves together, and shook her body. "One wrong move and I won't be able to get into it anymore." The mare took a deep breath. "Okay. Here I go." The tension was palpable and the atmosphere in the area tightened and stressed itself. Pinkie went for the buttons and...flipped the pad to reveal a big red button that she pushed, unlocking a crawl space next to her. She promptly closed it once she went through and giggled the whole time. The pink pony fumbled through her mane, noticed she couldn't find what she was looking for, and thus dove within it...somehow. She came back out with several hundreds of pieces meant for party cannon assembly. "Good. Good." Pinkie chuckled to herself. "All the ingredients for the musical tale are here." She muzzled herself when she heard Twilight and Rarity approach the stage and listened in. "Where is Pinkie Pie?" Rarity asked. She and Twilight looked around but didn't see her. "Do you think she's still designing all the special effects?" Twilight wondered aloud. Rarity shrugged in response. "She could be. You know how much she loves making everything colorful." Rarity took a moment before continuing. "I bet she's trying to design it all to fit the night perfectly. Maybe like a...party?" Rarity chuckled. Pinkie's eyes shot wide. Her tail was bouncing enthusiastically to the thought, but the pink pony held it down angrily. "Stop it, tail! You're going to get us both caught!" she scolded it in her head. Twilight hummed pensively. "So we'll have the first act be about the world and how disorganized and chaotic the night sky was, and show how everypony ignored it and it brought nothing." Rarity nodded. "And then have 'Luna'-" She airquoted with her hooves. "-come in during the second act and turn it into something splendid," Rarity said with a loving tone. "But we need Pinkie Pie's special effects," she explained sternly. She and Twilight both stared at each other. "We skip--" "We skip Nightmare Moon," Twilight interjected. "That part isn't important." Rarity nodded. "Alright." Pinkie was meticulously and quietly placing the wheels at the base of her fourteenth cannon and hammering them in with her tail, because yes. A few minutes afterwards, she appeared into view and started decorating the entire stage and asking for Rarity's thoughts. The work put into colors and shapes and where to place them was being done on the side while the students practiced their lines with Twilight and Fluttershy. Fluttershy, on the other hoof, also had to train a few animals for the display along with the acting practice. Pinkie Pie pulled out a cannon in front of Rarity, her face enthusiastic about its use, and while the unicorn hesitated, Twilight spotted the error. "PINKIE!" she bellowed. The pink pony flinched and kicked the cannon away reluctantly, but she wouldn't give up. She had her plans. Devious little plans of perfidious cunning, and they could come into play during the...play. Many ponies, griffins, hippogriffs, and other creatures were present, with Luna and Celestia in front-row seats. Celestia was teasing her sister about her getting her own play and making her flustered. Finally, the play began, with a dark sky and disjointed lights placed upon a back wall. The students played the part of the ignorant creatures that care not for the night sky, among other things. During the acting, Pinkie Pie quietly snuck in the back of the stage and jumped to the girders above. She cackled maniacally during the final moment of the play where everyone joined together to sing an play instruments to celebrate Luna's creativity of the night. Meanwhile, the pink party pony was attaching all the hooks of her cannons to one lever, and, without warning, Pinkie Pie's twenty-one cannons smashed onto the stage below, terrifying the students. "I ACCENTUATE MUSIC WITH CANNONS!" Pinkie screamed from above. "What's going o--" The pony in the crowd was cut short by a blast of confetti pounding them through their seat. The griffin laughing at them was met with the same fate. "RAPID FIRING MUSIC!" Pinkie screamed even louder. The crowd and students were all screaming and running around in circles whilst confetti was firing everywhere. Even Celestia got a face full of it but didn't budge. Twilight threw her script on the floor. "DANG IT, PINKIE PIE!" she yelled angrily. One of the audience members was hit in the face with rice soup, confusing a few around her. "Huh." Pinkie scratched her head then her beard. "That's where that went." While everyone was still climbing atop each other, in an attempt to escape the confetti cannons, Twilight stomped over to the stage and looked up to yell at the pink pony. "PINKIE PIE! GET DOWN FROM THERE!" A cannon the size of a house fell down from the girders with Pinkie on its backside, and smashed the stage completely into shards. Twilight reached out for her friend. "Piekovsky no!" "Piekovsky yes!" Pinkie dragged her face rapidly across the fuse, lighting it. "PIEKOVSKY ALWAYS YES!"