Equestria Girls Spikebelle 2: Summer Vacation Part 1

by Chaos04

Start Of A Nice Summer And Heading To The Waterpark

The sun dawned on a certain neighborhood, with a certain house, where a certain boy slept peacefully for the first time in a long while. With the sun shining through his window, Spike began to rouse from his sleep.

After sitting up in bed, he yawned quietly, cracked his back and stretched his arms. After waking up, everything that happened before all seemed like a bad dream. The reality remained that his mum was dead, his dad was still in jail, he barely survived a run in with a psychotic madman, and his friend had become the personification of chaos. But, all of that was behind him, and he could only look forward to a brighter future.

Once Spike was out of bed, he changed into his street clothes, which had been laid out on top of the chest next to his bed. An accommodation from his new adoptive sister, Twilight Sparkle. After changing, he tidied up his bed, left his bedroom and walked to the next door over.

“Twilight!” he called, as he knocked on the door.

The door opened, revealing Twilight. Uncharacteristically, her hair was messy, her glasses were crooked, and she hadn’t even changed out of her pajamas at this hour.

“Goo--” Twilight’s greeting was cut off by a long yawn, “--morning, Spike.”

“No sleep again? Let me guess: busy studying for a summer holiday destination,” Spike said, with a mischievous smile.

“No…” Twilight said. In the short time she knew Spike, she learned that she couldn’t get much anything past him. She decided to at least tell a half truth, “Okay...Maybe a lot.”

“Typical,” Spike said.

“Did you come by for something,” Twilight asked.

“Yeah. I was just thinking that since me and my friends are going to the waterpark today, I thought you might want to come along. If you don’t have any plans, I mean.”

“Uh...I think I’ll have to pass. I’m spending the day with Thorax,” Twilight said, playing with a strand of her own hair.

“Aha,” was all Spike said. “Well, good luck with that.”

Spike went downstairs to the dining room. Immediately, he was greeted by a wonderful familiar scent. Looking to the dining room table, he saw sitting there his new adoptive parents. Set on the table was a platter stacked with pancakes nearly a quarter of a meter high. Next to that was a plate full of bacon, and a pan full of eggs. Set in the center was another platter, this one filled by one half of almond muffins and the other half filled with cinnamon buns.

“Ah. Decided to join us for breakfast, did you?” Twilight Velvet greeted the boy.

“Uh...sure,” Spike said, eyeing the extravagant feast before him. “Thanks, Mrs. Velvet.”

“Spike, you don’t have to address us so formally. Call me ‘mum.’

“Alright. Just...you know, I’m not so used to calling anyone else ‘mum,’” Spike answered.

Neither of his adoptive parents said anything. They didn’t have to for Spike to know that they understood exactly why.

Spike walked to the table, and took a plate that was set at a place there. He helped himself to at least four pancakes, three slices of bacon, a heaping scoop of eggs, one muffin and one cinnamon bun.

“Not to sound ungrateful, but why the feast? You’ve never done anything like this for me or Twilight since I started living here,” Spike wondered.

“Well, we just know that you’ve gotten off to a rough start. I guess it’s just our way of helping you adjust to this new phase in your life,” Night Light answered.

“Thanks. Got any orange juice with that adjustment?”

“Coming up,” Velvet said, as she stood up to retrieve the requested drink.

Soon as she had, Twilight came downstairs fully dressed.

“Looks like our newest family member’s settled himself right in. Just so you know: the muffins and buns were my idea,” Twilight said.

“Keep ‘em rolling. I want to eat like this every day,” Spike answered, before taking a bite of eggs.

The family had a good laugh at the boy’s comment. From the time they first had met him up until now, he had changed quite drastically. No longer was he the cynical, gloomy boy from before, but a model of an adolescent.

“What, you think I’m joking?” Spike continued.

“Sorry, Spike. This is just the welcome wagon,” Night Light said. He then noticed out of the corner of his eye that Twilight was not moving to sit at the table. Rather, she was heading right for the door. “Twilight? Where are you going?”

“I just have to go out and...meet someone,” Twilight said, having not yet worked up the courage to tell her parents she was dating someone.

“Yeah, she’s going out alright,” Spike thought to himself.

“As busy as you are, Twilight, you’re not leaving this house on an empty stomach. Sit,” Velvet said, pulling out a chair at the table.

Never one to argue with her mother, Twilight reluctantly sat down and made herself a plate. All the while, her eyes kept darting to the clock on the wall.

Minutes passed, and in the same amount of time, Twilight finished the huge plate of food her mother had heaped up for her. After that, she ran toward the door.

“Twilight!” Spike called.

Twilight stopped herself. How could she have forgotten the simplest staple item that nobody should leave the house without?

She turned around, and caught the phone and car keys that Spike tossed to her. Now, she was ready to go.

The adults had an internal laugh at the antics of the children. These two worked so well together, and they hadn’t known one another a month. It seemed like such a fortunate happenstance that Spike had come into their lives, however tragic the circumstances were that brought him to them.

Thinking nothing more on it, they all continued to enjoy their breakfast.

Spike, however, was busily concocting plans for the day he was going to spend with his new friends.

In the flat above the carousel boutique, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were happily chatting amongst each other. At least, it was happy in the sense that the three of them were not having a bad time.

“Now, don’t that beat all. Sweetie Belle, I’m surprised at you. Ya had the one opportunity to ask out Spike, an’ ya blow it!” Apple Bloom said.

“It's not that I didn't want to... it-it's a little more complicated than just that,” Sweetie said.

“Complicated how?” Scootaloo asked, staring down Sweetie Belle. “Do you like him?”

“What does it matter? You two still hate him a little bit,” Sweetie Belle answered.

“Aw no! Yer not turnin’ this on us. Scootaloo just asked ya a question, an’ yer gonna answer it,” Apple Bloom said.

“Yeah,” Scootaloo agreed.

All of a sudden, Sweetie Belle felt like the victim of a cruel roast. Pinned by the stern stares of her friends, Sweetie felt as if a sudden vice had clasped around her chest.

There came a knock at the door.

“I’ll get it!” Sweetie Belle said abruptly.

She quickly walked to the door, and readily opened it.

“Rarity! Hi!” Sweetie Belle greeted her sister at the door.

“Sweetie Belle, please! I’m right here! You don’t need to yell,” Rarity said. “Now, I came up to tell you all to get ready, so that we can pick up Spike and be on our way.”

Rarity handed each of the children a small shopping bag, each one loaded with the clothes and supplies they would need for their day of fun.

“And this one is for Spike,” Rarity said, handing a fourth bag to Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle peeked into the fourth bag she was given, and found the essentials inside. Sunblock, goggles, a change of clothes, and finally, she pulled out a pair of swimming trunks. These, she examined longer than the other items, until she heard the sounds of her friends giggling behind her.

“I bet she’s picturing Spike wearing those now,” Scootaloo said.

“Ten bucks says she starts rubbin’ ‘em on her face,” Apple Bloom replied.

“Ew! Apple Bloom!” Sweetie Belle shouted, before wadding up the trunks and throwing them at her friend.

“Girls! Please! Keep the horseplay to a minimum!” Rarity intervened. She sighed internally at what was happening before her. Sweetie Belle had reached the age where she was transitioning to womanhood. When a simple fancy could blossom into so much more. She remembered when she was so young, and how things started changing so drastically, yet so gradually as well. It was like one prolonged walk through a difficult trail in an unfamiliar neighborhood. Still, there was no preventing it from happening, and she decided to simply facilitate getting to the waterpark. “Now, all of you children get ready and change your clothes.”

“We’re not children, Rarity,” Sweetie Belle said, before she went to the bathroom to change her clothes.

“Yes. Of course,” Rarity said, parlty to herself. “Just give me a call when you’re all ready.”

Over a course of minutes, Rarity was called back to the room upstairs, and greeted the younger girls.

“All set to go?” she asked them.

“Yeah!” the three cheered in unison, high fiving each other.

The girls and Rarity exited the boutique, and entered the car. After strapping themselves down, they were ready for their day of fun.

Today, there seemed to be something unusual about the city. Normally, the streets were choked with traffic, and the paths were flooded shoulder to shoulder with pedestrians. Today, traffic seemed relatively sparse, and only a few people were walking about in Canterlot.

Back at Twilight’s house, Spike was in his room watching a movie. Having not much else to do, he sat down with whatever he felt he was in the mood to watch.

There came a knocking at the front door.

“Spike,” called a voice he recognized.

That was enough to make him practically fly out of his seat and rush to the front door. There, he was greeted by Rarity, and he knew what her presence meant.

“Guessing it’s time to go?” Spike said.

“Mm-hm,” Rarity nodded. “And we’ve already provided everything you’ll need for the trip. No need to pack up.”

“Everything? Even a pair of trunks?”


“Thanks. I guess it pays to work in a clothing store.”

“Boutique, Spike. The word is boutique,” Rarity said, as she guided the boy to her car.

Rarity took her spot in the driver’s seat, while Spike moved to the back. When he arrived there, he saw that the only seat available was between Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

“Hi,” Sweetie Belle greeted him.

“Come on in, Spike. Take yer seat. Right between the girls,” Apple Bloom teased.

“Apple Bloom,” Sweetie admonished her friend. She unstrapped herself, and scooted down to accommodate Spike’s arrival.

“Thanks,” Spike said.

After Spike settled himself into the car, Rarity started it up and drove off.

Everyone was silent, unsure of what to say to one another. Spike glanced around at the other passengers, and noticed something was quite off about them all. Scootaloo was glancing at him from the front passenger seat. Apple Bloom wouldn’t stop smiling at him. And Sweetie Belle wouldn’t even look at him.

“Soooooo...how have you girls been?” Spike asked, trying to break the ice.

“Just fine. Been a bit dull since school got out,” Apple Bloom answered. “But, enough ‘bout us. How ya been?”

That question seemed a bit abrupt. Just by looking at Apple Bloom’s face, Spike could tell that she was hoping to hear something. This notion was enforced by the sight of Scootaloo peering around her seat to look at Spike.

“I’ve been good,” Spike answered uncomfortably.

“Anything exciting happen yet?” Scootaloo asked from the front.

“Not particularly. Just this trip we’re going on.”

“Been thinkin’ about anyone?” Apple Bloom asked.

Sweetie Belle buried her face in her hands.

“Girls, please. I’m sure Spike isn’t interested in such femininities,” Rarity said. “Why don’t the four of you decide on what you’ll be doing when you reach the waterpark?”

Sweetie Belle held her breath, hoping that her sister’s intervention would divert the others’ train of thought.

“Yeah, alright,” Apple Bloom said.

Spike and Sweetie Belle released a collective sigh of relief, both glad to have avoided a potentially awkward situation.

The ride passed, and the four younger passengers all knew just what they were going to do when they arrived. However, upon seeing the water park itself, they were left in utter awe.

Slides that seemed a mile high were peppered about, while below them gigantic pools of water were happily occupied by the splashing attendees. Simulated tidepools rocked and waved, sending the swimmers up and down with each swell. A drifting lagoon was seen, allowing those within to simply float about as if they hadn’t a care in the world.

“This--looks--awesome!” Scootaloo said.

“And we won’t get anywhere just by looking at it. Let’s go,” Spike urged the others.

Rarity went first, and paid everyone’s admission. Once they were inside, Rarity left to have a relaxing day of her own.

Inside the front gates, the kids all stood stunned. Outside, the place looked amazing. Inside, it was even better. Everyone here was smiling. There wasn’t a sad face to see in the entire place. They had just begun walking to the changing rooms, when Spike saw something that made his skin crawl and his blood run cold.

Somewhere, among the crowd of smiling faces and playing families, Spike swore he could see the red-eyed man in black: Pharynx himself. He did absolutely nothing, other than turn his head, and looked at Spike the very same way he did that day on the metro.

The sight was a shock to Spike’s system, making the boy feel like he could keel over. Why did he have to be here? Why, of all the days did Pharynx have to reappear in his life.

“Spike? Are you alright?” Sweetie Belle asked.

Spike jumped so slightly that Sweetie Belle didn’t even notice. He quickly looked at her, then quickly looked back forward.

Pharynx was gone. Spike quickly darted his gaze around, trying to see where the madman could be hiding next. There was no rational place that he could have disappeared to so quickly. Not even the crowds would be thick enough to hide that black jumper he always wore.

“Nothing. Just got something in my eye,” Spike said, before he started rubbing his eyes.

“Alright. So, I’ll see you after you get out of the changing room,” Sweetie Belle said, as she handed Spike his bag.

“Uh, right. Thanks,” Spike said, trying to sound calm. Against his rapidly beating heart, he was having a hard time keeping his voice steady. “So, we’ll meet at the biggest slide first, after we all get changed,” Spike said.

He quickly walked to the changing room. Inside the small, dark room, Spike felt as if Pharynx were liable to reach out and take him down the dark path he once intended. These thoughts spurred Spike to change his clothes even more quickly than before.

Once he was done, he looked around to see if any of his friends were out of their rooms. When he saw they weren’t, he walked on to the largest slide in the water park.

Partway there, he bumped into somebody.

“Again?” Spike thought, as the other man walked past him.

The boy turned to apologize, but his voice stopped when he saw who he had hit.

The man he bumped into was only seen from behind, but was clad in blue jeans and a black jumper. Slowly, the man turned around and walked casually walked backwards as he looked at Spike.

“Have fun,” Pharynx said nonchalantly, his hands apart and his shoulders shrugged, before he turned back around and seemed to disappear into nothingness.

Spike didn’t know what to make of what he saw. Either Pharynx was now a ghost or some kind of hallucination. Either way, nothing good could come now that the madman had reappeared.