//------------------------------// // The Prince Gets His Hooves Wet // Story: The Prince of Ponyville // by Kavonde //------------------------------// Even with a knowledgeable guide, trekking through the Everfree Forest was an ordeal. The fleeing changelings, not particularly worried about contact with predators and with chitinous hides thick enough to repel thorns and sharp branches, were headed in a virtually straight line towards their eventual destinations. The ponies, meanwhile, had to slow down to hack their way through the undergrowth, and had lost several hours trying to find their way around a massive brier thicket. Occasional harassment by the local wildlife did little to lift spirits, either. The bone-chilling howls of a pack of timber wolves had followed them for most of a day, though they'd never actually seen any of the creatures behind them. Another time, a hideous creature with a body of a bear and head of an owl had burst out of the forest and charged them; only a quick reaction by Shining Armor had stopped the thing from tearing into the group. After clawing uselessly at his magenta barrier for awhile, the beast had given up and moved on to easier prey. And then there was the time Blueblood slipped and fell into a muddy creek teeming with slimy little toads, but he did his best not to dwell on it. Even though his tunic was still stained with greenish-brown muck, and he was positive that parts of his coat had been permanently discolored. True, a bit of mud was hardly a concern compared to marching across an untamed wilderness to confront an insectoid queen and her swarm of minions in the hope of finding Twilight Sparkle. And, yes, since coming to Ponyville, Blueblood had spent far less time fussing over his appearance than he ever had before. His looks had been a way to intimidate others and set himself apart from them, and he simply hadn't felt the need to maintain them so fastidiously around his friends. (Plus, he could hardly afford the imported shampoos and conditioners he preferred with his meager savings.) A little bit of mud was a ridiculously minor inconvenience compared to the possible dangers and pitfalls that awaited him and his companions on this journey. But still. Eww. By the time Shining called the party to a halt at the bank of cool, clear stream, Blueblood was almost shaking with anticipation of rinsing the gunk off. He mumbled something indistinct as the others began setting up camp and headed downstream. A hundred or so feet on, he found a wide and slightly deeper trough of water, and set about scrubbing his coat and tunic free of the disgusting slime. He almost shrieked when he noticed one displaced glob twitch as a tadpole fought its way free. After satisfying himself that there weren't any more disgusting creatures living in his fur, Blueblood splashed his way back upstream. Zecora had dug a small pit in the middle of the site, lined it with dry sticks, and was currently using her mouth and hooves to, apparently, drill two more sticks together at a cross section. Blueblood watched her work for a moment, then frowned and focused a simple spell through his horn, setting the arrangements of sticks aflame. Zecora glanced up at him in annoyance. "I've built fires since I was a whelp; I didn't need your magic's help." "Sorry. The sticks just looked a bit inefficient." She shrugged. "In my haste to pack, my flint was left; but friction sticks are second best." "Except for magic." She just rolled her eyes at him and started arranging more wood onto the flames. Blueblood briefly considered using his levitation to do that for her, too, but thought better of it. He couldn't be sure if the impulse was a sign of a mischievous sense of humor or a manifestation of his curse, and decided to err on the side of not making anypony upset. Shining and Cadance were sitting near the brook, speaking quietly to eachother. Pinkie was digging through her saddlebags for something, tossing aside all manner of useless party paraphernalia. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were watching her with idle curiosity. "Do I want to know?" he asked. Applejack raised an eyebrow at him. "She's lookin' for her guitar." He blinked. "In her saddlebags?" "Don't question it," Dash told him. "It's Pinkie." "Found it!" the pink pony cried, pulling a full-sized acoustic guitar out of a pouch that absolutely should not have been able to contain it. She sat on her flanks with the instrument across her lap and gave it an experimental strum; the sound made Blueblood's hair stand on end. "Whoops, needs a little tunin'." As Pinkie set about adjusting the turning pegs, the prince turned to her friends. "How does she do that? I didn't think earth ponies could use magic, yet I've seen her teleport, create extradimensional spaces... " "It's not magic, silly!" Pinkie paused in her work to smile at him. "Well, I guess it kind of is, but not my magic." "What do you mean?" "Oh, it's complicated," she giggled. "I think I broke Twilight's head once when she tried to figure it out. And whenever I try to explain it to anypony else, they just look at me funny. And not funny-funny, just weird-funny. So now I just tell everypony, 'Hey, don't worry about it! You do your thing and let Pinkie do hers.' Which, really, is good advice in general, you know? I wish more ponies would just relax and accept other ponies' quirks and just enjoy how different everypony is, don't you?" Blueblood shrugged. "What if another pony's been cursed to make everypony around him hate him? How do you accept a pony like that?" "Well, if you know that it's not the other pony's fault, you remember that and don't blame him for everything." "That's easier said than done, Miss Pie. And how would you know for sure whether you disliked a pony because of his curse, or because he was just an abrasive twit?" She smiled and twanged the guitar; it sounded perfectly in key now, even though she'd been distracted from her work to speak to him. He did his best not to dwell on that, and instead to consider the fact that she was strumming what sounded like the opening chords of a song. "Oh, no," groaned Rainbow Dash. "Sometimes when I am acting crazy, "Or at least my friends are thinkin' so, "I wonder sometimes if maybe just maybe, "There's something in my head that I don't know. "But a lifetime of havin' fun provides a great distraction, "So I don't sit and worry anymore. "In life, we're all just crazy! "Not really more or less than you. "So don't fret if you don't fit in, "'Cause really, so few ponies do. "Maybe your cursed, maybe you're strange, or obsessed with cartoons. "We're all just nuts, so have your yucks, and stop makin' yourself so blue! "Oh yeah, stop makin' yourself so blue! "It sucks that you were voodoo'd as a baby, "But hey, it isn't like you made the call. "So when everypony's hating you and raging, "Just remember that it's not your fault. "Just try your best, and work real hard, remember we all like you, "And I bet someday that dumb curse will be gone! "In life, we're all just crazy! "Not really more or less than you. "So don't fret if you don't fit in, "'Cause really, so few ponies do. "Maybe your cursed, maybe you're strange, or obsessed with cartoons. "We're all just nuts, so have your yucks, and stop makin' yourself so blue! "Oh yeah, stop makin' yourself so blue! "Oh, Bluebie, someday you'll be loved by all! "Well, okay, maybe just a bunch. "But I'm your friend, and now you're stuck with me. "And when I throw parties, you'll come too. "And maybe you'll slip up and act a little jerky, "But we'll all forgive you, Princey Blue. "So forget about that stupid spell, because we all know better. "You're not your curse, you're a pony with a past! "In life, we're all just crazy! "Not really more or less than you. "So don't fret if you don't fit in, "'Cause really, so few ponies do. "Maybe your cursed, maybe you're strange, or obsessed with cartoons. "We're all just nuts, so have your yucks, and stop makin' yourself so blue! "Oh yeah, stop makin' yourself so blue! She ended with a dramatic flourish and beamed at Blueblood. He stared at her. "Uh," he finally said. "Very... inspiring?" "Thanks!" Shining, who'd approached during the song, frowned. "Of course, Miss Pie, the real concern here is that Blueblood might accidentally cause injuries that we wouldn't take otherwise. On top of the fact that he's fairly useless in a fight." "Hey, I took down three changelings in the battle," Blueblood pointed out. Applejack nodded. "That's more'n Fluttershy, at least." "Maybe, but that's still far less than any of us." "Actually, that's something I wanted to talk to you about," said the prince. "I want to learn your barrier spell." Shining blinked and stared at him incredulously. "You what?" "I'd like to be able to contribute something to the group besides lighting the campfire," he explained. He noticed Zecora shoot him an annoyed look. "I've never really received any combat magic training, and I thought this might be a good opportunity to... " "Blueblood, I've spent years mastering my barrier spell. Creating solid shields is pretty complex stuff. You hafta take into account force, angles of deflection, you have to be able to concentrate on it even while doing other things, and it takes a ton of energy to sustain one that's under assault. And barrier spells are my special talent. For once, I'm not insulting you: I don't think I could teach you, not without years of practice." "Oh," Blueblood frowned. "Well, what about other useful spells? I mean, I've got rather a fine touch at telekinesis, that has to lend itself to some form of combat magic." Shining grimaced. "Well... maybe. How's your lifting strength?" "Not spectacular." "Couldn't even chop firewood," Applejack added, to his annoyance. Shining nodded. "Telekinetic projectile launching is a pretty common technique, and you'd probably be a decent hoof at it once you built up some psychic muscle. I... can help you with that, I guess." "I'd appreciate it," Blueblood said honestly. The knight gave him a skeptical look. "What?" "It's just... weird. I can't get used to the idea that you suddenly want to be not useless." "I'll take that as a compliment." "Whatever makes you happy." He turned and paced towards the edge of camp, where the stream trickled gently along, and pointed to a large, smooth stone sitting in the center. "Lift that." Blueblood frowned at it. "That looks fairly heavy." "Yeah, I'm sure it is. Lift it." Tentatively, the prince reached towards the stone with his magic, extending his senses around the stone to determine its size and weight. Shining watched him, growing visibly impatient. Finally, his horn flared magenta and the rock shot directly upward, landing back in the stream a few seconds later with a splash. Blueblood stared at him in astonishment. "You're worrying too much about how heavy is is," Shining explained. "Don't think about it. Don't analyze it. Just lift it." "That is remarkably unhelpful advice." Cadance moved up to stand between them, shooting Shining a mildly annoyed glance and offering her brother a smile. "What he means is, just believe that you're strong enough to lift the rock, and it'll happen. Or, well, it won't. But unless you're convinced that you can do it, you won't be able to." "Still not entirely sure what either of you are talking about, but... " Blueblood stepped forward and focused on the rock again. His horn flared. I can do this, I know I can do this, I have the power, I have the strength, I am descended from a noble line of unicorn rulers! This stone is mine to command, and it will obey me! With a growl of effort, Blueblood released all of his pent-up magic, willing the stone to launch into the air just like Shining's. It wobbled a bit and fell still. Cadance gave him a weak smile. "Um... excellent try, Blue." Shining tried desperately to stifle his laughter. Rainbow Dash didn't. "You could... maybe if you had some itching powder, you could... throw that... " Cadance continued. Zecora, herself sounding ready to break into giggles, put a hoof on Blueblood shoulder. "There are herbs aplenty that blind and annoy. I shall find some and make you a powder, dear boy." "Thanks, Zecora," Blueblood said lamely. "Let's, uh... let's get dinner going," suggested Shining Armor, still grinning. "It'll be dark soon, and we'll need to get back on the trail as soon as we can." The next day brought them to a river. It was massive, by far the largest that Blueblood had ever seen, the far bank at least a mile distant and shrouded in a low mist. The water was placid and sluggish, but too darkened by mineral deposits for them to see the bottom. Steep, rounded cliffs marked the ancient borders of the stream, giving way to an overgrown marsh that spanned the several hundred yards to the river proper. Buzzing, chirping, and hissing were all clearly audible from the muddy little swamp, and Blueblood was relieved to notice he wasn't the only pony who looked hesitant to go traipsing through it. "That looks kinda dangerous, don'tcha think?" asked Applejack, eyeing it warily. "Could be all kindsa little sink holes, not to mention nasty critters hidin' in the grass." Zecora nodded. "Dangerous things abound in a marsh. If we do not detour, we may face consequences most harsh." Shining Armor frowned. "But the changeling we're tracking went through here, and he must have come out the other side, or the trail would be fading." "Even if we get across the swamp, what about the river?" Blueblood asked. "Maybe we can carry ya," Rainbow Dash suggested, nodding to Cadance. "You know, one at a time." Applejack looked skeptically at the far shore. "That's a long way to fly, sugarcube. An' who knows what's hidin' in the fog over yonder." "It's only gonna be three trips, AJ. No sweat!" "I'll go first," Shining suggested. "And Zecora. We can establish a base camp on the far side while we wait for the rest of you." "Wait," said Blueblood. "Are we even sure that the changeling crossed the river?" The knight frowned. "No, I guess not. I suppose I'll need to go down to the shore to make sure." Dash rolled her eyes. "Or, you know, I could carry you down there. Seriously, I want to stretch my wings a little, just let me fly somewhere." "Fine, just keep me low to the ground so I can keep my spell going." Dash grinned and squirmed out of her saddlebags. A moment later, she scooped the knight up and launched herself towards the river. They returned a few minutes later, Shining looking a bit queasy and put out by the experience. Cadance, smiling, used her hoof to brush a splattered dragonfly off of his forehead. "So, uh... yeah," Shining said, once his breath came back to him. "It definitely went down to the river. I can't tell what happened next, since any water it touched has moved downstream. We'll have to cross to the other side so I can pick the trail back up." "Ready for another trip?" Dash asked, grinning wickedly. "Uh... maybe I'll fly with Cadance this time. You can take Zecora." The zebra rolled her eyes. "Great. I can't wait." A minute later, and the first members of the group were airborne. Dash was kind enough to check her speed to Cadance's stately pace this time, making the trip slower but significantly less hazardous. As they crossed the wide expanse, Applejack made a worried sound. "Hey, I think them clouds are headed this way." Blueblood blinked at them. "You're right, and rather quickly. That can't be natural." Applejack bonked him on the head with a hoof. "We're in the Everfree Forest, sugarcube. Ain't nothin natural about the weather here." "Ooh, good thing I packed my umbrella!" said Pinkie, digging in her saddlebags. A moment later, she produced a four-foot-tall, saddle-mounted beach umbrella that could have encompassed the entire party with a bit of squeezing. "Ta-daa!" she announced, moments before a gust of wind caught the device and nearly pulled her off her hooves. "Might wanna keep that closed a bit longer, Pinkie," Applejack suggested. She nodded sagely and closed the device, leaving a spike taller than she was sticking straight up from her back. A low rumble of distant thunder reached them. Blueblood, watching the incoming clouds, noticed flashes of bright light in their billowing heights. "This is bad. Cadance has never been a strong flyer; she may have to remain behind while Miss Dash carries all of us." Pinkie grinned and clapped him on the back. "Don't worry, Dashie's the best flyer in Equestria! Oh, um... and you should probably never, ever call her 'Miss Dash' again, okay?" "Noted." By the time Dash and Cadance returned, sporadic and frigid droplets of rain were biting into everypony's hides. The princess looked concerned, but the pegasus was concealing any worry under a mask of casual bravado. "Looks like a hay of a storm!" she called. "Guess we'd better pick up the pace, huh, princess?" Cadance nodded, but Blueblood detected weariness in her eyes. "Don't strain yourself," he told her. "We'll all make it over there one way or another." "It's no strain, Blue," she assured him. "Shining was just a bit heavy, with his armor and all." "So, who's goin' next?" Dash asked, hovering with her hooves on her hips. "I'll carry AJ." "Take Pinkie," Blueblood told Cadance. "I'll stay here and guard everypony's saddlebags." The pegasus gave him a skeptical look. "You? Guard?" "Okay, 'stand here and watch.' I doubt anything in this forest is going to wander over and attack me with this storm moving in." "Fair enough. C'mon, girls!" The flyers departed again, leaving Blueblood standing alone with a stack of saddlebags and Pinkie's generously donated umbrella. The storm rapidly worsened, with a cold, howling wind blowing in from the northwest so strongly that he had to tilt the umbrella almost sideways to block the rain. The sky darkened as black thunderheads moved towards him, the flashes of lightning and accompanying peals of thunder becoming brighter, louder, and closer together. This was madness! A team of pegasi would need weeks of preparation to arrange a storm like this. In fact, he'd only ever witnessed a thunderstorm in Equestria twice in his life. What monstrous force was controlling the weather in the Everfree? Perhaps another of those monsters that Celestia and Luna had locked away in ancient times. There had to be some malicious intelligence behind it. He didn't realize Dash and Cadance had returned until the blue pegasus was pulling on the rim of his umbrella and shouting something at him. He could hardly hear her voice over the growing storm, let alone her words, but he nodded as she pointed towards the saddlebags. Relying more on muscle than magic, he loaded the heavy pouches onto her back and gave her a hoofs-up. She gave him and Cadance a cocksure grin and launched herself into the chaotic sky. Blueblood looked at his sister with concern. She looked ragged, cold, and exhausted, and was staring nervously at the storm raging above them. He patted her back and tried to tell her they'd be alright, but his words were lost. She just smiled weakly at him and nodded, then wrapped her hooves under his forelegs and lifted him into the air. He couldn't be sure how long they were flying. The freezing rain soaked into every inch of his body, stinging his eyes and making him shiver uncontrollably. He tried to pull the hood of his cloak down over his face, but his magic wasn't strong enough to hold it in place. Above him, he felt Cadance struggling to make headway against the gale, and her entire body seemed frozen and damp. And then, everything went white. He never heard the clap of thunder, just a sharp ringing in his ears, but he felt the vibration in his bones. The light and noise disoriented him so thoroughly that it took him several seconds to realize he was falling. He reached out for Cadance, but couldn't find her. And then he hit the cold water below. He kicked wildy, trying to fight his way back to the surface. His cloak wrapped around his face, and he pulled it away frantically, but he couldn't tell if he'd succeeded or not. Everything was pitch black. He couldn't tell which way was up or down. Frantically, his lungs starting to burn, he decided to swim in the direction he was facing. His cloak caught on something else, and he desperately tried to focus his magic to unclasp it, but the spell just wouldn't come, and his thick, clumsy hooves couldn't manipulate the delicate latch. With the last of his strength, he simply ripped the fabric away and kicked towards what he could only hope was the surface. His lungs were ready to burst. He felt a mad, insistent urge to open his mouth, to breathe in, the consequences be damned. No, he thought. He was almost there. He had to be. He just needed to get to the surface... His mouth opened, and his lungs took in nothing but cold water.