A Special Diamond: Diamond Tiara's Past and Future

by Ink Rain

Chapter 4: Friendship is True Magic

"GO AWAY!" Diamond Tiara yelled as she ran in the darkness. A dark figure was chasing after her and the filly was struggling to get away. No matter how fast she ran, she just couldn't get away.

"Diamond Tiara," Filthy Rich's voice echoed with each word having a pause between each word. "Come back to me, my daughter, we can live in happiness and wealth together." Diamond Tiara screamed as she felt a hoof grabbed her tail and started to drag her. Suddenly, everything faded.

"Morning sleepy head." Diamond Tiara's eyes fluttered open as she heard Fluttershy softly provoking her awake. It was now morning. The filly sat up and rubbed her eyes with her forehoof, relieved that Fluttershy disrupted the nightmare. The yellow pegasus greeting her awake had a big smile on her face.

"Good morning, Diamond Tiara." Fluttershy squeaked. "Did you sleep well?" Her smiled grew bigger when the filly nodded, she wasn't truly lying. She never woke up screaming nor did she even wake up at all, the nightmare only happened at last minute.

"What's there to be happy about?" Diamond stubbornly said. Fluttershy's smile shrunk a little, but then she chuckled.

"Oh boy, Diamond Tiara, we're going to go to my friend's place for breakfast." She giggled. Diamond Tiara sighed.

"Can't we do that tommorrow?" Diamond nestled into the bed to go back to sleep. Fluttershy giggled again and dragged the comforter off of her.

"Don't be silly, little one. You'll love my friends!" Fluttershy enthused. "Now get your little rump out of bed and let's get going." Diamond gave up and crawled out of the bed. "Cheer up, little one. I know you're still affected by your loss, but you'll feel better when you have some of my friend's DELICOUS apple pie. Her name is Applejack".

Diamond Tiara froze in her tracks, Applejack, that was the name of Apple Bloom's big sister. There was no way that she could see Apple Bloom, especially when she's still grieving due to the events the night before.

"I-I can't," Diamond urged. "I can't see Apple Bloom." The filly covered her mouth with her hooves, her thought just spilled out. Fluttershy gave her a look, like she already knows what was happening. Of course Fluttershy must know of Apple Bloom already, she mentioned that she knew about Diamond and her ways before she even met her.

"You'll be just fine," The pegasus smiled. "As long as you be kind." Fluttershy was right, Maybe this could be an opportunity to explain to Apple Bloom what was happening, and even ask for at least a small amount of forgiveness. It was possible that the real reason Fluttershy was bringing Diamond Tiara to the Apple family's residence was to make up with Apple Bloom. It'd also be a great opportunity to tell Fluttershy the truth about her parents.

But she had one thing she still had haunting her, how she lied about her parents being dead. Glitter Ring ran away and Filthy Rich abandoned Diamond Tiara in the middle of nowhere. Diamond knew that the truth was going to pass her lips sooner or later. She must figure out how to let it fall out, but not now, it was too early.

The two ponies strolled into Ponyville. Everything was cheerful but had normality poured into it at the same time. It wasn't different to Diamond Tiara. Weekends never looked different here, almost as if everything played over and over again. Along with exciting events hammered into the rewinding.

Diamond suddenly spotted something, something she never wanted to see again. She spotted Filthy Rich standing in line for a fruit stand. He had saddle bags full of groceries, but the part that stung her heart was that he didn't seem to be upset. In fact, he looked happier than ever. As if Glitter Ring were to come back, but Diamond highly doubted that. 'I hope you're happy, Filthy Ditch!' She thought bitterly.

"Diamond Tiara, are you feeling alright?" Fluttershy asked. Diamond Tiara glanced up at her with surprise, it was as if she read her thoughts. The filly blinked.

"Why do you ask?"

"You were growling." Fluttershy frowned. "Was that your stomach?" Of course, Diamond had no wish any more deception, there was too much of it already in her lifetime. Her heart and sanity couldn't afford any more. But she nodded. Everything will come out sooner or later, she always tells herself.

"Okay, but don't worry, we're very close to Sweet Apple Acres." Fluttershy soothed. Diamond Tiara has already been to the farm with Filthy Rich a few weeks ago. The farm forced her to think of when she scared poor Apple Bloom about Granny Smith possibly humilating her. It made Diamond want to smack herself because of it. Deep within her heart, she knew that she didn't really mean to scare the poor filly, but her bottled emotions took over.

"Hiya, Applejack." Fluttershy called when they reached the farm. The name's owner peeked behind a large apple cart she was pulling. Applejack smiled and waved. She rushed towards Fluttershy and Diamond Tiara.

"Good morning, Fluttershy." The apple picker pony greeted. She shifted her attention down to Diamond.

"Why hello there, Diamond Tiara." Applejack's mouth still remained in a friendly grin. Diamond was confused, she bullied her sister, yet she was still welcoming her.

"I'm sorry for yer loss, sugarcube." Applejack bowed her head. Diamond's ears flatten, Fluttershy must have told Applejack what was secretly a lie. The filly acted as she was being shy and remained silent.

"Come on in, you two." Applejack turned around and started walking back into the farmyard. The two other ponies followed, AJ lead Fluttershy and Diamond Tiara to a picnic table where some more ponies sat. Some of the ponies were the Cutie Mark Crusaders, but they didn't seem nervous but happy that Diamond was there. They too must have been told the white lie that Diamond Tiara told.

"Fluttershy's here." Applejack announced. "And she brought somebody with her." The Crusaders smiled at Diamond.

"Sit here next to me, Diamond Tiara." Sweetie Belle said patting the seat next to her. Diamond accepted the request, but she felt nervous and confused. She treated the Crusaders like dirt, and they were welcoming her into where they were safe from her before.

"How did your parents die, Diamond?" Apple Bloom asked. Applejack hissed to shush her. The filly stopped, she had the biggest decision to make now. Stretch the lie and make more guilt build up inside, or open up the truth and explain everything, then apologize to everybody. It was obvious to Diamond Tiara of what she had to do. She took a deep breath.

"They didn't." She hung her head. Fluttershy gasped.

"What?!" She heard the pegasus say from across of her. "You told me they did. I'm sure I didn't hear you wrong. Do you care to explain?" It was the first time she heard Fluttershy so disappointed, it tore at Diamond's heart like sharp claws.

She looked back up and everypony had narrowed eyes and frowns. Before the pie was served too. After taking a big gulp, she explained every single thing. From her suspicions for her mother to her father abandoning her.

"I don't know what came to me when I said that they were dead, Fluttershy." She couldn't stop the barrels of tears pouring from her sparkly blue eyes. One more thing she had to do. She turned towards the Crusaders.

"I'm very sorry, you guys." She said. Nothing more was neccessary, Diamond got up from the table and prepared to walk away.

"Diamond!" Fluttershy called. "Where are you going?" The pink filly stopped and turned around.

"Far from here. I don't deserve a great mother, or sister, like you Fluttershy. I don't deserve anypony who'd be good to me. Especially after how I treated Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle."

"Dear, there's no need for you to go." The white unicorn with a curly purple mane said. "That was the past. We know the truth now"

"Rarity's right." The blue pegasus added. "It was that Filthy Rich who did this to you."

"Yeah, Rainbow Dash. That guy is BAD, not her." The pink pony with the curly mane squeaked.

"Right, Pinkie Pie." The purple unicorn agreed. "We can help out Diamond Tiara with this."

"You got that right, Twilight." Scootaloo stood up from her seat and started to walk towards Diamond. She wrapped an arm around her former enemy, now friend. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle dashed to Scoot and Diamond, they scooped the two into a group hug. For the first time, Diamond felt happy. Truly happy. Like everypony around her accepted her. Warmth took away the cold in her heart. The Crusaders released the formerly wealthy pony.

"And another thing, Diamond Tiara." The pony called Pinkie Pie stood up and bounced over to the four fillies. "I think I know somepony named Glitter Ring. She works at the hair salon as the receptionist, she's mentioned to me that her daughter named Shimmer Shine works there also as the official hair dresser."

Diamond's eyes brightened. "C-Can we go see them?" She asked the older pony. Pinkie bounced up and down with excitement.

"Why sure I can, silly!" She squealed. Diamond Tiara smiled, she was finally going to see her mother. But her stomach rumbled, interupting her excitement. Applejack chuckled and dashed into her house, coming back out with piles of pies .

"Why don't we have some of dis here pie first?" Applejack offered. Diamond joined everybody at the table with a smile on her face.