Countdown to Extinction

by MarioBrony

A fast trip that's a blast and in the past!

It was a great day for an outing in Canterlot City. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, everything seemed to be peaceful and happy. In the house of Sunset Shimmer, she and her friends were getting ready for an unexpected event. Twilight having entered an essay contest on dinosaurs, had floored the judges with her knowledge. The judges talked to the sponsor of the contest and they decided to upgrade the grand prize, from free passes to their institute, appropriately called the Dino Institute, to a VIP guided tour, along with a special 'new' surprise at the end. Twilight was excited to go as were her friends, and they were busy packing outing essentials into their backpacks.

"This is so exciting!" Twilight exclaimed. She was finishing packing notebooks and datapads into her backpack. Sunset who was packing a backpack of her own next to her, smiled.

"This is exciting for me too, Twi. In Equestria, we never had such creatures in our worlds history. I would like to learn about these creatures more."

"Well, I too imagine what it must have been like to live among those creatures," Fluttershy added while finishing her packing. "I just hope that they were friendly and gentle....well, at least some of them. Some seem very big and scary."

"I hope I can find a new fashion idea!" Rarity chimed in, packing what looked like a suitcase rather than a backpack. Rainbow, having just came in, rolled her eyes.

"Um, Rare? You do realize this isn't a vacation. It's just a day trip."

"Rainbow Dash, darling! You can never be too prepared for what the future may throw at you!" Rarity retorted playfully. Applejack rolled her eyes as well.

"We're gonna be inside for most of the day. They may not let you in with that suitcase of a backpack!"

"Oh, please. Fabulosity can never be denied!" Rarity proclaimed. Finally, after everything was finished and ready, they piled into the Rainboom bus, and drove off. When they arrived they were astonished by what they saw.

An almost futuristic-looking building stood before them. A full scale model of a dinosaur, revealed to be an 'Iguanadon' by its base name plate, stood in the middle of a small pool in front of the entrance, its eyes and mouth seeming to be smiling right at the rainbows as they walked by.

"Wow. He looks friendly." Fluttershy stated, causing the Rainbows to agree with her. An Institute employee at the door greeted them.

"Which one of you is Miss Twilight Sparkle?" He smiled.

"I am!" Twilight waved, stepping to the front.

"My name is Spade Bonefinder. On behalf of Dr. Marsh and her assistant Dr. Seeker, welcome all of you to the Dino Institute, where the past is exalted in the present! Words alone cannot describe our amazement at your essay on the majestic creatures we study here. We are honored that you accepted our offer and decided to stay a day with us here. You will be given a behind the scenes look at our exhibits, fossils and test ride a new device we will be opening to the public soon!"

"A new vehicle?!" Everyone present asked.

"Yes, but details on that will be revealed when the time comes! No pun intended there." This caused the girls to giggle a little, but it didn't stop the wondering about what the new vehicle would be.

They stepped inside and turned down a long hallway which had a collection of fossils, interactive touchscreens, and a small mock portion of a prehistoric forest, and a huge mural at the end, showing the different theories for the dino's extinction.

"Wow. This is amazing!" Sunset said, and everyone with her agreed.

"I have 2 new fashion ideas with these!" Rarity chimed. "I shall call them, Dino Decor and Prehistoric Perfection!" Applejack and Rainbow playfully rolled their eyes, while Pinkie broke into a huge smile, running away and instantly reappearing in a dino costume, causing everybody else to giggle.

"We could use more people like you, Miss Pie," Spade said with a smile.

" was nothing. I could put some dino-mite in my party cannon!" Pinkie said, causing all present to burst into laughter.

"Leave it to Pinkie to make corny jokes about everything," Sunset said endearingly.

They were led into an enormous room, causing everyone to gasp quietly, but Twilight loudly. Every wall was covered with murals, fossils, and collections. Every girl rushed to a certain area, admiring the detail and exquisiteness of everything. In the center stood a imposing skeleton of a huge theropod that bore down on them like an all powerful spirit.

"That thing looks scary!" Fluttershy whimpered.

"It looks almost like a T'rex," Applejack stated.

"Actually, its a Carnotaurus," Spade said, pointing to a description stand at the base of the skeleton. "It's name means 'Meat-eating bull' due to the horns on it's head."

"Well, whatever it is, I certainly wouldn't want to see one of these brutes in real life!" Rarity proclaimed. "However, i could make a certain clothing brand based on it..." She trailed off, deep in thought.

"All these are only trivial compared to our crowning achievement, which will be shown to you all shortly." Spade said coming to a pair of doors at the other end of the room. "You'll all be meeting with our CEO, Dr. Marsh via video camera."
He pushed open the doors which led into a dark room with a huge video screen on one end. The picture rose from the Dino Institute logo to a figure shrouded in shadow. The lights came on and a beautiful, smartly dressed woman was seated at the end of a long table.

"Hello, young ladies. Im Dr. Marsh, director of the Dino Institute and I'm sure you enjoyed those quaint exhibits in the old wing. Spade has told me each your names, and honestly it's a joy for me to see young faces interested in learning about these magnificent creatures."

"You're welcome, Ma'am," Sunset said, "But, you call those exhibits quaint? Im sorry, but those were some of the most immersive I've ever seen."

"Yeah," Rainbow added, "They were truly awesome to see!"

"Darling," Rarity cooed, "Your hair and suit look simply divine! I have gotten several new fashion ideas based on the murals, the fossils and collections you have!"

"Some of them were scary but overall, they were nice." Fluttershy quietly whimpered, her voice almost barely audible, given the awe of speaking to such an important figure.

"She's shy, Doctor, please forgive her." Applejack said, putting a comforting hand on Fluttershy's back.

"No problem at all, Miss Applejack," Dr. Marsh said soothingly. "Now, as to your statement about quaint, Miss Shimmer. Thats how dinosaurs have been presented to the public since the study of fossils began over 150 years ago. Today that bare bones approach is about to become extinct." A 'ba-dum tss' sound was made, causing everyone to look at Pinkie, who was holding a drum and cymbal in either hand. A chuckle rose from everyone, even Dr. Marsh. "Nice you caught that pun, Miss Pie." This caused Pinkie to blush slightly in embarrassment.

"Now heres where your surprise is revealed." Spade said excitedly, rubbing his hands together with glee.

"Indeed," Dr. Marsh confirmed, "In a perfect blending of both science and technology," she added while she was walking over to a class cylinder holding a small rotating model of a strange vehicle, "the Dino Institute has created...the Time Rover. An amazing vehicle that will literally take you back in time to the age of the dinosaurs."

"HOW?!?!" Twilight screamed excitedly, causing everyone to stare at her in embarrassment. "Time travel? It's not possible! How is this done, ma'am?"

"That's proprietary." Dr Marsh replied in an authoritative tone, causing Twilight to rub the back of her neck in embarrassment. "But, the result is a breathtaking journey through a prehistoric world, where you'll witness the most spectacular creatures to ever walk the earth."

"We want you all to be our first guests in these tours that will open to the public in only a few weeks!" Spade announced, causing many girls to squeal in excitement, most of all Pinkie. Dr. Marsh then spoke her closing statements.

"In a moment, you'll be going live to our control center for a comprehensive safety briefing, then, its on to the tour that will convince you forever, that the future is truly in the past." Another 'ba dum tss' was heard causing the girls to roll their eyes at Pinkie in adoration. Dr. Marsh faded into a black silhouette again and the DI logo was shown before the screen cackled and cracked before a puppet dino head was shown.

"HELLO, THERE!" said the puppet, causing everyone to laugh.

"Aww," Fluttershy cooed. "That is a rather cute head." The puppets neck was then revealed to be on the arm of another scientist in a high tech lab, with various screens and gadgets.

"Sounds like we have another Twilight in this world." Rainbow teased, causing Twilight's cheeks to turn rose red.

"Welcome to our little trans-dimensional joyride ladies," The man welcomed. "Im Dr. Seeker, your friendly controller and a heck of a paleontologist if I do say so myself. But lets not talk about me, lets talk about you."

"Well, I am awesome," Rainbow quietly boasted. The doctor continued.

"I hear you are our first tour guests, and I'm hoping you can help me make history twice with the Time Rover. It's like this. If I can bring you back from the Cretaceous Period, it stands to reason that I could bring back a live dinosaur with you!"

"Fluttershy, I'm reckonin' we need your critter skills if that happens." Applejack noted. Fluttershy's eyes widened.

"One of those big ferocious monsters?! No thank you!" She stated with such firmness that it caused both Dr. Seeker and Spade to stare wide eyed at her.

"Miss Fluttershy, please. The dino I'm looking for is a plant eater." Seeker said, attempting to reassure her. Almost immediately, Fluttershy went back to her quiet gentle self, causing everyone to breath a sigh of relief. "Take a look at this guy." He said, activating a small computer. It showed a quadrupedal turquoise-green dino walking through a forest. "It's an Iguanodon, and I'm certain he's the key to understanding these magnificent creatures! I tagged him with a locator during an 'unauthorized' field trip. Otherwise, I'd be traveling with you."

"Oh, Seeker, you naughty, naughty boy." Spade teased.

"Oh, please. Spade, if you were given the chance, would you have done the same?" Seeker retorted.

"Touche," Spade muttered under his breath.

"Now, our dino should be about here," Seeker explained, pointing to a dino radar on one of his computers. "at the very end of the Cretaceous Period. That's where you girls are going today-" He was then cut off by an unexpected voice.

"I've arrived, it seems just in time to correct a little misstatement!" Dr. Marsh immediately cut in next to Seeker.

"That doesn't sound good." Fluttershy noted.

"Dr. Marsh." Seeker said rather dejectedly.

"That time is impossibly close to the giant asteroid impact that destroyed most lifeforms on earth," Marsh said firmly, but turned to the girls with a smile. "Our tours are designed to take you to the early Cretaceous Period, and I can assure you that all Time Rovers have been securely locked on those coordinates."

"....That's right!" Seeker responded nervously. "See?" he added, typing a sequence on his computer, which flashed the words: ACCESS DENIED. "Securely locked. Access denied!" he finished, giving a nervous chuckle, as Dr. Marsh gave an unconvinced look.

"Continue." Dr. Marsh said in a tone similar how a teacher would talk to a student.

"Of course." Seeker responded, giving a forced smile. "We were just talking about seat belts. Plug them in. Use them." The computer then changed to a simulation of passengers on a Time Rover buckling up and securing their belongings. "It can get kinda choppy out there, so keep your hands and arms inside the vehicle at all times."

"Well, I hope its not too choppy. I don't want my hair to be ruined," Rarity whined.

"Anything can ruin your hair," Rainbow responded in an annoyed tone.

"No worries, ladies. Wind will not be a problem for us. The weather in our target time doesn't call for rain or wind." Seeker interrupted.

"Thank heavens," all the girls said.

"One more thing. Flash photography? I wouldn't. It alters the homing signal and that's not good." Seeker continued.

"Umm..Doctor?" Twilight questioned, "This is supposed to be a tour right? Why can't we take pictures? Moreover, why do you have a homing signal?"

"Well, now that Dr. Eye-in-the-sky is gone, I'll tell you girls." Seeker answered in a sly voice. "Those 'locked' coordinates?" he continued, typing in another sequence, showed the words, ACCESS GRANTED. "We're in!"

"WHAT?!!!" Every girl asked.

"You hacked the system?!" Twilight gasped.

"Girls, relax." Seeker said. " If I took you to the early Cretaceous, you'd be bored out of your wits!"

"That would be preferable to getting potentially incinerated by an asteroid!" Rarity retorted.

"Girls, I wanted to give you all something you'd never forget on your visit here, and this mission is one of the most memorable you'll ever know." Seeker said reassuringly. "Now here's the deal. You follow the homing signal to the Iguanodon, I'll enlarge the transport field and BOOM! You'll all be back with one additional passenger-extra large!" he paused, "And don't worry about that asteroid. You'll be in and outta there before it even breaks the atmosphere. Trust me, what can go wrong?"

"Ummm...many things?" Fluttershy whimpered loudly. The DI logo once again appeared on the video screen and a new pair of doors opened. The girls were then ushered through a passageway into a vehicle storage building by Spade. They found themselves on a balcony and looking down, saw many Time Rovers lined up in storage position. But one was sitting out next to a loading dock.

"Hey, it's me again, girls." Seekers amplified voice sounded over an intercom, "Remember, only you guys get to go on this special mission. So don't tell anyone. Ok?"

"Ok," Applejack replied, "But if Dr. Marsh asks where have been after we get back, I'm not gonna lie to her."

"I'll make sure she doesn't ask," Seeker answered. The girls were led down a flight of stairs past a banner that read, 'The future is in the past!' They were brought right to the Time Rover.

"Please watch your step as you board," Spade stated, as the girls made themselves comfortable. Every girls backpack except Rarity's had been easy to stow. Her's required being jammed in between a couple of spare seats and back rests. Finally, after all seat belts were buckled, they were all ready. "Good luck girls!" Spade called as the Time Rover gave a lurch and started to move towards a tunnel. "You were concerned about it getting choppy? Well, you guys will experience a 'shower' of sorts before you head back!"

"What KIND of shower?!" Rarity screamed back, but it was too late as they came to a pair of metal doors. A female computerized voice said:

"Time travel commencing in t-minus 10 seconds and counting."

"This is Seeker, girls. Listen up. We gotta get in, grab the Iguanodon and get out before that asteroid hits. Let's roll!" - start at 0:59 The Time Rover lurched forward as the metal doors opened to reveal a high tech energy chamber. The Time Rover began to sway as if moving on invisible waves as bright lights shown around them. As they reached the end of the tunnel, there was a loud bang and a field of stars appeared around them, and then faded almost as fast as they appeared.

It was nighttime, and there was little light, but the girls could tell by the plants all around them that they were in a jungle of sorts.

"Where are we...?" asked Fluttershy quietly.

"A jungle of some kind." Applejack replied.

"How are you girls doing. Can you hear me?" came a voice from the Rover, causing each girl to do a double take.

"Seeker?! Where are we?" Sunset panicked.

"You are where I said you'd be. 65 million years in the past at the very end of the Cretaceous." Seeker calmly stated. "I'm glad you made it safely." Now, lets go get that dino." As he spoke, a small meteorite fell down and ignited a small patch of nearby shrub. The glow was bright enough to reveal a creature that Sunset thought not even the princesses in Equestria could imagine. It was quadrupedal, had a huge horn on its nose and several on its neck frill. It was staring at the girls while leaning against a very large tree trunk. "Computer what are you tracking?"


"Not our dino." Seeker said. There came a sequence of beeping

"Warning. Meteor shower in range." The computer said nonchalantly.

"Just little ones." Seeker calmly stated. As soon as he said that. Several small meteorites fell around the Rover, causing the girls to huddle together.

"If my friends get hurt, Seeker. I will tell Dr. Marsh!" Sunset glared at the loudspeaker on the the Rover.

"Sunset. Please trust me." Seeker replied.

"Alioramus." came the computerized voice again as the rover passed a small meat-eater who raised its head - with a wriggling reptilian creature in his jaws.

"Aww...poor little thing." Fluttershy quietly cried. Her friends also felt sorry for the poor creature.

"Hadrosaur." In the distance a mother Parasaurolophus watched over her young. "Raptor." A sharp hissing behind the girls backs caused them to whirl around to witness a lone Velociraptor perched on a cliff next to them. He glared at the girls but did not attack, thinking the Rover way too big a target considering he was alone.

"Time to get serious," Seeker said. "locking autopilot on homing!" There was a small beep as the Time Rover jolted forward into the dark jungle, with meteorites falling, lightning cracking in the distance, and the Rover bumping over everything in its path. "Im tracking a big dino on the scope! Could be ours. Computer, full stop!" But the dino in question was NOT theirs. The girls gasped and their eyes widened as the Rover stopped in front of an enormous theropod. It had horns on its head, jagged sharp teeth, and stubby clawed hands. "Identify!"

"WHY ARE WE STOPPING?!?!" Rarity screamed, before fainting in her seat, her friends too terrified to move. The creature gave a snarling snort before giving a small roar before the girls screamed.


"Definitely NOT our dino! Go, go, go!" Seeker screamed, and the Rover zipped away, the force of acceleration waking Rarity up with a jolt, with the mighty roars of the dino heard behind it. A larger meteorite almost hit the girls but the Rover dodged just in time. After a short time the girls looked back, saw nothing, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"We lost him." Twilight sighed contentedly.

"For now." Sunset said, unconvinced. The Rover continued on until Seeker spoke again.

"Another big guy coming up!"

"Oh, no." Rainbow said worriedly.

"Computer. Slow...and identify." The rover came to stop next to the head of a Saltasaurus that lowered its long neck and head to the ground, its main body covered by a sea of fireflies.


"Still not our dino, but at least this one's a vegetarian." The girls, especially Fluttershy were happy to see a more friendly face from a giant creature.

" are such a big boy, aren't you-" she was cut off from a loud roar from the Longneck, causing Rarity to cringe in disgust.

"Well, excuse you!" she huffed, before the Rover started moving again.

"Whoops," said Seeker as the vehicle plummeted down a small hill. The Rover took a right turn, but immediately turned left to avoid hitting a rocky outcrop on which two small Coloborhynchus perched, flaring their wings and snapping while the Rover drove past, a flash of lightning illuminating erupting volcanos in the distance.

"Asteroid impact in 90 seconds," the computer stated.

"Seeker, you better have something planned!" Sunset shouted, while trying to keep a brave face.

"We'd better move it," Seeker urged on, and the Rover sped deep into the dark.

"Pterodactyl," the computer said, as a full grown Coloborhynchus dove right for the girls. Fluttershy was about to use the stare to stop the beast, but the Rover fell down another hill, causing the dinosaur to miss them.

"Asteroid impact in 60 seconds," the computer warned.

"SEEKER!" Twilight shouted.

"We can't stop now! Keep going. Keep going!" Seeker urged, as though he didn't hear Twilight.

"Compsognathus," came the voice, as a herd of the tiny theropods jumped over their heads, onto an overhanging fallen tree and scurried off into the night.

"Computer, what's happening?!" Seeker demanded.

"Loss of traction," came the reply as the Rover slid down a muddy embankment.

"Oh, great! How will we get back now? We're stuck!" Rainbow whined, and her friends could find little reason to argue. Suddenly, lightning flashed again, to reveal the same Carnotaurus from before who eyed the girls hungrily, his yellow eyes causing shivers to go up the girl's spines. It started to lumber towards the trapped vehicle.

"SEEKER, HELP!" Fluttershy screamed.

"Four wheel drive! Move it!" Seeker ordered, and the Rover gained its footing and sped away, just as the hungry theropod was about to reach them.

"Warning. Meteor strike," the computer stated. Large meteorites now began flying over the vehicle and girl's heads, their fiery glow the only warning of their coming and some just barely missing the Rover.

"Evasive maneuvers! Right! Left! Right! Left!" Seeker pleaded, causing the Rover to jerk right and left to dodge the fiery rocks. After a short period the strike passed. "That was close!"

"YOU THINK?!?!" the girl's screamed.

"I was scared almost to death!" Rarity pouted. "I'll have you know that-", but she was cut off by another computer beep.

"Computer, now what?" Seeker asked.

"Carnotaurus," as another meteor strike revealed the massive dino right next to the Rover, causing the girls to hug together, bracing for the worst. The horned menace stood upright and gave out its loudest roar, causing the Rover to shake from the sound waves.

"Thats it! Abort mission. Abort! Abort!" Seeker shouted.

"Oh, now you decide its a good time to pull out?!" Twilight shouted. The Rover moved at a lively pace, coming to a familiar dino who was holding up a fallen tree trunk to allow the vehicle to pass through.

"Iguanodon." Computer said, and green lasers scanned the dino.

"FORGET IT! Get them out now!" Seeker screamed.

"Asteroid impact." Computer beeped for a final time before going silent, a large red glow illuminating the tree tops and a loud, shrill whistle sounded. The head of the Carnotaurus was seen again, lunging for the Rover head-on. A huge orange explosion was seen in the distance, causing the girls to huddle and close their eyes.

"Brace yourselves! This is it!" Seeker called. The Rover dipped down a hill and suddenly a field of stars appeared. "They're not gonna make it! They're not gonna make it!" There was a loud bang, and the time travel tunnel appeared around them.

"Did we make it?" Sunset asked quietly.

"We...we...WE MADE IT!" Twilight screamed ecstatically.

"Mission accomplished." Computer said a final time. Rarity was quite beside her self with fear, gripping her seat so hard, her knuckles were even whiter than she was. Every other girl was gathering her composure.

"That was....AWESOME!" Rainbow shouted at the top of her lungs.

"You made it! I knew you would!" Seeker congratulated.

"Oh really?" Applejack growled into the loudspeaker.

"And guess who made it back with you!" Seeker added.

"What? Who came ba--" Twilight stammered but she stopped herself when she and her friends saw a long green reptilian tail disappear around a corner.

"How...did...he...?" Sunset asked, but couldn't bring herself to finish.

"Guess he decided to follow us." Fluttershy suggested.

"I'd better find him before security does. Thanks for everything!" Seeker called before signing off. The Rover came back to the loading dock, and let out a hiss of steam before parking. The girls slowly got out and stretched their legs, and gathered their things. Their legs were almost numb, but soon they got back to normal feeling. They slowly climbed up another flight of stairs towards the exit balcony and headed toward the building exit.

"Girls!" called a voice. The girls looked up to see Dr. Marsh herself coming down the corridor towards them. "Girls! I'm so glad you're all right! Dr. Seeker was kind enough to tell me what you girls went through, and I am both furious and elated at the same time. Furious that he went behind my back to send you girls to a deadly time, and elated that you have helped bring a living prehistoric specimen to the present for us to study, provided we catch him."

"Sorry, Dr. Marsh." said a regretful voice behind them. Seeker stood there, his face down and hands behind his back. She turned on him with narrowed eyes.

"You better be sorry! You're lucky I don't fire you right now!"

"Dr. Marsh!" Sunset stammered.

"Yes, Miss Shimmer?" Dr. Marsh said gently, while turning around. Rainbow spoke first.

"While it was scary. I honestly thought it was the most awesome experience i ever had! Staring death head on, meteors flying around you, it was amazing! we'll never get to see again."

"I got to see what those creatures looked like in real life! I'll never have the same experience fully again!" Twilight added.

"What we're trying to say is," Sunset said softly, "is that while it was reckless, we don't regret doing it."

Dr. Marsh gave a smile. "You girls are some of the bravest I ever met. Thanks for everything and you can pick out any item free from the gift shop." She turned to Seeker.

"Be thankful they liked it." She said with an icy tone, before turning and walking back to her office. Suddenly, they heard a loud roar behind them. They turned around and there was the Iguanodon, slowly approaching them.

"Aww...," cooed Fluttershy, "You are just a sweet boy, aren't you."

The dino nuzzled her with his head, and Fluttershy's friends joined in. Seeker placed a harmless collar and leash on the dino's neck and said before they turned to leave,

"Thank you for everything!"

He then turned and led the dino through a large pair of metal doors.

After getting their free items from the gift shop, which were t-shirts for Rainbow, and Pinkie, a stuffed animal for Fluttershy, a dino facts chart for Twilight, a dino cap for Applejack, a pair of magnetic 'dinosaur eggs' for Sunset and a pair of diamond theropod skull earrings for Rarity, the friends finally exited the building. Before they reached the entrance of the grounds, they all stopped and looked at the DI for one last time.

"Well!" Sunset stated, "That was an experience that will go down in history!" This earned a final ba-dum tss from Pinkie as the six friends laughed heartily together and began their journey home.