//------------------------------// // Father And Son Reunion // Story: Equestria Girls Spikebelle 2: Summer Vacation Part 1 // by Chaos04 //------------------------------// Sunset was at her home, holed up in her bedroom. She was a day late on her friendship report to Twilight, but she was sure her royal friend would forgive her. After the day that she had with her friends yesterday, she felt like she had enough material for yesterday’s, today’s, and tomorrow’s reports. At the moment, she was getting ready to write her report that she missed out on yesterday. Until the pages started glowing brightly. Sunset figured that it was Twilight asking what happened with the missing report, and was fully ready to explain that she was about to start writing it. What she saw manifest on the pages disturbed her slightly. Sunset, there’s a problem in your world-- A warning. About what? Sunset waited tensely as the words continued to write themselves on the pages. --This morning, a stallion trespassed in my castle. I don’t know what it was about him, but I have a very strong feeling that he’s dangerous. And now, he’s in your world. Meet me at Canterlot High in a half hour. Sunset looked to the message, knowing that Twilight was probably right about the strange stallion. She was always right when it came to judging character. Quickly, she scribbled a confirmation into the notebook for Twilight to read, and packed her journal into her bag. Then, as fast as her feet could carry her, she was out her front door. The stranger from Equestria sauntered casually down the street. With every step, his eyes darted around, looking for any sign of his son. His dark raincoat swished about his legs, adding volume to his already imposing height. As he walked, he seemed to grow taller. All around him, the passersby looked up to see him, a giant with horrible power. However, these people he passed were different than the ponies from back home. Each person he passed either paid him no mind, or they offered a simply friendly glance. Some even waved to him. The stranger ignored each one of their greetings. His thoughts were on how the world had changed since he was gone. Forty years ago, the people who walked the streets of Canterlot would have run in fear at the sight of him. Then again, that was forty years ago. By this time, he would have been forgotten by all but the oldest residents of the city. But, he would make himself known soon enough. This town was going to be at his mercy, and he was fresh out long ago. The feeling of the light was still pulling him toward his destination. Wherever he was going, he would not stop until he was there. Time and space could not stop him. He was unparalleled in his determination to reach where he was going. For whatever reason, his gaze was drawn to two young girls at the street corner before a crossing. One of the girls was older, and wore her hair in a ponytail. The other was much younger, and wore her curly hair down. Somehow, without him even knowing, his steps were taking him right toward those two girls. They were not the source of what was leading him, but he could feel they were special somehow. Perhaps they had come in touch with the light he sought. “Let’s think, Sweetie Belle: what are some of the places Spike would go to?” Twilight began, as she waited for the signal to cross. The stranger was growing closer behind them. “All I can think of are the beach and the arcade. Those were the places where me and Spike spent the most time together. It’s the only places I think he’d go,” Sweetie Belle answered. The stranger was almost upon them. “Hm...Do you think he’s waiting for you there?” Twilight said, realizing then that she was thinking like Rarity would. The stranger was now directly behind them. “Why would he be? He doesn’t even know I came to visit him today.” Twilight nodded to herself. Of course Spike didn’t know Sweetie Belle was coming over. He probably would have met her halfway if he knew she was coming. “Pardon me…” came a hoarse, raspy voice behind the girls. After jumping slightly, Twilight and Sweetie Belle turned around, to see a tall man in a dark raincoat. “I’m sorry for startling you. This may sound strange, but I want to know if you’ve seen my son,” the stranger said. “Is he lost?” Sweetie Belle asked. She then wondered if there was the chance he was Spike’s father, looking for his lost son. “No...I haven’t seen him in a long time. I’ve been gone these last forty years, and I want to see my boy again,” the stranger answered. Forty years? Then there was no way this was Spike’s father, fresh from prison. Though he certainly looked scary enough to be a criminal. “We might be able to help you. What does he look like?” Twilight asked. “...He’d be in his forties by now. He has dark hair, and red eyes. His name is Pharynx…” Sweetie Belle stifled a gasp, as the stranger knelt down to speak to her. “Do you know anyone like that…?” the stranger asked. Looking into the golden eyes of the stranger, Sweetie Belle felt the urge to run away in fear welling up within her. Whatever power this man had, it was infinitely more terrible than what she felt when she encountered Pharynx. “N-No,” Sweetie Belle stammered. The stranger looked at her as though he believed her. Without a word, he stood up straight to speak with Twilight. “Maybe you know where my son is…?” he asked her. “No,” Twilight quickly answered. The only knowledge she ever had about Pharynx was from what her father told her. From what she knew, she was glad that the only time she met him was a simple passing on the street. Around them, the other pedestrians started walking. “Sorry, but we need to be somewhere,” Twilight said, as she took Sweetie Belle’s hand, and started to guide her across the street. “Wait,” the stranger said abruptly. Maybe it was the subtle force of the stranger’s one word, but Twilight stopped and turned to face him. “What is that?” he asked, pointing to the stone that hung around Twilight’s neck. “It’s just a souvenir from when I went to camp,” Twilight said, before she and Sweetie Belle quickly crossed the street. The stranger watched the girls cross. Now, he knew why he was drawn to them. While it was not the light he was being pulled toward, it was quite similar to the one he was following. It was different. It was...in a word: harmonious. With one last look to the girls, he continued on his way. Across the street, Twilight and Sweetie Belle’s hearts were racing from the encounter. They didn’t even dare look back, for fear the stranger was still behind them. “Twilight, how bad is it that Pharynx’s dad is around?” Sweetie wondered. “I don’t know,” Twilight honestly answered. Ahead of them, they saw the back of a familiar red and yellow head. “Sunset!” Twilight called to her. Sunset turned around, and saw her friends jogging toward her. “Thank goodness you’re here. I need you to come with me to Canterlot High. Now,” Sunset said, before she started walking. Not knowing what Sunset’s business was, but sensing her urgent tone, Twilight and Sweetie Belle started walking after her. The stranger had gone beyond the borders of Canterlot City. His travels were taking him to a remote location, beyond the highway, beyond civilization. Soon, he was at a building of stone and steel. A structure where the shouts of raging souls and violent minds were allowed to act uninhibited. Without a thought more, the stranger walked right into the front door. The man walked through the reception area, and through the wall at the back of the room. Beyond the wall, Tirek was fighting off the other inmates as they rushed him four or five at a time. The current wave of fighters fared no better than all the others before. The first two were knocked away in one swing. The next was punched, kicked, then knocked to the floor. The last fighter had his ribs shattered by Tirek’s knee, and was blown backwards by the force. “And Tirek wins again!” shouted the inmate, who had been taking bets on the fights. He shelled out his money to the winners and took money from all the losers. Tirek was starting to think he ought to throw a match in order to keep the pool going. And he had just the chance, when a very old, very tall man walked into their midst. “Hmph...This is how they die,” Tirek said. “By challenging a power greater than themselves, a man can overcome his limits, or be overcome by them. Tell me, old man: what made you want to challenge something greater than yourself?” The stranger didn’t answer. Instead, he walked right past Tirek as if the man-mountain hadn’t said anything at all. “The fight’s over here,” Tirek said, as he put a massive hand on the stranger’s shoulder. The stranger’s hand glowed with a black aura, before he simply waved his dark hand in the general direction of Tirek. Tirek flew backwards, and was embedded into the nearest wall. To a normal man, the impact would have been fatal, but not for one as sturdy as Tirek. After he pulled himself from the wall, Tirek watched as the old man walked forward. Right through a solid wall. There was a ripple of black aura, and the man was gone. The old man knew he was growing close. It was only a matter of a few more steps. In the darkest part of the prison, where even the freed prisoners feared to go, loud screams were heard. At the moment, Chrysalis was putting the final touches on Pharynx’s earlier request. She had taken Officer Tempest to death row, and with some struggle was able to strap her into the prison’s death machine. “Sorry to say, officer. But, your postponement on your sentence just ended!” Chrysalis grunted, as she strapped an electrode to Tempest’s head. “Would’ve been sooner--” Chrysalis stopped briefly to elbow Tempest in the face to stop her from struggling “--But we’ve been busy around here!” “You fool!! You evil, psychotic fool!! You’re--” Tempest’s raging was cut off when Chrysalis stuffed a piece of foam insulation into her mouth. “So you don’t bite off your tongue. That’s the one favor you get from me. Now, let’s hide that ugly face,” Chrysalis said, as she pulled a black hood over Tempest’s head. Tempest struggled against her restraints, as Chrysalis amped up the voltage on the device. Once it was on its lowest setting, just as Pharynx requested, Chrysalis threw the switch. Before the waif even had a chance to bask in the joy of watching Tempest slowly die, she was greeted by a surprising sight. “What the hell!!?” Chrysalis shouted, as she watched a man walk right through the wall. As if the man had triggered something by his presence alone, the electrical machinery surged and overloaded. The seat Tempest was strapped into sparked and jolted violently, before it shorted out altogether. Chrysalis was hit by a mass of voltage that took her off her feet. Tempest’s breath shuddered from the ordeal she experienced. Her entire body shivered as Chrysalis reached up from the ground and used the arm of the death chair to pull herself up. The waif’s heart was racing wildly from the shock she received. But, she was not prepared for the next shock when she watched the man walk through the wall before her. In the next room, the stranger looked around. This was it. His son was near. A dark aura surrounded his body, and lifted him into the air. With a ripple of magic, he passed through the ceiling to the room above. Pharynx had been sitting in the warden’s office, contemplating his next move. His thoughts of chaos and mayhem were interrupted when he saw what was rising from the floor before him. He saw the back of a very tall man in a gray raincoat. Slowly, the man turned around to reveal his face. Pharynx couldn’t believe what he was seeing. For an eternity, he stared into the face of the man who he feared and respected above all others. A face he hadn’t seen since he was a child. Even now, he didn’t believe what he was seeing. “Go on. Say something,” Pharynx said, calmly as ever. “Is that all you have to say to your father…?” the stranger asked. “No. You. You aren’t my father,” Pharynx said, as he stood up and pointed an accusing finger. “You see me...don’t you? How can I not be your father...?” the stranger asked. “Because my father is gone. You’re only some vision of him. You’re an apparition, conjured by this thing that attached itself to me!” Pharynx said, holding up the stone around his neck. The stranger looked to the stone that Pharynx wore around his neck. That was it. That was the magical light that was drawing him. “That stone…” the stranger began, “Do you know what it is? It once housed the god of chaos...And now, it’s granted its power to you…” He began walking toward Pharynx, who stepped backwards from his father. Pharynx’s back was to the wall now. Knowing full well he had the power to end the encounter, he touched the stone around his neck. Whether it was curiosity or fear, he stayed in the room to listen to what the stranger had to say. “It’s a powerful tool...A marvelous gift...You can use it to end this terminally ill world…” the stranger said. “Termin…” Pharynx exhaled. “Use it, boy...Help me hasten the world to what we will all become…”