It's just Baldness

by Charlie_K



The situation Applejack found herself presently in was one of vague familiarity; nursing a much-needed iced tea with a contended sigh, and enjoying the comfort and hospitality the Carousel Boutique had to offer.

On a day like today, such wasn't simply welcomed, but was rather quite needed. Yesterday had brought a temporary abatement to the sweltering heat of the season in the form of a rainstorm. But the new day had brought the sweltering temperatures back with a vengeance, and with the added bonus of even more suffering from the ridiculous levels of humidity! There was so much moisture in the air a fish could just about go for a walk on dry land and be fine.

And considering just some of the wildlife that called the Everfree Forest home, she wouldn't be surprised if that was happening right now.

The new awning/roof the family market stand currently wore did wonders for keeping the unforgiving sun off of her back and head when she'd drawn market duty, and provided a nice spot of shade to seek sanctuary in, but that still only went so far in weather like this.

At the moment, however, that was neither here nor there. The work day -and the unpleasantness that accompanied it- had finally ended, and she was currently sitting back in a much more welcoming environment, in reasonable comfort with a good drink and an equally good friend.

"Ah needed that mighty bad," she stated, before taking another long sip of her drink.

"After a day as beastly as today has been, I dare say you need far more than just a glass of tea, darling," Rarity commented idly. She's been within the relative safety and comfort of the boutique most of the day, and it'd been positively horrendous; she honestly had no idea how Applejack had done done it, just standing outside for so long where everything was all the worse to experience.

"Oh, don' be worryin' yerself about me, sugarcube, Ah'll be a'right once Ah get back home an' inta a nice cool bath," Applejack replied.

In truth, Rarity didn't particularly believe Applejack's casual dismissal, but ultimately chose not to press the matter. She was certainly no earth pony, so she couldn't say for certain whether or not her evaluation was correct. Right now she didn't particularly feel like getting into an argument, and so long as Applejack didn't wind up collapsing from heatstroke, it didn't particularly matter either.

"If you say so," she said and opted to let the matter rest. Right now she was far too hot and too tired to bother with getting into a disagreement, and would much rather focus on other matters

This required a change of subject. She just... needed to think of what that change of subject should be. What could they go about discussing instead of the current weather?


Her silent indecisiveness must've stretched out far longer than she'd actually intended it to.

"Yes, Applejack?"

Now it seemed to be Applejack's turn to pause, hesitant to go on now that she'd spoken up. However her hesitancy only lasted a moment before she found whatever courage she needed to speak up again.

"Was Ah wrong ta ask Twi' about the sleepover?"

With the ball back in her court, it was now Rarity's turn to pause, her mind trying to process the question and formulate an adequate response.

The day had been one of significant unpleasantness and discomfort to experience due to the weather conditions, the only good thing to it all being its otherwise calm and uneventful nature that kept anything harrowing from happening. The only exception to that initial assessment had been Twilight and Spike coming by to inform them about the most recent development with Pinkie.

It'd been a bright spot in an otherwise forgettable day, with the four of them gathered around in the boutique's foyer, both to be brought up to speed on the present situation, and to be thanked for all of their help and involvement.

Despite her best efforts at pretending it was just a small, unimportant matter, one would be hard pressed not to pick up on the hitch of barely-contained excitement in Twilight's voice as they spoke. The poor dear was just giddy with happiness that threatened to spill over if she didn't keep herself under control. More than once during their discussion, she was certain at least one of them was going to be on the receiving end of an enthusiastic hug before all was said and done.

And then in the midst of it all had been a simple question presented on Applejack's part; were they still good for the sleepover on Saturday night?

A simple question, but it'd been a very significant question nonetheless. In all of the excitement following Pinkie's unintended discovery of everything, and the resulting fallout that'd developed as a result, they'd all wound up forgetting about the plans Applejack and Twilight had made just minutes previously.

But even if they hadn't actually forgotten in the ensuing chaos, it was doubtful the sleepover would've happened as planned, considering what was going on at the time. All things considered, it was probably for the best that the plans had been forgotten, as there was no telling what might've happened otherwise.

"Not at all, darling," she replied with a shake of the head. "Twilight certainly didn't think there was anything wrong with it."

She still remembered the look of horror on Twilight's face at the realization she'd actually forgotten about plans made with a friend. To see her reaction, one would think she'd done something horrible, bordering on unforgivable.

In one regard, her penchant for worrying over little things that others wouldn't give a second thought was annoying. In another it was adorable.

"If ya say so, Ah guess," Applejack replied, before downing the rest of her drink.

So help her, Rarity couldn't figure out the reason for Applejack's lack of conviction on the matter. Something was bugging her, that much was certain. But until she felt like opening up, there was little that she actually could do to be of any further assistance, outside of simply being available if needed.

That reminded her, they'd likely need to check on Pinkie later, see how she was holding up in all of this, and offer whatever assistance they could to her as well.

The more she thought on the matter, the more she realized just how complicated their little network system was becoming, even when they had each other to rely on for help. She dreaded thinking of just difficult it must've been for Twilight to try and manage everything all by herself previously to their getting involved.

All in all, where they currently stood was quite possibly the best case scenario they could be in.



"Are... are we right in what we're doin'?"

Uncharacteristically, Rarity found herself tilting her head to the side in confusion at this new question. "How do you mean, Applejack?"

Once again, Applejack paused before answering, subtly chewing at her bottom lip. But as much as her curiosity was piqued, Rarity understood it wasn't a good idea to try and rush her friend to elaborate if she wasn't ready. If she had second thoughts and wished to drop the matter entirely, she'd reciprocate and let the matter rest here and now, without further discussion as to what she originally meant. So long as it was her decision.

"Well..." Applejack finally spoke up, only to pause momentarily before continuing. "Ya know how ponies don't normally wear clothes, an' there's nothin' wrong with that. But what Twilight's doin', an' what we're doin' in helpin' 'er with this whole goin' bald thing... Ponies have coats of fur fer a good reason, right? Maybe... maybe Pinkie bein' upset like she was, was fer a real good reason?"

As she listened to Applejack's efforts at speaking her concerns, Rarity opted to simply maintain her silence, doing her best to maintain a neutral expression. She wanted to see just where her friend was going with all of this, and didn't want to influence that direction with her input prematurely. It was true, she'd been asked a question and would need to give an answer eventually, but right now it was Applejack's turn to speak, and lay out the matters she felt were worth addressing.

Unfortunately, waiting for Applejack to lay out the matter didn't really give her much to go on. She was basically being asked for her opinion on all of this, and to make a judgement call based on what she knew. Why she was being asked, she wasn't entirely sure, although she could possibly hazard a few guesses if it was necessary.

"I'm sorry, Applejack, I'm afraid I can't answer that," she eventually replied and gently shook her head. "As much as I'd like to, that's a question I'm simply not qualified to answer. Honestly I don't believe anypony is qualified enough; not even Princess Celestia herself. We could all be in the wrong here, but we could just as easily all be in the right. There's simply no way of knowing for certain, either one way or another," she explained.

While Twilight's appreciation for being reduced to a bald state was certainly something that could be objected to, that didn't mean it was wrong.

Granted, even a few short weeks ago she would've believed otherwise on this matter.

Had Twilight approached her, and presented the notion of going bald prior to getting involved, she could have presented a good dozen or so reasons why it was a bad idea to even contemplate. But she hadn't been asked prior to the decision being made. Nor had she been asked what she thought on it after the fact.

Nor was it really her place to object in this matter.


It was small, but the reply on Applejack's part had served to break her out of her own thoughts, and make her aware of how her friend looked as if she was being weighed down by thoughts and doubts of her own.

"Let me ask you something, Applejack. Would you like out of this arrangement with Twilight? To wash your hooves of this entire matter, and simply walk away from it all?"

Applejack shook her head in response. "Naw, Ah don' want that. An' even if Ah did, Ah'd tell Twi' direct myself, rather than expectin' ya ta tell 'er for me like Ah'm ashamed or somethin'," she explained, before sighing and shrugging. "Ah don' know what it is. On the one hoof Ah'm glad everything is workin' out. On the other... well the jury's still out on that hoof. Ah wanna help Twilight an' all, but we've been known ta back the wrong play before."

"And you think this is the wrong play?" Rarity asked.

"That's just it, Ah can't tell if it is or not. An' not knowin' that is-"

"Applejack," Rarity spoke up, "do you mind if I share my evaluation on the matter?"

"Please," Applejack replied, her voice bordering on anxious as she spoke.

Rarity nodded before continuing. "Whether or not this is right or wrong, that's not important right now. It's not something we need to concern ourselves with. Twilight will do the worrying about such matters on her own. All that we really need to do is be there for her if we're needed."

"Ya think so?" Applejack asked.

Again, Rarity nodded. "I do. However we might feel about what she enjoys, that's not relevant to the matter since she hasn't asked us such. So long as she's not hurting anypony, we just need to respect her decisions."

"Even though Ah'm plannin' on gettin' down to mah bare skin with 'er over the weekend?" Applejack asked further.

"Is it just for the weekend?" Rarity asked in turn.

"As far as Ah know," Applejack replied.

"Then it's not something you need to worry about," Rarity stated as she stepped closer. "Applejack, I'll admit that I don't know just what you'll take away from this Saturday night, but I do know this. If you worry about what might be, you won't be able to enjoy what will be. Beyond that you'll just make yourself into a bundle of anxious nerves. Whatever may come about, it won't be anything we can't sort out later on."

"... That does make a lot o' sense," Applejack admitted and chuckled weakly. "Look at me. Ah'm bein' silly an' makin' plans fer a cart Ah ain' even seen yet."

Rarity just shrugged dismissively. "It's certainly nothing to be ashamed of, it happens to all of us at times."

"Ah suppose so," Applejack replied before let out a relieved sigh and allowing herself to slouch some as she visibly relaxed. "Thanks."

"No trouble at all."

A stretch of silence settled in over the boutique. But it felt like a comfortable silence to Rarity, as if everything that had needed to be said, had been said. If such was indeed the case then it was all well and good. And if it wasn't, at least Applejack had gotten in a few more minutes to cool down and relax before making her way back to Sweet Apple Acres for the day. So either way it would constitute a win regardless.

"Hey, Rarity? Are ya gonna be at the sleepover too?"

Then again...

"I'm sorry, Applejack, I'm afraid that simply won't be a possibility this time around," she replied, it now being her turn to sigh.

As much as she would like to be there for her friends, she had responsibilities and appointments up at the boutique in Canterlot that she simply had to keep; appointments that had been made months ago before all of this started, and for which rescheduling simply wouldn't be a realistic possibility at this point in time.

In truth she was thankful the situation with Pinkie had been resolved as well as it had, as she would've had to travel out of town even if it hadn't been. At least now she could do it without worrying so much about what would've been happening with her friends back home.

"Oh," Applejack replied glumly, "Ah don' really know what ta think o' that. The four of us have been through so much already, you not bein' there is gonna make this weird. It feels kinda like we're breakin' up the set or somethin', ya know?"

Rarity couldn't help but smile warmly at the evaluation.

"I'm sure you'll all be fine without me for one night, darling. Twilight and Spike know what they're doing," she assured Applejack. "But if you really want me to be there, I'm fairly certain it can be arranged next weekend when I'm back in Ponyville."

"But the sleepover is this weekend," Applejack pointed out.

Rarity shook her head. "This sleepover is this weekend."

"Oh..." Applejack replied slowly as the realization of Rarity's words set in, a look of understanding settling in comfortably on her face. "Ah'm still bein' silly."

"Could you use a hug, darling?"

Perhaps it was an out of the blue sort of question to be presenting, considering the previous subject matter they'd been discussing. But for Rarity, she had an inkling that it was a necessary question to be asking right now. With all of the doubts and questions Applejack had been needing to carry on her withers lately, even she needed some form of comfort and support.

That, and hopefully its unexpected nature would serve to distract Applejack from her current -unnecessary- thoughts.

"Would ya mind?"

Had the question been "Do you need a hug?" instead, then it would've likely been met with a far different response entirely, as it could've easily been misinterpreted. Rarity knew that fact, and as such had selected the structure very carefully to avoid such. With the phrasing being as it had been, Applejack wouldn't have to try and wrestle with herself on whether a hug was what she actually needed at the moment, or if it was simply something she wanted.

"Not at all," she replied.

They all had enough pressing, real-world concerns to keep themselves busy with, without the need of paying heed to unrealized hypotheticals. Whatever might come would do so regardless of whether they were ready for it or not, so there was no sense worrying about what couldn't be changed. They all needed to realize that, not just her.

"Promise me three things?" she asked as she felt Applejack's weight settle against her frame.

"Like what?" Applejack asked as she felt Rarity's forelegs wrap around her back.

"First, don't worry. Simply have fun and enjoy yourself this Saturday night."

"Ah reckon Ah can do that easy enough," Applejack replied.

"Good. Secondly, whatever decisions you might find yourself coming to, share them with me first, please?"

"A'right. Ah guess that's fair an' all," Applejack replied and nodded, even if the gesture wouldn't be seen. "So wha's the third?"

"Details, darling! I want to know everything of what happens while I'm away! I simply must know!"

That one served to catch Applejack off guard and leave her chuckling in amusement.

"That Ah can do, sugarcube. That Ah can do."

Coming out here had been a bad idea. Twilight was certain of that fact now. She was certain when the idea had first entered her mind for consideration, and she was convinced of such as she observed Zecora currently collapsed in a fit of laughter on the floor of her hut.

Today had started out to be so promising. They'd had a good dinner, a good night sleep, and the situation with Pinkie was looking cautiously promising.

The day looked even more promising when they went to talk with Rarity and Applejack, bringing them up to speed about the situation with Pinkie, and thanking them profusely for their involvement. And when Applejack had reminded her of the sleepover, that promising outlook had increased even further!

In hindsight, that promising outlook had potentially inspired a false sense of security, and provoked an unfounded sense of newfound confidence in them.

That was the only logical explanation she could come up, that would explain their decision to approach Zecora upon seeing her in the Ponyville marketplace, for the purpose of seeking out her help with a natural solvent for removing permanent ink.

It was also the only logical explanation for why she'd so willingly dissolve her coat upon their returning to Zecora's home, so her friend could evaluate the full scope of the damage she'd have to contend with.

Now here they stood, back in the privacy of Zecora's hut where they could converse uninterrupted, with her standing there as bald as a bowling ball and still decked out in Pinkie's graffiti from yesterday. While Zecora was floored and laughing at her mercilessly.

All she could do in response was stand there with her ears folded in annoyance/embarrassment, and deeply regret this entire decision she'd made

This had obviously been a mistake on her part. This was a stupid idea! Why hadn't Spike talked her out of such a stupid idea? All she could do was look at him, as he looked back at her, obviously in a similar position of not knowing what to do.

To borrow a phrase from Sunset's side of the portal to describe the situation: find her in the alps.

"I should just go now," she sighed and shook her head. "This was obviously a huge mistake on my part. I'm sorry."

That seemed to be sufficient to snap Zecora out of her amusement, and bring her back to the present. She quickly waved her hoof, doing her best to put an end to her mirth, while simultaneously getting back up onto her hooves.

"My friend, I truly did not intend to laugh at your predicament, I was merely taken by surprise. Please understand I meant you no ill will, and how I am sincere when I say that I apologize."

Twilight sighed, but nodded regardless. She knew Zecora far too well to know that she wouldn't be mean to somepony else. She was simply far too good-natured to do anything like that. But a nervous response upon being surprised by an unforeseen development, that was something else entirely.

"It's alright, I understand," she replied.

"This situation is..." Zecora paused as she glanced at Twilight, before doing her best to try and politely look elsewhere. "Honestly I do not know just what to think. This is not the sort of predicament that came to mind when you mentioned permanent ink."

"Yeah, I can understand that. This isn't exactly an everyday type of occurrence," Twilight replied, idly scuffing her hoof against the floor. "Is there anything you can do for me? I know that it's minor overall, and nothing that I should be concerned with, but I really don't exactly want to look like this if I don't have to."

Zecora rubbed her chin in thought for a moment before responding. "Brewing an ink remover would hardly be a difficult task to perform, it can be completed before tomorrow. But how it will react to your bare skin, I do not know. Most of my wares are tailored to work on those who possess a coat of fur, so I cannot advise you of what side-effects might occur."

"Oh," Twilight replied, "I hadn't thought of that being a possibility."

Zecora shook her head in response. "Do not concern yourself my friend, for you I shall do my very best. I will even look into something to help regrowing your fur, so there is no need to be distressed."

"Actually, Zecora, you don't have to worry about that second one. I actually have a remedy for that," Twilight replied. "I've sort of needed to utilize it a few times lately..."

She knew that this could easily turn into one giant mess. But they were already too far in to avoid that possibility now. And with that being the case, she might as well go all in, hope for the best, and try to tend to damage control if necessary.

Although that would be easier to do if Zecora wasn't looking at her in the way she currently was.

"My friend, might I request an explanation? I believe I am missing relevant details pertaining to this situation. If you are suffering from mange or some other related condition, I promise there is no shame in making such an admission."

Twilight shook her head in response. "No, it's nothing that bad, honest. It's just... I sort of found out that I like going without my fur in the privacy of my own home."

Zecora's expression at hearing this, as far as Twilight would tell, was positively unreadable. It was that unreadable nature that made her so uneasy, and uncertain of just where this was going to go.

Even though she knew time was flowing at its normal pace around them, it certainly felt like it was moving incredibly slowly, as she waited just what sort of response she would be facing. Curiosity? Disbelief? Disgust? Anger?

Finally, Zecora gave her response to the announcement, and it was a response Twilight wasn't prepared for.

She simply shrugged her withers dismissively. "Unusual, but certainly not the strangest news that has ever come my way. On this particular matter, that is all I really have to say."

Twilight hadn't even realized she'd been holding her breath until after she'd heard Zecora's response. The casual acceptance of it all hadn't been what she'd expected, and now in the aftermath she found herself slouching as she relaxed, all of the tension seeming to ebb its way right out of her body.

"Now then, I will make sure the ingredients I have on hoof for an ink remover are correct. If by chance you would like to elaborate more on your newfound interest, I would certainly not object," Zecora continued.

The casual inquiry turned out to be even more unexpected to Twilight than the casual acceptance had been, and left her in a stunned silence as she tried to process this sudden turn of events. If her bald state wasn't enough to make Zecora bat an eyelash in surprise, even when she was looking right at it, she wondered if there was anything that actually could produce such a reaction.

This development was unexpected, but certainly not unwanted. If Zecora was alright with her baldness, and wanted to learn more about it, she was more than willing to indulge her.

"Well, Zecora, it's like this..."