The Unknown King

by Chaos Nightmare


It had been two weeks since that ‘ship’ came into the courtyard and everyone in Equestria was talking about it, Some people were wondering where it came from and what was it. I just wondered how that peasant Huxley got his hands on it. “More tea my prince?” The maid asked as I just placed my cup on the table as she filled it.

“Leave me.” I said as the maid left the room and I stared out the window thinking. ‘What is that peasant planning?’ as I was drinking my tea that ‘ship’ that the peasant uses came arriving. I quickly finished my tea and went down to the courtyard to see what that peasant was doing.

When I got there I saw people unloading some bags full of books and Huxley talking to Auntie. As I followed them I overheard their conversation “So you’ve run out of bits, Huxley.”

He rubbed the back of his head and said “Yeah, repairing a ship isn’t cheap.”

“I can see that but where did you get the books?” Auntie asked.

“That's a semi-long story.” He said before realising I was here. “Plue this is something to speak in private.” He said pointing at me with his thumb.

Auntie turned around and saw me “I would like to speak with you in private Auntie.” I said.

She turned to Huxley before saying “We’ll talk later Huxley.” As he nodded his head and left. We headed to the library where we talked.

“So Blueblood what did you want?” Auntie asked politely.

“I want to know what's going on between you and him.” I asked her.

“Who Huxley?” she asked “He works for me,” she said.

“Yes I see that, but what if he’s just using you?” I said.

“He’s not using me Blueblood.” She said.

“How can you be sure he could be using to fly to Saddle Arabia and doing who knows what with your bits,” I argued.

“He’s not doing that, I have eyes on that ship,” Auntie said.

“And what if they're in on it?” I asked.

“Their not.” She said, “Blueblood I can see your concerned for me but everything is alright.”

“But-” I began as Auntie silenced me.

“Blueblood that's enough.” she said getting up “I have to go meet with Huxley now.” She said before walking out of the library.

As she left I sat there angry muttering “Can’t you see he’s just abusing your kindness for his own gain.”

(Huxley PoV)

We stood in the throne room waiting for Celestia. “Do you think she’ll be angry at us for spending all the bits?” Moondancer asked.

“I’m sure she’ll understand.” I said as Celestia walked in “Speak of the princess and she will appear.” I joked.

“Hello Moondancer, Gleaming,” Celestia said.

“Princess.” They answered bowing.

“No need to bow.” She said as she sat down on her throne. “Now would you care explaining what happened?” she asked

“Well we found an asteroid field and I decided to see what was on the other side turns out it was a world.” I answered.

“Right you went through an asteroid field knowing it would damage the ship?” Celestia asked.

“In my defense, I was told we would be dealt ‘minimum damage’ I didn’t see it costing us all our bits” I answered, “And before you say anything with the warp system we have on our ship we can return to the world without going through the asteroid field again.”

“Let me guess you think there might be more worlds beyond that one.” She said.

“Yes,” I answered.

“Alright let's talk about the books, what did you want with them?” She asked.

“I was hoping you could make copies of them,” I answered.

“That can be arranged if I can get to add the copies to my library.” She asked.

“Sure but I need copies of the books too,” I said

Moondancer and Gleaming looked at me before asking “We have the originals why do you need copies?”

“I have my reasons,” I said plainly.

“Anyway, that could be doable.” Celestia said before saying “Now on to other business, I’ll skip the explanation and just tell you I need you to find somebody to trade Equestrian goods too out in the worlds.”

I was uneasy about this idea but I didn’t have a choice for now. “I might know a place where we could do that.”

“Hollow Bastion?” Gleaming asked.

“I’ll tell you on the way but Hollow Bastion might be a good place too,” I answered.

(Blueblood PoV)

A few days passed as Auntie was writing up some trade agreements thought for where I did not know. I tried to ask her about it but I wasn't able to get to her due to her guards saying that she wasn’t taking any visitors. I was getting fed up waiting for her and I had heard that the scribes were transcribing new books, so i decided to check out what those were books were. As I went in and grabbed one of the finished books I was told to bring it back when I was finished. When I got to my room so I could read in peace and quiet I looked at the title of the book

The Nature of Darkness The Heartless by The Master of Masters

Several hours after reading I couldn’t understand what I was reading “What does it mean?” I asked myself, All I knew was Huxley was hiding something and If I couldn’t convince Auntie about it I would have to take matters into my own hands.

I grabbed a nearby notebook I had and quickly checking if I had written anything in it or if had enough pages to hold all the information before I begin the incantation to copy the words into the book.

A few days passed as I kept heading to the Scribes and taking a book while returning the ones I already read and copied. As I kept coming and going Auntie took notice and came to me and asked. “Blueblood I wanted to talk to you about the books you’ve borrowed, while i’m happy you’ve taken an interest in the books Huxley brought, I’m going to have to ask that you stop taking the books till there all finished with transcribing them.”

This was a minor set back but I had all the information I needed from these books “Alright, just let me finish this one last book then I’ll return it.” I said to which Auntie nodded and left.

A week passed as I left Canterlot for Trottingham, my family had an old estate on the far end of town which would be perfect as a place to test what I’ve read. As I got off the train I was greeted by a coach driver whom after grabbing my bags took me to the estate. When I got there I was greeted by the head of staff “Ah, Prince Blueblood It Is an honor to have you staying at this estate.”

“Thank you, I’ll be using this place as a secluded area to study,” I said.

“That sounds wonderful Prince-” The head of staff said before I cut him off.

“It also means I’ll be closing off a wing of the estate for personal reasons,” I said.

“Of course.” The head of staff said.

(Huxley PoV)

It had been a week since Blueblood said he was going to study in Trottingham and we were just about ready to head to Disney Castle and Hollow Bastion. “Are you ready Huxley?” Moondancer asked.

“Yeah,” I said having a bad feeling about this.

Celestia handed me and Gleaming a briefcase each “Here are the are the trade deals I want to, be careful with them that was almost two weeks of work.” She said.

“We’ll be careful Princess,” Gleaming said as we all got on the Gummi ship.