//------------------------------// // Koan 13: Teaching Without Words // Story: The Sound of One Hoof Clopping // by Trick Question //------------------------------// Foal instructor Cheerilee had earned a reputation for her ability to teach her little ponies complex concepts, both educational and social. At one point in her career, rumors began to circulate that she had developed a deep wisdom which far exceeded that of the average earth pony. While such a thing might be expected for a college professor in philosophy, it was a remarkable reputation for a humble grade-school teacher. Cheerilee knew of the unusual gossip, but she paid it no heed. Those sorts of value judgments always seemed silly to her. It was a warm Summer afternoon in the Ponyville schoolhouse. Cheerilee was giving speech lessons to Peppermint Twist, one of her younger students. The little perlino earth pony adjusted her horn-rimmed glasses and sighed sadly after several failed attempts at a sentence filled with sibilants. "I just canth do it, Mith Cheerilee," she lisped, her face downcast and glum. Cheerilee hugged Twist gently. "It's okay, Twist. Things aren't hopeless just because they're hard to do. In fact, most things in life worth doing are hard! You may not notice it yet, but you improve every time we work together," she said. Twist’s curly mane bobbed about her face as she shook her muzzle. "Well, maybe," she said, a slight smile breaking the surface. Cheerilee was always so compassionate and understanding, she thought. Twist would probably come up with an excuse to see her favorite teacher even if she didn't have a stupid speech impediment to work on. The schoolhouse door creaked open, and into the room trotted Filthy Rich, prominent entrepreneur of Ponyville. He was always business, and usually more than a little stressed out. Cheerilee noticed that today he seemed far more relaxed than usual, even though he wore his usual business lapel-and-tie combo. "Just a moment, Twist," Cheerilee soothed, and trotted over to him. "Hello, Rich. Are you here about Diamond Tiara?" she inquired. "Heh. Not today, Cheerilee, unless she's in trouble again. It's not easy raising a filly with all the distractions of wealth around. Sometimes I think I spoil the little dear, but she's just so adorable," he said, running a hoof along his slicked-back black mane. Twist watched wide-eyed from her seat. She'd been interested in Diamond Tiara's father ever since he told the story of their family during the school's recent Family Appreciation Day. It took a special sort of pony to make bits in the way that he did, she realized. Most of the other students couldn't see the value in that sort of talent, but Twist could. She had been helping out with her family business as far back as she could recall, and while they weren't as successful at making confectioneries as the Cakes, many of their treats sold alongside the Cakes's specialties at Sugarcube Corner itself. These even included Twist's specialty: candy-canes made from the work of her own four hooves. "Adorable she is. Give her time, though. Foals will be foals." "Yes, yes," said Rich, nodding, "but, anyway. I'm here because I hear you have... how can I say it? Everypony around town says you have a special sort of wisdom beyond your years." Cheerilee suppressed a blush. "Well, I wouldn't know anything about that," she said plainly, with a curious half-smile worthy of the Roana Lisa. Filthy Rich leaned forward and narrowed his eyes. "Please, impart to me something serene, teacher," he asked in a soft, reverent voice. "Something I heard once, how does it go... Tell me how a pony can teach without speaking, yet at the same time, without silence?" he asked the cryptic riddle, then leaned back, expectantly, studying Cheerilee's face very closely. The teacher maintained her calm appearance, expression unchanging, gaze unblinking: offering no response other than to continue being herself. The pair stood there in a silent staring contest for so many moments that Twist had to bite down on her tongue to keep the suspense from making her cry out. Then, suddenly, Filthy Rich's eyes opened wide, and he bowed deeply. "Thank you Master," he said politely, and trotted out. Twist quickly rose to her hooves and cantered over to her teacher. "Oh! Mith Cheerilee! Whaddya teach him?" she asked. "Or, ith it one of thothe, umm, adult thingth...?" Cheerilee smiled broadly and shook her head. "Don't repeat this, dear... Do you remember when Diamond Tiara ended up in detention every day for a week, and after that she'd sit up straight and stop goofing off if I even looked at her funny?" she said, and giggled. "Some horses will run at the mere shadow of a whip." Twist looked confused for a moment, but then her face lit up. "Ohhhhh. You mean he's looking for answers so hard he'll take anything you give him? But what if he comes back and wants a real answer?" "Hmm. Well, I guess I'll have to figure out what to say when that happens. And speaking of teaching without words, you realize you just said all that perfectly, yes?" Twist gasped. "Oh, thyoot! And it wath right when I thtopped lithening to mythelf," the poor filly moaned. Her teacher simply smiled and said nothing.