The Conversion Bureau: El Único.

by Hilord17

Prologue: The Impossible

It's a very confusing sight. Normally, there would be streets, houses, and even bigger buildings, but now everything was replaced with a chaotic mixture of ruined buildings, nature, and few signs of civilization, like traffic lights that aren't working anymore, some vending machines, partially destroyed cars, and old posters with the letters 'HLF' and 'PER' on them.

A stallion was holding a piece of a pamphlet. It had a bunch of silly drawings of clouds, flowers, and hearts. It also had a bunch of text, but the most important message had the biggest size:

[Let's get rid of our stains and sins: The Conversion Bureau is waiting for you!]

"To think it would end like this..."

Another stallion got near him, rolling his eyes for a moment.

"Dude. How many times are you gonna spout the same thing? Get over it."

"Can you blame me, Mike? A few years ago we were still human, and now we are... small horses."

"We are still alive, too. I mean, it sucks that we aren't humans anymore Nick, I know. But I value my life, and the amount of things we've seen since this whole Equestria thing happened is like the stuff from movies!"

Nick dropped the paper, a bit annoyed at his partner but sadly he can't deny it.

"Yeah, yeah. Magic and stuff."

"Hey! Be grateful that you became a unicorn when it was your turn." said Mike, showing a bit of jealousy. "You can levitate stuff, teleport, and all sorts of neat tricks."

"You say that, but levitating objects it's hard as hell for me. And that's like, basic magic stuff." said Nick. "Besides, you got wings. You can fly, dude."

"And you think it's easy?" said Mike in response. "Do you know how many times I've crashed, dude?"

"Hey, you two!"

A female voice was heard behind them, and both stallions turned around to see a pegasus mare.

"Stop wasting your time! Remember our mission."

"Yeah. We know, Lapis." said Mike nonchalantly. "Scout for that Bear with bumblebee wings. We haven't forgotten."

"Next she's going to tell us to call her 'captain Bright Lapis'." added Nick with a quick laugh.

"It's a 'bugbear'." said the mare in a very serious tone. "I hope you two are aware of how dangerous it can be. It's very strong and can fly, too. Not to mention that a bite at full strength can be lethal. Did I mention it has four arms?"

"Jesus, that's a bit overkill..." said Nick, a bit worried now. "Any idea why is that thing roaming around this area? I remember reading in one of those Equestrian books that it's supposed to be only one, yet they claim to have seen it in different areas."

"It was one, but for some reason, that same one started to mate with a bunch of common bears." answered Bright Lapis. "Specifically, bears of this planet, because the bugbear never tried to mate with Equestrian bears."

"Fast-forward a few years, and here we are." said Mike, laughing a bit. "Someone had a good time."

"Ugh... It's not funny, man." said Nick. "It's a good thing we have a way to deal with them now."

Both stallions and the mare were carrying a bag. Bright Lapis took something out of hers.

It's a small ball that looks like it was made of glass. It has some kind of blue smoke inside.

"You're right, Dominick. These beauties explode when hitting the ground or a wall, and the smoke inside can sleep an elephant in seconds." the pegasus mare focused her gaze on the two stallions. "Use these only if you find yourselves in danger. A bugbear's behavior is basic, but they are fast."

"I don't want to go near that thing." Mike said, checking the "projectiles" in his bag. "It's good that we just have to report if we see one."

Lapis looked around for a few seconds, then she put the glass ball back to the bag.

"This area is clear. Let's go to the last one, then we're done."

The trio of ponies began to move. While Nick and Mike were trotting on the ground, Bright Lapis opened her wings and started to fly to look around. Mike looked at his wings for a moment, only to let out a sigh.

"You just have to keep practicing, dude." said Nick. "We've had these bodies for a while, but it's still tough. These are things that we did not have before."

"I know, I know. It's just..." Mike was now looking at her pegasus partner. "It must feel amazing, and I really want to experience that."

Bright Lapis descended to get near Mike, showing him a gentle smile.

"Still having trouble with your wings? Why didn't you tell me! I could have helped you."

"Oh? Aren't you busy with all these scout missions and taking care of your little sister?" asked the male pegasus with a playful tone.

"If you can come to my house, then maybe we can train for a bit, earth boy."

"You are the one who said it. Don't complain later, equestrian girl."

"Is this the part where I say to you two to get a room?" asked Nick in a teasing tone.

"Only if you pal here want to~" was Bright's answer, and this made both stallions blush a bit.

"Sorry. Who was the mare that was scolding us earlier for not taking this seriously?" countered mike.

"All right, all right. We'll check the last area and call it a day, ok?" Lapis did a wink and started to fly again. Nick looked at his friend ready to say something, but...

"Don't say a word, dude."

"I was just gonna say that you're lucky."

"Let's just finish this..."



"So... you're gonna get that room later?"

"...Shut up."

"Oh yeah. I want your answer by the end of the day, earth boy~"

"Stop it!"

"Is this really the last place? It looks kind of..."

"Empty. I mean there's nothing here showing that anyone has ever been here."

"I know, but our boss is the one responsible for the designated areas to search and scout, so..."

The area was indeed empty in terms of civilization. Everything around them is a very extensive mix of bushes, flowers, trees, rocks, and stones of various sizes, and last but not least, the neverending dirt on the ground. If one had to make a comparison, the most accurate description would be a prairie, plus the unusual amount of trees.

"Well, it's not like we have to do that much." said Bright Lapis. "We'll divide and scout the area. If we don't find anything in fifteen minutes, we'll call it a day. If you find anything regarding a bugbear, use the communication orb inside your bag to inform about it, and then we'll regroup."

"Got it."

"See you in fifteen minutes, then."

And with that, the trio of ponies separated, each one choosing a different direction to scout and investigate. Nick decided to go in the north direction, while Mike decided to go east. Since they were walking from the south, Bright Lapis decided to investigate the west.

And the minutes passed...

[This is Bright Lapis. Did you guys find anything?]

[This is Nick. Haven't seen anything interesting yet. Same old view since we arrived at this area. The only thing I found is a lake.]

[Mike here. Same view as you two. I found a couple of rabbits with horns, though.]

[Should we stop scouting?]

[I don't think we'll see one today.]

[You guys can stop now. I'll look for another minute and then regroup with you.]

[Got it.]

[Be careful.]

Bright Lapis deactivated her communication orb, and focused on her surroundings, as she was currently in the air.

"(How long has it been? Ten years? And even after all this time, this planet is still changing. Who knows how many things we aren't aware of yet?)"

The pegasus was looking around, trying to see if there was something that would catch her attention amidst the endless amount of trees, flowers, and-

"Wait... What is that?"

It's very far, but Bright Lapis definitely saw some kind of movement there. At the very least, she can say without a doubt that whatever's there, it's not alone.

Without wasting her time, she quickly increased her speed to reach there as soon as possible. Now that she was getting closer, she saw three figures. One had the size an adult pony usually has. The other was slender but taller, and the last one was definitely bigger and wider. She also saw what looked like small colored objects flying towards the wider figure.

"What the hay is going on there?"

She tried to focus her vision, but a bunch of trees in the area got in the way. She had no choice but to go down and get closer to the ground.

The noise of whatever was going on got louder, and the pegasus mare heard a roar that managed to recognize.

"(Oh my gosh it's a bugbear!)"

The unknown duo was fighting a Bugbear! She has to help them! And also inform Nick and Mike! She was going to hurry to the scene and help, but the sudden sound of lightning stopped her, followed by the sound of many things hitting something else. Then...

A loud noise. Like something big fell to the ground.

"(No way... They fought and won?)" She couldn't believe it!

"Nicely done. Your magic has gotten way better."

"¡Por supuesto que he mejorado! Sigo entrenando todos los días y lo sabes."

"(Huh?)" Bright Lapis knew that there were two ponies there, but she didn't understand what the second one said.

"En fin... ¿Porqué este oso tiene cuatro brazos y partes de abeja?"

"Well, if my memory serves right, this is a bugbear. The thing is, this creature should be in Tartarus. I can only imagine that somehow it escaped, which is a problem because, as you just saw, it's a dangerous beast."

"Definitivamente. ¿Que sugieres hacer? No podemos dejarlo aquí porque podría atacar a alguien más cuando se despierte."

"You certainly have point there. Think you can lift it with your magic?"

"No lo sé, pero puedo intentarlo."

"(I know they talking to each other, but they are definitely speaking two different languages...)"

As confused as she was, Bright Lapis knew the fact that defeating a bugbear is a feat that can't be ignored. She has to speak to them. She needs to tell her boss about this as well.

"We also need to know where we are. That town was supposed to be near here, but..."

"Así que tambien lo notaste..."

"(This is my chance!)"

Since the trees were blocking her view, Bright Lapis had no idea how the two ponies looked like. Nevertheless, the least she can do is guide them to their town. If they can also bring the bugbear...

"Hey! Are you two-"

! ! !

She stopped.


For a few seconds, she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her. Not only it didn't make sense at all...

It was downright impossible.

"(What the...)"

"Ah! Hello there. It seems that we were being watched, but..."

"¿Estas bien? Por tu expresión, yo diría que no."

"(By the Princesses and the stars... Am I actually seeing this!?)"

There was indeed a pony among the two fighters. A somewhat tall stallion with a reddish coat and a mane with a mix of dark red and brown. He was also wearing a red cape, and a rather stylish red hat, with a single but big white feather as an accessory. He seems to be a unicorn, because right next to him is a rather weird-looking sword, and it's floating thanks to a levitation spell. A bright red aura was surrounding the hilt of the sword.

And just now, a few sparks arose from the metal blade. There is no doubt that the sword was somehow involved with the lightning sound from earlier.

But sadly, all these details were lost on Bright Lapis, because all of her attention went to the other fighter. The one she thought was a pony.

But the truth was shocking to say the least.

Bipedal shape.

A large number of clothes like jeans, a t-shirt, a jacket, the so-called 'shoes', although they look kind of unique. It's definitely a 'he'.

Very tall for pony standards, but quite common for 'him'.

But it just can't be...

He should not be in good condition...

He should not be breathing...

He should not be alive.

"Oh. That's right." said the red stallion, looking at his 'partner'. "I tend to forget that your situation is quite unique."

"Oh. Cierto. Hasta yo lo olvidé."

Bright Lapis saw 'him' starting to move.

To get near her.

"Mucho gusto. Mi nombre es Diego, y soy un humano."


She still can't believe it.

A human...

A freaking human is in front of her, smiling. He has one of his hands raised, moving it a bit. Is he waving? Yes. He is. Like everything is okay. Totally normal. Nothing surprising at all...

"Diego. I think she doesn't know spanish." said the red stallion, almost in a teasing tone. "I told you. Equish, or 'english', as you call it, is the language used almost anywhere."

"(So he's talking in spanish!)" Bright Lapis was brought back to reality after knowing this bit of info. "(Was not there a country with a name very similar to that? And I think there were other countries that used spanish...)"

"Don't be afraid of Diego. He may look imposing with his size, but he is a good fellow." said the stallion. "My name is Crimson Starlit. You could say I'm like his watcher. Make sure he doesn't get in trouble or do something stupid."

"Gracias por tu confianza..." said Diego, although Bright Lapis was sure that he said it as sarcasm.

"Well, both of us know how to fight, so this bugbear was a really good exercise." said Crimson, looking at the creature on the ground. "We didn't kill it. We're not savages."

"Fue defensa personal. Eso es todo." added Diego.

"I... I just... gosh..." the mare was constantly switching between looking at Diego, and then looking at the defeated bugbear. "I-I don't know what to make of this. I mean I'm grateful that you took down a bugbear. That's amazing! But... There's something way more important we have to address right now."

"Well, we also wish to discuss with you. But please, tell us." said Crimson.

"It's you!" the mare pointed at Diego.

"¿Yo?" asked him, and pointed at himself with the index finger of his left hand.

"Yes! The fact that you are not only alive but also healthy and strong is just not possible! It makes everything that happened over the years look like a very bad joke! I mean look at you! A human that's alive!"

Diego and Crimson looked at each other, clearly showing signs of confusion.

"Lo haces sonar como si no fuera la primera vez que ves a un humano..." said Diego.

"He says that you make it sound like it's not your first time seeing a human." added Crimson. "Are there other humans around now?"

"Are you... seriously asking that?" said Bright Lapis, dumbfounded.

"Alright, dear. Stop right there." said the stallion. "It seems that all of us have questions, and since we all want answers, maybe you can stick along with us for a bit. After all, we need to do something about this bugbear."

"Yes... that's right." they had a point, and Bright Lapis didn't think about how they are going to get that bugbear to their town.

"But first..." Crimson Starlit moved his floating sword, and...

"W-what are you doing!?" exclaimed the mare. "You just cut the stinger of the bugbear!"

"Just consider it a reward for defeating it." said the stallion, who then took the stinger with his magic, and then made it disappear. "I have a pal that likes to collect this kind of stuff."

For some reason, Diego started to snicker, and then Crimson glared at him, but quickly returned his attention to Bright. Lapis. "So. Any ideas you want to share?"

"Oh! Yes! I actually want to guide you two to our town and bring the bugbear! It would be a first, and we could learn a lot about them! Maybe enough to understand the way they think."

"Sure. We also need to reach a town. There is no problem with that, right?" Crimson looked at Diego.

"¡Para nada! De hecho nos beneficiaría mucho." was the human's answer.

"How can you two... understand each other?" asked Bright, out of curiosity.

"Oh. That? Diego can understand equish almost perfectly, but he has problems speaking it. I mean, he can, but..."

"English?" said Diego, surprising the mare. "Yeah. I can... speak it. Just... a little." a little rough, but Bright understood every word.

"And as for me, I managed to learn his 'spanish'." added Crimson. "So yeah, I'm also here because he'll need somepony to express his thoughts most of the time. Let's just say that the time he could have used to learn how to speak in Equish was used... in something else."

Bright was about to say something, but a slight vibration inside her bag took her attention.

It was the communication orb. She quickly activated it because she knew it was her friends.

[Yo, Bright! Where are you?]

[Are you okay?]

[Guys! Don't worry. I'm okay, but I really need both of you here. It's urgent.]

[Stay there. We're on our way.]

Once again, Bright deactivated the communication orb, and her focus returned to Crimson and Diego.

It was then, that another question came to her mind.

"(How exactly did they defeat it? This Crimson Starlit guy I can undertand because of that weird-looking sword, and he looks strong for a unicorn. But what about Diego? I don't see any weapon with him, and humans are not that strong. How did he fight?)"

"Well? Can you lift it or not?" Crimson asked to his human companion.

"Supongo que es hora de averiguarlo." answered Diego, getting closer to the bugbear.

"Lift it? Diego wants to lift the bugbear? Are you crazy? You can't ask him that!'"

"Really?" said Crimson, getting her attention. "I suggest you to watch him, then."

Trying to understand why he said that, the mare focused on Diego. He extended his left arm, and for a moment, he concentrated.

That's when something appeared around his left hand. And with that, a smile on his face.

The same thing that was around Diego's hand was now around the bugbear...

An orange aura.

In a matter of seconds, as the bugbear started to float, Bright Lapis once again saw the impossible.

"¡Hey! ¡Lo logré!"