Argonian My Dream

by mitchboy

Chapter 19: Separate ways. ( completed )

I felt a jolt of electricity hit me in the chest. "Ow!? What was that for!?" I yelled as I was twitching to the ground. I got up to look at the rat who was using electrokinese with his left claw. Wait a minute, since when did he have electric powers? Who does he think he is, Pikachu? When he was done shaking the pain out of his hands, he gives me an annoyed look.

"That what you get for standing there like a twat thinking no one is going to hit you, I swear. How has one killed you by now? Talion asked, while my friends went to help him.

"Hey, chill. I didn't mean to scare you I'm sorry?" I said, trying to calm him down. But he hissed at me. "What the hell?"

"Hey, why are you being so mean?"

"Yeah, he was just apologizing to you."

"You need to be nicer to him."

"If you weren't one of my soldiers I will put on probation. Even if I don't care about Razor. You know what? I’m leaving and I hope never see you again, lizardboy!” Talion turns around and walks to the dark part of the forest to be with his other friends. Something tells me I won’t be seeing him ever again.

"Should we go to him?" Saffron ask.

I shook my head. "No. If he wants alone time to calm down, we'll leave him be. Until then, let's just start packing without him. He'll probably kill me if I show my face to him.

"You heard him! Let's start packing," Flash barks in order as we all started packing our stuff.


After we finish packing, we all fall asleep but me as I was looking at the blue sky. Until I felt a tap on my knees.

I look down and I found myself looking at the mini version of Nightmare Moon who looks pretty cute when she's looking at me like that. She notice my smile and turns the other way. I don't know what she wants, but I have a feeling that she wants to talk to about something. "Talion wants me to tell you that you and your friends that you should go to Black Marsh. It will be your next destination. Plus, he wants me to say he really hates you."

Is that why she woke me up? just so she can tell and my friends to go to a new place? Well, I did feel like going. I mean I’m not lazy right? Before I said something, Mini Nightmare Moon puts her hooves on my mouth to prevent me from saying anything. "I know what you are gonna say, so no he is not joking about hating you," What hell? Is she a mind reader? Oh god...I hope doesn't find out that I’m human. It's bad enough that several ponies knows about it. "I was only sent here to tell you where you and the rest should go and that’s it. If you’ll excuse me, I must be leaving now. Tailon is waiting for me. So goodbye, Razor.”

Before she leaves, I stop her to ask her one last question. “Wait, where is Black Marsh?”

“It’s on the right side of the forest. You and the other must go now. Goodbye again,” The mini version Nightmare Moon left to go to that rat.

This left me thinking, ‘If he still hates me, why is he telling me where to go?’

I woke up my friends just by whistling really loud. They look at me with tired glare expressions.

“Hey, why did you wake us up?” Double ask, rubbing his eyes.

“You better have a good reason for this,” Flash said, already feeling annoyed by me waking them up like that.

I chuckled nervously. “Sorry, everyone. but we need to go to Black Marsh now.”

I look at my friends who looks curious about their next location. "Razor, What's Black Marsh?" Thorax ask looking confused about what the place is.

I only shrug at that question. "I have no clue but I bet it sounds like a swamp village."

I don't know what that place really is but it sounds like something out of Skyrim. "Dude, a swamp village sound pretty far fetched, I bet they have a King here."

"Hold on, we haven't decide on that."

"Maybe we should go anyway. We don't have to decide."

"You're right, Nightmare Moon did say we should go to Black Marsh."

This got everyone off gaurd. “Wait, Nightmare Moon told you we need to go to Black Marsh?” Saffron ask.

I nodded. “Short answer: yes. She was sent here by Tailon to tell me to tell you guys that we need to go now.”

"But what about the rest of the freed prisoners?"

"Don't worry, I think Talion and his friends took them."

Flash gives me a glance. "Are you serious? What if that rat eats them?"

I wave that off. “I don’t think he’s a meat eater. He might be a vegetarian.”

"I hope that’s true,” Says Thorax, looking worried already about hoping that the rat is a vegetarian.

I put my claw around his shoulder to reassure him. "Hey, come on, he can take care of himself. Besides, I'm sure he has to other villains to defeat beside Queen Chrysalis."

"Yeah, that Tailon guy is okay in my book," Gabby chimes in with a giggle.

Thorax looks a little worried but he smiles a little when I cheer him up. "You're right, we shouldn't be thinking about that. We should be thinking about heading to our next destination: Black Marsh."

I pat him on the back. "That's the spirit. Onward! to Black Marsh!," Just when we were about to go, Flash flies up and turn to face me with his hoof out.

"Hey, I'm the one who's in charge not you. So, don't expect me to give up my leadership anytime soon."

"Okay, Okay, geez. Somepony woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

Flash rolls his eyes before turning around. "Let's just go," And so we did, we headed right towards Black Marsh to see the King so he can have his army and himself join us in a fight against Queen Chrysails and her changelings. We aren't sure how long it is, so we don't know if will arrive or not.

We were walking for at five minutes when I felt a tap on my shoulders. I turn and see Gabby and Saffron looking at me for some reason. "Can I help you?" I ask raising my brow.

Gabby was the first one to spoke. "Since we will be walking for who knows how long, maybe we should sing a song just to pass time."

Saffron spoke next. "Do you know a song we can sing?"

A song, eh? Sure why not? I was getting bored, maybe singing will kill time. "Yeah. we can sing to pass time. Only if want to join me."

The girls gasp. "You want us to sing?" Gabby ask with a hint of excitement. "Okay. Me and Saffron will sing."

"Yes, sing with others will be in honor." Saffron chimes in.

I turn to Flash. "Hey, Flash, you wanna sing?"

He glances at me and sighs heavily. "Like I have a choice, but sure."

I then turn to Thorax and Double Diamond. "How about you two?"

"Uh..I don't mind singing with you."

"Nah, I'm more of a dancer then a singer dude."

"Fair enough, let’s sing a song about going to see the King.”

“Do they even have a king?”

“I hope so. Black Marsh must have a king. Now then, just follow my lead. Because I know a good song I know. Saffron can you start us off?"

Saffron looks stun. "Me? But I don't know where to begin."

I walk to her and whispers something in her and I finish. She smiles and nods at me. "Okay, here goes nothing." She says, feeling like she was confident about this.

We then begin to get ready for Saffron to start singing when the music plays somewhere.

( Note: Each Character is gonna be singing. Black is all or both, Green is Razor, Purple is Thorax, Orange is Saffron, Grey is Gabby and Blue is Flash Sentry )

Life is like a journey
On a road that's within
Head says you should stay
But your heart says to begin
So you go

But you don't want to go

Any life worth living
Isn't life just filled with ease
You just stay forgiving
Through the forest and the trees

And you'll go
Just where you want to go

Time fly by in the city of light
Time stands still in the country
There's no time for a fuss and a fight
As we travel the land

And I'd be
Just to be
Not denied

To reside
with some pride

While I ride
To the City
The City of Light!

We headed straight to a cave and as we entered, Saffron used her unicorn magic to light this place up. It was a good thing she was unicorn or we'd be in real trouble.

Light shines like a diamond
In the City at night

When that diamond shines
You know that everything's all right

But you know
We got a way to go

We got out of the cave as Saffron turns off her magic.

Let us meet the King
We don't wanna make him wait

You just keep a-knockin'

He will open up the gate
To the City of Light

Flash stops us as he tells us that he needs to use the bathroom. We waited when he headed straight behind the tree to go number one. I wanted to see what was going on, but I was yanked away by Gabby who scolded me by wagging her talon at me like a mother scolding a child. When flash was done, we continued our journey and our song.

The King is a pony with a plan I can understand

The king is a pony of great reflection

The King is a pony who lays his head across the land

The King is a pony of our affection

Time side by in the city of light
Time stands still in the country
There's no time for a fuss and a fight
As we travel the land

And I'd be
Just to be
Not denied

To reside
With some pride
While I ride
To the City
The City of Light

When we finish singing, Saffron and I spotted something. "Look!"

We saw it. The sign says Black Marsh and about three blocks away was the village which I assume is the place we are supposed to go.

I turn to my friends and spoke to them. "This is the place. Let's see what Black Marsh looks like on the inside."

They all said "yeah" before we started headed straight towards the village.