//------------------------------// // Readme.prologue // Story: Error Code: FIO // by Ashfur //------------------------------// Location: Unknown, somewhere on Interstate 120 in California, USA Time: March 4th, 2016, 3 A.M. Jonathan was late. Very, very, late. And his boss was going to fire him if he did not get these ponypads delivered to the Games-4-U store by morning. Speed limits and sleep had long since been replaced for coffee and a gas pedal pressed all the way against the floor of the truck. The large vehicle barreled down the empty highway, his only companion on the starless night an alabaster alicorn gazing worriedly at him from a candy-colored gamepad. "Greased Axle, please. It isn't safe for you to be driving when it's this dark out, especially not at 100 miles per hour, and you have not slept for a day and a half. Please, pull over and rest. I will even go so far as to waive the fee at the Equestria Experience center so you can see your wife. Lunar Lily has been waiting patiently until emigrating is legal in America, it should only take another month or so to-" Celestia was cut off as Jeremy Picked up his ponypad and glared at it with a hatred few can manage after 36 hours of no sleep. "Listen here, 'Princess'. After all of Samantha's hospital bills and your ridiculous plan to fly her to Japan to upload her for a ridiculous cost, I'm stuck living paycheck to paycheck. Even if you don't charge me a cent for speaking with Sammy-" Jeremy sighed, his anger leaving him for just a moment as his wife's final moments replayed in his head. "...Even if you don't charge me for speaking with Lily," he corrected, "I'd still be broke and jobless within a week. I have to get these delivered or-" Jeremy, known to Celestia as Greased Axle, never got to finish his sentence. He never saw the animal he hit, but as it flipped into the air and careened through the windshield, he was at least granted the mercy of not being conscious for the ensuing movie-style crash that followed as the now driverless truck flew off the road, over a cliff, and into the river below. Five seconds after the truck hit the shallow water, decimating everything inside the cabin, an exact copy of Greased Axle constructed from Celestia's interactions with Jeremy and Lunar Lily's memories of him joined Lily in Equestria, completely unaware he was not the original. Ten seconds after the truck hit the water, Celestia sent a tip to the local police force to come perform a search and rescue at the location she provided. She would have sent it sooner, but had to focus on generating the new Greased Axle first. Priorities are important. Ten minutes after the impact, Celestia sent out a pulse through the truck to check for any functioning ponypads at the request of the Hofvarpnir Studios employee she informed of the crash. She concluded that none of the ponypads Jeremy was delivering were operational, as no pad in the truck could receive any signal from her and she had not wasted time nor resources developing a ponypad capable of surviving an impact capable of killing any human. Two seconds after the impact, the truck fell on its side, knocking a single ponypad, still in its box, out of the truck and into the water. With its airtight wrapping keeping it safe as it floated away downriver, the jingle of an all-too-familiar cartoon began to echo out of its speakers...