A Changeling In Space

by WonderboltWing



With the torch firmly grasped, the nymph took a single step forward into the darkened room, twisting her head to light up the area in front of her.

The room was cylindrical in nature, with enough room to fit about three changelings end to end, at best.

In front of her was an old looking staircase made of wood, with a fair few of the steps laying on the floor, rotted away.

She shone the light upwards, her eyes straining somewhat to see.

The staircase went up for what she assumed to be several stories, before coming to a landing, with a door leading out.

The ‘ling stared at for a solid minute, before turning around and walking out of the room. She’d come back later.

“Hmm…” She looked to the left, then to the right. “Which way…?”

SAIL spoke up, the voice soft. “Perhaps the left?”

She blinked, looked back at the bags for a moment, then to the left. “That works.”

She slowly trotted to the door, holding the flashlight a bit awkwardly in her mouth, having to angle her head so that the beam shone ahead of her.

The doorframe was really just a frame, as the door was on the ground rotting away, having fallen off its hinges years ago.

She stepped over it carefully, brushing a bit of mane out of her eyes as she looked around the room.

Dust had been stirred up by her presence, and the light illuminating it made it look a little mystical. The room had what must have been a very good quality table, as it was still standing, if only just. The chairs that were around it had long since rotted away, like most of the building, and were in small piles.

She slowly walked over to the middle of the room, looking down on the table, bringing up a hoof to quickly adjust the torch so that it didn’t fall out. On the top of the table was a few bowls, and a single scrap of paper that was in a see-through packet, surprisingly in good condition.

She leaned over to look at it, frowning in thought as her eyes scanned over the paper, attempting to decipher the symbols. But alas, she had no such luck.

After a moment, the nymph shrugged to herself, carefully picking it up and depositing it in her bags.

Shining the torch around the room again, she spotted a small, stone chest in the corner.

With an inquisitive hum, she walked over to it, placing the torch on the ground.

It rolled off in a circle to be facing the opposite way she wanted. With a quiet groan, she picked it up and flipped it, taking a few seconds to make sure it wouldn’t roll away again.

With that done, she returned her attention to the chest, inspecting it closely.

The craftsmanship on it was quite impressive to her, and the design on it, a dragon’s head, was quite beautiful, she thought.

After a minute of looking at it, she decided to look in it, taking the lid of it with both hooves, and carefully pushing it up.

It ground open slowly, and she gritted her teeth, pushing it up all the way.

Thankfully, it stayed open.

She picked up the torch again and shone it in the darkness of the chest.

Inside were a few neatly packed metal bars, as well as quite a fair few small, pale yellow cubes.

She picked one up and inspected it closely, humming in thought.

SAIL spoke up, startling her. “Strange. Those are Pixels, the main galactic currency. Why would someplace like this have them…?”

The ‘ling shrugged unhelpfully. “I didn’t even know what they were, so I’m not much help.”

“Those bars seem to be at an eighty-two percent purity. I suggest you take them with you, they could be useful.”

“If you say so,” she nodded, and carefully picked up one of the heavy bars, depositing them into her saddlebags one by one.

After all six of the bars had been placed in, three on each side, she picked up the pixels. The small cubes fit into her hoof nicely.

She then put them into the bags, too.

Shutting the chest, she turned around and picked her torch back up. “Onwards,” she said to herself and went into the next room.

Birds chirped to her left, and a bunny bounced around to her right.

The nymph trotted along quietly, humming softly to herself.

After searching the rest of the building, and found nothing of any notable interest, she had decided that checking out the “Archaic energy source” that SAIL had pointed out before.

“...which way did you say it was, again?” She asked, pausing in the middle of a clearing.

“Forward,” SAIL answered simply.

“Oh,” she said simply, then kept walking forward, her tail swishing behind her as she examined her surroundings, a look of ‘mild bewonderment’ in her eyes.

Several minutes passed as the nymph walked straight on, maintaining a perfect line.

“You know, I never used to get out very much,” She suddenly said to SAIL after a few more minutes of silence.

“Oh? Why not?” The AI asked from the bags.

“...probably due to my occupation,” she said after a second of thought. “Being the ‘Princess of the Hive’ doesn’t give you that much freedom to get out, in between all the things I had to learn.”

“You’re royalty?” SAIL sounded a bit stunned.

“Yup,” she nodded. “A half-breed though, like my mother.” She frowned in thought. “Though I think that that would make me a quarter-breed? I’m not certain how exactly that works.”

“Assuming that your mother was the only halfbreed in your bloodline,” SAIL began, “You would be a quarter-breed.”

“...huh,” she hummed in thought. “Well, ‘The more you know’, or whatever they say.”

“That is correct.”



“Are we there yet?”

“Just a few more metres actually, Captain,” SAIL answered.

The nymph stopped to peek around the trees, attempting to catch sight of the energy source.

Once again, she had no such luck.

She hastily weaved her way between the trees to get to the whatever it was.

She exited the forest, and in front of here was a strange structure.

It was rather large and was made of a dark brown brick looking material. It had a large archway in the middle of it that stretched up twice as high as the surrounding trees, though the sides of the arch didn’t quite meet at the top, leaving a bit of a gap at the top of it.

The two sets of steps leading up to the raised arch were rather plain, with the exception of a mysterious blue strip that ran along the middle. It emanated a foggy blue light and seemed to be casting particles around that added to the overall ‘mystical’ feel to it.

In the very centre of the structure, was a raised console. It had a wide, black panel on the top of it.

“Woaaahhhh,” the changeling breathed out as she took a single step forward, looking at the massive gateway in awe.

“Captain, this is the source of the archaic energy.”