//------------------------------// // I'm a Mare!!! // Story: You Know I'm a Mare Right? // by TheAnimerican //------------------------------// On her own private cloud, a rainbow maned pegasus made herself comfortable as she hovered over Ponyville. Rainbow Dash laid back and enjoyed the clear open sky. This was something she had always done as a filly. Aside from Gilda and Fluttershy, she didn't have many friends. She spent most of her free time training and napping. As she felt relaxed, her eyes became heavy and did not fight it. However, before the napping could truly begin, she heard a cry for help from below. Without hesitation, she jumped to her hooves with a sudden burst of energy. She checked over the edge of the cloud on all sides, but she was not able to spot anypony in danger. "Somepony! Help us!" She then realized that the cry for help came directly from below. She then rammed her head through the floor of the cloud to reveal an area of the Everfree Forest. On top of one of the trees, she spotted an orange dot and it seemed to be moving. Squinting her eyes, she could see that the orange dot was a colt hanging upside down from a branch. "Help!" the colt cried. Rainbow forced herself through the cloud and dove towards the orange dot below, trailing her signature chromatic streak. As she dove, the orange dot grew larger. "Hold on kid! I'm coming!" Rainbow Dash shouted. It got the attention of the colt, but was too frightened to look for the source. He hugged the branch even tighter in hope that help arrived soon. *** Below the trees, another earth colt shouted, "Boxwood! The branch!" The orange colt, Boxwood, heard the horrifying cracking noises from the branch that was holding him up. He closed his eyes as the tree's arm continued to bend. Then suddenly, his body felt light and felt pressure on his back. "Did... Did I fall?" he asked himself. "You can let go now. You're not as light as you look," Rainbow Dash said jokingly. Boxwood then opened his eyes and saw that he was being held by the cyan pegasus. He smiled at his rescuer and breathed a sigh of relief. As soon as he let go, Rainbow Dash brought him back to the ground floor. He then ran to his friend and bumped hooves. She then hovered over the two colts with her forelegs on her hips. "Okay. What the hay were you doing up in the tree? In the Everfree Forest of all places." she asked. "Well, my friend and I thought it would be cool to check out the Everfree Forest," said Boxwood. "Yeah! We aren't afraid of the Everfree Forest!" Boxwood's friend shouted proudly, but regained his composure after seeing that Rainbow Dash was unimpressed. "Then I bet him that I was able to climb the tree, but I slipped on the branch and got stuck," said an embarrassed Boxwood. "Well you should be more careful next time. You shouldn't even be here to begin with. If the branch didn't get you, then maybe the timber wolves might have gotten you or something. Look, just stay in town and play there or something," lectured Rainbow. "Yes sir," replied the other colt. "Sir?" Rainbow thought. "We'll head home right now. Thanks again mister!" said Boxwood as he ran off with his friend. "Mister? I'm a mare you know!?!" Rainbow shouted, but the colts were already gone and didn't hear. "Mister?" Rainbow thought to herself, but did not dwell on it for too long. She just shrugged it off and flew off into town. As she once again flew to the sky, she looked to the right to see that the two colts made it out of the forest safely. Luckily, they weren't that far from the outskirts of the forest. "I'm glad I was able to help those squirts, but now I'm wide awake. It ruined my daily nap routine," she thought and sighed. "Oh well, maybe relaxing by the lake will help me nap." Again, she left a rainbow trail behind as she flew to her next destination. Rainbow Dash had to fly over the city of Ponyville to get to the lake. She flew lower than usual and waved hello to the many familiar faces. Although she was born and raised in Cloudsdale, she considered Ponyville to be her home away from home. It didn't take long to reach the lake as it was close to Sweet Apple Acres. As she drew closer, she saw that the lake wasn't going to be as quiet as she had hoped. It was slightly warm that day, so she felt she should have known there would be a few ponies there to cool off. She released a sigh of annoyance, but was determined to get her nap. She decided to make the best of it and nap on the branch of a nearby tree. Not as cozy as her private cloud, but she "trained" herself to be able to nap just about anywhere. She laid along a large branch, looked beyond the leaves to stare at the blue sky. Again, she began to feel relaxed and her eyes got heavy. Her eyes closed and it seemed that she was finally about to get her nap. This was sadly not the case as she was once again disturbed. Nearby, she heard a couple of ponies laughing. She didn't notice before, but the tree was close to the trail that led to and from the lake. "Oh come on!" she thought loudly to herself. She rolled her eyes and pouted as she waited for the ponies to pass by. "I can't wait to get in that lake!" an excited mare shouted. Rainbow Dash looked at the pair and it consisted of two mares; one earth and one unicorn. "Oh would you hurry up? I need to salvage what I can of my nap time," Rainbow thought to herself. "Hey, did you see that rainbow trail earlier?" the unicorn asked. "Yep. He was at it again," answered the earth mare, "He is always showing off, but he is pretty cool isn't he?" "'He?' You mean she," her friend corrected. "'She' who?" "You're talking about Rainbow Dash aren't you? He is a she." "Really?" asked the confused mare, "I always thought she was a stallion. She doesn't really act or look like a mare. Plus, that raspy voice of hers made it all the harder to tell." "I didn't know you were into mares. Should I be jealous?" the unicorn teased. "Oh shut up," the earth mare lightly slapped her friend on the shoulder and both shared a laugh. There it was again, another pony had mistaken her for a stallion. "Are you kidding me? Celestia damn it. I'm a mare!" As a young filly, Rainbow Dash was always teased for acting like a colt. At the time, it didn't bother her as much since she heard these insults from her fillyhood bullies. However, to hear it today from random ponies, it really bothered her and she did not know why. She jumped to her hooves and took to the skies. Whenever things like this happened, flying always kept her distracted and helped clear her mind. "Those ponies are crazy. I am not a stallion. They don't know what they're talking about." With a big smile, she landed by a river and took a deep breath of relief. However, she looked down at the flowing river and noticed her reflection. He smile slowly disappeared and found herself once again deep in though. She leaned closer toward the water and stared into the mirror. She observed herself closely by turning her head left and right, stroked her hair, and rubbed her hoof on her cheek. "I am a mare... Right?"