The Jerk

by Perception Filter

Chapter 7

The Jerk
Chapter 7

I took a defensive position, as the oncoming changeling horde charged me. The first to fall in glorious battle was know, I couldn't tell the motherfuckers apart. Anyways, I brought my arm under him, and flipped him over my shoulder, I stomped on his stomach as hard as I could, which caused bug guts to fly everywhere. I slashed, and I pummeled the next few, and they died like the first. They fell by the hundreds in the onslaught, and my armor took neigh a dent. A kick caught me off balance, and it made me fall over. I quickly swept the ground clear while getting up.

I jumped up and was knocked down instantly from another changeling charging at my chest. Trying to get up, I was held down by several of them, and one got up on me and stared me down. Its horn began to glow, and at the last second before it was fully charged, I headbutted the thing as hard as I could. His head exploded, and I had no idea why things did that, it was always so weird. I kept struggling against the ones holding down my arms as hard as I could, but to no avail. There were too many of them. I slumped my head against the ground as I gave up.

The grip on my limbs loosened a little and I saw my opportunity. I quickly tucked my limbs into my body, and shot up, and began to run away from the furious mob. I sprinted as fast as I could, and I did a few turns. I hid in an alley, and behind a pile of trash. My bloodlust had no subsided, and I realized how lopsided that the odds were. The group of prisoners had gotten away, and I had to find a way to get out undetected. I peeked my head out from under the pile of garbage, and they saw me instantly. I got up and plowed through the mob blocking my exit. They flew to the sides rather comically, and I stopped to take the time to laugh at them.

"Hey fuckers! You guys look hilarious when people run at you. It's as if you are afraid of me!" I laughed out at them. I saw them blink for a few seconds and they surged forward again. I turned tail and sped in the other direction, heading for...somewhere. Honestly without my map, this place was just a jumble of buildings. Speeding along, I remembered that this place used to be a town, a small city. If I could find an old building, there might be something there I could use. Then again, there could be something I could use in all of the buildings, but I my thinking was rationalized because of the adrenaline, and the excitement of combat. I quickly scanned the area as fast as I could, and I saw a lot of military looking buildings, but I spotted one. It looked like it was made out of some sort of food, and surprisingly, it was still guarded.

I was surprised because all of the other guards were currently chasing me. I did a quick double take and saw about, oh I don't know, several hundred of them chasing me. I turned my attention back towards the rapidly approaching house, and made up my mind. There is something important in that house, and these changelings be damned. I decided that I had to lure the guards away from the house. Wait, why lure, when I can horribly main and injure! I activated V.A.T.S. and targeted the two guarding the entrance, and sped up to them. What I did next, was impossibly cool. I jumped up, and when I fell back down, I used my momentum and went into a slide on my knees. I swung at the changeling on the right with my Deathclaw Gauntlet, and jumped up again with a spin, and tore through the other one from the underside up, severing his spine.

I landed on one knee with a fist on the ground creating a small crater, complete with a shockwave which knocked the non-flying changelings down. Getting up and speeding into the house I slammed the door shut, and locked it. I have no idea why, maybe being scared shitless by a giant mob of shapeshifting insects, was a motive. But!, we will never know. I heard a wild hammering on the door, and flashes of green fire, as the barraged the door, but it held. I shrugged to myself and inspected the area. It had obviously undergone military changes, but it looked like a shop. There was a display case, and a cash register that hadn't been taken out for some reason.

I ignored the hammering and flashes of light still on the door, and peeked into the back. Just a bakers room, nothing special there. I squeezed up the still too narrow stairs, and found myself in a hall. A the first doors, and I found myself in rooms with blacked out windows. A baby room obviously, and a large room that was obviously the master bedroom. Quickly searching anything too open, and finding nothing, I sped to the last room. Let me say, it was enormous. Way bigger than any bedroom had a right to be. I felt really insulted, because in the vault we had to live in houses that were smaller than this. I quickly dispelled the thought from my mind, and realized that the hammering on the door had stopped. I peeked through the blinds and saw the mob was gone.

I furrowed my eyebrows, and stepped away. Looking around the room again, for anything potentially important. I activated the altered version of V.A.T.S, that I had the courtesy of inventing, and it was a search program. I set it to look for anything that was metal, maybe there was a weapon here. I pulled up the tab on my Pip-Boy and began to search through everything it picked up. Just random useless pieces of junk. Setting it to wood would not work, the whole room was made of it. That option not working, I realized I had to search here manually.

I entered the first room, and instantly realized what the changelings were guarding. It was an armory, full of human tech. I put on a smile, that could only be described one way. Like a kid in a candy store, providing that the candy was pieces of dangerous human technology that could destroy legions of anything living. I still couldn't believe my eyes. The stuff was just hanging off of the walls. A minigun there, a flamer, a missile launcher, a FAT MAN!

"Holy shit!" I whispered quietly, and I heard something breathing behind me. I quickly put my hands up and turned around facing a single changeling. He was levitating a shotgun with his magic, and I stared at him like I was beat.

"Okay man, no need for guns, you can just put that down now." I said in a perfectly panicked voice.

"Not a chance. You see, you are immune to our conventional attacks, so I decided to pick up one of these things. No idea what the fuck it does, but you are clearly beat. No SURRENDER!" He said with a triumphant smirk.

"Wait, before we do that, you tell me something. What happened to all the soldiers outside?" I asked him.

"They left, and sent me in. Best foot soldier, and I knew I was truly and royally bucked. So I tilted the odds in my favor." For emphasis, he pumped the shotgun once.

"So...wait. You mean I could've rushed you when you had no ammo in that gun?"

"Well...yea. I guess."

"Well, I am done talking so I suggest we get this over with." I took a step forward, and he fired the shotgun, and the pellets spanged off my armor. I took another forward, and another shot at my chest.

"Listen man! Stay back!" He said, fear no permeating his cool demeanor.

"Not a chance." I replied and I kept walking, and pellets littering the floor as they simply bounced off of my armor. He tiled the shotgun down and floated it forward. Before I could grab it, it was on my kneecap, and he fired. I felt my kneecap explode as the pellets combined together shatter bone, and tear flesh. I fell over white with pain, and he looked at me, his confident smirk now returned to him.

"Give up. You are incapacitated."

"Go to hell." I said as I got up and put my weight on my bad leg. I simply winced from the pain and began to limp forward. I saw his black face go white as I was walking forward with an injury that would cause most to be screaming. I got within two steps of him, and yanked his shotgun from him. Now using his commandeered weapon, I pointed it at his face, having trouble holding it with two fist weapons on my hands.

"Now here is the deal. You surrender, or I blow your brains out." I said gritting my teeth through the pain, trying to stay civil.

"O-okay! P-p-please d-don't hurt me." He said cowering behind his hooves.

"Good." I said, as I threw the shotgun back at his face. I turned around and brought up my Pip-Boy, and selected two stimpacks to be applied to my knee. I sighed in relief as they quickly re-knitted the bone, and muscle. I bent my knee a few times and began to walk forward to make sure that it worked as planned. I heard a click, and I turned to see the shotgun leveled at me head, and a shocked changeling.

"Looking for this?" I asked as I held up the last shotgun shell that I had liberated from the gun. I smirked as he lost control of his bowels and shit himself. I grabbed the shotgun, and loaded the shell in and pointed it at his face.

"I let you live, and that's how you repay me?" I asked adopting an angry and harsh tone.

"PLEASE! LET ME LIVE! I HAVE A WIFE AND KIDS!" he said, on the verge of crying.

I cocked an eyebrow and replied. "Bullshit. This is a hive-mind. I heard one say so myself. You can't have kids. But!, you can still harbor children. Maybe, I should remove that ability from you." If it was possible for him to go any whiter than he would have just now, and he broke down crying. I felt a fluttering in my gut, but I ignored it. This was the enemy, not someone to be comforted.

"What is your name?" I asked him.


"Well, Ash you have just earned yourself a chance to get out of here alive. Listen very, very carefully. Tell me what how this stuff got here."

"B-but I don't know."

"Oh well then, I guess there is no need for you here." I said in a dejected tone, and pointed it at him again.

"WAIT, WAIT! I can tell you!"

"That's better! Now get talking, because my trigger finger is getting a bit itchy."

"Well, it was here when we got here. The pony put up quite a fight before we got her."

"Who, which pony was it?"

"It was a pink one with balloons on her flank. The funny thing was, she was in Canterlot with her friends when the invasion happened."

"Well then how did she get here, and how did she get all of these guns?" I asked more to myself than to him.

"Well, I don't know, just let me live!"

"Well, I was considering it, until you decided to levitate the assault rifle behind me with intent to fire."

"W-what! H-h-how did you know?"

"The things one person can see out of the corner of their eyes. That bare survival instinct that protected the human race from extinction time and time again. The paranoia that sheltered my ancestors, all of that in here." I said as I tapped my forehead. "I know when a gun is being pointed at my head, and I know how to survive such a threat."

"H-how?" he asked.

"By ducking." I said, as I dropped and he riddled himself with bullets.

"Ouch, that must've hurt." I said to myself with a nice smile, and I began to load up on weapons. Checking my Pip-Boy, I realized that I could hold a lot more. I also realized that I didn't have much more time before the changelings burst in here and took me down with numbers. One man against an army. As good as I am those were odds that I didn't wish to face again. I grabbed a Fat Man, about 20 mini nukes, and a minigun. I smiled as I hefted the large barreled gun, and began walking away.

I had reached about 20 feet across the room, and I pressed a switch on my Pip-Boy, and the plasma explosives that I had set up there detonated. The combined force of them melted any remaining weapons, ammo, or explosives. I also heard several conventional grenades go off, and the room collapsed. I walked downstairs and looked around. The door had been blown to shrapnel, and the back door was closed and locked. I glanced out the front to see a few changelings there, and I walked to the back, and simply kicked it open. Damn weaklings they were. I came face to face with an empty road. I put away the minigun and continued walking down the street in the open but there were no changelings.

'Where are they?' I asked myself, hoping that I wouldn't find out.