Pinkie's Secret Place

by M_D_Quill

Secret Place

“Pinkie... Where in tarnation have you brought us?” Applejack grunted as she pushed herself up.

Pinkie jumped in front of Applejack and helped her onto her hooves. “Oh, this is my secret place! I call it the Fifth wall... or should it be called the ceiling?”

“Darling... you are not making any sense,” Rarity chimed in. “What do you mean... Oh my Celestia! Where is the floor?!?”

Five of the six ponies quickly looked down into a black void. Fluttershy squealed and jumped into the arms of Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash quickly jumped into the air and hovered above the shocked group.

“Pinkie! Where are we? Where is the floor?” she shouted.

“I just told you silly! We are in the Ceiling!” Pinkie giggled.

“Pinkie!” Twilight gasped. “You can’t be serious? A ceiling needs walls to hold it up... this place doesn’t have anything!” She curled up into a ball and began to stroke her tail. “This is just a bad dream... you are in your bed, sleeping... not floating in an endless void of nothingness...”

The pink mare bounced over to the panicking unicorn and patted her head. “Silly Twilight, There is plenty here!”

“Where?!?” Twilight moaned.

Pinkie brought a hoof to her chin. “Well, there is you, me, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash. And Him!” She pointed quickly down into the void.

“Who? Where?” Applejack breathed, breaking out of her shock spell.

“That guy! The one at the table with the glowy picture thing!”

All the mares, minus Twilight, glanced down through the darkness and saw what appeared to be a hairless monkey covered in clothing. It moved its fingers over a black pad. It was intently staring into a glowing screen, a on occasion, moving a small white object next to the pad. The small object made at least one click every time it grabbed it.

“What is that thing?” Fluttershy whispered.

“Or more importantly, what is it wearing?” Rarity hissed. “What drab clothing! No design, no accessories... It has no sense of fashion at all!” She leaned dramatically in the air and fell onto a red recliner.

“Where the hay did you get that?” Rainbow Dash asked. She flew down and dropped the trembling Fluttershy onto the recliner next to Rarity. The timid pegasus quickly clung to the perplexed white unicorn.

“I... I don’t know...” Rarity stammered, stunned that she landed on something soft.

“It’s there because you wanted it there silly willy!” Pinkie cheered. “We are in my special place!” she said dramatically, “If you want something, just think it and it is yours!”

Twilight shot up from her fetal position. “Pinkie! You are talking nonsense! Or... more nonsense than usual.” She stood up and stormed over to the pink mare. “Are you telling us that we are in a place where we can get anything we want just by thinking of it?”

“Yup!” Pinkie laughed.

Rainbow Dash flew between the two ponies and stared hard at the pink mare. “So all I have to do is think of something and I can get it?”

“Isn’t that what I just said?”

Rainbow Dash scrunched up her face and concentrated hard. For a second, nothing happened. Then suddenly a large keg of Apple Cider pop into existence with a large flash. With a happy laugh, she grabbed the keg with both of her hooves and dunked her head into the liquid. Everypony stared at their friend in shock as she guzzled the bubbling liquid. All too soon, Rainbow Dash pulled her head up with a content smile.

“Now that is some good cider...” she moaned.

“This is impossible!” Twilight cried. “That couldn’t of happened! None of this could be happening.” The purple unicorn began to frantically pace back and forth, “This defies all laws of magic and physics! Pinkie... where are we?”

Pinkie Pie sat down and let out a loud sigh. “How many times to I have to tell you guys. We are in the ceiling.”

“But where is the ceiling? What is the ceiling?” continued Twilight.

The party pony put on a thoughtful face for a second before a large grin broke across her face. “I think I know how to explain it!” she cheered. “It is the place between our home and his!” Pinkie pointed down at the creature.

“Ah’ve seen a lot of critters in mah life, but I sure cain’t figure out what that thing is...” Applejack muttered, staring down at the monkey creature.

“Oh Applejack,” Pinkie bounced over to her farmer friend. “He isn’t a thing. He is a he... unless he is a she!”

“Well what is ‘he’ then?” Applejack grumbled.

“He is the author!” Pinkie laughed.

“The what now?” Rainbow Dash asked, drifting down onto the invisible platform. He hesitantly placed a hoof down, and then slowly lowered herself until she was no longer flying.

“He is the Author!” Pinkie stated as if saying water was blue. “He is the one who makes everything!”

“Pinkie... what are you talking about?” Twilight burst in. “Are you telling me that... creature makes everything here?”

Pinkie Pie glanced at her unicorn friend. “Not just here, but everything everywhere. Here, in Equestria, Even on the Moon! He is the Author!” She said his title in a dramatic fashion, waving her arms in the air, “He wrote everything we say and think and do. He created Equestria and is keeping it alive!”

All six mares looked at each other for a minute, none saying a word. The all glanced through the void and watched as the strange creature slowly tapped his fingers over the black pad. Minutes passed and none dared break the spell of silence that fell over the group. After some time, the Creature quit typing and stretched his long, skinny arms into the air. He turned around and cracked a smile up at the group before turning to repeat the motions on the pad.

“Did... did he just smile at us?” Fluttershy breathed.

“I hope so.” Pinkie replied with an uncharacteristic whisper. “Everytime I come here, he usually just sits there types away... I don’t see him smile enough. He always looks so sad and lonely, like Cranky did when he first came to Ponyville.”

“The poor thing...” Fluttershy quietly said, calmly walking to the rest of the group to look at the creature.

“Then why not throw him a party Darling.” Rarity advised, getting off the recliner and moving to stand next to her.

“I can’t...” Pinkie sighed. “This is the closest I have ever been able to get to him. But he does seem happier when I am with all of you,” she glanced at each of her friends, giving them all a grin.

“Then how about we all go back home and throw a big party for him!” Rainbow Dash announced.

“Even if he can’t come, maybe he will know we are thinking of him and feel better!” Applejack added.

“That is a great idea!” Shouted Pinkie. “But first thing's first, we have to get home!”

“And how are we going to do that,” asked Twilight.

“The normal way! Just pop in... and I know exactly where,” Pinkie got an evil smirk on her face. Out of nowhere, a section of void cracked open revealing Spike’s face.

“I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if I just took a peak...” Spike murmured. “Dear Mr. Smartypants...” he began to read.

Twilight’s eyes widened and her pupils shrank to the size of pin pricks. “He is reading my Diary...” she whispered.

Pinkie Pie leaned in and whispered into Twilight’s ear, “Go get him.”

Twilight ran and jumped through the opened window, crashing into Spike. Pinkie glanced back at the rest of her friends and laughed. “Well, what are you silly willies waiting for? Lets go!” She jumped through the window after her friend.